Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 869 Emotion and interests, success

At six o'clock, Yang Kaiyan appeared in the courtyard of the old bungalow on time, because there were other people there, and during the meal, she never mentioned the business matter she wanted to talk to Nanyi.

Knowing that Yang Kaiyan came to talk to Nanyi about something, Ye Qian didn't let go of his stomach to drink, everyone ate at a very fast speed, before 7:30, Ye Qian left and Wu Xiaowei also went back to school.

"There are 145 million idle funds in the accounts of Yaqing Company. I plan to accelerate the speed of external expansion and build Asia in Shenzhen and Shanghai at the same time." After only two people remained, Yang Kaiyan said.

"Has Asia in Yangcheng recovered its investment cost?"

"Not yet, there is still a loss of about 14 million."

Nan Yi pondered for a while, and said: "You are the head of Yaqing Company, and you have been in charge of Yaqing's business these past few years. Before retail companies enter the country, it is not wrong to enclose the land and occupy the land first. I also support it.

If the two places are carried out at the same time, the self-owned funds are definitely not enough, and it is inevitable to borrow from the bank. At present, the real estate in many places in the country is overheated, and the state will definitely control it. The best way to control it is to tighten money. This must be taken into account. Don't be caught off guard when the time comes. "

Asia Mall is no longer just a shopping mall, but has risen to the concept of a CBD business district. There will be office buildings and residences around the mall. An Asia project is a building complex with large investment and long construction period. Yaqing Company has grown from a retail enterprise Transformed into a real estate business.

"I have thought about this. I will control the loan amount within the range that Yaqing Company can afford, and it will not affect normal operations."

"Not only that, but you also have to consider the possibility of stagnation or even decline in housing prices." Nan Yiyu said earnestly: "Kaiyan, whether it is Yaqing Company or Genzhengmiaohong, I don't plan to continue to inject capital into it. But at the same time, I can't accept the reduction of shares, so you must not be too aggressive, you must be steady."

"Don't worry, I will be cautious." Yang Kaiyan nodded and said: "There is one more thing, I am getting engaged."

Upon hearing this, Nan Yi teased, "It's not easy. I finally heard about your marriage. Tell me, which family's young master is so lucky to marry our Miss Yang."


"King Quan, are you moved by his sincerity?"

Wang Quan was the foreign exchange profiteer who pursued Yang Kaiyan back then, Nan Yi really didn't expect that the two of them could achieve a positive result.

"Yes, no." Yang Kaiyan picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured himself a full glass of white wine, picked it up, drank it all in one gulp, drank too quickly, coughed a few times, and waited for him to recover , with wet eyes, said: "I am a proud person, and I have always wanted to find a life partner who is better than me in all aspects. I met him, but unfortunately I met too late, and he is already married.

The education I received since I was a child told me that I can’t hang myself on a tree. If one doesn’t work, I’ll find the next one. No man is indispensable (everyone can turn around if the earth leaves), although I have him in my heart, I haven’t closed myself My own emotions have been waiting to meet the next suitable person.

He is so good, he has raised my expectations infinitely. For many years, I have never met anyone better than him, or even close to him. I'm tired, I don't want to wait any longer, and it's nice to be with someone who loves me. "

Nanyi also had a cup of sorrow in his throat. He took out two pieces of paper and wiped his mouth, then folded the used paper into a square and put it on the side. It is good, but in fact, the real good is something that can be seen and touched, and it is better to grasp what is in front of you than to pursue what you can’t get.”

Yang Kaiyan was sullen with a hint of sarcasm, "It's very ironic that these words come from your mouth."

Nan Yi didn't think it was disobedient, instead he clapped his hands and coaxed a child and said, "Come here, let your brother Nan Yi give you a loving hug."

"Come on less." Yang Kaiyan spat, waited for a while, stood up, resolutely threw herself into Nanyi's arms, hugged Nanyi tightly, lay on his shoulders, and said resentfully: "When I get married, you have to give me a big gift, such as shares in Genzhengmiaohong."

