"In Pudong, Shanghai, I have a piece of land adjacent to the Huangpu River. The location is very good. I plan to build a high-end community there. The most high-end community in the country will also be the most expensive.

Expensive, there must be a reason for being expensive, Tiangong, what I need you to do is to give this reason in the building itself. You have to think from the perspective of potential home buyers, um, rich people, what kind of house they need, brainstorm, make trade-offs, and come up with an optimal plan.

This time I send you to Xiangcheng, in addition to work, but also to create a learning space for you. When you come back from Xiangcheng, I want you to take the lead in setting up an architectural design institute, not only responsible for your own architectural design, but also to undertake outside work. Business. "

At present, real estate companies can fool around when building a house. The commercial housing outside is similar, and a grass-roots team can do it. Architects can be said to be dispensable.

It can be fooled now, but it will not work in the future. In order to enhance its own competitiveness, a real estate company must not only have a design department, but also have elite designers. There are several real estate companies under Nanshi, and they need to support several high-expenditure companies. For the design department, if there is an architectural design institute connected in series, the cost can be reduced a lot.

Of course, Nanyi's most important thing is not to cut costs, but to increase revenue. Undertaking architectural design is only one of the profit points. Nanyi also has a good deal to start accumulating qualifications early. Doing construction can never get around the word "qualification", but ordinary two words can create N industries and support a large number of practitioners, which contains good benefits.

As far as the architectural design institute is concerned, whether it is the affiliation of architectural design qualifications, or the joining of architectural design qualifications after the affiliation is banned, etc., there are various ways in it. If an architectural design institute is well-raised, it will be able to earn a few dollars every year in the future. 100 million.

Regarding this, Nanyi did not personally participate in it, but just watched it from a close distance. He didn't know the essence of it, but it didn't matter much. He didn't need to do the work himself. In the future, he could find someone who understands to be in charge of specific affairs.

It's not that Nanyi is greedy and doesn't want to let go of any money. It's just that an industry will inevitably have a day from prosperity to decline. When that day comes, Nanyi can sell projects and assets. What will the employees below do? ?

Is it to deliver outstanding talents to the society?

Nanyi had to plan ahead, thinking about arranging a way out for his "insiders" first, and doing familiar work instead of raw work. Since he was engaged in construction, it was better to stay in the field of construction.

"Mr. Nan, will I also be transferred to the Design Institute in the future?" Zhou Jina asked excitedly.

"Otherwise?" Nan Yi smiled lightly, "The current project of Dream Town is over, and the next project will be at least a few years later. The company can't support you for nothing."

Zhou Jina then asked, "Which city will the design institute be located?"

"Choose one of the three places in Beijing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng, and make a decision after Tiangong returns from Xiangtang."

Zhou Jina was a little disappointed when she heard Nanyi's words. She was still fantasizing about returning to her hometown just now, and she and Lao Du would go back to Fengtian to show off in front of those old colleagues.

After answering Zhou Jina's question, Nan Yi said to Du Tiangong: "Tiangong, according to the age of you and Section Chief Zhou, the architectural design institute should be your last work unit, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the destination of your life.

Since it is the destination, it is best to have your own brand on it, it is best to be its owner, at least one of the owners, so I hope you two can spend some money to invest in the architectural design institute and become one of its real owners . "

Du Tiangong: "Can we become a shareholder?"

"Of course, being your own boss is much more interesting than working for someone else." Nanyi waved his hand, "Today I will mention it to you first, what is the specific charter, and we will discuss it in detail when the design institute is to be established. You have an idea in your mind, if you make up your mind to buy shares, you should start saving money from now on."

"Mr. Nan, can we pay as much as we want?" Zhou Jina asked.

"In principle, it can't exceed 20%. The design institute will implement the partnership system. In the future, many important people in the design institute will participate in profit sharing. I won't explain to you how the partnership system works, Tiangong, etc. When you arrive in Xiangtang, you can find someone who understands and ask, we don’t have such a saying in the mainland.”


"Okay, here's the business, let's have a good meal, the food is cold." Nanyi picked up the chopsticks and greeted.


