Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 867 Benefits are exchanged

June 3rd.

It was the first time for the 92 stock subscription certificate to issue new shares. It was crazy, really crazy. The winning rate reached 50%. When the results came out the next day, the price of the subscription certificate jumped up by 2,000 yuan. After two hours , the price went up another 1,500 yuan.

Of course, this is the price of subscription certificates that have already won the lottery but have not yet bought shares. The bare board is a little cheaper, just a little bit. According to the current situation, the winning rate is almost 100%. As long as you have a subscription certificate in hand, you can definitely buy it. New shares, at least turn dozens of somersaults to make money.

June 5th.

Zhao Tianyang and Zhao Tianyang, who had already emptied all the stocks and subscription certificates, came to report the results. Nanyi looked at the final number and it was a little higher than he expected. After asking, he found out that nearly 20,000 shares of electric vacuum were sold. At a high level of around 2,200, even the first 30,000 shares were sold at around 1,200. This is not a slight difference from Nanyi's expected 1,000 yuan.

On May 21, the lowest price of the electric vacuum stock was 1942.5 yuan, and the highest price was 2644 yuan. The price difference reached more than 700 yuan in one day.

Nan Yi asked Zhao and Gu how the stock price of Dian Vacuum 2644 is supported. If you say that the stock price of Yuyuan Mall can be said to be supported by the land value, Dian Vacuum has not heard of any major improvement in business recently.

The answers of Zhao Gu and the two of them didn't tell the reason, only supported by the enthusiasm of stockholders, which is considered to be on point. But this is a bit scary. Stocks and companies seem to have nothing to do with each other. Companies are just stock providers, and stock prices are manipulated by shareholders.

June 6.

The six sons came from the capital to reconcile and divide the accounts. After consideration, he gave Nanyi 20 million and took over the new shares in the account.

In this way, Nanyi's final income was released. There were a little more here and there. The figure changed from 62 million + 20 million he expected to 96 million. There was still a fraction of more than 1 million. Nanyi took it out and gave it to Zhao Ancient two people.

As the income increases, the executor's dividend will naturally also increase.

In the evening, when Zhao Tianyang treated guests to a celebration banquet, the six sons talked to Zhao Tianyang intentionally or unintentionally, probably because they had an idea to hand over the new shares in the account to Zhao Tianyang, and even had further ideas. say what.

As far as Liu Zi is currently holding funds, as long as the T+0 policy exists, as long as he is not too greedy, the stock market can completely become his cash machine.

The following stock market is neither unreasonable nor very reasonable. As long as the funds are sufficient, a stock can be lifted up or smashed as it wants. It is entirely possible to double or even hundreds of times.

After staying in Shanghai for another two days, Nanyi waited for Zhao Jinshui to come over and transfer the funds to Yecheng.

With the land income in Xiaoya Bay and the profit from stocks, Nanyi's personal funds increased by an equivalent of 65 million US dollars, and his hands became a little richer again.

After the matter in Shanghai was settled, Nan Yi rushed to the capital, and went straight to Nan's house as soon as he got off the plane.

"Sister-in-law, what I promised at the beginning, you, mother, and eldest brother, each have a share of 1 million. Our total initial investment is 41.7 million, but this money is an investment I found from others, and I promised to give 60% to others. income, which means that our initial investment is actually 66.72 million;

Including other miscellaneous expenses, it cost more than 2 million, and we count it as 2 million, and the total cost is 68.72 million..."

Nanyi pressed a few times on the calculator, "The share of 1 million is 1.45%. The land has been sold, and the total recovered money is 320 million. Subtract 68.72 million, and we are left with 251.28 million, 1.4% The share can be divided into 3,643,560, I will post a little more, each of you is 3,650,000."

Nanyi turned on the calculator and said, "Sister-in-law, mother, brother, please see if there is any problem."

"What are you looking at, Nan Yi, you gave us this money for nothing, and you can take as much as you say." Yi Jinru said with a smile.

"Mom, you all bear a certain risk in your shares. If you lose money, you will have to pay for it. Now that you make money, you will naturally have to settle the accounts clearly. If you have no objections, this is the number of dividends."