"I will. When your child is full moon, I will give all the shares to your child."

"Go to you." Yang Kaiyan let go of the grievances, smiled like a flower, and the depression in her heart was relieved. The bad mood hidden deep in her heart was much better. She let go of Nanyi's hand and said: "I'm leaving , Send me off."


After sending Yang Kaiyan away, Nanyi went to Baiwanzhuang. On the way, he kept thinking about how true and false Yang Kaiyan's "performance" was.

In other words, Yang Kaiyan was attracted to Nanyi at a certain moment, and had a good impression of him, which is not uncommon. There is no need to belittle yourself, and if you don't peel off the outer skin, he Nanyi is considered a good man.

But it is impossible to say that Yang Kaiyan has deep feelings for him. Yang Kaiyan and him are the same kind of people, and their interests will not be influenced by personal emotions at present. Love only occupies a very small proportion in life. It can be said that there were real emotions just now, and there were also calculations.

"Little girl, Yaqing Company hasn't grown into a big tree yet, so dig a hole for me now."

When Nan Yi was muttering, Xiao Hua had already parked the car, got out of the car, looked up, and there was a warm light in Gong Xue's window.

Go upstairs, open the iron door in the corridor, and see that the door on the kitchen side is open, Nanyi walks in and takes a look, Gong Xue puts a cup on the dining table, looks up, and looks at Nanyi, "Come on, I just stewed it Good winter melon ribs soup, drink some?"

"Didn't you have dinner?"

"After eating some fruit, I'm hungry again." Gong Xue filled two bowls of soup and placed one bowl in front of Nanyi, "At the end of this month, the house in Austria will be renovated, I'm going to fly over to see if you have any Time to go with me?"

"It's okay to accompany you to Austria, but I won't stay there for long, and I'll go to Moscow in two days at most."

Although the people in Nanyi are not in Moscow, he is very clear about Russia's political and economic trends. After the disintegration, the official exchange rate has been torn off. The high level of the exchange rate is controlled at about 1:70. Although the real exchange rate of 1:30 before the disintegration is slightly unbearable, it is still stable.

At present, there is no sign of a major change in the exchange rate in a short period of time. As for the shock therapy that was implemented in January, there is no major movement yet, and it is only working hard on "small privatization".

Changes in the property rights of commerce, services, construction, transportation, and small industrial enterprises are just small fish and small shrimps, and it is still the private land of the Russians. Nanyi doesn't want to worry about it, so he doesn't need to rush back to Moscow.

"It's good if you can accompany me, you'll be fine for two days." When Gong Xue heard Nanyi's agreement, she immediately felt happy.


After Wu Xiaowei left the old house, he called home and told Wu Renpin about the conversation between Nanyi and him.

After Wu Renpin heard it, he thought about it for a while, and immediately came out with Nanyi's intentions to teach his son carefully. He was very relieved that Nanyi was still the same Nanyi, and he was relieved to hand over his son to the other party.

"Xiaowei, since your Uncle Nan has a task for you, you should overcome all difficulties to complete it, not only to complete it, but also to do it beautifully."

"Dad, it's impossible to finish the thesis in a week, and it may not be enough in a year." In the phone booth, Wu Xiaowei showed a bitter face.

"Then you think your Uncle Nan is playing tricks on you?" Without waiting for Wu Xiaowei to answer, Wu Renpin continued: "Your Uncle Nan is very busy, he doesn't have time to deliberately make things difficult for you, a junior, since he asked you to do it, it is natural for him to do it." Makes sense, and it certainly can be done.

If you think you can't do it, it only means that you haven't grasped the core of the problem. Instead of complaining, it's better to think about how to get things done.

Alright, that's all for now, you go back to school early and don't hang out. "

"Old Wu, why didn't you remind Xiaowei." Just as Wu Renpin put down the microphone, Wu Meifeng, who had been listening with pricked ears, said, "Didn't Nanyi give Xiaowei money just to ask him to find someone to help?"

Wu Renpin picked up the three-five cigarette pack, took out a cigarette from it and lit it.

