Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 864 It's time to sell the land

Nanyi is an advanced worker and backward in love. When Priyanka entered a good state, he was very disappointed and pressed the pause button.


Saying goodbye to the reluctant, sticky, pendant-like Priyanka, Nanyi boarded the Nanfei plane, squeezed into the bathroom to wash up, lay down on the bed in the bedroom, rubbed his waist to relax, "Oh, young man People really don’t know how to control themselves, they will die.”

Nanyi slept all the way to Xiangcheng, stayed in Xiangcheng for one night, passed the customs the next day and entered Shenzheng, and entered Goose City without stopping.

Coming to Goose City again, Nanyi feels that it is more prosperous than two years ago. The Funan accent, to be precise, the Baoqing accent has increased again. Everyone is wearing Montagut, no matter whether they have stomachs or not. With a bag in hand, a big brother in hand, hey hey all the way, showing the true qualities of a big boss.

"Meng Tejiao, oh, what a pity, Wen Changjiao had the chance."

Nan Yi sighed slightly, came to the lobby of a hotel, borrowed the phone at the front desk to call a room.

After a while, Qiao Weiping, who had a rosacea and a small stomach, trotted all the way to Nan Yi, "Director Nan, you are here at last. If you don't come, I will die of panic."

"Wei Ping, what you said is quite false." Nan Yi patted Qiao Weiping's stomach, "It looks like you had a good time in Goose City, enjoying good wine and good food, don't you miss leaving? "

"Entertainment, entertainment, all entertainment." Qiao Weiping said with a guilty conscience.

"Okay, I'm not your wife, I don't care about your stupidity, let's go, find a quiet place."

Nanyi waved his hand and walked out of the hotel first. A group of people went to the seaside of Xiaoyawan petrochemical area, facing the sea, with three big trees on their backs. Qiao Weiping wanted Nanyi to tell the story of Goose City and Xiaoyawan.

From 1989 when the phrase "Look at Shenzheng in the 1980s and Goose City in the 90s" came out, to May 1990, the "Provisional Regulations on the Grant and Transfer of State-owned Land Use Rights in Towns and Towns" was promulgated, and then Baoqing Four Tigers came Goose City fried land, one with two, two with two pairs, more and more people from Baoqing went to Goose City and Xiaoya Bay to buy land and fry land.

Even the deputy magistrate and deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Baoqing County resigned from their public positions and came here to invest in real estate in partnership with others.

Due to the success of Baoqing merchants, in less than two years, the Baoqing County government sent more than 20 departments to Goose City and Xiaoya Bay to build windows. The main leaders of the county party committee and county government led teams to inspect many times. , Xiaoya Bay real estate market development prospects greatly appreciated.

The leaders are optimistic, and there are too many successful cases around, some of which are worthy of the name, and some of which are rumored. Regardless of whether it is true or not, in the eyes of Baoqing people, Goose City and Xiaoya Bay are golden mountains, a golden mountain that can be moved by others.

Unity is strength. When everyone paddles a big boat, if one person cannot move it, unite everyone to move it together.

A lucky person from Baoqing who was inspired by the story of moving Jinshan came to Goose City with 100,000 yuan. After two days, he spent all 100,000 yuan and bought a piece of land. After buying it, he went home to celebrate the New Year. In the evening, when he was eating the New Year's Eve dinner, someone knocked on the door of his house, and Duang slapped one million on the table and bought his land directly.

Feeling that I have picked up a big deal, the lucky guy who can't figure it out, after the new year, returns to Goose City with 1 million, and hears the word "Southern Tour" from someone else, and waits for him to figure out the meaning of the word Meaning, he ran back to Baoqing in a hurry, he didn't want to fight small, he wanted to be bigger and stronger.

The lucky one is not only lucky, but also a person of great ability. In half a month, at the cost of 30% annual interest, he raised 24 million yuan and returned to Goose City.

