Wang Yubiao is known as Wang Wanwan. When he was in his hometown in Baoqing, he worked as a construction team. He hired a construction team to take jobs everywhere. Last year, I heard that Yangqing came to Xiaoya Bay to speculate on land and develop real estate. He became rich overnight. Party A, his heart was moved, and he took the train to Xiaoya Bay for investigation.

At the beginning of last year, Xiaoya Bay was like the beginning of chaos. He took a long-distance bus to the west area of ​​Xiaoya Bay. Looking up, the surrounding area was deserted, and there was no decent road at all. The way from Aotou to Xiayong was through a patch of grass. past.

But the keenness of the businessman made him decide to stay. The mysterious bay in front of him and the grand plan of the Xiaoya Bay petrochemical area made him linger. He saw the blue sea and blue sky, and expected the scene of Xiaoya Bay many years later. His heart was full of emotion, so he wrote A few words were written: facing the sea, extending in all directions;

After staying, Wang Yubiao first tried a little water in Goose City, invested 150,000 yuan, and sold the land for more than 1 million yuan in less than ten days. Now, his thinking and vision were opened No, hurry back to Baoqing to find money.

When he returned to Xiaoya Bay, he would have 17 million yuan in his hands. For nearly a year, he bought and sold, sold and bought again, and went back and forth. At that time, his capital turned two somersaults and became 65 million.

After the southern tour, the land market in Xiaoya Bay exploded, and the price of land doubled. Big and strong determination.

He has money now, and there are more than 1 million in the company's account. There is no problem with eating and drinking. It seems a bit insufficient to buy land. However, he does not panic. He has not only established a good relationship with the management committee in Xiaoya Bay for one year. He also has a good relationship with the top bank executives in Goose City. With mortgage and credit, he can lend hundreds of millions of funds from the bank at any time.

Besides, Baoqing’s recognition of fundraising is very high, and some smart people already know how to “eat the interest rate difference”—borrow money from outside at a lower interest rate, and then invest it in fundraising without doing anything for a year. Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of interest can be obtained.

The prospect of the land is bright and the financing channels are smooth. As long as it is a good land, Wang Yubiao dares to eat it and wants to eat it.

"Boss Qiao, real people don't show their faces, and they don't show their faces. I've heard from Director Yang of the management committee that Boss Yang bought a lot of land the year before last, but I haven't seen Boss Qiao going out, and I haven't seen Boss Qiao building a building. So I was waiting for today."

In Qiao Weiping's room, Wang Yubiao was sitting there with his legs crossed and a cigar dangling from his mouth, "Boss Qiao, you know my strength. Since I have come to you, Boss Qiao will show you my treasure. Let's see the real chapter."

"Boss Wang, of course I believe in your strength. This is what you are." Qiao Weiping gave Wang Yubiao a thumbs up. I really can't eat it."

Qiao Weiping fully understood what Nanyi meant. He didn't want to sell the land at the highest price, he just wanted to sell it quickly, and it was best not to make too much noise. Qiao Weiping's established strategy is to throw out a few small pieces, make a little noise, and then concentrate most of them on the few most powerful speculators.

Hearing Qiao Weiping's words, Wang Yubiao was stunned for a moment, and when he recovered, he asked, "Oh? How much land does Boss Qiao have?"

Qiao Weiping smiled slightly, first pointed three fingers at Wang Yubiao, waited for a while, put them away, and made a gesture of eight.

Wang Yubiao gave a thumbs up, "Boss Qiao, it's a big deal, it's really a big deal, 300 million 800 million, I really can't get it out for a while, but, you know, I have a very good relationship with Yangqing and Wu Xiaohui, as long as Joe The boss's land is really worth the price, so we can get together and eat Boss Qiao's land."

Asking prices all over the sky, and bargaining at the ground, he Qiao Weiping said it was 380 million 800 million.

"Okay, Boss Wang, then let's meet Zhenzhang." Qiao Weiping said, and handed Wang Yubiao a list of land.

In fact, it doesn’t make much sense whether or not to give the form. As long as the land is transferred in Xiaoya Bay, no matter how it is traded, it must be recorded with the management committee. Which land is still in the hands of the locals and which land has entered the “circulation” state , To figure it out is a matter of a meal.