There is a jingle about cigarettes in Northeast China - poor Changbai, rich Sanwu, bastard smokes bats. Wu Renpin often goes to the enterprise. In order to reach the masses, he often prepares a pack of three-fives on his body. After a long time, he himself is used to the taste of three-fives.

"What you can think of, Xiaowei should also think of, otherwise he is not suitable for doing business, so we simply let him stop thinking, obey the assignment, and enter the company to sit in the office."

"That's the reason, but Xiaowei has never done business after all, so he might not be able to think of it." Wu Meifeng struggled.

"Unite all forces that can be united and mobilize all positive factors that can be mobilized. This is the only rule for success. Xiaowei will not do business in the future. He should understand this truth. Let's wait and see, whether Xiaowei can complete it or not." Nanyi will have arrangements for tasks, and Xiaowei will not be in the wrong."

"That's true. Nanyi has always done things very carefully."


the next day.

Nan Yi and Leng Yan made an appointment to have a meal together at the Zhongyuan Hotel. The reason why they made an appointment at a hotel integrating food and lodging instead of at a special restaurant was because Zheng Dekai, the president of Saturnus Asia Pacific, would meet with him today. Shi Guofeng of the Reclamation Group signed a cooperation agreement, and the two parties jointly established a Nanniwan seed company.

Nanniwan not only develops its own "Nanniwan" brand improved seeds, but also acts as an agent to sell various seeds of Saturnus.

The signing was not done in private. There was a signing ceremony held in the conference room of the hotel, and the leaders of the investment promotion and agricultural departments were present. Nanyi has always been unwilling to participate in this kind of public scene.

Nanyi came here to feel the stormy atmosphere at close range. He talked about the General Trade Agreement with Wu Xiaowei yesterday, and he talked about "protecting the patents of agricultural chemical products and pharmaceuticals". Behind this article, Nanyi can smell Shadows of Monsanto and DuPont.

There are many pesticide and fertilizer-related companies in the United States, but at present, Monsanto and DuPont are the largest. At the same time, Monsanto also operates the seed business, and DuPont is eyeing the pioneer seed industry that is currently ranked number one in the world.

Just in the past few days, the state has just released the "Decision on Accelerating the Development of the Tertiary Industry", which states that the tertiary industry focuses on: commerce, materials, foreign trade, finance, insurance, real estate tourism, resident services, etc.; consulting, information and technical services, etc.; industries serving agricultural production; transportation, post and telecommunications, scientific research, education and public utilities, etc.

Among them, the industry serving agricultural production refers to the industry that provides services for all aspects of agricultural production, including improved seeds, agricultural materials, agricultural technology, information, circulation, finance, insurance and other services.

As a large agricultural country, seeds have always been the most important means of agricultural production in Huaguo. Huaguo's agricultural seed industry space is second only to the United States and ranks second in the world. The total seed demand of China and the United States accounts for 60% of the global seed industry.

The two items of improved seeds and agricultural materials cover almost all the service items that Shennong Nanliang can provide to customers, which means that 80% of the world's agricultural-related enterprises can immediately or prepare to enter the Huaguo market .

As the starting point of the entire agricultural industry chain, the seed industry is the foundation of food, and food security cannot be ignored. As the "chip" of agriculture, the world seed industry market is undergoing profound changes. In the past, the entire market was full of flowers, but now large seed companies are gearing up to prepare Big M\u0026A.

Through extensional mergers and acquisitions, the concentration of the seed industry will continue to increase, and the seed industry enterprises are developing towards diversification, collectivization and internationalization.

Huaguo is the home field of the reclamation group. From the perspective of personal interests, the reclamation group and Shennong Nanliang must eat a large portion of this piece of fat; from the perspective of national interests, Nanyi must contribute to the country's seed security.

After sending Leng Yan away, Nanyi went from the restaurant to the coffee shop, found a seat near the piano, sat down, drank tea, and listened to the song "Water" Adilina on the side.

