After talking about business, Nanyi and Penny Street talked about the rise of local land finance, and told her that someone would contact her, and she would come forward to take a few pieces of land in the name of Longmenzhen in the future, and the land would be generated Part of the profits will stay in Longmenzhen.

At noon, Nan Yi took Nan Ruojin to Wang Runxing Restaurant for dinner. Coincidentally, this was also a time-honored restaurant related to Qianlong.

It doesn't matter whether the story is true or not, the fish head tofu in the store tastes really good, Nan Ruojin is very happy to eat.

In the afternoon, Nan Yi took Nan Ruojin to the Caishi Bridge area on Qingchun Road. He read from the newspaper that the reconstruction project of Xing Old Street on Qingchun Road had just finished, and Nan Yi planned to get a glimpse of the real estate development in Hangzhou.

Standing on the overpass and looking around, there are no traces of construction. There is no picture of what the old street looked like before. It is difficult to judge without comparison. Nanyi plans to ask Sheng Ziqian to go to the TV station to find out if there is any video of the old street before. There must be, urban changes are often recorded, especially the fragments that can be regarded as a meritorious service.

Just as Nanyi was about to leave, a couple passing by in love said they were going to Haifeng on Yan'an Road to eat ice cream and fruit dew. They looked up at the sky and felt the burning from their skin. Nanyi took Nan Ruojin returned to the West Lake.

I went to the upstairs of the foreign language bookstore, Angel Bingwang, and ate some cold food first, and then went into the foreign language bookstore to enjoy the cool breeze from the fan and read some English version of the storybook.

In the name of foreign languages, there are naturally a lot of foreign language books in the store. It is said that the English corner on the edge of the West Lake is not unrelated to this bookstore.

The store was very lively, and there were quite a few children who looked like elementary school students. Nan Yi listened to a few words, and heard what he wanted to know from the twitter—the weather was too hot, and the school was on holiday for a few days.

Yes, the summer solstice has not yet arrived, but the summer of 1994 has told people that it is very hot. This summer will be a carnival of cold drinks, and it will also be a golden expansion season for drinks.

After reading the storybook with Nan Ruojin for a while, Nan Yi's phone vibrated in the bag, and asked Nan Ruojin to watch it first, and Nan Yi went outside the bookstore to answer the phone.

"Which one?"

"I, you, Mr. Chen, I said Lao Nan, report your contact information to me at any time in the future. If you want to find you, you have to contact Liu Zhen first. It's too troublesome."

"Who are you, can I report to you? Did you call me from Moscow, or did you come back?" Nan Yi smiled lightly.

"The mission is over, come back."

"Oh, are you still going to assume a new role on vacation?"

"Temporary vacation, other things have not been decided yet, I am bored in the capital, I will go to hangzhou to find you to play."

"Hey, don't say it so close, I live by the West Lake, you can come to me when you have time after work."

They are all adults, they have a family and a family, it is unlikely that Chen Feng will go all the way to hangzhou to find Nanyi to play, most likely he just happened to come to hangzhou for something, so he can find Nanyi Juju by the way.

"Ha, Lao Nan, don't be too straightforward, I will look for you in two days."


After hanging up the phone, Nan Yi returned to the bookstore to continue to accompany Nan Ruojin.

In the next few days, Nanyi would take Nan Ruojin to the library in the morning, read through the county annals of Hangzhou, and read the old local newspapers in Hangzhou; The area wanders around day by day.

For meals, one meal is exchanged for another restaurant, and you can eat with a brand name. In the morning, you can eat Hanger noodles, scallion-wrapped juniper, sweet wine, beef vermicelli soup, tofu soup, and the like.

Sheng Ziqian copied a few documentary-style videotapes from the TV station, giving Nanyi the opportunity to compare and watch the differences before and after the renovation of several old streets in Hangzhou.

On the 13th, Nan Yi drew the character "King" on Nan Ruojin's forehead, tied a hundred ropes around her neck, and came to Xixi Wetland early to seize the favorable terrain.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the future landlords of Jiangcun will have a dragon boat race.

When I came to a bridge, I saw a banner hanging on the bridge, "Dragon Boat Race in Civilization, Welcome Guests from All Sides", and Nanyi was excited for a while. Since the banner of civilization was hung, needless to say, there must have been frequent fights in the past.

Fortunately, he came early, just a few minutes later, Nan Yi saw a crowd of people gathering towards him, and after a while along the waterway, the good seats were taken up, and the people who came later could only be wronged behind Stand where the line of sight is not good.

Before the dragon boat appeared, a group of people in uniform appeared first. Nanyi took a look and realized that this year's dragon boat race must be civilized.

