Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 978 Reform of State-owned Enterprises

"It's not a coincidence. The other party is a celebrity. He has lived in the capital for many years and often takes planes."

"Tell me, how does it feel to meet a pen pal?"

"I'll give you four words. If you don't want to miss them, all the goodness of writing the letter will be shattered." Nanyi said, his eyes swept to the long table, and he saw the glass jar of wine that should have been placed under the table appear in front of him. On the table, half of the alcohol inside has been lost, "Dad has been here?"

"Well, I drank some of your wine at dinner here yesterday and said it was delicious. Originally, he wanted to take the whole can away. I told him that there was only this one left, and he only took half of it."

"Oh, it looks like I'm going to add another brother-in-law."

"Don't talk nonsense, how old are my parents?" Liu Zhen spat and asked, "Do you want a drink?"

"For the bottle of beer, let's share."

Liu Zhen took the wine from the refrigerator, Nanyi washed his hands and sat down at the dining table, performing a show for Liu Zhen to open the bottle cap with his bare hands.

"You have time on Saturday. Let's go clean up the house together."

"Have you handed over the room?"

Liu Zhen: "I just got the key yesterday."

"Your unit is very fast. It is good to have a unit. If you have a house, I can find a unit anytime." Nanyi said deliberately sour.

Liu Zhen: "Stop talking nonsense, let me ask you, can I go on Saturday?"

"It's not good to say on Saturday, the ghost knows why old man Li is looking for me."

"Forget it, I'm looking for a part-time job, and I don't count on you." Liu Zhen put some food into the Nanyi bowl, "Does Heyi Farm know?"

"I know, why?"

"Chongwai Street was demolished, and all the relocated households were arranged there. One person in my unit bought a one-bedroom apartment there, 39 square meters, for only 60,000 yuan."

"Nanyuanbeili you said?"

Liu Zhen nodded, "That's right there."

Nan Yi thought for a while and said, "How did I hear that a one-bedroom apartment there costs 80,000 yuan to resell, did you say anything?"

Liu Zhen: "What else can I do? Don't worry about losing."

"It's not easy to take advantage of the cheap price of 20,000 yuan. Have you completed the formalities?"

Liu Zhen: "Not yet, the handling fee is about 3,000 yuan. A young man who has just worked for two years has no money and is trying to raise money."

"The relationship needs to be good, remind people to go through the formalities as soon as possible, buy two cigarettes and send the plague god away as soon as possible. The houses there have no property rights (public housing properties), and they are all lost to the sale of houses. If you don't get rid of them sooner, it will happen later. It’s hard to say anything.”

Liu Zhen: "I'm not from the same road, that's what I'm telling you."

"Oh, are you still concerned about the news about the house recently?"

Liu Zhen: "I don't take the initiative to care about it. I saw the news of the sale of the house in the newspaper. Hey, let me ask you, how many sets of our house have been demolished?"

"Five or six sets, I haven't cared about it for a long time, do you want someone to send you a report?"

Liu Zhen: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to look at it. On Sunday, I plan to go to Nanxin Garden in Dongsanmen. If I dare to sell it for 4,800 square meters, I want to see how the houses there are different."

"It's quite leisurely. It's different after handing in the thesis."

"Of course, eat quickly, I bought a movie ticket at eight o'clock."


After dinner, Nan Yi accompanied Liu Zhen to the cinema to watch "True Lies" that he had watched several times.

The next day, at nine o'clock, Nanyi arrived at Peking University, and spent some time on the campus, before going to Li Yizheng's office at nine twenty.

Knocking on the door of the office, Nanyi walked in, and shouted respectfully at Li Yizheng, "Boss."

"Call me teacher." Li Yizheng frowned, with a confiscated smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, picked up a piece of manuscript paper on the table and said, "Nan Yi, come and take a look at this."

Nan Yi walked up to Li Yizheng, took the manuscript paper, glanced at the paper, and saw three lines of characters, the format should be poetry, ""Laid-Off Workers", the hands used to take orders, today's fingers flow out of hesitation, pretending to be paid My pockets are full and empty today..."

"Boss, is this poem incomplete?"

Li Yizheng waved his hand, "Don't worry about it being incomplete, tell me, what do you see from this poem?"

"Boss, it's not appropriate for you to test me with this. I know the source of this poem and the circumstances under which it appeared."

"Oh?" Li Yizheng said in surprise, "Tell me why you know."

"I have a classmate who works in Fengtian, and I also have business there."

Li Yizheng nodded, "It's just right, I will give you two days to arrange work, and I will go to Fengtian with me the day after tomorrow. You must be mentally prepared. This time, we may have to stay for a while, as short as half a month, as long as two months." Three months."

