At noon, Nanyi really only made a gnocchi, which was not borrowed, but bought from outside. By the way, I also bought an extra bitter gourd and made a cold bitter gourd.

While eating, Ye Jing looked at the piles of black hair-like side dishes in the vegetable bowl and said, "Lao Nan, if you mix bitter melon, you can mix it with bitter melon. Why do you put so many lettuces?"

"Oh, I haven't finished eating last year. I think there is only a little left, so I mixed it in."

Ye Qi picked up a big handful of fortune and shouted: "This is also called a little bit. It's almost a couple of dollars. Come on, this meal of noodles is not cheap. I bought some during the Chinese New Year. It's really not cheap, 1,000 yuan A catty."

"I still have 2 million a ton, how much can I put in a dish." Nan Yi spat: "Besides, I cultivated it in Mongolia myself, so it's not that expensive."

"Didn't it mean that nostocs don't live, only wild ones."

"Can you lift my house up?" Nanyi picked up the chopsticks and pointed at the wall.

"Just kidding me, you lift one up for me to see."

"I can't lift it, but I can ask 500 people to lift it together. If it is not enough, I will call 5,000. Sometimes, money can really create miracles. I know that there is such a thing as hair vegetables, and I know its growth environment and picking. If digging it damages the ecological structure, I bet that the country will sooner or later ban the digging of hair vegetables.

At that time, I spent money to hire experts to study the technology of growing vegetables. I spent tens of millions of dollars one after another to be considered a successful cultivation. Now I have just recovered half of the cost. "

Ye Qian pointed to the nostocs on the plate, "It means that you grow all the nosts on this plate and those sold outside?"

"On the plate, it's not sold outside. I didn't sell it in China. The price is too low. The 1,000 yuan a catty you said is not the normal price. It usually sells for six or seven hundred. In Southeast Asia, it can sell for more than 3,000, because the sales volume is too high." If the price is too low, you can’t sell many tons a year, and you can’t sell more. If there is too much, the price will not be stable.”

"Is the profit high?"

"It's okay, mainly there is no competition."

Ye Qi sighed, and said with emotion: "The realm is really different. Others, including me of course, just want to dump things up and down, but you are good. You have already controlled the market and made exclusive deals. One day, if the country If mining is really banned, you can earn more, right?"

"Okay, what a pity, my business can't be done by ordinary people. When spending money, who can guarantee that it will be successful? What if it's in vain? You always have 15 million US dollars now, you dare to spend 5 million US dollars to go. Bet on a deal with only a 20% success rate?"

"I dare not, my money is enough for me to build for the rest of my life, and I won't do business that is too risky." Ye Qian waved his hand.

"That's it. Don't just worry about thieves eating meat, and don't watch thieves being beaten. I don't know how many 10 million I have to throw into the water a year. I don't make much money right now. Look at it." It's later."

"That's right, it's not easy to do business." Ye Qian said, lifting up his T-shirt, revealing a scar on the left side of his stomach, "When I first arrived in Suifenhe, someone stepped on a bag, and I refused to give it to him, so I started having sex with the other party. I was stabbed, but fortunately I hid quickly, otherwise my stomach would be pierced."

Ye Qi put down his T-shirt and picked up his wine glass, "Speaking of which, I still have to thank you. If it wasn't for your people who saved me last time, I would have come back in despair if I didn't die in Mongolia."

Nanyi picked up the wine glass and clinked with him, drank half of the glass, "Don't do this, have you thought about what to do next?"

"Maybe open a restaurant. My dad is not in good health. I have to stay in the capital to take care of him. I can't run around. Auntie runs a restaurant. I'll go learn some scriptures another day."

"Oh, you let my mother teach you how to open a restaurant, and then you drive to fight her, are you polite?"

"Hey, the capital is getting bigger, so I can drive far away from her." Ye Qian said disdainfully: "Besides, I want to open a high-end restaurant. When people walk in, I don't want to leave a hundred or so. Don't even want to go out, and don't go the same way as Auntie."