The fundraising behavior of the lucky ones is not an isolated case. In fact, the earliest fundraising took place in June 1991. At that time, the annual interest rate was only a little higher than the bank’s death date. , the annual interest rate will naturally rise higher and higher, from 10% to 15%, jumping all the way up, and now it is lower than 25%, no one cares about it at all.

Direct investment, coercion by fundraising, corporate investment, and loans, nearly 10 billion yuan of RMB branded with the imprint of Baoqing County has been scattered on the land of Goose City and Xiaoya Bay.

The land is falling and falling. In just two or three months, Xiaoya Bay has created many millionaires and multi-millionaires. Goose City has also become a city that never sleeps. They have made money by speculating on land, and they have so much money that they don't know how to spend it.

To buy a lighter, as long as the shopkeeper says "I don't have any change", the speculators will immediately wave their hands and don't look for it.

In the afternoon, pack water and water packs first. When night falls and the lights come on, enter the karaoke, call a large group of ladies, take out a lot of money in the box, throw it into the air, and watch with a cigarette in your mouth. Watching the ladies scrambling for it; some would even hum a few words into the microphone in the fluttering Qianxue, "If you indulge in wine again and again, when will you anesthetize me and be depressed, everything that has passed will subside."

There is too much money, I lost the motivation to struggle, I wasted and drank every day, I lost myself, I wanted to get back the lost direction, but...there is too much money, I can't spend it all, what a waste of struggle.

Some come later, have not yet earned big money, and earn a little money with hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, speculate in land, buy today and sell tomorrow, money is not convenient at all, and I am not used to depositing it in the bank, the passion of getting rich overnight When it fades away, all that remains is panic and worry. I don’t think it’s safe to put my money anywhere, so I can only tie it to myself. I’m obviously addicted to smoking, but I don’t have cigarettes and lighters with me.

When I go to sleep at night, the money is placed on the bed, and when I wake up the next day, I will find that the money is everywhere.

There are also some who are more open-minded and don’t want to work hard on their own, so they spend money to hire others to do it for them. The best Zhonghai Hotel in Aotou has a comprehensive service content. You don’t need to go out, and all problems can be solved in the hotel. Many speculators use the hotel room as a vault, with people guarding the door and wearing pistols.

In addition to Zhonghai Hotel, Sanmianshan Baiguoyuan is the second choice for speculators. The accommodation is better, it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the food is fresh. If you want to eat a tomato, you can directly eat half of it in the vegetable garden. There is still half left on the tree to let it grow again.

It's a pity that Sanmianshan eats and drinks very well, but the boss has a lump of elm. It is because there are too few operating projects that the business of Sanmianshan is slightly worse than that of Zhonghai.

Listening to Qiao Weiping's stories that had nothing to do with the common people, Nan Yi suddenly picked up the binoculars and looked at the sea, a big flying car was flying towards them, and there was a car on top of the big flying car with a prominent car logo on the front , there is no doubt that the tiger's head is running.

"How much is a Tiger Head Ben in Xiaoya Bay?" Putting down the binoculars, Nan Yi turned around and asked.

Qiao Weiping replied: "Forty-five for good quality, thirty-twenty for mediocre quality can get one."

"Do you have a card on it?"

"In addition, there are 51 million, and the market is a bit chaotic."

"Oh, are you tired of being bored in the South?"

Qiao Weiping pondered Nanyi's words for a while, and tentatively asked, "Director Nan, is our land going to be thrown away?"

"Our land is worth 300 million, right?"

"At least 300 million 4."

Qiao Weiping reported a number that he would update every day and keep in mind.


Qiao Weiping took out the map of Xiaoya Bay from his bag and unfolded it in front of Nanyi. Nanyi took a pen and marked the three circles on the map with crosses, "These three yuan are not for sale, how much?"

"Deduct 25 million."

"Can it be finished in a week?"

"Director Nan, if you move too much, others may lower the price."

"Is there any problem with 300 million?"

"It's not a big problem."

"Okay, one week, 300 million." Nanyi looked at Qiao Weiping, and said sternly: "Don't be greedy, and don't make up your own mind, just ask for a quick word, it's okay to earn less. Remember, put it in your pocket It’s safe to say that it’s safe, and no matter how big the number is now, it’s not a fart if you can’t get it back.”