"Daddy, when does the game start?" After waiting for a while, Nan Ruojin became a little anxious.

"Listen carefully, when you hear the sound of the gong and the small cymbal, the comparison will begin." Before Nan Yi finished speaking, the continuous gong bang sounded, interspersed with the impact of small cymbals, "Come on Here we come."

As the sound sounded, the surface of the water rippled, and the sound of the trumpet approached from far away. Two dragon boats rushed to appear in the field of vision. The helmsman on one dragon boat squatted together, and a scull was waving left and right on the water surface, with unsteady movements. It wasn't intense, but in his mouth, a cigarette was dangling, and a faint white smoke curled up.

After the two bare and undecorated dragon boats passed, several beautifully decorated dragon boats appeared behind them, not only decorated with double eaves and glazed tiles, but also red umbrellas on the boats (the emperor's head is shaded from the sun) The comparison between the cover, cover) and the banner should not be about speed, but about gorgeous decoration.

This is not surprising. Some places in the south have the custom of welcoming the master. This master refers to a god, but in fact it is a statue. When the master is put on display, every household will take out sacrifices to worship. There is no need for expensive things. But it must be innovative and beautifully made. The pastries should be placed in exquisite shapes, and the coins and banknotes should be placed or folded into meaningful shapes.

The unsightly offerings should be taken away after worshiping the master. The exquisite offerings will be placed on the altar for a long time. When other people come to worship the master, they will ask whose family this sacrifice belongs to, and whose family it belongs to. It is a very dignified thing that sacrifices are left on the altar table for people to appreciate, but also in terms of faith.

In addition, there are also dragon lantern dancers who will compete to see who's lanterns are beautifully decorated. In the south, "beauty" has been integrated into folk activities. In a deeper level, it is more respected that ingenuity and ingenuity can be made in the snail shell. People are looked up to by other people.

"Daddy, that one is the most beautiful." Nan Ruojin pointed to a dragon boat and said, "I want one too."

"Oh, daddy asked someone to make one for you and put it in the moat of the castle, okay?"


Nan Yi and Nan Ruojin were whispering, and a full-bodied interview sounded not far from them, "My friend, do you think this year's dragon boat looks good?"

Nan Yi turned his head to look, and a figure suspected of being a female reporter put a microphone on a person's mouth, and there was another person carrying a camera beside it.

After a few more glances, Nan Yi recognized that the female reporter should be an acquaintance. He knew the other party, but the other party didn't know him. In the future, he would be famous for persuading people to be patriotic, and he would probably become Ruan Mei's neighbor in Beverly Hills.

"The dragon boat is gone, shall we go?"



"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Wei Daiyan. I am a master of chemistry and chemical engineering at Niigata University, with a minor in laser science. I used to work in Kobayashi Research and Zeiss Optics, focusing on lens polishing technology."

"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Hong Chenguang, major in optics, and focus on immersion technology."

"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Chen Jingcheng, and I focus on precision motion control."

"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Jiang Huan, and I specialize in environmental control."

"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Zhu Ying, majoring in materials science, specializing in quartz crystals."

"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Xu Jiao, majoring in materials science, specializing in photoresist."

"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Meng Tianli, and I focus on plasma technology."

"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Cao Yang, major in oxidation, and focus on oxidation furnaces."

"Mr. Ni, hello, my name is Peng Jian, major in welding, and focus on wire bonding."

"Mr. Ni, hello..."

Ni Guangnan looked at the eighteen young people in front of him who were introducing himself, his eyes were moist, "Good job, you are all good, you are back, you are all back, with you, Huayi Chip has hope, Nanxin will definitely Will be available soon."

There has never been something for nothing in the world. If you want to achieve great things, you can't do it by shouting a few slogans, moving yourself and others. It requires real time investment and real money.

Zigong Fund has invested continuously for ten years, and only brought back these eighteen treasures. Yes, brought back, not only cultivated eighteen, not everyone has the spirit of contract.

San Francisco, Hillsborough, Bay Area.

In the early hours of the morning, two masked men sneaked into a residential house and tiptoed into the bedroom. One of them took out a towel and sprinkled some unknown liquid on it. After everything was ready, he wiped an oriental man on the bed. wake.

"Boss asked me to bring you a sentence, you don't have to be patriotic, but you can't be without the spirit of contract, especially the contract with him." After the masked man finished speaking, the towel in his hand immediately covered the mouth and nose of the eastern man, Quietly, the Oriental man fell asleep.

Another masked man took out a syringe, lifted the blanket on the bed, took off the bottom of the Oriental man's trousers, inserted the needle tube into the fold of one of a pair of lychees, and slowly pushed the liquid medicine.