Owners can be found for most of the circulating land in Xiaoya Bay, and there are not many hidden in the dark. As long as Wang Yubiao is careful to search and match according to the quotation, Qiao Weiping can roughly figure out which land is held by Qiao Weiping.

Wang Yubiao took the catalog and glanced at it, his eyes lit up, blood surged up instantly, and his heart beat faster, "Take it, you have to take it, it's all good land."

Can it be bad? Nanyi’s effort was not for nothing. Before buying the land, it fully considered factors such as geology, village conditions, administration, etc., and made a sand table for deduction. How much blood was spent and overdrawn How much vitality.

Nanyi has always adhered to the simple thinking that hard work can get rich, and also believes that there is justice in the world, and that efforts should be rewarded.

Wang Yubiao quickly calculated the value of the land on the catalogue. The price quoted by Qiao Weiping was a bit false. The total value of all the land on the list was about 300 million. The amount is so large that the price can be lowered. Maybe the fraction of 30 million should be wiped out. .

Wang Yubiao was not very sure. They were all good land, and he would not worry about selling them. If Qiao Weiping dismantled them and sold them slowly, he could really sell them for 300 million 800 million yuan. After adding up the land value, he began to add up how much money he could make up. He estimated that he could make up 150 million or 160 million.

"Boss Joe, what do you want for payment?"

"Boss Wang, I want to pay the money and deliver the goods, and the transaction must be completed within a week. Next week, I may sell it for 400 million or 400 million yuan."

Qiao Weiping showed a tangled expression on his face, as if he was hesitating whether to hold back the land for a while.

Wang Yubiao put down the cigar in his hand, rubbed his left hand with his right hand, "Boss Qiao, you are joking, who in Xiaoya Bay has the ability to mobilize 300 million yuan in a week, even if several people work together, at least 300 million yuan must be collected." a month."

"Boss Wang, let's put it this way, the reason why I am so eager to sell is because I am going to develop a large real estate in Zhucheng. Compared with Xiaoyawan, I am more optimistic about the development there. The price of land in Zhucheng has risen so much. It's faster than here, one price per day, if I don't hurry over here, I will miss the opportunity to make a lot of money.


Qiao Weiping procrastinated on purpose, "The price is negotiable, and the payment time cannot be delayed. I can't afford it. If Boss Wang finds it difficult, or not, you can pick and choose, buy one or two, and I will give you a discount."

According to the current loan lending speed of the bank, even if the main link is settled, it will take at least half a month from the loan to the loan to the account. The fundraising action is faster, and it will take almost half a month.

Qiao Weiping knew all this in his heart. He was just asking for a lot of money. Since the land was going to be sold, he certainly hoped that the money would be in his hands as soon as possible. You must know that he still had a share of 1 million in the land.

For a share of 1 million, Qiao Weiping actually only paid 10,000 yuan, invested 10,000, and got back 7 million. This is 700 times the profit. He didn’t mention the sale before. Qiao Weiping's heart beat faster, eager to see 7 million piled up in front of him.

He really hoped to see the real money in a week, but reason told him that it was impossible, so he decided to settle for the next best thing, the sooner he saw the money, the better.

"Boss Joe, make an appointment tomorrow, let's talk about the price."

Wang Yubiao's idea is to trade earlier and pay later. If the payment time cannot be delayed for too long, then force yourself to reach a deal as soon as possible. If you miss this village, there will be no shop.

"Okay, tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, the business meeting room in Sanmianshan, I will book it first today."

"great, see you tomorrow."

After Wang Yubiao left, Qiao Weiping and Tianxian moved their positions and moved into Sanmian Mountain. Wealth touches people's hearts, and you have to be careful when your money is exposed. If you are a few hundred million, be careful, because you are tempting others to tie you up.

After Qiao Weiping checked in, he immediately went to Nanyi's room and reported the matter.

After listening to the report, Nan Yi nodded, "Wei Ping, well done, so, I just answered the phone in the morning, and I will leave Xiaoya Bay later, and I will leave the rest to you.

Lao Ma and Zhao Jinshui, who will arrive tomorrow, will cooperate with your work. Zhao Jinshui is here to transfer the money. You can tell him how you want to get your money, and he will help you. "

Qiao Weiping, Nanyi still wants to use him in the future. Whether he can use it or not needs to be tested. The process of selling the land this time cannot be too transparent. Qiao Weiping has a chance to reach out for a fortune. You can't take people too closely. If Qiao Weiping feels bad in his heart, there will be estrangement in getting along with each other in the future.