Nan Yi spat: "Then you worshiped the wrong temple. If you want to open a high-end one, go abroad and learn the style of their high-end restaurant. This is internal strength; when it comes to external strength, you spend a lot of money to hire a pair of beautiful foreigner twins." Come over and be a doorman, then find a model agency to sign a contract, and transfer people to come over to serve the dishes in turn;

Clothes are also changed in turn, from the Western aristocratic lady's dress to the Oriental cheongsam, until diners' eyes are dazzled. Let’s not talk about the taste of the dishes, just let foreigners serve you, and your business will not be bad. "

"I heard that models are very expensive, if I invite them over, will I still have money to earn?" Ye Qian asked excitedly.

"You are talking about a famous model. Before becoming famous, the cost is high and the income is low, so the asking price will not be too high. Besides, life in Eastern Europe is not easy now. It is okay to find some Eastern European girls. Don't look for Maomei, others will not see you. Come on, the value cannot be raised."

"It still has to be you, it's a good idea as soon as you export it." Ye Qi said excitedly: "If you do it this way, the business will definitely be almost done."

Nan Yi chuckled, "This is a crooked idea, and it's superficial. If you can do it, so can others. It may be as short as one or two years, or as long as three or four years. Work hard on the dishes."

"Have you read "Joking About Qianlong"?"


"You said, I want to learn from the TV series, and make the restaurant look like the Forbidden City. Those who are in charge of serving are either Chunxi or Agree. Those who come to eat, the older ones are called the Supreme Emperor and the Queen Mother, and the younger ones are called the Emperor, Queen, Princess Gulun, and Princess Gulun. Princess Shuo..."

Nanyi waved his hand to interrupt Ye Qian, "Okay, okay, don't go on, this is the capital, there are still people in Aixinjueluo's family, if you want to do this, the business can last for a long time, I will take your surname. "

"Haha, I was just joking, buddy, am I not politically sensitive?" Ye Qi laughed, "I'll take some time to fly abroad to have a look, or I won't drive it, and if I want to drive it, I'll have to upgrade it."

"You think about it slowly." Nanyi picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. "Do you know if there is a replay of "Little Dragon Man"?"

"Hey, children watched it, why do I care about it, you still watch this?"

"My son is watching it, so I have to watch it too, otherwise when he talks about it, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up."

"Oh, there is a Ferrari brand exhibition in the Asian Games Village, do you want to go and see it this afternoon?"

Nanyi thought for a while, "Alright, let's go and see the excitement."

After dinner, Nanyi posted a note on the gate of the courtyard, explaining where he was going, and left Ye Qiang's number. He got in the car and went to the Asian Games Village.

As soon as I entered the convention and exhibition center of the Asian Games Village, I saw quite a few people, some in suits, some in Montagut, without exception, all holding mobile phones in their hands, some with their arms around or followed by a beautiful woman.

By the way, the word "sugar daddy" has become popular. Just this year, in Beijing, it was derived from "Pang Jiaer".

Compared with these big money, Nanyi and Ye Ke’s dress is a bit shabby. Nanyi is a short-sleeved shirt with trousers, and a pair of unbranded low-cut combat boots on his feet. They are specially made for urban combat and have a high technical content. The production cost is also very high, and there are only one big brother.

Ye Qian wears a white T-shirt with red and black printed on it corresponding to the words "Nothing". This kind of personalized T-shirt has just become popular this year. It costs five to six yuan to ten yuan a piece. Fashionable young people will buy it for several years at a time. Wearing; a pair of jeans on his lower body, high-end goods, and a pair of sneakers on his feet, which are still high-end goods, so the big brother in his hand added a few points to him.

The huge exhibition center only displays one car "Ferrari 348", only one red, but there are three cars. Nan Yi saw it at the Paris Auto Show in 1989. There is one in Sophie Marceau's garage. Not uncommon.

The crowd of models were just watching the excitement. Although there was no price tag next to the car, everyone knew that the price would not be cheap. An ordinary car would cost one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand. In any case, it will cost upwards of 500,000.