"Director Nan, I understand, I will sell the land as soon as possible." Qiao Weiping swore.


Nan Yi nodded, and waved to the school trick behind him.

Seeing the greeting, the school belle immediately handed over a luggage bag to Qiao Weiping, which contained the official seals and land certificates of 37 companies including Xiaoyawan Universe Development Co., Ltd.

Soon, Qiao Weiping left, and Tianxian was sent to follow him as a coolie, carrying bags for him.

At the same time, on the road from Yangcheng to Shenfeng, two trucks and trailers full of construction workers were coming towards Xiaoya Bay.

The two carts of people were borrowed by Nanyi from Nanchen Construction. The junior workers brought picks and shovels, and the carpenter class brought axes. can. Two hundred yuan a week, plus more money if you need to be dispatched, is quite a bargain for the workers.

Nanyi stayed at the seaside for a while, and took a look at the sea from time to time with a telescope. In just over an hour, he saw a total of seven Dafei ships, three of which were Tiger Head Ben, two of which were BMW, and There are two ships that are not too sure, and it is said that the car is not bad.

After leaving the seaside, Nanyi stayed in Sanmianshan Baiguoyuan. After a short rest, he called the manager Jiang Daoli to his room and asked about the source of Sanmianshan's guests and the charging standard. The consumption level of other hotels and entertainment venues in Yawan.

Compared with the literary description given by Qiao Weiping, Nanyi likes Jiang Daoli's digital description more.

How much is the coke, how much is the beer, how much is the fruit plate, how much is the lady's table fee, tip, etc., how much is the standard room, how much is the luxury standard, how much is the meat dish, how much is the vegetarian dish, what is the price of the seafood, how much is the taxi, how much is the chartered car, etc., Jiang Daoli one by one The description is very clear.

Nanyi took a notebook and listed the data, and the current consumption levels of Goose City and Xiaoya Bay were clear at a glance. After listening to Jiang Daoli say that many of the bosses in Xiaoya Bay now have real guys, Nanyi has a certain guess about the security situation here and the wealth of the bosses.

Nanyi is speculating here, while Liu Zhen is beating her subordinates in the conference room on the other side.

"About loans, ah, I have always emphasized, right... The money of our branch belongs to the country and the people, right? When lending money to others, we, this, must be cautious, ah..."

Liu Zhen picked up the teacup, took the lid of the teacup and swiped it twice, pursed her lips and blew into the teacup, took a sip, held the teacup in her hand, held the lid of the teacup, and then said: "Now, Yecheng, Zhu The real estate in the city and Xiaoya Bay are relatively hot, and many units go to these three places to invest in real estate and speculate on land..."

Liu Zhen put the lid back on the teacup, and the teacup was still in her hand, "Well, when I was studying abroad, I did research on the development of real estate in the United States. Over the years, I have also been paying attention to the real estate industry in Japan, ah, The real estate industry has its own laws of development. In short, we must be cautious when lending money to others, especially, this, this..."

Liu Zhen put down her teacup and tapped her finger on the table twice, "In short, no matter it's already in the process of approval or just interested, we must be cautious about all loans.

Well, our branch has always had a clear division of labor, each performing their own duties, and everyone has their own responsibilities, and each other will help each other, check for omissions and fill vacancies, which is very good, ah, everyone should continue to maintain, ah , the time is almost up, yes, we will drive here..."

Liu Zhen picked up the teacup and took another sip, waiting for the others to leave the meeting room first.

Lao Zheng and Lao Xu usually walked very close to each other. When they left the meeting room, they went to a secluded place to smoke.

Old Xu took out his Double Happiness, handed one to Old Zheng, and then took out a lighter and lit it for him, "Old Zheng, what did you mean by Liu Xing just now?"

"Old Xu, the grade of your cigarette should be raised." Lao Zheng took a puff of cigarette and exhaled the smoke from his nostrils, "Old Xu, just pretend, President Liu has made it very clear, in principle, She does not agree to lend money to real estate companies, especially the three places she mentioned."