As Nanyi said, he looked at the three of them.

The three of Yi Jinru shook their heads, expressing no objection.

"Okay, since there is no objection, it is 3.65 million per person. Let's talk about how to pay the money. Although land speculation is reasonable and legal, according to the current land speculation method, big things will happen sooner or later. It's easy to talk about time." Nan Yi said, looking at Yi Jinru, "Mom, do you still remember the Genzheng Miaohong Trading Company that I registered in your name back then?"

"I remember, why don't I remember, the tax office even gave me a certificate of merit." Yi Jinru said with a smile.

"Russia's trade is very easy to do now. My idea is this. I will take out another 3.65 million to make up 14.6 million and register another foreign trade company in the name of my mother. My elder brother and sister-in-law will each own 24% of the shares. "

Nanyi looked at Yi Jinru and continued, "Mom, you get 28%, and the extra 4% is dad's. From now on, mom will get all the dividends. Whether to give it to dad, how to give it, mom, you decide, we are children Don't ask."

Nanyi's words made the smile on Yi Jinru's face even bigger.

"It's nice to talk about the money earned from doing foreign trade. Moreover, I have been doing this business for a long time. The market will be good in the next few years. It is very profitable and stable. In a few years, the 14.6 million can turn around a few more times."

"Nanyi, you said this business is good, so we'll do it. I won't go to the store tomorrow, but go to the industrial and commercial office to register a company. Hey, by the way, what is the name of the company going to be?"

"Mom, it's fine if you decide. You are the chairman, and the three of us are all your soldiers, and we are all at your command."

"Giggle, okay, I'll get up and I'll get up."

As Yi Jinru said, she stood up and hurriedly walked to Nan Ruochan's room.

After a while, he came back with a dictionary in his hand.

Nan Yi frowned slightly, and then let go, a little disgusted at Yi Jinru's behavior of randomly entering Nan Ruochan's room, a child should have his own private space if he has independent thinking.

Yi Jinru put on her reading glasses, held the dictionary far away, dipped her fingers on her lips, stuck to the footer, and turned it over.

Yi Jinru was busy driving away, while the other three were left alone. Nan Tieli was hanging on to his business in the hardware store, and left after a while. The remaining two, Nanyi and Wenren Lanyue, chatted.

"Sister-in-law, how is the business in the factory?"

"The factory is now very profitable. Cold medicine and Jianweixiaoshi tablets are selling very well. The sales of Changchongqing are not bad. Many hospitals have sold them. The workers in the factory regret it now. I don’t want to pay for it.”

"A missed opportunity is a missed opportunity, and there will be opportunities in the future."

"The factory manager Leng said that the factory is preparing to go public. Before going public, the employees have another chance to get employee shares."

"Yeah." Nan Yi nodded, "Sister-in-law, are you happy working in the factory?"

"Very good. Everyone knows that I am your sister-in-law, and they all take good care of me. It's just that I usually travel too much, and I can stay in the capital for a few days every month, and run around the country." Wenren Lanyue teased herself very fashionable with a bat head and a look of pain on his face, "Running medicine is not as good as it used to be, and you have to eat and drink everywhere. Bring a male salesman with you."

What Wenren Lanyue said, Nanyi can imagine the picture, some men are really presumptuous at the wine table, especially when facing a woman who asks for him, it's not bad to talk about it, and it's not bad to take advantage of it. It can't be considered too much, as soon as they come up, they hug and hug, and there are many people who even put their hands where they shouldn't be.

What's more, they will play some kind of overlord to force their bows, which is not as magnanimous as you love me.

"Sister-in-law, do you have any new ideas?"

Hearing the tone of Ren Lanyue's words, she seemed to have withdrawn.

"I have some ideas." Wen Renlanyue nodded, "I have traveled a lot in hospitals and pharmacies outside these years, and I have met many medical representatives and some owners of private pharmacies. I know the prices of medicines very well. Those pharmacies I can see how many medicines I can sell in a year, and I find that opening a pharmacy can make a lot of money.”

"You want to open a pharmacy?"

"After thinking about it for several months, I have figured everything out." Wenren Lanyue said firmly, "I want to open a pharmacy."