Nanyi guessed that Ferrari would not think that even one car could be sold in this exhibition, it should be purely for the purpose of display, let potential customers know that there is a "Ferrari" brand, and they are looking forward to future business.

There is no market for sports cars in the current Huaguo. Those who can afford it don’t like it, and those who like it can’t afford it. The wonderful era of sports cars will not come until the first generation of “rich second generation” grows up.

Nanyi had only seen one sports car in Yecheng before. It was a second-hand Porsche with right-hand drive. It should be stolen from smugglers from outside.

After a few glances at the car, Nanyi lost interest. He stood on the sidelines, complaining that the exhibition was so bad that he didn't know how to get a bunch of car models, while waiting for Ye Jing, who was still taking a serious look at it.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Following the prestige, Nan Yi saw a man in a polo shirt and black suit walking in from the gate. Everyone present seemed to know him, and they surrounded him one after another, greeting him and handing out business cards.

"Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to come here too. I'm..."

"Mr. Li is here, it seems that we are going to make a fuss here today!"

"That's necessary, Mr. Li..."

After a few glances, Nanyi recognized who "Mr. Li" was. Li Huada, one of the double Lis in the capital, is also the richest man in the capital today, and has a good reputation in the wealthy circle.

Li Huada's face was full of complacency, and he said to the crowd: "I also just woke up this morning and read the newspaper to find out that Ferrari has a car show in our capital. ah."

"Mr. Li is grand, who doesn't know that Mr. Li likes to collect luxury cars the most!"

"That's right, if you want to talk about domineering, you have to be Mr. Li..."

The big money around him complimented him one after another.

"It's loud enough."

Hearing the movement, Ye Jing came to the side of Nanyi.

"Don't read it?"

"I don't like it very much. I still like a room with more space, which is more comfortable to sit on." Ye Qian sneered at Li Huada and said teasingly, "The number one rich man in Beijing, let's go and get to know each other?"

"Be respectful, he is a real rich man, with a net worth of at least five or six billion."

Ye Qian asked in surprise, "There are so many?"

"Yes, the year before last, he made a lot of money by investing in real estate in Xiangtang. Later, a highway was going to be built in Malaysia. There was an inside source saying that there might be an oil and gas field with amazing reserves near the highway, but it was still under investigation. Among them, it has not yet been announced. He took another gamble and spent 900 million U.S. dollars to buy all the land that could be bought along the highway, and he won the bet, earning back about 1 billion."

Ye Qian said: "10 plus 9 is almost 20, isn't this more than 10 billion, how do you say he only has 5 or 6 billion."

"Most of the capital is borrowed, and the land is bought at the same time as the mortgage loan. The loan risk is very high, and the interest charged by the bank is of course high. Do the math and you can get the amount I said."

The reason why Nanyi knew so clearly was because Li Huada also took out a loan from Nanguo Bank. Before taking the loan, the bank's risk control department would naturally conduct an investigation to judge his repayment ability, even if it was a secured loan.

Banks usually have a necessary process for conducting investigations, asking other bank lenders whether they have loans with them, and a lot of information will be shared between banks. Being black in one bank means being black in the whole bank.

"That's real money."

At this moment, the movement from Li Huada caught the attention of Piero, the vice president of Ferrari, who is also the person in charge of the exhibition. He asked the translator standing beside him, "Who is this person?"

The interpreter replied: "The well-known rich man in the capital has a Xiaohua International Investment Group in Xiangtang, with a net worth of over one billion."

Piero said in surprise: "One billion, he is the richest person in China?"

The translator shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but he must be the richest person in the capital."

Li Huada walked to the side of the Ferrari 348, took a brief glance, and asked, "How much is this car?"

After Piero asked the people around him what Li Huada meant, he immediately calculated the tax and other data in his mind, and walked up to greet him, "Mr. Li, hello, I am Pi, the person in charge of this auto show. Hierro, I have to admire Mr. Li's vision, the price of this car is 138,880 US dollars, and the 348 is the most classic Ferrari model at present."