Give Qiao Weiping space, the way to go depends on his own choice.

"Director Nan, are you leaving?"

"Yes, I believe you can do a good job. A little money is not worth spending here." Nan Yi said proudly: "Call home later and inform your sister-in-law that someone will visit you tomorrow night Home, talk to my sister-in-law about getting a passport.

Wei Ping, wait for the things here to be ironed out. You and your sister-in-law take the children to go abroad to play, and I will pay for the expenses. You will come back after playing for a month, take a good look at the outside world, and just think about what to do with your money flower. "

"Thank you Director Nan, my wife has long wanted to go abroad." Qiao Weiping laughed.

"Just don't blame me for helping you make a decision." Nanyi said, and took a sip from his teacup, "Okay, there's nothing else to do."

"Director Nan, I'll leave first." Qiao Weiping stood up and said.


After Qiao Weiping left, Nanyi and his party stayed for a while before leaving Xiaoyawan.

Just after Nanyi and the others left for a while, a team of security guards sent by Ruan Zhiping moved into Sanmian Mountain.


The next day, which happened to be Saturday, Nan Yi got off the plane and rushed to Central Primary School. After waiting for a few minutes at the gate of the vegetable market, he saw Nan Wuwei and his good classmate Zhong Liwen running out together.

Zhong Liwen is Nan Wuwei's kindergarten classmate, and now he is in the same elementary school and in the same class.

Nanyi stood in an obvious position. Nan Wuwei just ran out of the vegetable market, and immediately saw him, with joy on his face, he rushed towards Nanyi, "Dad, why are you here?"

Nan Yi caught Nan Wuwei who was rushing towards him, gave Zhong Liwen a friendly smile, then raised his hand to wipe the sweat from Nan Wuwei's forehead, and patted the floating ash on the two trouser legs, especially the knees, and then , Rajunan Wuwei's arm turned around for him, and was about to slap the ash on his buttocks when he saw a hole in his trousers.

I poked my finger in and drew it up and down. I didn't feel any breaks in the boxer pants, and I didn't feel any astringency on the buttocks. After confirming that there was no injury, Nan Yi patted it and lifted the pants up again.

"How did you break it?" Nanyi asked with concern.

"There are barbs on the stool, scratched."

After uncovering the hole, Nan Yi asked again: "What do you want to eat at noon?"

"Wonton, Chai Pan wonton."

"Classmate Zhong, do you want to go together?"

"No, Uncle Nan, my father will pick me up later." Zhong Liwen politely refused.

"Okay then, goodbye, Zhou."

Saying goodbye to Zhong Liwen, Nan Wuwei took Nan Yi to a wonton shop that he often went to, ordered three bowls of wontons and divided them into two bowls, and asked Nan Wuwei to wait, and Nan Yi went next door to buy oil dumplings.

I bought three oil dumplings for 60 cents, wrapped them in oil paper and went back to the wonton shop. The wonton grandma was holding the wontons and serving them on the table. When I took a look, there was a ball of oil in the middle of the bowl.

Sitting down, he handed the oil pie to Nan Wuwei. Nanyi took the pepper shaker and sprinkled some pepper powder into the two bowls, and then stirred it with a spoon.

"What's the plan for the afternoon?" Nan Yi put a bowl of wontons beside Nan Wuwei and asked.

Nan Wuwei took out a few small Zhongxi (game coins, with Chinese and Western characters on them, divided into big Zhongxi and small Zhongxi according to the size of the characters) from his pocket and put them on the table, "Agreed with Zhong Liwen to play the game console."

"playing what?"

"New game, Shogun Kombat."

"Have not heard."

"Where's Mount Fuji Kombat?"

"I've heard of this, there are werewolves and kappas?"

"Yeah, that's it, Dad, have you ever played?"

"I haven't played it before, how do you sell the game room copper coins now, 20 cents and 50 cents?"

"2 cents." Nan Wuwei sucked a wonton into his mouth, took another bite of the oil dumpling, and praised, "Dad, the chai pan wonton here is delicious."

"That's right." Nan Yi nodded, "Do you have money?"


"Then we will take care of ourselves in the afternoon and go back early in the evening."