"Oh, just open one, or do you want to open a chain?"

Chain is not a rare word in Nanjia, Lafayette Yi Jinru is a bigwig in the chain restaurant industry.

"I want to open two or three stores first to see the situation, and then expand if it goes well. It's just that the current policy does not allow private pharmacies to open. If you want to open one, you can only apply for a license in the name of selling health care products. Medicines can only be sold secretly. Nanyi, you Give me an idea, should I find a collective to be affiliated with, or directly find a state-owned unit to engage in a joint-stock system."

As she said that, Wenren Lanyue looked at Nanyi with hope in her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, why do you open a pharmacy? Do you just want to make money, or do you have other ideas?"

"Nanyi, have you heard of Wenrentang?"

Nanyi thought for a while, but he was very unfamiliar with the word "Wenrentang", so he shook his head.

"It's not surprising if you don't know, Wenrentang has been down for more than 60 years." Wenren Lanyue said with a wry smile: "During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a wandering doctor in the capital who walked around the streets. Wenren Zhenlan is the ancestor of my family, everyone calls him Wenren Taoist.

My ancestors mainly used self-made heat-relief medicines to avoid summer heat and Wuji Dan. After years of painstaking efforts, they accumulated a little money. He lost the name of Wenrentang and ended the life of Youfang Langzhong.

Wenrentang has been opened for two hundred years with a dose of summer medicine. In the old capital in the 1930s, there was a saying, "Don't panic on hot days, buy the heat medicine Wenrentang quickly, rub it into the nostrils to open the heart and internal organs, and relieve heat and fire. Paul Kang' jingle.

At that time, the devil's heat-dispelling medicines Rendan and Baodan were widely publicized in the country and sold in large quantities. Almost every street in every town had advertisements for Rendan. In order to boycott Japanese products, my great-grandfather developed four new dosage forms of summer powder in purple, green, yellow, and white on the basis of the original summer powder, which can be used for different symptoms and patients, with different colors and better quality. Summer vacation.

This kind of heat escape powder is packed in a small box shaped like the eight trigrams. Open the box cover, dip a little bit with your finger into your nostrils, and take a deep breath. Comfortable and refreshing.

At the same time, my great-grandfather also perfected the printing factory for production, specializing in the printing of packaging paper, instructions for use, and advertisements, and opened a production workshop for casting tin-made gossip medicine boxes, forming a one-stop system of procurement, manufacturing, packaging, and sales. The scale of production effectively boycotted Japanese products and occupied the market.

It was not only marketed in China, but also opened up sales in Thailand, Indonesia, and Myanmar. At that time, department stores, small grocery stores, and tea shops all over the capital were selling Wenrentang's summer vacation powder on behalf of them. "

Wenren Lanyue added a few traces of regret in her wry smile, "After the devils entered the city, my great-grandfather was retaliated by the devils who sold drugs. Everyone in the family was killed and the shop was burned. Fortunately, my grandfather I happened to go out with the shopkeeper in the store to buy medicinal materials, so I escaped the catastrophe. Nanyi, I opened the pharmacy not only to make money, but also to restore the Wenrentang signboard."

"I didn't expect my sister-in-law's house to have such a section. Since I want to re-establish the signboard, it is not suitable to cooperate with the state-owned unit. I still have to take the road of collective affiliation. Sister-in-law, I will help you find the affiliated collective. You pay points every year. Fees are fine, and you can rest assured that there will be no disputes over the property rights.”

It's a pity for Nanyi. Wenren Lanyue is a talent he is optimistic about. He originally planned to drag her to Fuji Pharmaceuticals after a while, but he didn't expect her ambition to fly solo.

Suddenly, Yi Jinru, who was flipping through the dictionary, shouted loudly: "After thinking about it, I will use this name."

Nanyi turned his head and looked over, "Mom, what's your name?"

Yi Jinru looked up at Nanyi, and said complacently, "Jinru Trading Company, is this a good name?"

"Okay, absolutely good, Mom, we will use this name to register the company." Nan Yi gave a thumbs up, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Turning through the dictionary is just a play, the old lady is very narcissistic."

After Nanyi praised, Wenren Lanyue also echoed, "Mom, we will use this name."