When businessmen face their prospective potential customers, they always show special enthusiasm, especially now, if they can sell one, it will be very meaningful for Ferrari to open up the Huaguo market, Piero already thought in his heart Well, if Li Zhen in front of him buys one, he will arrange a very grand delivery ceremony.

After hearing what the translator said, Li Huada nodded and said directly, "I bought it!"

Piero was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: "I just bought it? Don't ask about the performance of the car, and don't ask about after-sales issues?"

"Why, is there any problem?" Li Huada glanced at Piero and asked curiously.

Li Huada didn't care about the performance of the car, nor did he care about other things. He came here to buy a car just to make a name for himself.

For a businessman, when everyone thinks he is rich, the business will become much easier. Not only will the business be automatically delivered to his door, but he will also get more benefits in terms of billing period, for example, he can use business Inheritance.

"No, no, we can handle all kinds of procedures for Mr. Li now." Piero has never seen a rich man in Huaguo, and he never knew that a rich man in Huaguo can spend money so capriciously.

Li Huada nodded and said with a smile, "Then go and pay."

After Li Huada's voice fell, the convention and exhibition center immediately burst into warm applause, and all the big money sighed in their hearts: "This is the local tyrant, this is the domineering, someday I will be able to be like this."

"You're pretty, domineering, as soon as you raise your hand, 800,000 will go out." Ye Yan leaned into Nanyi's ear and said.

"760,002." Nan Yi said lightly: "This amount of money is nothing to you, you can also be domineering for a while, but it's a pity that if you buy it again, you will be the second one, and the money spent is not worth it. "

Hearing Nanyi's words, Ye Qian thought for a while, "You mean he's showing off on purpose, advertising?"

"It's about the same. It is estimated that the focus of his business will be in the mainland, and it will be expansion and investment in multiple fields. After making his debut, he will buy horse bones with thousands of dollars."

Li Huada's reputation as a rich man is only in the capital. He is only a small figure in the circle of rich people in Hong Kong, and he is not well-known in other places in the mainland. This time, Ferrari will definitely focus on publicity. The horn will also ring.

"There is a set."

"You can learn too."

"I'll forget it, it's not good to be too high-profile." Ye Kai said, suddenly his eyes were fixed, he looked forward, and called out, "Mr. Yang."

"How did you come?"

Yang Kaiyan's high heels were rattling all the way, Nan Yi naturally noticed her.

"Come and see the car." Yang Kaiyan said coldly.

Having been in a high position for a long time, Yang Kaiyan's aura became even stronger, giving him an aura of power without anger.

"Look, we are going to leave." Nan Yi made a gesture to leave.

"Don't rush to leave, I have something to tell you." Yang Kaiyan stopped Nan Yi who wanted to leave.

Nan Yi glanced at the direction of the crowd, and found that someone had already noticed, so he waved his hand and said, "It's not convenient here, let's make another appointment."

Yaqing Company has been standing for many years. As the head of the facade, Yang Kaiyan is now a celebrity in the capital. There are many people who know her. Nanyi doesn't want to stay with her in public.


"Okay, at six o'clock, I'll eat at my house."


The three of Nanyi stood together for a while, but they fell into Li Huada's eyes. He turned his head and asked the big money who had been beside him, "Who are those people beside Yang Kaiyan?"

Hearing the sound, the rich man looked at Nanyi and the others, "One is Ye Qi, who used to be the manager of Qinghe International, but then he went there for some reason, and the other one didn't know him, so he was unfamiliar."

"You don't even know him. It turned out that Nanyi, the boss of Yaqing Company, now outsiders only know Yang Kaiyan. Few people know that Asia and Qinghe International were established under his hands." Another big money beside him Said: "Mr. Li, hello, I am Jin Yimin from Jinying Trading."

"Boss Jin, hello, do you know this Nanyi?" Li Huada nodded at Jin Yimin.

"Yes, I used to work in Yaqing Company, Mr. Nan Yi Nan also trained us personally, his training is very interesting..."