"Well, Dad, are you cooking tonight?"

"It's hard to say today, but I'll definitely do it tomorrow. Your mother won't be at work tomorrow, so the three of us will go out for a stroll."


After eating wontons, Nan Yi sent Nan Wuwei to the entrance of Zhong Liwen's restaurant, and then went to Jinsheng Securities.

Since 1991, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has successively adopted a price limit system of 0.5% and 1%. After July and August, the imbalance between supply and demand was quickly exposed, and most stocks rose daily.

For example, Yuyuan Shopping Mall, a leading big bull stock, did not take into account the land price located in the prime location of Chenghuang Temple in the asset evaluation, resulting in its value being seriously underestimated, and its stock price has basically risen daily since the beginning of the year.

Therefore, the Shanghai Stock Exchange began to implement a 3‰ flow restriction control on September 30, stipulating that only when the turnover rate of a certain tradable stock on that day reaches more than 3‰, can the share price of the stock be allowed to rise or fall by 1% on that day.

However, most stock holders are unwilling to take out their stocks for trading easily, resulting in a typical situation where there is no market. The stocks in Yuyuan Shopping Mall have risen all the way until now, and the price per share has exceeded 10,000 yuan.

In December last year, Shanghai Shanghai tried three securities companies to jointly rent more than 20 sports venues in Shanghai. Within the specified time, they issued subscription certificates for various stocks at the same time, and then lotteries were drawn. Those who won the lottery went to each company to underwrite the stocks based on the lottery numbers. It was unprecedented in the history of stock issuance in Shanghai and Shanghai to pay for the stock from the merchant.

In order to ensure the safety of the release, almost all the police forces in Shanghai were mobilized, but the gates of venues such as Jiangwan Stadium and Xuhui Swimming Pool were broken by crazy crowds, causing many people to be trampled and injured.

To this end, the Shanghai branch of the central bank asked three securities companies, Shenyin, Jinsheng, and Haitong, to design better stock issuance methods.

Ever since the issuance of shares in Shanghai, Universal Bank has always been present in it, and vice president Jin of the Shanghai branch is also the chairman of Shenyin. Bank Shanghai Branch participated in the seminar.

Jiajia Securities Company organized special personnel to rack their brains and come up with many plans. Finally, Vice President Jin made a final decision based on the strengths of many plans, and set the issuance method of 30 yuan a subscription certificate in 1992.

Subscription certificates are issued in unlimited quantities to Shanghai citizens. One-time issuance is valid throughout the year. Multiple lottery draws are made to subscribe for stocks with the winning number. This subscription certificate can be repeatedly won.

The subscription certificates were jointly issued by Shenyin, Jinsheng, and Haitong Securities Co., Ltd., and the Shanghai Branch of Universal Bank was entrusted by the securities companies to act as the general financial agent for the issuance of the subscription certificates. The proceeds from subscription certificates, after deducting miscellaneous expenses such as production costs, underwriting fees and advertising promotions, will be donated to the social welfare of children in Shanghai and Shanghai.

Regarding the issuance of subscription certificates, many people think that Ding is very hot, and they have used a lot of brains and thought to ensure the safety of the issuance.

Some people suggested that the business area of ​​each distribution outlet should be large, and the surrounding area should be open to facilitate the evacuation of people;

Jinsheng Securities proposed to increase the fee for each subscription certificate several times to prevent retail investors from entering blindly; others suggested that the subscription certificate sales time should not be too long, so as to avoid too many sales and a low winning rate, which will make people scold and cheat money.

In order to deal with public security issues and issuance discipline issues during the issuance of subscription certificates, the securities company held many meetings. Liu Zhen told Nanyi that at that time, no one raised the issue of what to do if the subscription certificates were not sold, or what to do if the subscription certificates were sold too little.

Starting from January 19 this year, subscription certificates of 30 yuan were sold to citizens at the same time through 450 business outlets of securities companies, banks and trust companies in Shanghai and Shanghai.

On the second day, the securities company was afraid that the possible problems might be caused by its subordinate sales outlets, so it sent a lot of agency staff to the sales outlets to assist in the work.

But the reality gave them a slap in the face. There were still some people queuing up before the doors of the sales outlets opened. At the end of the day, counting the subscription certificates sold, it was far lower than the original estimate, and the situation on the next day was not as good as the next day.

