"Okay, my fault."

Gong Xue has no solution to this move, Nan Yi can only admit cowardice.

"It was your fault in the first place." Gong Xue pouted and said angrily. After a while, the matter passed, and the topic changed from private to public, "Buy Xu Hui a watch worth 140,000 yuan. Is it worth it? Money is one thing, and appeasing other salesmen is another.”

"Does she want to marry a rich husband, and not just ordinary rich?"

Gong Xue thought for a while and said: "She told me about the same thing, but she didn't say it too bluntly."

"That's it. If you want to marry a rich man, the first step is to get in touch with rich people. If you can't get in touch with anyone, why are you talking about getting married? So, it is very suitable for you to arrange her in a business position." , When she gets started, let her get in touch with the company's high-end customers. In this way, she can not only provide her with the convenience of getting in touch with rich people, but also increase the company's turnover.

After all, she is also a famous host, her eloquence is definitely good, and with the blessing of fame, many people will treat her differently, and the probability of winning the list will be much higher. "

"I can understand this, but what does it have to do with watches?"

Nan Yi stood up, pushed a chair and sat down beside Gong Xue, "Come on, let's do a scene show. Your role is a beautiful new saleswoman who lives in the suburbs and rents a 150 room. The rent for a house with a block of four blocks has been delayed for almost a month, and the landlord has already let you go. You will be given three more days to leave if you don't pay the rent.

In addition, you only have enough money for a meal in your pocket. You are a professional actor. Is it enough for you to enter the role? "

"Enough." Gong Xue nodded, "What about you? What background?"

"Of course I'm the boss. I'm a client you want to win. As long as you win my order, you can get a commission of two thousand yuan. Also, my appearance is very wretched, extremely wretched."


"Don't laugh, you're rehearsing." Nan Yi scolded seriously.

Gong Xue tried her best to suppress her smile, "Okay, okay, you continue."

"Let's skip the negotiation process and start directly from signing the contract. Now you take the contract to my office and ask me to sign it, action."

As Nanyi's voice fell, Gong Xue's face immediately changed into a jerky but pretending to be calm expression, and she made a gesture of handing the contract in her hand to Nanyi, "Boss Nan, we have all the conditions." Okay, let's sign the contract now?"

Nan Yi took the contract and threw it on the table, the smirk on his face stretched out, "Xiao Gong, can you get a lot of commission for my order?"

Gong Xue showed a little sincerity on her face, "Boss Nan, our company gave you a very favorable price, the profit is not much, and the commission I can get is even less."

"Hehehe, no way?" Nan Yi stretched out his hand and clicked on the contract, "It's not the first time for me to advertise. I still know how much profit your advertising company can make. But ah, the advertising fee is more and less I don’t care too much about it, the price is just like this, I won’t change it.”

A hint of joy appeared on Gong Xue's face, "Boss Nan, shall we sign now?"

"Don't worry, it's almost time for dinner. Let's have something to eat first, have a few drinks, and then find a quiet place to sign the contract." When Nan Yi spoke, he looked straight into Gong Xue's eyes and waited. Her gaze followed, and he moved his gaze to the other's chest, with a very strong hint.

"Cut, Nanyi, your performance here is very problematic. Can a new salesman understand your hint?"

"What are you in a hurry for? This is a preliminary hint. If you don't understand, I will give you a more obvious hint at the dinner table. No matter what, I will definitely not speak too bluntly."

Gong Xue waved her hand and said, "Okay, you don't need to guide me step by step. I'm not stupid. You can start directly with the 140,000 watch."

"Really don't need me to take it step by step?"

"No, just go straight to the finale." Gong Xue said affirmatively.

Nan Yi nodded, "Okay, now you are Xu Hui who is wearing a watch worth 140,000 yuan, and you want to talk to me, Mr. Nan, about a commission of 200,000 yuan. I will take you into the play, and you follow me Walk."


Nan Yi lowered his head, holding an invisible pen to write instructions on the invisible document, and suddenly said, "Come in."

Gong Xue saw it and instantly understood how she should answer it. She stood up, took a few steps back, and opened the door, "Mr. Nan, hello."

Nan Yi raised his head and followed the prestige, with a look of surprise on his face, "Xu Hui? Miss Xu?"

Gong Xue smiled, "I'm Xu Hui, Mr. Nan, can I come in?"

Hearing this, Nan Yi quickly stood up, walked towards Gong Xue, and made a gesture of invitation, "Miss Xu, please come in, please come in."

Nan Yi led Gong Xue to the sofa to sit down, played two roles, played the role of secretary for a while, and made Gong Xue a cup of tea.

"Miss Xu, I haven't seen you on TV for a long time. I heard that you are no longer the host?"

"Yeah, now I..."

"Cut, Cut, Cut." Nanyi yelled three times anxiously, and explained: "You should take out your business card while you are talking, and say that I am now serving Wangbei Media. Besides, President Nan, please take care of me."

"Oh, come back."