Hearing this, Nanyi immediately turned into a bitter face, "Boss, I am a person with a job. This time I will put down my work when I come back this time. I think I can go back in three or two days and make up the work progress. These two or three I really can't get out the month."

Li Yizheng smiled lightly, "Nan Yi, don't forget that the in-service doctor also needs to record attendance. If you don't go, I will record your absence from class."

"Boss, I didn't say no, it's just that I have to ask for leave if there is something urgent, and I really can't afford to delay my work."

"Okay, I promise you, you don't have to panic, maybe I'll be back in half a month."

"I believe you ghost."

Nan Yi slandered, and it was easy to figure out why Li Yizheng was going to Fengtian.

In March of this year, there are one article after another in the newspaper about the reform of state-owned enterprises. In the past few days, the big boss has gone down to inspect in person. How could Nanyi not understand what the wind is blowing this year.

In addition to teaching at Peking University, Li Yizheng is also a consultant of this research institute and that research room, and a think tank who provides advice and suggestions for the national economy. This time, he should go to Fengtian to visit those enterprises that have ceased production or semi-suspended production.

"Boss, do you want me to buy a ticket?"

"No, the tickets have already been bought, just come to the school to assemble on time at one o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, boss, you are busy, I will take my leave first."

"Don't worry, sit down first, and introduce someone to you later." Li Yizheng pointed to the seat opposite him and motioned Nanyi to sit down.

Hearing this, Nanyi walked to his seat and sat down, took out a book from his bag, turned to the bookmark, pulled out the bookmark, and continued to read along the line of books where he stopped last time.

Li Yizheng glanced at the book in Nanyi's hand, smiled comfortably, and continued to look down at the information in his hand.

About 40 to 50 minutes later, the door of Li Yizheng's office was knocked again, and when Li Yizheng said "Come in", the door was pushed open, and a woman walked to Li Yizheng's desk from outside, and called "Teacher" .

"Lulu, this is your senior brother Nan Yi." Li Yizheng pointed to Guide Yi and then to Zhao Lulu, "This is Zhao Lulu, my new student, your junior sister."

Nan Yi's eyes stayed on Zhao Lulu's face for a while, and then quickly glanced down again, quickly analyzing in his mind - average-looking, decent figure, good temperament, not from a wealthy family, maybe a big shot The illegitimate daughter raised outside may also be particularly outstanding or academically daji.

It is not easy to be a student of Li Yizheng, not to mention that Li Yizheng once said that Nanyi would be the last student he accepted, and now there is another Zhao Lulu, who is still added in the non-enrollment season, which is intriguing.

"Hello, classmate Zhao." Nanyi opened his mouth and said dryly, without extending his right hand.

Zhao Lulu stretched out her right hand generously, "Hello, Senior Brother Nanyi."

Nan Yi shook hands with the other party, and then let go after a short pause, "Is Zhao going to Fengtian this time?"

Li Yizheng took the words and said: "Lulu is going too, you young people can communicate more, well, Nanyi, you can go first if you have something to do."


Walking out of Li Yizheng's office, Nan Yi lowered the possibility of "academic daji".

Walking through a "匚"-shaped tree-lined path, Nan Yi touched Ren Xia's office, chatted for a while, and went to two offices to drop by.

After leaving Beijing University, Nanyi went back to the old bungalow, took a stack of newspapers to Han Zhenhe's room at the Great Wall Hotel, and the two discussed how to write a plan together.

There are two ways for Nanyi to withdraw 5 billion U.S. dollars from Fanmei Holdings: one is to use the one-vote approval right of the major shareholders to force the approval. There are two disadvantages in doing so. Consequences of investment failure.

The second is to follow the procedures, submit the investment plan to the board of directors, hold a shareholder meeting to discuss whether the plan is feasible, and then vote, and it can be implemented if half of it is passed.

"Zhenhe, you should read these newspapers first, get acquainted with the state-owned enterprise reform policy of Huaguo's top management, and then spend three months running around to make a preliminary screening and make a list of companies.

There are several requirements:

First, the companies on the list must have investment value, guarantee our investment recovery and create considerable profits.

Second, half of the enterprises on the list must be labor-intensive enterprises. This is my selfishness. This is my motherland. In addition to ensuring our own interests, I want to benefit as many people as possible.

Third, the north of the Yangtze River, sensitive industries, and poor local investment environment. Any one of the three, we must pre-design the exit mechanism. When the business situation improves and our costs and expected profits are reached, we will sell shares and exit.

Fourth, for any company that wants to hold shares for a long time, the first choice is a B2B company, preferably located in the Yangtze River Delta or the Pearl River Delta. "

Nanyi paused, and said, "Forget it, I'll make you a map later, all regions marked with red marks will not be considered for long-term holding; those marked with black marks will not be considered if the expected profit is not high; Those marked in blue are listed as the first choice."