July 5th.

On the originally very empty concrete floor beside the Yecheng Passenger Terminal, a dense crowd gathered. These people are the internal employee shareholders of Hongtu Real Estate, and they all came to receive dividends.

The dividend meeting was held at one o'clock in the afternoon, but at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, impatient people came here to wait, and lunch was settled at the small restaurant or stall by the pier.

It was already 12:30 in the afternoon, and almost all the shareholders who could come had arrived. The shareholders gathered together in twos and threes, asking each other about the number of shares.

A: "How much did you pay?"

B: "Not many, only 500 shares, how about you?"

A: "I don't have many, only 2,000 shares."

C: "2,000 shares, quite a lot. The letter didn't say how much money you can share. If you don't have much money, it's not a lot of money."

Ding: "Twenty or thirty cents a share should be there, but it costs one or two cents to send a letter."

E: "..."

A little closer, Nanyi came to the pier, climbed up and scanned the crowd, and estimated the number of people using the Jacobs method. When the number of thousands was "4", Nanyi immediately ended the calculation and went straight to the front of the crowd.

More than 4,000 people means that more than 80% of the people have arrived, and more than 80% of the dividends will be distributed today. Those who did not come today will rush over in a hurry when they hear the dividend figures from others.

Nan Yi came to the high platform in front of the crowd, and the accountant Peng Yumin handed him a loud message, "Mr. Nan, there are still two minutes until one o'clock. Mr. Chang has already contacted the bank. The bank will delay get off work. You can get dividends."

"very good."

In order to save some effort and for the consideration of shareholders, the shareholders' dividends have always been at the branch of Guoming Bank. Shareholders who did not come today can go to the bank to collect their ID cards in the future.

Even if Nanyi is not in Hongtu Real Estate or the company goes bankrupt in the future, shareholders can still get dividends from the bank. Even after 20 or 30 years, according to the bank's good reputation, shareholders don't have to worry about their own dividends.

For the benefit of the shareholders, Nanyi has gone to great lengths and tried his best.

With 10 seconds left before one o'clock, Nanyi climbed onto the stage, scanned the crowd again, raised his loudspeaker, and shouted at the crowd: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me."

After shouting three times in a row, when most people turned their eyes to him, Nan Yi continued to shout: "Dear shareholders, I am Nan Yi, the general manager of Hongtu Real Estate. Today, I invite all shareholders here to give everyone dividends.

Sorry, there is no auditorium for everyone, and there is no food or drink for you.

It’s not that someone in my south doesn’t understand etiquette, I can definitely invite everyone to a big restaurant that can accommodate everyone, eat delicacies from mountains and seas, drink fine wine, eat and drink enough, and find a karaoke, sing the most popular song now. The popular "Winter to Taipei to Watch the Rain".

But I can't, what I said just now will have to be paid by Hongtu Real Estate in the end, that is, each of you will have to pay.

Shareholders investing their money in our Hongtu Real Estate is trust in the company and someone in Nannan. Both the company and I have the responsibility to make good use of every penny of yours and spend every penny wisely superior. "

Having said that, Nan Yi paused to give the shareholders time to review what he just said.

"Someone in my south always uses Zhou Zhiming as an example to motivate myself, and must insist on the belief of being responsible for all shareholders; in the past year, all my colleagues in the company and I worked hard. After unremitting efforts, we finally made a gratifying achievement. achievements."

[Zhou Zhiming, the actor of "Plainclothes Police", in 1992 is well known, a policeman who has been wronged but persists in his faith. ]

Nanyi paused again for two or three seconds, "Okay, I know that shareholders don't like to listen to nonsense, well, I will stop talking nonsense and say something that everyone loves to hear."

Nanyi's words caused a roar of laughter.

"Listen well, what I'm going to say next is very important, and it's related to the dividends of all shareholders. One, our dividend this time is 4 yuan 48 cents per share..."

Once Nanyi reported the dividend figures, he couldn't continue talking. All the shareholders present exclaimed, and their voices were loud.