After the injection, the two masked men carefully cleaned up the traces left behind, and after everything was safe, they disappeared into the vast night.

In order for Nan Ruojin to experience the taste of the Dragon Boat Festival in the south, Nanyi moved a box of beer and a box of drinks, and knocked on the door of a family with a wall door. His sweet mouth and a little foreigner made the old lady agree happily. Father and daughter can eat Wuhuang together.

"How old is the girl?"

"Five years old."

"Which country is Mama from?"


The old lady was very talkative. Nan Yi and Nan Ruojin kept asking questions after they sat down, and Nan Yi answered them happily.

"i can not speak Chinese?"

"Grandma, she can speak Mandarin, but she can't speak well, and she doesn't understand what you say."

"I haven't spoken Mandarin for many years. I spoke Hangzhou dialect in Hangzhou, and then I spoke northern dialect when I went to the frontier." The old lady smiled.

Nan Yi asked with interest: "Grandma, when did you go to Zhibian?"

"I went there in the first year, and stayed for ten years. The old man in my family was not in good health, so I applied to come back. After more than 20 years, I am getting old myself." The old woman was full of emotion.

Nanyi looked around, the family at the wall door was a big family, the house was big and had a lot of history, if this house didn’t come halfway, the old granny’s family would not be simple, then the old granny said that the branch was applied again, in simple words Contains a not-so-simple story.

It's a pity that it's mostly a sad thing, so it's better not to explore it.

"Grandma, you seem to be in good spirits, and you will have no problems at all in another forty or fifty years."

"The younger generation can really talk." The old lady was amused by Nanyi, she covered her mouth and smiled, and looked at Nan Ruojin who dropped the spoon on the table, "Ninny, let your father take it to refresh yourself."

[Fill some water in the bowl and shake it to clean the rim of the bowl. This process is called shaking, and rinsing mouth can also be called mouth shaking. ]

Seeing this, Nanyi picked up the spoon and took it to the tap to wash it.

After returning home, sat down, continued chatting and eating, and drank tea with the old woman after the meal and chatted for a while. At about the same time, Nan Yi took Nan Ruojin to leave. Nanyi took away what he brought.

No matter where the culture is, there are essences and dross. In some places, a culture of "fake politeness" is prevalent. For example, when pouring wine, you clearly say "enough, enough" in your mouth, but your hands seem to be empty. The mouth is actually pressed, so you can't listen to what the other person is saying, but you have to observe the movements of the hands. Some movements are more subtle, and you have to try repeatedly.

Another example is the relationship between people. Just now, the old lady may ask Nanyi to take away the drinks and beer, or she may bring things to him (the gift is small in size). At this time, people may not He really wanted to return the gift, but he was pretending to be polite. If he really wanted to take the gift back, he would be upset.

Of course, there are also situations where you really want to return it, so it is inevitable to go back and forth several times to test out the other party's true thoughts.

Between gift giving and evasion, the scene was like a fight.

Walking out of the old granny's house, Nan Yi told Nan Ruojin the fake and polite allusion. While talking, the school belle came up and whispered in Nan Yi's ear: "Sudden death from heart failure."


Nan Yi responded, and continued to whisper to Nan Ruojin.

Going through the alley, out of Willow Lane, and then back to West Lake by car, Nan Yi took Nan Ruojin to Huagang Park to see the Shell Carving Exhibition.

When Nan Yi and Nan Ruojin were standing in front of a shell carving with a hollowed-out phoenix, bird, flower pattern, and admiring it, a low voice came from behind, "Old Nan, you can pretend. This is art, do you understand it?"

"The ancestors of my Nan family produced talents in large numbers, including emperors of poetry, immortals of painting, and..."

"That's right, that's right, Nan Bai, Nan Fu, and Nan Bohu are all from your Nan family, and Nan Lianying was born decades ago."

"Madman, that's right. You're good at running on people. You deserve to be trained in Moscow." Nan Yi turned around, patted Chen Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Don't shoot blindly, do you know how many stars are on my shoulder?"

"Hey, there are stars. Then you have to support your little nephew. Poor him, he only has a red plate, no stars, and no bars in the middle."

"Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, I still have friends with me." Chen Feng slapped Nanyi's hand on his shoulder on purpose, and pointed to a person beside him, "Ma Qingyang, from a family of folk art, his father Old with my old man."

Nan Yi looked at the person Chen Feng was pointing at, and after confirming that the other party was the Ma Qingyang he knew, he stretched out his hand, "Hello, I'm Nan Yi."

Ma Qingyang reached out his hand and shook Nan Yi's hand, "Hi, I'm Ma Qingyang."