Once the name is settled, the rest is relatively simple. Yi Jinru is responsible for the registration, and Nanyi is responsible for the import and export rights.

After dinner at Nan's house, I returned to the old house. Around eight o'clock, Nan Yi had just finished cleaning the house when he received a call from Wu Renpin.

Wu Renpin: "Nanyi, please do something."

"Old Wu, there is no need between you and me, just say it."

Wu Renpin: "Xiaowei will be a senior soon. There are no classes at school, followed by internships and thesis defense. The school means that the school can arrange internship units or find them by himself. Xiaowei is not sensible. He doesn't want to obey the assignment after graduation. He wants to Go south and make a dash."

"Does sister-in-law agree?"

Wu Renpin: "Meifeng can't beat him."

"And you?"

Wu Renpin: "I also don't want Xiaowei to follow my old path. At the beginning, my idea was to let him enter the enterprise to exercise. Since he has his own ideas, let him go."

"Called Liu Zhen?"

Wu Renpin: "I called her first. She told me that you were in the capital. I also chatted with Wuwei for a few words. Nanyi, your son is well raised. When you are free, bring him to play with me for a few days."

"Hmm." Nan Yi responded, turned his mind, and said, "Tell Xiaowei to come to my place at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and I'll take him to dinner."


After hanging up the phone, Nanyi was overjoyed, "Old Wu, let me guess about his son, what if I can't figure it out? Hehe, go south, come under my Nanyi's command."

Fengtian, Wu Renpin's study.

As soon as Wu Renpin hung up the phone, Wu Meifeng who was listening to the sound asked eagerly, "What did Nanyi say?"

"Let Xiaowei eat at his place tomorrow."

"That's because I promised but I haven't agreed yet. I said, Old Wu, why don't you make your words clearer. Nanyi is not someone else, what kind of bureaucratic accent?" Wu Meifeng scolded.

Wu Renpin didn't respond to Wu Meifeng's scolding, but said lightly: "I agree, well, you go out first, I still have a few documents to look at."

"Okay, okay, look, I'm a busy man."

With her son's affairs settled, Wu Meifeng was happy in her heart. She didn't want her son to be like his father. She was too tired, so it was better to follow Nanyi.

Wu Meifeng is full of confidence in Nanyi. At the beginning, she used a random trick to make their family's life better. Later, she bought those calligraphy and paintings cheaply. Now they are all worth money, and they will be even more valuable after a few years. My son can learn the truth from him. ability.


the next day.

Nanyi and Qiu Hanmin met in the park, after exercising together, they went to have breakfast together.

After returning to the old bungalow to wash up, Nan Yi washed clothes in the yard.

The clothes have been placed for too long, although there are mothballs to prevent bugs, they will inevitably be stained with dust. Nan Yi first emptied Nan Wuwei's big closet, and separated the clothes that could be worn from the ones that were too small, and took out the ones that were too small to make sure There is nothing missing, just put it in the washing machine, regardless of what is inside or outside.

"Do you want to do laundry?"

A puff of smoke drifted over, closely following Ye Qian's tone.

Nanyi poured some laundry detergent into the washing machine, pressed the switch, and only when he heard the sound of water turning on did he turn around and say, "It's so early?"

"It's late, I'm afraid you will go out."

"Go and sit in the living room first, and wait until I'm done."

"It's okay, you are busy with your work, I see you are busy." Ye Qi said with a smile: "Times have changed. Although our Comrade Nan has been in a high position for many years, he still maintains his simplicity and his love for washing."

"Beating sex, don't change the words blindly."

Nan Yi said the last sentence, and continued to sort out his and Liu Zhen's clothes, carefully looking at and digging out each piece, especially the clothes from the period when Wenchangwei went to the countryside. The two have been kept in the old bungalow. Liu Zhen took that dress with her wherever she went, and occasionally took it out to make gestures on her body.

"Sixty-five greens have holes, why not keep them?"

"It's commemorative."

Nan Yi caressed the green military uniform in his hand. He was wearing the clothes in his hand the day he crossed over, with a three-edged scraper pinned to his waist, and he was on his way to investigate. Later, this dress followed him to Wenchangwei, where he often wore it while working, and it was always by his side during the initial stage.