"Did we hear wrong? 4 yuan 48 cents?"

"It must have been easy to say, and I said 4 yuan more."


"Be quiet, be quiet, listen to me, 4 yuan 48 cents per share, I remember correctly, and I am not wrong, it is 4 yuan 48 cents, which is exactly 3.2 times the principal invested by all shareholders."

Speaking of this, Nanyi stopped again, waiting quietly for the shareholders and elders to discuss and enjoy themselves.

But after waiting for five minutes, there was no sign of silence, so Nanyi was not ready to wait any longer, so he raised the loud male again, luckily, and shouted loudly: "Bui Lu buys a chicken, shut up the fuck!"

After swearing, the audience instantly fell silent.

Nanyi was very satisfied with the effect, swallowed his saliva, and continued to shout: "Your dividends are placed in the branch of Guoming Bank, not in cash, but in savings certificates with prizes. When I finish speaking, you will take the notice and let you bring it Bring the ID card and private seal to the branch to receive dividends.

Okay, I've finished my words, don't ask me how to get to the branch, you all have such strong mouths, ask yourself, when will the next dividend be distributed and wait for the announcement. "

After speaking, Nan Yi climbed down from the high platform and said to Peng Yumin: "I will leave the aftermath to you, and I will go first."

How could Nanyi not have imagined that thousands of people would easily cause trouble when they gather together. The relevant departments have already said hello, and the police station in the jurisdiction has also sent people over. Now that the dividend distribution conference has successfully concluded, I should express my condolences.

After explaining, Nan Yi immediately left.

Although journalists were not invited to attend today's dividend conference, with the degree of attention that Coconut City is receiving today and the news sensitivity that a journalist should have, the scene just now will definitely be translated into words and published in newspapers.

Nanyi has traveled too many places and met many people. The theory of six degrees of separation has been fully verified on him. He can no longer hide his identity as a rich man. Be generous, and if the newspaper likes to write his name, it will be done.

After reading newspapers for more than ten years, Nanyi knows the way of writing articles about "white body" published in newspapers. Even if his name appears in newspapers, he will not write his information in too much detail. It won't arouse too many reporters' interest in digging deeper into him.

Nanyi had planned to put the label of a rich man on himself. He never thought of pretending to be poor, especially now that he has entered the era of "rich and glorious", and whoever has anything to do with Nanyi know he is rich.

It doesn't matter if you have millions, and you don't have to worry about 100 million or 200 million. There are multi-millionaires everywhere in Coconut City. As long as they are speculators, they will start with millions.

As long as the newspapers don't report on him at length, and don't bombard the people who eat melons with information, who can't compete with him, who will remember his name all the time when they are full.

Nanyi thinks so, and is very confident in his own ideas, but the reality slaps him in the face, and there are really people who eat melons and pay attention to him.

Li Xiaochao, a low-key person with only one assistant by his side, came to Yecheng in a low-key way yesterday. The bonus meeting hadn't started yet, but he was already watching from the sidelines, and he saw all of Nanyi's vulgar performances.

Seeing that Nanyi was gone, he left with his assistant.

Li Tongban's original idea was to let Li Xiaochao come to Yecheng to get closer to Nanyi, but Li Xiaochao dissuaded Li Tongban from calling Fang Mengyin. After the work was arranged, he came to a "private visit".

Fortunately, Nanyi didn't know about this, otherwise, he might not be able to resist someone saying to the rich man: "Stop talking about bullshit love, shit, come here and make money."

As soon as the dividend issue is over, Nanyi's schedule in Yecheng is about to come to an end, and now there is only one small matter that has not been resolved.

From the passenger terminal to the cargo terminal, Nanyi saw the Changping, which belonged to Yiwan International, sailing out of the terminal with a full load of cargo, but the other Chang'an did not see it.

The current economy is overheated, and the freight rate is rising again and again. Compared with a year ago, the freight rate has increased by 120%. Today’s shipping industry is a seller’s market. The shipper begged his grandpa to tell his grandma to find a ship, and the ship owner hid XZ. The owner of the goods who couldn't be pushed away came to the door.