Flipping through the information of the seed industry company in his hand, Nanyi screened for mergers and investment targets. One by one, the seed industry and related companies with special skills and small scale were all within his coveted range.

AgReliant, an American company, has its own uniqueness in the field of corn breeding. The company’s valuation is not high, only 6 million US dollars; Cordier, an American company, has very in-depth research in the field of lettuce, sweet pepper, and melon breeding, with a valuation of 13 million Ten thousand U.S. dollars;

Zeba, which masters the technology of water-absorbing agents and soil moisture amendments, particles that absorb water from the soil, thereby providing a water buffer in the root zone of crops, valued at $22 million;

Ambarino, masters the world's most advanced vegetable seed pelletization technology—vegetable seeds are wrapped in nutrients to form pellets, which is more conducive to growth, with a valuation of 35 million US dollars...

The names of one company after another entered Nanyi's mind, and the acquisition budget increased little by little, 100 million, 300 million, and 500 million. When the number accumulated to nearly 1 billion US dollars, Nanyi's eyes went from Bayer to , Monsanto, Limagrain, Kevosch, Sakata Seedling Co., Ltd., Rikswan and other seed industry giants' names are scanned above.

At the beginning of the year, Nanyi and the Intelligence Policy Committee held a meeting and came up with a plan - to invest 15 billion U.S. dollars in the next three years for Sturnus to execute the merger plan, including the merger of a certain giant or several seed industry businesses .

"Hello, Mr. Li."

"Hello, Mr. Li."

Just as Nan Yi was deep in thought, the noise in the coffee shop dragged him back to the noisy real space. When he looked up, the piano player disappeared at some point, and three or two waiters directed at a man full of style. The money master is saying hello.

This gentleman is the other Li of Beijing Shuangli, Li Chengwei, a tycoon in the clothing and foreign exchange industry, a top-notch gentleman who won't even blink if he tips twenty or fifty at a time.

"Nimma, the information is outdated." Nanyi complained in his heart, seeing the green Franklin in his eyes, and the overjoyed smile on the waiter's face, "Have no humanity, call Mr. Li, tip a hundred , or Miko."

After rewarding the waiter, the high-spirited Li Chengyu saw Nanyi with a glance, shook off his more than 30,000 sets of thin Zegna suits, and walked towards Nanyi with eight flags.

"Hey, Master Nan, long time no see."

Nan Yi, who was sitting, looked at the unusual pager on Li Chengyu's waist at a glance, looked up at Li Chengyu's face, and joked: "Master Li, are you walking the BOSS machine?"

Li Chengyu subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at his waist, then raised his head, "Master Nan, you know how to speculate in foreign exchange, you have to check the market every day, alone?"

"Yeah, one person, sit down?"


Li Cheng cowardly sat down opposite Nanyi, and as soon as he raised his hand, a waiter trotted over.

"President Li, what do you need?"

Li Cheng cowardly looked at Nanyi, "Master Nan, the Blue Mountain Coffee here is good, how about a cup?"

Nan Yi held up his teacup as a signal, "I'll just drink tea."

"Success." Li Cheng responded cowardly, then turned to the waiter and said, "Give me a glass of Blue Mountain."


Nan Yi saw that the waiter was so excited, he almost said "啦", his calf was raised, and he almost floated up.

Li Chengyu took out a pack of cigarettes and put them on the table. They were white. There were five red characters "serve the people" horizontally on the top of the cigarette case, and a red five-pointed star in the center. Seeing the cigarette case, the corners of Nanyi's mouth twitched, and his heart burst. Surprised.

He always thought that this kind of fake "special confession" only existed around two thousand years ago, but he didn't expect to see the real thing in 1992.

"Master Nan, here's one. It's a gift from a friend. It's very rare." Li Chengyu shook out a cigarette from the cigarette case, hung it on the mouth of the cigarette case, and said politely to Nan Yi.

"No, you know, I quit a few years ago." Nanyi waved his hand, and suddenly regretted inviting the other party to sit down. Jiesunzi was too drifting, and he couldn't hold it.