The cold reception of the subscription certificate of 30 yuan is something that the securities company never thought of. After thinking about it, it makes sense for people not to buy the subscription certificate. 30 yuan is not a small amount, it is 1/3 of the monthly salary of most working-class people. If you buy too much, you can’t afford it. If you buy too little, you are worried about winning the lottery.

Many people heard that these subscription certificates were finally donated to social welfare undertakings, and they believed that this was a trick to cheat money. They didn't bother to listen to the publicity for the sale of subscription certificates.

The originally scheduled sale of subscription certificates is coming to an end. According to statistics, it is too far from the expected sales target, with only more than 500,000 copies. Vice President Jin discussed with the securities company that it seems impossible to end like this, and decided to extend the sale of subscription certificates. A few days, postponed until the end of February 1.

In the last few days, Vice President Jin was very concerned about the sales volume and asked all the outlets to strengthen their sales work. The people below reported that the work was very difficult, and they thought that the price of each subscription certificate was set too high.

Is setting too high a problem?

No, the face of the leader is the big problem. Before the release, it was expected to sell 5 million copies, but now it has only sold more than 1/10. This is a blatant slap in the face.

Not to mention, the responsibility is assigned to the individual, and everyone in each distribution point must work hard to do a good job in sales. The staff had no choice but to pester customers with all kinds of soft and hard things. Many customers were annoyed and bought a few copies like beggars.

Some staff members are really unable to sell, so they can only ask their grandpa to tell their grandma, and find someone they know well to come over and buy a few copies. share.

Others are not easy to sell, and the branch where Liu Zhen works is not easy to sell either. Zhang Gang, the president, will naturally take the responsibility to his own wrist. Not to mention, every vice president has to express his determination and promise a number to be completed.

At the meeting, Liu Zhen patted her own airport and vowed: "I am responsible for completing 200,000 copies."

For cowhide, Liu Zhen was in charge of bragging, but the responsibility finally fell to Nanyi.

As a man who loves his wife, Nan Yi will of course fully support his wife's work. Not only did he take over 200,000 tasks, but he also patted his chest loudly, "I'll help you sell 10 more Ten thousand copies."

Just like that, Nanyi took over the task of selling 300,000 subscription certificates. After working day and night, wading through mountains and rivers, regardless of hard work, and running around, Nanyi finally sold the subscription certificates to a man named Gu Dingsheng on the last day. A person named Zhao Tianyang brought a small climax to the issuance of subscription certificates. Among the 2,377,665 copies sold in total, Nanyi also contributed.

After the issuance of the subscription certificate, it is natural to cover it up and clean up the stigma of "cheating money". Organization, publicly issued stocks to the public, and plans to be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange this year.

The scale of issuance will be large, the number will be large, and the winning rate will be very high, which will greatly exceed most people's expectations. Especially in order to protect the interests of investors, the price-earnings multiple based on the stock issuance price is relatively low, and new shares will be listed. A lot of profit.

In short, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is very determined to promote the prosperity of the stock market.

On March 2 this year, Shanghai held the first lottery ceremony for subscription certificates, live broadcasting the lottery to the public through TV stations. The lottery team of the Universal Bank Savings Office is in charge of the lottery, and the Shanghai Notary Office is in charge of the notarization. The lottery is to issue stocks of 7 companies, and the total number of shares issued with a par value of 10 yuan is 7.05 million shares.

The result of the final lottery: the winning subscription certificate buys 50 shares of Zhongcheng Industrial and special-shaped steel pipes, and 30 shares of other stocks, with a winning rate of 10.3%.

30 shares were won, that is, 300 shares converted into 300 shares with a par value of RMB 1 per share.

Most people did not expect that the winning rate was so high. They bought a lot of subscription certificates and lacked the funds to further subscribe for new shares.

Some people see that the winning rate of the first lottery is so high, and see that securities companies have repeatedly publicized that there will be many lotteries in the year, and they think that buying subscription certificates is also an opportunity, thus forming private trading of stock subscription certificates in many places in Shanghai and Shanghai. market.

Initially, the transaction price of each subscription certificate was not very high. With the development of the Shanghai and Shanghai stock markets, the price of the subscription certificate continued to rise, and soon a complete set (one hundred copies with consecutive numbers), and the price of the white board subscription certificate (unregistered) broke through. Ten thousand.