Nanyi didn't know anything about the conversation between the few of them. He and Ye Jie had already stopped by the vegetable market on their way back to the old bungalow, and picked up some leftover vegetables and meat that others had picked in the morning.

Back at the old bungalow, Nan Yi and Ye Qi sat in the courtyard, listening to storytelling, and sipping pots of tea leisurely.

The comfortable time always passes quickly. After making tea for two or three times, a stylishly dressed Wu Xiaowei appeared in the yard, with a mid-section hairstyle of six or seven centimeters, a white short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. Also wearing a plum watch.

"Uncle Nan."

Wu Xiaowei walked to Nan Yi's side and called out affectionately.

"Xiaowei, go to the living room and move a stool." Nan Yi pointed in the direction of the living room, picked up a jar of foreign peppers from the stove, pulled off the shell that had exploded, and took out the exposed insect meat and stuffed it into his mouth inside.

Wu Xiaowei moved a stool in the living room, went to the yard, and sat down on the opposite side of the stove from Nanyi.

Nan Yi first introduced Ye Qian and Wu Xiaowei to each other, and after the two parties exchanged pleasantries, he asked Wu Xiaowei, "Are there any classes in senior year?"

"Yes, not many. I heard from the seniors in the previous class that if you are doing an internship outside, you can go or not. The teacher will not record absences." Wu Xiaowei replied fluently without being restrained at all.

Nanyi: "When is the summer vacation?"

Wu Xiaowei: "The 28th of this month."

Nanyi: "Do you know that Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric, has been to China this year?"

Wu Xiaowei: "I know."

Nanyi: "How did you know about it?"

After the southern tour, Jack Welch came to Huaguo for inspection. It was very strange that there was no relevant report on his arrival, whether it was in Huaguo or other countries.

Wu Xiaowei: "My father."

Nan Yi: "What do you think of the recent trade agreement between China and the United States, in which Hua promised to investigate pirated software and protect the patents of agricultural chemical products and pharmaceuticals?"

Wu Xiaowei thought for a while and said: "This shows that our country is eager to restore the status of the GATT signatory. journey."

As soon as Wu Xiaowei finished speaking, Nanyi asked again: "What do you think of Lawrence Summers' proposal that 'according to the purchasing power parity estimate of China's GNP, China will be able to surpass the United States in terms of total output by 2014? 'This prophecy?"

"Uncle Nan, I haven't read any written materials about the prophecy you mentioned."

"I will give you a week for this question. After a week, you will give me a paper on this prophecy. The content can be copied and quoted, even if you put other people's words together, there is no problem, but one thing, you Be accountable for every number in your paper.

If it is quoted from the data, indicate the source, and explain why you think the data is correct, and the reasons should be detailed; if it is calculated by yourself, list your calculation formula, not afraid of tediousness, as many steps as possible Clear; if the calculated data cannot be accurate, indicate which factors lead to the inaccurate calculation. "

After Nanyi finished speaking, he stood up, walked into the living room, took out two wads of money from his bag, went back to the yard, and slapped the money in front of Wu Xiaowei, "RMB and USD are one thousand each. This is what I used to write to you." For the dissertation expenses, after a week, you have to give me a detailed account of how every penny was spent."

Wu Xiaowei looked down at the money, the corner of his mouth was full of bitterness, it was not for the money, but for the thesis, it was impossible to finish the thesis in a week, even a year was a bit too much, there were too many data to check and count.

Moreover, he didn't understand what Nanyi meant by giving him the money, was it for him to buy materials, or for something else?

Wu Xiaowei fell into deep thought!

Nanyi didn't give Wu Xiaowei any hints. After reminding the other party to put away the money, he continued to peel the jar of foreign chili peppers and eat them. He had never eaten this kind of food before. It was because Ye Qian saw someone selling it at the entrance of the vegetable market just now and told him that it was delicious. , Nanyi just bought it.

When the time came around six o'clock, Nanyi washed the shabu-shabu and dishes, and set up a new formation in the yard, sat on the soup base, and waited for Yang Kaiyan's arrival.

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