"Your face looks familiar. I came to West Lake a few years ago, and I seem to see you with two foreigners."

"What year?" Ma Qingyang asked in surprise.

"It was 1983."

"83, 83, I remembered." Ma Qingyang suddenly realized, "I was entertaining two guests from Australia that day. What a coincidence, we have already met."

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Nan Yi turned to look at Chen Feng, "How can I arrange it later?"

"Let's have dinner together. I'm going to leave early after eating. I have something to do during the day tomorrow. I'll come to you at night."

"Okay, you look at the arrangement."

A group of people left Huagang Park, led by Chen Feng, turned left and right, walked out of the area of ​​the West Lake scenic area, searched for a while, and came to the door of a small restaurant.

"Old Nan, this is it."

"Okay, it's good."

Chen Feng found a small restaurant on purpose, and it is conceivable that this meal should be Ma Qingyang's treat.

After entering the shop and finding a table, Chen Feng gave up the right to order food to Ma Qingyang. Ma Qingyang ordered a few dishes and ordered a few bottles of wine.

"Not long ago, there was a robbery and homicide case in a tailor shop in Xiaoran City below the city. The two people involved in the robbery were two helpers hired by the tailor shop. I heard that the two usually spend a lot of money, and their salary is not enough. When the business in the shop is good, evil thoughts arise.

The two of them had knives in their hands. The tailor shop owner originally wanted to spend money to eliminate disasters, but for some reason, he recognized the two of them. Treat them badly, why do you treat him like this.

Because their identities were exposed, the two became angry from embarrassment. They killed the owner of the tailor shop, and also killed the owner's wife who rushed over when she heard the voice. I am really a beast. I was afraid that my crying would attract the attention of the neighbors in the neighborhood, so I also killed the child. "

"Has the case been solved?" Nan Yi asked.

Ma Qingyang shook his head, "The murderer has not been caught yet."

Chen Feng: "I said Qing Yang, the case has not been solved yet, how can you be so clear about the process of committing the crime?"

"I'm just hearing from hearsay, maybe the process is different."

"The current trend is that everything is based on money. Some people can endure hardships and can calm down and work hard little by little. Some people can't bear hardships, or they are impatient and don't want to earn little by little. They just want to have fun. If you spend money indiscriminately, this will naturally go astray.

Last year, around this season, an acquaintance of mine was driving home from the airport. He was killed for some reason on the way. A Crown car and a large amount of cash disappeared. The body was in a ditch. was discovered.

He was not the first to be killed. He was killed in the same area with similar methods. Sixteen or seventeen people were killed in total. The case has not been solved yet. "

Some time after the death of Zhang Dongwei, the business manager of Erdong Electronics, with the increase of information, it reminded Nanyi of a movie in his previous life with a vague memory.

It was a special "intermediate" movie, and when he entered the recording room, it was a little late, he didn't see the beginning, he didn't know the title, and most of his attention was on the actress.

I vaguely remember that the plot should be about a group of men and women with a relatively large number of people. The women are responsible for stopping cars on the highway. The men in the gang robbed and killed the driver.

At that time in the video room, Nanyi seemed to have heard "the witch" and "adapted from the case in Guangdong Province" in the dense swallowing of saliva. Similar words, this is the same as his inference when he first heard about Zhang Dongwei kind of close.

Nan Yi later recalled that the reason why he had this inference may have something to do with the vague memory of the movie plot in his mind.

Just last month, Nanyi contacted Chen Yuxiu, thinking of giving the police some inspiration, but before he could speak, Chen Yuxiu informed the police that a major discovery had been made, and the case should be solved soon.

Chen Feng took a sip of his wine and said with righteous indignation: "Ten years have passed, I think we should crack down again, and clean up those unruly people."

"Strictly crack down, there will be arrangements from above, so let's not talk about it." Nan Yi replied, using chopsticks to pull out a piece of fish meat from the vinegar fish, shaved off the spines, and put it into Nan Ruojin's bowl.

Ma Qingyang looked at Nan Ruojin's obviously mixed face, and suddenly said, "Nan Yi, have you ever been abroad?"

"Lao Nan and I met in New York." Chen Feng said.

"There is a foreign teacher in our school who is from Seattle. He returned to the United States not long ago. When he came back, he told me that the United States is building an information superhighway. He said that the Internet can connect the entire United States. As long as you press the keyboard, everything It can be found on the computer. I think this thing is very interesting, and it may change the world in the future.”