The Changping and Chang'an are currently running continuously, and there is no free time at all. Not only has the cost of buying the ship at the beginning been recovered, but also a steady stream of profits are being made every day.

It’s just that this profiteering period won’t last too long. According to the urgency of the Chinese people, as long as an industry is easy to do, people from Wuyang Wuyang will rush in to get a share of the pie, until the industry is done badly, and the huge profits turn into winning by running.

Fortunately, the price of the freighter is not cheap, and there is a certain threshold, otherwise the profiteering period will end very quickly.

Taking out the phone I bought two days ago, Nanyi called Pan Wuju.

Pan Wuju was in the Planning Bureau to learn about the property rights of a project. He had been turned away the last time he came here. This time, he was prepared and carried five catties of oranges in his hand. Therefore, he successfully exchanged the right to read a stack of materials.

When the phone rang, Pan Wuju's heart was pounding. It was too scary. He saw in the data that the per capita housing area in Yecheng had reached more than 50 square meters, while the figure in Beijing was only 7 square meters.

After being dazed for a while, Pan Wuju realized that his phone was ringing. He picked up the phone, and when he heard it was Nanyi, he hurried out of the Planning Bureau and rode his beloved motorcycle to the cargo terminal.

When seeing Pan Wuju, Nan Yi felt happy.

Pan Wuju didn't wear a helmet, and her thinning hair, which was showing signs of premature loss, was blown up by the wind. The white shirt on her body was also blown by the wind, and her trousers were lifted by the wind, exposing her calves.

"Pan Wuju's hair has changed a lot. It was still thick when he first joined the company."

In 1989, when Nanyi saw Pan Wuju for the first time, he could still see the shadow of Li Tongban when he was young. The shelf life of meat is too short.

Pan Wuju came to Nanyi on his bike, stopped, got off the car and called to Nanyi, "Boss Nan."

"Should I call you Boss Pan, or Writer Pan?"

"Hehe, just call me by my name." Pan Wuju said a little embarrassedly. To others, Pan Wuju dared to show the boss's spectrum. To Nanyi, he knew that he was not qualified at all. Nanyi gave him face, and he had to return humility.

"No, you are now a well-known big boss in Yecheng. You can't just call him by your first name. I'll call you Boss Pan. I also said on the phone just now, please come here to discuss a deal. Do you know Haimeng Building? ?”

"Cheng Hainan's?"

"Yes." Nan Yi nodded, and told a story, "In 1989, Cheng Hainan and Su Meng and I took the Magnolia and arrived in Yecheng on the same day. I spent a day or two here. I have thought about it. Doing color TV, and also thought about doing imported luxury cars, but if you want to do these two kinds of business, you will inevitably have to play around the edges of the law.

After much deliberation, I finally settled on Qiongdao's low tariffs and the freedom of capital entry and exit, so there was Yiwan International. I won't talk about how it does business. You It is a witness.

Compared with my smooth sailing, Cheng Hainan's road to the sea was more bumpy. When Yiwan International won those few orders in Yangcheng and started to make money, Cheng Hainan was still carrying bags here. "

Nanyi pointed to the workers on the pier who were carrying bags, "Then one day, Su Meng came to me and said that Cheng Hainan wanted to make color TVs and asked me to borrow money. I didn't lend him the money, but introduced him to a company that could be credited. Channel, relying on this channel, Cheng Hainan did a few color TV business and made a little money.

After earning money, Cheng Hainan came to me once. At that time, you were still in the company. He came here as a thank you and a show off. Anyway, it gave me the feeling that "I am rich, and I will not be afraid of you in Nanyi." I have inexplicable hostility.

I didn't know at the time where his hostility came from, but I did later. After a while, he came to see me again. This time, he not only showed his hostility, but also put down a few words that were very aggressive and threatening to me.

Just because of these few words, the hostility is no longer one-sided by him, Cheng Hainan, but between me and him. "

As Nanyi said, he handed Pan Wuju a piece of document paper, "The land of Haimeng Building was mortgaged to Guoming Bank, and the unfinished building was mortgaged to Universal Bank. For buyers who have completed off-plan properties, the specific figures are listed above.”