"Fifth, for companies that want to hold shares for a long time, the optimal ratio of inward-oriented and outward-oriented enterprises is 50% vs 50%. It is necessary to consider not only the current pattern of world economic integration, but also the sustainable profitability under the deteriorating state of international relations.

All in all, our plan must not only ensure the interests of ourselves and the shareholders of Pan American Holdings, but also bring some help to the economic development of Huaguo.

This summary, you are rotten in your stomach. "

Han Zhenhe bowed solemnly: "President, please rest assured, I will not disclose it to the outside world."

Nan Yi smiled lightly, "You don't need to be so formal, if I don't trust you, you can't stay by my side. Zhenhe, you have been my secretary for several years, and you don't have much time by my side. The time is longer instead.

Inform the South Office that your successor should be finalized. In two years, you, like Masami, will become the CEO of a group. "

"Yes, President."

Han Zhenhe's facial muscles trembled, and he was a little excited.

Although the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door, being Nan Yi's secretary has a detached position in the Nan family, but in the end it is still a role that is on call 24 hours a day. shares.


"Fang Dong, the insurance industry regulators in the mainland have a special threshold '532', which stipulates that for foreign-funded insurance companies to carry out life insurance business in mainland China, the necessary prerequisites are: the registered capital must not be less than 5 billion U.S. dollars, The company has been in business for 30 years and has opened a representative office in Huaguo for two years.

With this threshold, it is impossible for Fang's Insurance to enter the mainland directly. We can only meet the first condition.

It is also unrealistic to acquire foreign-funded insurance companies that have entered the mainland. Currently, foreign-funded insurance companies that have entered the mainland include Allianz, AXA, ING, MetLife, and New York Life, among others. One is what our Fang family can shake. "

Fang Mengyin stirred the spoon in her hand, looked out of the window, and said calmly: "Ping An, let's talk about the impossible, let's talk about the possible."

Xie Pingan nodded and said, "Mr. Fang, the only way for us to enter the mainland is to buy shares. Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are shareholders of Orange Insurance in the mainland, each accounting for 5.56% of the shares. We can Try contacting Orange Insurance."

"It may not be so easy. What Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs can bring to Orange Insurance is not only funds, but also advanced management experience, personal life insurance system, etc. We cannot provide other than funds."

"Fang Dong, not necessarily. If Orange Insurance wants to go public in the future and does not go public in the mainland, we can play a role. In addition, we can also contact Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs to buy some of their shares at a premium."

"Okay, let's talk to Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs first. If they are willing to sell some of their shares, we can ask them to play the side drum. It will be easier to talk about it with two approaches."

"Okay." Xie Pingan nodded, "I will fly to the United States as soon as possible."

Nanyi stared at the screen, looking at the distress email sent by a retail group—Deng Shaoshan, a retail company of 365, had been in contact with the milk company for a long time, and the quotations were getting higher and higher, but the other party didn't even mean to sell Dingkang Supermarket. No.

The milk company was difficult to deal with, so Deng Shaoshan contacted the second target "Baijia Supermarket", and went to Li Tongban, the big boss behind him. Same, he didn't want to hear the quotation, Li Tongban had no idea of ​​selling Baijia Supermarket at all.

Southeast Asia, Omen, and Taiyuan are on the rampage, but it is difficult to make progress in Xiangcheng. Deng Shaoshan is in a hurry, and there is no way out. The distress email is copied to Nanyi here.

Nan Yi looked away from the laptop screen, put his fingers on the table and tapped, "Baijia Supermarket is not a suitable acquisition target, Li Tongban regards Xiangyu as a base, and the supermarket that is related to people's livelihood will definitely not let go unless the price is sky-high. Relatively speaking, it is better to deal with the milk company, Jardine...

How should we talk about it, and what should we exchange?

Jardine's business: real estate, car dealership, retail, restaurant, engineering, heavy machinery business, hotel, finance, heavy machinery, heavy machinery..."

Nanyi's tapping speed on the table subconsciously accelerated, and he suddenly caught a little inspiration. It was very simple to say, he brought in Scarlett Mining Group, sent a long-term order to Jardine Matheson, and then asked Catherine to come forward and take the center make peace.

It's best to be able to negotiate, if you can't agree, then stage the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and 365 Retail will be Liu Bei, the war of attrition should still be fought, and there will be more such bitter battles in the future.

After typing on the keyboard, replying to the email, and switching the window, Nanyi continued to conceive the draft of the plan.


[There is still a chapter, and later updates may split one chapter into two chapters. ]

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