"There is no need for the future. It is already changing the world. In 1984, there was a BBS website FidoNet abroad. In 1991, a Taiwanese person introduced FidoNet to the country. The first station Great Wall Station was built in Beijing. Now there are more After a few stops, there are Easy Express, West Point, and an EasyBoy, which I built." Nan Yi looked at Ma Qingyang and asked, "Do you know what BBS means?"

Ma Qingyang: "I don't know."

"It is the abbreviation of 'Bulletin Board System', electronic bulletin board system, which can also be understood as an electronic bulletin board, a bulletin board displayed on a computer, in layman's terms it is to put the conversation on the Internet.

You asked me if I ate it, I answered you ate it, and then asked you if you ate it, but before you answered, the lunatic jumped out and said he didn’t eat it. No. "

Nanyi's somewhat boring explanation made Ma Qingyang's eyes light up, "So, we can put the advertisement on the BBS so that people all over the world can see it?"

Nan Yi chuckled, "In theory, it is possible, but in practice it is not yet possible."

"When will it be achieved?" Ma Qingyang asked eagerly.

"It's hard to say, one or two years sooner, three or four years later, it can be done technically, it's just a matter of capital investment." Nanyi then explained the concept of server and networking to Ma Qingyang.

After Ma Qingyang listened, he asked Nanyi a few more questions, and Nanyi answered them one by one, satisfying Ma Qingyang's curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

After drinking and eating, the few people separated. Nan Yi and Nan Ruojin went back to the State Guesthouse, and they had a quarrel with Nan Ruojin for a while. For inspection, circles and crosses were drawn on it.

The existing shopping malls such as Hangzhou City Building, Jiebai, Baida, Tianyiyuan, Supply and Marketing Building, Guoda Department Store, Jingfu Department Store, Gonglian Commercial Building, Overseas Chinese Commercial Building, Xintianlong Commercial Building, etc. Impression City, Vientiane, Longfor, etc. are also marked, and some office buildings that will appear in a few years are also marked.

After marking, Nanyi reversed the reasons from the results, deduced why each building appeared in "that position", and tried to figure out the context of Hangzhou's urban development planning.

No matter it is Tota Building, Chunshen Building or Nanchen Building, Nanyi never thought of spreading any of them across the country when he first planned. The following cities are not of interest at all.

Hangzhou is the area where Chunshen Architecture will enter next, and its tentacles will extend to the surrounding Yongcheng and Shaoji. Basically, Chunshen Architecture will develop in this area and will not take any further steps.

After deliberating for a while, Nanyi opened his notebook and quickly wrote a proposal for a Hangzhou strategy. Yes, it was just a suggestion. For Huang Xie in the coming year, it would be better for him to position himself as an aide, offer advice, and don't command blindly.

Where there is no boss, and where there is no need for coordination and distribution of benefits, if you want to grab all the good land into your arms, you can only kill yourself. If you don't go to the front line, you can't truly experience the sword, light and sword.

A strong command tone of "I don't care what method you use, you must do it" may make the small goals come true one by one, but at the same time it will also bury hidden dangers, which will accumulate over time and will explode one day.

For the three real estate companies, Nanyi’s management has always been soft. He doesn’t want them to run amok. He will think differently from time to time, and examine the development of the three companies from the perspective of superiors, powerful people, local governments, peers, and ordinary people. Do not cross the threshold, strive to find a balance point among the chaotic interests, and strive to step on the right point in every step of the trade-off.

the next day.

After Nanyi took Nan Ruojin to exercise by the West Lake, he took her for a walk on the Yuquan Campus of the best university in Zhejiang Province, "Sandun Vocational School", taking pictures everywhere, not in a rush, an international student in the school at noon Eat in the canteen.

In addition to entertaining teachers and students, the dining hall for international students also entertains foreigners. Because the dishes are affordable and delicious, they are affectionately called "restaurants for food", and they are the main places for the surrounding people to improve their meals.

Nanyi ordered seven or eight dishes with his eyes closed. After two of them were rejected, his order was dropped. There were six dishes and one soup, some meat, some vegetarian, some half meat, plus a large bottle of Sprite, a total of 19 yuan. The price is cheaper than the fly restaurants outside.

Nan Yi sat on the seat with Sprite in his hand, and Nan Ruojin leaned over to tear off the trademark plastic paper on the bottle. She couldn't get enough of it, and she also thought about removing the hard bottom of the Sprite bottle.

Nan Ruojin tried twice but failed to remove the hard support, so she asked Nan Yi for help, "Daddy, help me."

Nan Yi took the Sprite bottle from Nan Ruojin's hand and put it aside, "We'll play after we drink it up, the bottle won't stand up if it's not supported, and I'll weave it into a flower basket for you when Dad helps you."

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