Pan Wuju took the paper and looked at the data listed on it, "Boss Nan, what do you need from me?"

"When I called you, you said you were in the planning bureau?" Nanyi asked without answering.


"Is there any gain?"

"Yes, I plan to leave Coconut City."

"Hehe, did you see the number of projects declared, or the per capita residential area? Should it be the per capita residential area?"

Pan Wuju asked in surprise, "Boss Nan, how do you know?"

"It's very simple. Anyone with a brain should read it. In 1989, I began to care about the data of Yecheng."

Pan Wuju was ashamed. It was purely a coincidence that he was able to see the data today. He never thought of caring about these before, only caring about the superficial land transaction.

"Boss Nan, it's still your foresight."

"Hehe, stop boasting. Before you leave Coconut City, do me a favor."

"What's busy?"


It is still the immature bed of 1.8 meters, still the couple of dogs and men, the cigarette has changed, it is longer than last time, take a sip and lick your lips, you can feel a little bit of sweetness.

More, women's cigarettes, became popular this year, and more people smoked it.

"Isn't Cheng Hainan having a hard time?"

"How can it be easy? People from Guoming Bank have been here twice. He has been paying the bill for taking me to dinner. It is settled once a month, and tomorrow is the day to settle the bill with the restaurant."

"No money, right?"

Meng Qi said sarcastically: "There is a money knot, today he asked someone to borrow money, it seems to be someone named Su Meng, old friend from the past, okay?"

"It's nothing, just Su Meng."

"Ninth brother, do you know this Su Meng?"

"I've heard that tomorrow you introduce Pan Wuju to Cheng Hainan, and tell him that Pan Wuju has a lot of money and hasn't found a new project yet."

"Okay, brother nine, are we leaving soon?"

"As long as you get this thing done."

"The TV is about to start, there are a lot of snowflakes, you fix it."

When Long Kun went down to the village, Su Meng opened the bathroom door and said to Nan Yi who was squatting there.

"Just take a few shots yourself."

"I've filmed it, but it's useless. I need to adjust the antenna."

"Close the door and wait."

Su Meng took the door and walked away. Nanyi continued to focus on the "Seven Heroines with Supernatural Powers" in his hand. When he saw Guo Jing slap Yang Guo to death at the door of the tomb of the living dead, Huang Rong lay on the ground in grief. Yang Guo cried bitterly on the corpse, Xiaolongnv hid in the dark place among the flowers, holding the Yufeng needle in her hand, waiting for an opportunity to attack Huang Rong.

At the foot of the mountain, in mid-air, Huang Yaoshi brought Cheng Ying, who was also a disciple and wife, flying towards the tomb of the living dead. On the ground, Da Wu and Xiao Wu carried Lu Wushuang forward as well...

"Jin Yong Vomiting" has a big brain and dares to write. The people are still those people, but the relationship spectrum has been rearranged, and human ethics and morality have been trampled on in various ways. Nan Yi blushed and couldn't help admiring.

Su Meng waited for more than ten minutes, and the TV series started, she couldn't help but opened the bathroom door again, "Are you ready?"

"OK OK."

Nan Yi replied perfunctorily, closed the book, cut a brick from the wall, and stuffed the book into the hole in the brick (hollow wall). The house here is about to expire, Nan Yi does not intend to renew the contract, and the book is hidden in the brick hole for someone who is destined.

After washing his hands, he walked into the room. Nan Yi glanced at the TV screen, then walked to the TV, took two shots on the side of the TV, but the picture didn't improve, and immediately walked out of the room, grabbed a handful from the kitchen Nail, come downstairs, aim at the fishbone antenna on the roof and shoot.

With a ding, the bamboo pole holding the antenna shook.

"are you done?"

"not good."

Ding, shoot another nail.

"are you done?"

"It's a little better than before, let's adjust it again."

After repeating several times, Nanyi heard Su Meng's affirmative answer, washed his hands again, and returned to the room, the TV speaker was playing the song "Holding Your Hand".