"Old Zheng, of course I can understand what you're saying. I'm not asking about that, I'm asking about the part behind Liu Xing." Old Xu took two deep puffs of his cigarette and said.

Old Zheng chuckled, "Old Xu, the Fifth Knitting Factory is in contact with you, right?"

"Old Zheng, it's not been a day or two since we've been colleagues, can you explain it to me thoroughly?" Old Xu frowned.

Lao Zheng took another puff of cigarette, changed the cigarette into a grip in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and said, "It should be that President Liu believes that there will be accidents in the real estate industry, and the loaned money will easily not be recovered, so she wants to tighten our branch's management policy." As for real estate loans, what President Liu said later is that the responsibility lies with the individual, and whoever lends out is responsible.”

After listening to Lao Zheng's words, Lao Xu clicked his jaw, bit the cigarette butt flat, and then took another puff.

After Liu Zhen returned to her office, she immediately asked Lin Tiao to bring over the loan records. The two checked each loan carefully, and the working hours passed quickly.

After work and back home, Liu Zhen immediately called Nanyi.

There are mountains on three sides, and Nanyi is beside a square pool, holding a small fishing rod in his hand and carefully gliding fish. Suddenly, the fish in the water ran straight in one direction, and Nan Yi couldn't follow, the fishing line broke with a snap.

"Oh shit."

Nan Yi cursed secretly, looked at the fishing rod at his feet, and the one in his hand was already the eighth one, one cost 10 yuan, and it cost 80 yuan, but he didn't catch a single fish .

"I don't believe it anymore, damn it, come again."

Nanyi was a hundred thousand unconvinced. The "fishing game" he was playing now was his "original". The pond was full of carp and grass carp weighing about two catties, and the fishing rod in his hand was thin, only one meter long. It is about long, but the toughness is very good. With some skills, fish weighing ten catties can be lifted up.

The fishing line and hook are specially made. The fishing line has poor toughness and is very easy to break. The fishhook has no barbs and is very easy to unhook. Similar to the rules of the ferrule, you can "buy" a fishing rod for 10 yuan, and you can go to the pool to fish with it.

Of course, no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to catch three fish with one fishing rod, and the inside of the fishing line will be damaged when pulling one fish. Most people will definitely break the fishing line when pulling the second fish.

All miscellaneous expenses are allocated to each fish. The cost of one fish is less than 3 yuan. As long as there are guests to play, you can earn at least 4 yuan from one customer. On average, it can reach about 19 yuan.

This time, Nanyi broke three more, and he lifted the average value up with his own strength.

"A profiteer, a money scammer, only play when you are sick."

It's all 110, Nanyi can only admit that he is cowardly, he usually likes to use his strength when fishing, and it is a bit uncomfortable to play this kind of skill.

Leaving from the pool, I came to the artificial lake in the middle of Sanmian Mountain, bought a pack of fish food for two yuan, lay on the railing, and twirled the fish food to feed the koi in the lake.

Before the half-baked meal was finished, the school belle handed him the phone.


"Nanyi, when do you think the real estate in those three places will collapse?"

"Isn't it up to your bank to decide whether it will collapse or not? Eighty to ninety percent of the money lying in the ground belongs to your bank. As soon as your money is tightened, boom, it will explode."

"Do you think I should write an article to point out the hidden dangers of real estate in the three places?"

Nanyi's face straightened, "Comrade Liu Zhen, don't say anything that undermines unity, and the same goes for words. You are not the smartest person in the country, nor the smartest person in the banking system..."

"Go, go, you don't need to say, I know, I just want you to help me decide whether to be conservative or aggressive."

"Heh, since you're asking me, be conservative. Tokyo's real estate bubble has burst, and the final situation is clear. Japan's economy seems to be rotten, but it may not be.

Real estate hype, the Japanese consortiums are not idle, but in the end none of them suffered losses, and all of them had to withdraw with huge profits.