In April, the sound of slapping self-slaps can be heard everywhere in the alleys and old houses in Huhai, "Regret, my intestines are green, the opportunity to make a fortune was presented to me, and I didn't grasp it."

Now in May, the 92 stock subscription certificate has another beautiful and famous name-facai certificate, and Shanghai has launched a vigorous campaign to mass-produce "10,000 households".

When Nanyi arrived at the entrance of Jinsheng Securities, Zhao Tianyang and Gu Dingsheng were already waiting at the entrance. When they saw Nanyi's car, the two got into his car, and the car continued to drive to DreamTime Cafe .

As soon as he sat down in the coffee shop, Gu Dingsheng took out two copies of the contract. He first filled in the spare parts of the contract, and then handed the contract to Nanyi.

Nanyi signed his name on the two contracts, and Gu Dingsheng handed him a bag with him to Nanyi. The bag contained money, 700,000 yuan, and the contract was the transfer contract of the subscription certificate, a total of 20,000 pieces.

Once someone wanted to investigate how Liu Zhen's 300,000 subscription certificates were sold, it would be easy to find out about Nanyi. At this point, the husband helped his wife at work, and there was nothing wrong with it. However, there are big interests behind the subscription certificate, so this will not work.

Right is wrong, wrong is wrong!

No one will objectively analyze the circumstances under which Nanyi purchased the subscription certificate. There will only be people who insist on the fact that Nanyi has obtained great benefits. The son, let alone a nest of snakes and rats.

That's why Nanyi wanted to sign this contract and put 20,000 copies in his own name and expose them to the outside world. Nanyi must make a profit. No one would believe him if he said he didn't get any benefits. However, he can only get a small profit, and the proportion must be grasped.

I bought 20,000 copies and made a total profit of 100,000 yuan. One copy is only 5 yuan. No one should be jealous.

As for where the money for the subscription certificate came from, Nanyi put aside his status as a "foreign company executive" and ran to the Universal Bank to open an account. Then Fang Mengyin called 842,831 Hong Kong dollars from HSBC Bank, which is exactly equivalent to 600,000 yuan RMB, after the money is withdrawn, the account will be canceled directly.

A rich grandma wants to wrap a big red envelope for her grandson and daughter-in-law, who dares to hold on to it?

Nanyi thinks too much about all aspects of things, which is tiring, but he firmly believes that he has done nothing wrong. Those who do not seek the overall situation, no matter what glory they have, will add the word "once" sooner or later, and even become someone else's mouth. The drunken talk and jokes in the book.

"That so-and-so, how awesome it was back then, two bowls of soy milk, one bowl to eat, one bowl to pour; dozens of lovers, and an MBA was hired to manage the lovers; Hutouben bought twenty cars, a long list, Sometimes it's an S, and sometimes it's a B. Haha, now, working part-time outside, tsk tsk, people in their fifties..."

Nanyi looked at the money in the bag, then turned around and asked, "Tianyang, what's the market for subscription certificates outside?"

"Accept from retail investors, 80 or 90 for scattered items, 10,000 for a complete set, transfer to each other in the circle, don't loose, 15,000 for a set."

"Why is it so high?" Nan Yi pretended not to know.

"It is rumored that the Shanghai Stock Exchange will soon announce the full liberalization of stock prices, the cancellation of price limit restrictions, and the implementation of the T+0 system. This is a great benefit for the stock market, and subscription certificates will be valuable. The price can definitely rise to 30,000."

Zhao Tianyang was talking, but he was boycotting Nanyi in his stomach: "The boss is good at everything, but he is too fucking good at pretending. It's strange that the lady boss doesn't know about it."

"Oh, I got it." Nanyi suddenly realized: "30,000 is too high, I think 20,000 is enough to go out, the whiteboard will leave me 10 sets for fun, and all the rest will be sold, regardless of whether I have won the lottery or not. "

"Ah?" Zhao Tianyang was dumbfounded, "Boss, based on the last lottery winning rate, a set of subscription certificates can bring at least 400,000 yuan in profit, and there is a great possibility of exceeding 500,000 yuan. So just sell it? Or 20,000 yuan?" Sell ​​it for 1 piece? We still have more than 2,800 sets of whiteboards in hand!"

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