"Come here, let's start."

Hearing Su Meng's call, Nan Yi hurried to the bamboo bed and sat next to Su Meng.

For many people, 1992 was a happy year. One good TV series followed another. The 91 version of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" was broadcast on local stations, and some local stations were already broadcasting "A Fairy Wife". , "Joking about Qianlong", "The Roots of the Imperial City", "Young Agent", "Little Dragon Man", and "Annual Rings", which is currently being broadcast, cover all age groups.

From the mouths of children, you can hear "Mountains and rivers can't move...", "Love in the snow", "Thirty-six strategies plus one, the adventures of the little hedgehog", and the information station at the entrance of the village can hear people discussing Hu Yidao there Great, Miao Renfeng is still great, there are many "famous dishes" bestowed by Emperor Qianlong in the restaurant.

"Is Zhang Meng good-looking?"

"It's not pretty, I didn't see it before, did Zhang Meng have sex with a man in the snow?"


"Oh, maybe I misremembered."

Nanyi thought in his mind, "The memory of that scene seems to be related to whether there are lyrics of the Great Northern Wilderness in the sky. Is there another similar TV series?"

Unexpectedly, after watching an episode of TV, the ending song played, Nan Yi heard it, and murmured: "Damn, so it's the same TV series."

"Nan Yi, have you ever been to the countryside?"

During commercial time, Su Meng looked away from the TV screen.

"I've been there, but don't ask me how I feel about going to the countryside. My going to the countryside is completely different from what I saw on TV. It's just going through a cutscene. And it's in the deep steamer. There are four dishes and one soup every day. There are meat and vegetables. I have never suffered. If I say I have endured hardship, it is before the college entrance examination.

Nanyi sighed in his heart, if he had worn it a few years earlier, would he have honestly planted fields in the countryside for a few years?

No, absolutely not, even if he sells his ass, he will set up a quota for returning to the city, or he will get a place in the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University. If he can't handle both, he will also be the son-in-law of the production team leader, and he will be blind It doesn't matter if you are crippled, crippled, or dumb. You can still sneak back to the city in 1977. It is impossible to stay in the local area, and then make some fine-tuning to walk on the same road as you are now.

A disabled wife will definitely have no feelings, but it will make her rich for the rest of her life. Marrying a man, marrying a man, dressing and eating, this sentence will not be tarnished.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing that Nanyi was in a daze, Su Meng bumped Nanyi with his arm.

"Think of the TV plot, this TV is really good."

"Oh." Su Meng was silent for a while, then said, "I'll tell you something."


"Today I lent Cheng Hainan 100,000 yuan."

"Oh, actually, you don't have to tell me, it's your freedom to use your money. Don't worry, I'm not that narrow-minded."

"He wants it urgently. I got the money from the company."

When Nanyi heard this, his face darkened instantly, "Use the company's money to do your own business, have you asked me, the shareholder?"

"I'll make up for it tomorrow with my own money. It's not illegal. The time hasn't come yet."

"Who told you if you broke the law?" Nanyi stared at Su Meng and said, "Have you ever respected me as a shareholder? I don't care about how much you want to borrow from others. It's ten cents for private use of public funds." For money, you have to ask me, the shareholder first, this is a matter of principle, not amount.”

"Then what do you want?" Su Meng said with a sullen face.

"Tomorrow I will ask someone to go to the company to check the accounts. In addition, my lawyer will talk to you. The lawyer will not come so fast. You have enough time to find a lawyer for yourself. I told you that work is work, and feelings are Relationships, our private relationships, will not affect our respective positions in the company."

"Call the lawyer, what are you talking about?" Su Meng's face became more and more ugly.

"Talk about the compensation you gave me. You ruined our good cooperative relationship. You broke the heart of me, a shareholder. Of course, you have to compensate me."

"What do you want, tell me directly now."

Nan Yi put his arms around Su Meng and said, "No, I only talk about feelings with you, let others talk about interests with you."

"You have a split personality?" Su Meng said angrily.

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