"Isn't it too early for you to be nostalgic now?" Ye Qian said with a feeling, in fact, he himself is also a nostalgic person, and some memories of the past often come to mind.

"You should stay on the sidelines and wait for me to get nostalgic."

"Okay, I'm not here to be an eyesore, you're pregnant with your past." Ye Qian said, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and walked straight to the living room.

"Fuck, grandson."

Cursing secretly, Nanyi picked up Ye Qian's cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can.

After half an hour, Nanyi sorted out all the clothes, lined up by category, and waited to be loaded into the washing machine.

Freeing his hand, Nanyi walked into the living room, found out the stove and other dry utensils, set up a table for pots of tea on the coffee table, lit a charcoal fire, and sat on the pots. When Nanyi put the two teacups on the coffee table, Ye Kai paid attention to it. He was holding one in his hand and flipping it left and right to study.

"Okay, don't pretend, you don't understand antiques, and you won't be able to see any flowers."

"Tell me, what do you two have to say?" Ye Qian was not annoyed by Nanyi's complaints. He really didn't understand antiques, but he just thought the pair of cups was a little tricky.

"This is the wine glass that a family surnamed Gao in Gumo State in the Tang Dynasty used to drink Hebei wine on the night when they recruited a son-in-law."

"Where is Gumo Country?"

"The area around the Western Regions."

"It's not like that. The two cups look like the style of the Central Plains."

Nan Yi poured the pot of tea into two cups and said, "It's not surprising, these cups were given to the newcomers by a passing monk from Jingtu Temple."

"Who is it, is it famous?"


"Tang Monk..." Ye Qian suddenly realized something was wrong, "Fuck, you are talking about Gao Laozhuang?"

"That's right, mine is just Ms. Gao's, and the cup is called Hate Marriage; yours is just Zhu Gangguan's, which can be called the Bajie Cup or the Canopy Cup. There is no sugar added to the tea, do you want to add some sugar?"

"Pull it down, I don't like sweet drinks." Ye Yan waved his hand and said, "What's the origin of the two cups?"

"The kiln-changing glaze and partridge spot built cups in the Song Dynasty are so famous, but they are not true. When the tile factory is testing the technology, they are fired for fun. You can see the bottom of the cup."

Ye Kai raised the cup high, looked at the bottom of the cup, and saw the word "South Tibet", "I mean, I never heard that you like antiques."

"Don't talk about the cup, let's talk about you, do you still plan to go back?"

"I won't go back. Fortunately, you reminded me that after the Soviet revisionism became Russia, the business of many of our people in the Far East was robbed, and several of them died."

"Ask yourself, does the dead deserve it?" Nan Yi asked calmly after taking a sip of tea.

"There is no sin unto death."

"You just have to be stubborn. If you can be remembered by Maozi, and you dare to grab it directly, it's not your fault. No matter how chaotic the Far East is, there will be no rules. If you don't follow the rules, don't expect others to follow the rules. You Is the business thrown away, or is it sold?"

"It's a plate, it's just some goods, and I gave it to others at the wholesale price, and other things are worthless." Ye Yan patted his thigh, "It's been a while since I came back, and I don't know what to do. I eat lobster and geoduck every day. I'm disgusted by the big fish and meat. Look at my belly, it's bulging."

"Heh, do you dream of living a few days of hard life? It's simple, go out, stand on the curb, see which one is not pleasing to the eye, go up and kick it, and then go back to the hall to spend a few days." Nan Yi teased.

"Okay, I'm not stupid, don't tell me, you can't eat good things every day, I really want to have something light." Ye Qian said, tilting his head, looking in the direction of the kitchen, "You have What, I'll let you eat here at noon, order whatever you want."

"I haven't started a fire for almost half a year, and I don't have farts. I'll go to the next door to borrow some noodles and two eggs to make gnocchi."

"Sure, just eat this, and shave the oil well."

"Okay, you continue to paralyze, and I will continue to wash clothes." Nanyi drank the tea in the cup and went back to the yard. What should be washed and dried, after a while, half of the yard was covered with clothes.

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