"It's good to quit, I want to quit too, but unfortunately I can't quit."

Ding, before Li Chengwei could finish his sentence, the Dupont lighter in his hand was already lit. He tilted his head, and the cigarette butt was close to the flame. It stood up, and then a puff of smoke blew on the cigarette end.

This smoking pose looks strange, but it looks familiar. It looks just like the pretentious and handsome scenes in Hong Kong movies. I don’t know if it is a naturally generated spectrum or a carefully designed movement. It looks okay, but it seems A bit pretentious.

"Is the foreign exchange market doing well?"

"It couldn't be better. The yen is so bullish all the way. I made 200 orders at 5:30 yesterday. After dinner, I went to the sauna. Before 9 o'clock, I called. The 200 orders made a profit of 70,000." Can’t get the US dollars out?”

Li Cheng cowardly said vividly: "Come out, it will definitely come out, and you can get it in less than 70,000 US dollars. Now I fly to Omen to play for two days as soon as I have time. It's so exciting to play in Omen. I cut one that day." Changlong opened 37 bankers in a row, and the 42nd one, I cut it off, it was a joy."

At this time, the waiter came over with "Blue Mountain Coffee Brand Coffee". As expected, the waiter was rewarded with a Franklin by Li Chengyu.

Among the thousands of thanks, Li Chengyu put the wad of US dollars he took out into his pocket with a stainless steel wallet that is not very popular in China, and said haha ​​to Nanyi, "The waiter here is nice, come here Once you remember it.”

"If you tip like you do, it's hard not to remember you."

Facing Li Chengyu, whose mind was boiling, Nanyi dealt with it one after another, and didn't talk nonsense about accepting good deals from the foreign exchange market to spoil the scenery.

One is that the relationship between the two has not reached that point, and it is not Nan Yilai's turn to speak out; the other is that the other party is impossible to listen to, because he is very high-spirited, thinking that he has found a shortcut to the pinnacle of wealth, pouring cold water on it, or three years later. It will dry out in seconds, and at most it will make people reflect on whether they should let the kidneys cultivate for a while.

After chatting awkwardly for about 20 minutes, Li Chengyu answered the phone and left, and bought the bill before leaving.

Nan Yi sat in the coffee shop for a while, and went upstairs to meet Zheng Dekai. He only cared about the other party's work and life, and did not talk about the specific work content. There were several levels between him and Zheng Dekai, interfering in the other party Work is not right.

If the commander-in-chief's order goes directly to the frontline attacking company over several levels, ordering the company commander to fire five shots in the east and throw a grenade in the west, then it's over, the command system is completely messed up, and the troops will be ruined sooner or later.

Similarly, Zheng Dekai's work is naturally under the control of the president of Saturnus Group, Hit Bader, on top of which is the president of Scarlett Food Group, and on top of that is Scarlett, the president of Shennong Nanliang, In the end, it was the EPC\u0026Nanyi. The orders were all step-by-step. It seemed that the management was a bit rigid, but in fact it had its own operating rules.

Being too flexible is not a good thing. One special approval today, one special move tomorrow, the rules are directly thrown on the ground and trampled on, and in the end it will only become a complete mess.

In the next two days, Nan Yi met with Li Jing of Tota Construction and listened to him report on the business situation of Tota Construction. Tota Construction did not expand much new business, mainly around the transformation of the International Trade Center, Fangzhuang, and the old city The project is spinning around, watching the opening of Lijia Garden, the establishment of the Rose Garden project, and watching Fulihua building a building in front of Tiananmen Square.

After years of development, Tota Construction has ended its investment period and is making great strides towards a balance of revenue and expenditure. In addition, the company still holds a lot of properties in its hands. These properties will rely on income every year in the near future The rent can exceed 10 billion a year.

After listening to Li Jing's work report, Nanyi went to Wangfujing again. With the thinking of real estate development, he compared the current planning map of the capital and observed the entire Wangfujing and its surrounding areas. He had two plans in his heart. Years to implement the plan.