Japan's GDP will get worse, but those consortiums are accelerating their overseas expansion. Japanese capital is stirring up trouble in many fields, and Mitsui \u0026 Co. has increased its investment in the iron ore field a lot.

When I was in India, I heard that the three iron mining areas of Goa, Karnataka, and Odisha all had people from Mitsui \u0026 Co. "

The last sentence of Nanyi is nonsense. The real situation is that Sonu Sharma informed that the people from Mitsui \u0026 Co., Ltd. are in contact with Sesagoa and want to seek shares in Sesagoa. It is not convenient for Nanyi to let Liu Zhen know about it.

Liu Zhen: "I don't quite understand what you said, please explain clearly."

"Now the three places are playing the game of drumming and passing flowers. You know this game. It is impossible for everyone to be a loser. If the land worth 10,000 yuan per mu becomes 1 million yuan per mu, the price difference of 990,000 yuan is only Only when the land is in the hands of the last person will it produce a part of the virtual value.

Before this, it was a real price recognized by someone, and it was supported by the buyer with real money. Assuming that there is no bank involved in this game, what will happen if the leverage is removed? "

Liu Zhen: "That's not easy. Assuming that everyone only participates in the game once and does not play the roles of buyers and sellers repeatedly, the result is that the money of a small number of people is distributed unequally to the majority of people. In a sense , can be regarded as robbing the rich and helping the poor."

"Hehe, what you said is a bit interesting." Nan Yi smiled and said: "Even if players participate in this game repeatedly, there will definitely be winners and losers in the end. You can give them a sentence, you can't live without doing your own crimes.

Now, let’s add the bank to this game. A buys a piece of land worth 1 million with a loan from the bank. Suppose your bank has an annual interest of 100,000; RMB 10,000; C borrows from B to buy the land for RMB 3 million, and the bank interest is RMB 300,000...

If the game doesn’t crash, your bank will be the biggest winner. Draw 10% at a time, draw and draw, the longer you play the game, the more lucrative your bank will be. In the end, the players stare at each other. Losers, the big money goes to your bank pockets, and the small money contributes to the local GDP. "

Liu Zhen: "According to what you say, the bank is destined to be the biggest loser."

"You can't say that. You should say that the bank is the biggest player. Once the game collapses, you will lose the most. It is reasonable. From another perspective, without your bank, there would be no game, or it would only become a small farce. superficial."

Liu Zhen: "Forget it, let's not talk about the bank, let's go back to what you were going to say just now, the winner."

"Oh, yes, winners, except those with clever minds, such as me, can be small winners, so who do you think will be the big winners?"

Liu Zhen asked in disbelief, "You? Little winner?"

"Yes, a small winner, no matter how much I earn, I will double my investment. In fact, I can't be a winner in this game. I don't like to gamble. I will spend ten or twenty years earning returns through investment. Earn steady money, solid money. It’s not a sudden wealth, it can only be regarded as a small winner.”

Liu Zhen: "Okay, come back to me with these empty words, have you eaten yet?"

"No, I'm feeding the fish here. I live in Sanmianshan. I'll pick some vegetables later, catch some fish, make a stew of miscellaneous fish, and then mix it with watermelon rind to deal with it."

"Is there any watermelon?"

"Is there any in Shanghai? I'll send someone to send you a plane tomorrow."

"Forget it, at most twenty cents a watermelon, and hundreds of dollars in air tickets, this is not the way to make money."

"Okay, up to you, hang up."


The next day, Nanyi wandered around several entertainment and consumption places in Xiaoya Bay, and went to walk the roads newly built in Xiaoya Bay in the past two years, Xiaoya Bay Avenue, Chemical Avenue, etc.

At noon, I arrived at the seaside of Aotou, where seafood restaurants sprung up like mushrooms, Seafood City, Wanghailou, etc. Needless to say, if you want to eat seafood, Nanyi must choose Wanghailou, although Wanghailou and Coconut It has nothing to do with the name of the city, but the same name feels kind.