Then, Nanyi went to Peking University and told Wu Xiaowei that he was about to go south, and asked him to write a thesis to catch up with him. Although Wu Xiaowei was approaching the final exam, Nanyi did not give him a few more days to write the thesis.

After going south, Nan Yi jumped back to Shanghai and stayed for two days. While accompanying his son, he chatted with Huang Xie of Chunshen Construction about the auction of the Pudong land parcel.

At the beginning of this year, Chunshen Construction and Fang's Group respectively obtained two pieces of good land from Lujiazui. In addition to the previous factory land of Nanguang 010, Nan's owns a total of three pieces of land in Lujiazui. This is enough. Take the land in Lujiazui in your hand. Lujiazui is a sycamore tree in Pudong, and there are still golden phoenixes left, so it cannot be completely occupied by the Nan family.

Besides, if you want to occupy it, you can't occupy it.

Coincidentally, a Taixiong owner surnamed Tang bought the land adjacent to Nanguang 010. He heard that a high-end building was to be built. Coincidentally, Chunshen Construction's construction plan for the Nanguang 010 plot is also to build a high-end residential area, and the name may be "Nanwang Jiuding".

After leaving Shanghai, Nanyi went to Yongcheng again, and met Matthew Winters, the president of Zheng Guogao Code. In order to facilitate the work, Winters also took the Chinese name "Sun Ce".

Zheng Guo Gao Ma is no longer a sole proprietorship of Nan's. In the past few years, Zheng Guo Gao Ma has continuously absorbed funds from Wall Street, the City of London and Southeast Asia, and Nan's share of it has been less than 30%.

The company has changed from an independent investment enterprise to an investment management \u0026 intermediary enterprise, and its main profit model has also changed from simple project returns to management fees and intermediary fees.

Although high-speed and ports are lucrative businesses, they take up too much capital and the return period is too long. It is not cost-effective for Nanshi to directly invest too much money. It is necessary to make joints and management between funds and projects, and make the PPP model bigger and stronger. , is more promising.

Zheng Guo Gaoma currently only conducts business in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, and actively participates in the PPP model investment in the ports and expressways of the two provinces. As long as it is an expressway and port in the two provinces, even if the conditions are harsh, it will actively invest blindly. As for the projects outside the two provinces, Zheng Guogaoma may never get involved for the time being.

When Sun Ce had nothing to do, he found a blind fortune-teller to do the calculations, and the blind man gave him a motto: Zhao Tuo is golden, Xi Shi is silver, paint the land to imprison yourself, and the gold is full of mountains; the mountains are dark, the water is deep, the grebe flies into the sky, and the tattoo adds to the body .

Because of this, Sun Ce only travels between the two provinces. In a few days, he will go to Shenzhen to discuss investment matters with Dongpeng Industry. Dongpeng Industry currently only operates one project - Yantian Port.

In Yongcheng, Nanyi also visited Han Guoren, who invited Nanyi to his home in Yongcheng, and introduced his "second wife" in Yongcheng to Nanyi. In the past, I sighed endlessly.

Continuing to go south, Nanyi stayed in Shenzheng for a day, visited the property of Nanchen Village in Shenzheng, turned back to Yangcheng, met Wu Xiaowei who flew over, and lived in the old villa in Xinhepu.

After washing out a set of tea sets, Nanyi sent Wu Xiaowei to tidy up the house, and he sat in the yard drinking tea and reading the papers Wu Xiaowei gave him.

Nanyi didn't care about the thesis of the thesis. The topic was a castle in the air, very vague, and the content organized on this basis had little practical value. What he cared about was "citations" and "data", as well as Wu Xiaowei's method of completing the thesis.

Halfway through reading, Wu Xiaowei had already packed the house, moved a stool and sat next to Nanyi, paying attention to Nanyi's expression all the time, when Nanyi frowned, his heart would tighten, and he waited in extreme anxiety It took nearly three hours before Nan Yi put down the paper in his hand.

The PPP model has been in use since the 1980s, but it has not yet formed a theory at that time.

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