When eating, Nanyi turned into a long-eared owl, with his ears pricked up, and listened to the conversations at nearby tables in real time. They were all dialects, which sounded very strenuous. He still understood the words.

It has been two or three years since the rumors of the expansion of the deep pot to the north have been spread, but until now there has been no real movement. There will still be rumors about this, which shows that this statement is very popular, and some people also hope and work hard to keep the popularity of this topic from falling. As long as this topic does not cool down, the price increase of Xiaoyawan land will have full potential.

For many people, the essence of land speculation lies in the word "speculation". Buying and selling, selling and buying, leaving with the left hand and entering with the right, a small circle forms a closed loop. Everyone works together to raise the price of land and make it a reality. In the high market, wait for a large number of sheep to enter the market to receive orders.

Yanggu can be other speculators who come here after smelling the smell, or they can be house buyers. According to what Qiao Weiping said yesterday, in the sea-like land speculator community, there are still pearls who want to build communities and build houses. Their The idea is to raise the price of the land first, and then the houses built in the future can be sold more expensive.

To be honest, the current high level of consumption in Xiaoya Bay and the abundance of rich people have given speculators who have already fallen into a trance a false impression that someone can still afford a ten-thousand-square-meter house.

The prosperity and feasting in front of them have fascinated the eyes and conscience of most speculators. They have forgotten where the capital in their hands comes from. Whether it is a bank or a fund-raising fund, they have already regarded it as their own.

They have completely forgotten the interest paid to fund-raising investors quarterly, half-yearly or a year. The speculators will definitely not prepare the money to pay the interest. At that time, most of them will have to improvise and tear down the east wall from the bank to pay for the interest of fund-raising. wall, the pressure will eventually come to the banks.

Needless to say, if you are a speculator who started from the East Wall from the beginning, the pressure will be handed over to the bank early in the morning.

After listening for a while, and thinking for a while, Nanyi stopped being distracted and concentrated on finishing the seafood on the plate. When he walked out of the Wanghai Tower, he suddenly thought of uric acid again. It seemed that he should develop a portable uric acid detector. He ate too much seafood. , What to do with gout.

Thirty years old, Nan Yi faintly felt that the second midlife crisis was coming, and the signs were already there. He had been paying attention to his health before, but he never thought of bringing a doctor by his side. Now that he has a high prestige, he is more afraid of death than preparing for inexplicable worries about Moscow.

"It's normal to be afraid of death. In two lifetimes, sixteen years have passed, and the past has gone away. It's so fast. Sixteen years have passed in this life. Tsk, I haven't received a pension yet. I have been working for several years." Don’t waste it in vain, find a place where you can pay your pension.”

Nan Yi was full of wild thoughts and went back to Sanmian Mountain. When he came to the room, he went to the bathroom to wash up, let his mind go, and entered the reading time.

Speaking of Qiao Weiping, Ma Yuyu rushed to meet him last night. He brought a batch of power of attorney from Yecheng without the official seal. The owners of the ID cards used by the other thirty-six companies registered early After signing the power of attorney for the sale of land, one copy for each plot, whoever comes forward to sell the land can take effect by signing his name and stamping the official seal on the blank space of Party B.

A few days at noon, Qiao Weiping went to the restaurant she frequented again, almost using it as a cafeteria. When he saw acquaintances, he went to say hello and let them know that the land in his hand was for sale.

Qiao Weiping hangs out with a bunch of speculators every day. In everyone's eyes, he is a master who is very concerned about the land market. If he is not a speculator, no one will believe him, but if he is, no one has seen him trade. Any piece of land.

Some speculators have long guessed that this Qiao Weiping may have bought a few pieces of land very early, and has been holding it in his hands, waiting for the market to go out when the market is good.

Now the land market in Xiaoya Bay or Goose City is so hot. If there is land and the location is good, you don't have to worry about no one buying it, and you don't have to worry about not being able to raise the price. No, Qiao Weiping let out the wind at noon, and in the afternoon there was an endless stream of speculators looking for him, including Wang Yubiao of the Baoqing Four Tigers.

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