"Don't worry, I still have something to explain." Nanyi demonstrated the action of handing over the business card, "When handing over the business card, you should inadvertently reveal the 140,000 in your left hand, try to show as much surface as possible for me to see clearly, and then After I took the business card, I straightened my sleeves and covered the watch.

Of course, this varies from person to person. Before tackling a key customer, you must first collect data, try to understand the temperament of the target customer as much as possible, and then choose to be more reserved or bold according to the personality of the target customer. "

Gong Xue raised her hand and said mischievously, "Teacher Nan, I have a problem."




"What if the target customer doesn't see the value in the watch?"

Nan Yi waved his hand and said: "No, the watch I'm talking about, as long as the eyes are not blind, you can see an expensive character, but it won't look too rich, how do you say that, low-key luxury has connotations. Unlike the one in my hand, most people think it is only worth two hundred yuan, but who knows, I actually spent eighty-five yuan."

Gong Xue glanced at Nanyi, "Don't take the opportunity to praise yourself, let's continue."

"Hehe, okay, you make the gesture of handing over your business card."

Gong Xue acted according to her word.

Nanyi took the business card with both hands, and glanced at it, "Wangbei Media, I'm ashamed...Miss Xu, I'm sorry, my English is not good, and I don't know the following two words."

Gong Xue was startled, "What job?"

"Sales Director, sales director, if you write the position in English, you can pretend to be international, and now you are eating this outside. Let's start again, action."

Gong Xue smiled lightly, "Mr. Nan, I'm the sales director of Wangbei Media, and it's actually business..."

"Cut, Cut, Cut. Don't humble yourself here. Wait until I recognize the value of the watch on your hand, and then find the right opportunity to humble yourself and say that you are actually a salesman, and now I am giving you value. If I don't If you understand what a sales director means, you can just show off your knowledge and teach me what modern enterprise management is."

"What if you understand?" Gong Xue laughed.

"If I were a local boss, you would tell me about internationalization, WTO, and economic integration. It’s called adapting measures to local conditions. In short, it’s related to business, but I’m not familiar with the content.”

Gong Xue spat: "It's easy for you to say, how much effort does it take to investigate customers so clearly?"

"You, step on my shoulders to climb up, skip the section from 0 to 1, and have no idea how hard it is to earn the first pot of gold. Besides, which of the big orders now is entirely up to you The ability to pull it back?

The commission is 200,000 yuan, how much does the company want to earn, this kind of list, can't you let you have a snack, try your best to find out the customer's information? "

When Gong Xue heard Nanyi's words, she became anxious, "What do you mean I didn't pull it back with my real ability? Didn't I pull the company's big orders back?"

"Do you want me to reason with you?" Nan Yi looked at Gong Xue's face, full of ridicule.

"Hmph!" Gong Xue's nose twitched, and she said, "You don't need to be reasonable, I know that several orders have borrowed your contacts, but I negotiated them all, and most of the credit is mine."

"Okay, okay, what you say is yours is yours. What we are talking about now is the attitude towards potential customers. According to the current scale of Wangbei Media, as long as the profit is on the list of 500,000 yuan, we should go all out. One hundred thousand cannot be easily given up.

So, for a 200,000 commission list, you shouldn't be ignorant of me, and you shouldn't be able to find a topic that makes me look up to you. "

"Okay, I see, let's move on."

"I won't act anymore. The demonstration is too in-depth, which will easily imprison your thinking. Let me explain the theory to you. I will continue to use Xu Hui as a case to explain."

"Well, you say."

"First of all, you, Xu Hui is a famous host with a lot of popularity. For me... don't get me wrong, I mean the role of Mr. Nan."

Gong Xue laughed, "Don't explain, I understand."

"Well." Nan Yi slapped his mouth and continued: "In my eyes, your image or status will be higher than that of a salesman or sales director. When the conversation deepens, I know you are here to solicit business Yes, they are here to earn my money, and I will feel a sense of accomplishment. When a famous host comes to talk to me about business, you can make up your own mind.

Then, I may have another thought—to conquer, at the negotiating table, at the dinner table, or even in bed.

When it comes to the dinner table, you can use low-level means to directly exchange your body for a contract. If you have enough status, you can easily exchange a contract that is not too big.

Of course, you can also use more advanced means to resonate with me spiritually and ideologically.

If you want to take the high-level route, you can go to the high-level one without strictly rejecting my low-level request. Once I take the initiative to make a low-level request, it means that I already have a relatively low-level position for you in my heart. "

Gong Xue: "Watches worth 140,000 yuan can become high-end?"

"No." Nan Yi stretched out his index finger and shook it, "It's a watch worth 140,000 yuan that the boss rewarded me for my excellent work performance, and it was specially marked with the female boss, indicating that there is no improper relationship between men and women.

If you put on a suit that looks very low-key, but you can see the logo of a luxury brand in a corner, it must be the kind that is not sold in Beijing.

Ask the "true" Xu Hui if he has ever been to Tokyo. If he hasn't been, let her go there at public expense. He will go around the neighborhoods selling famous brands in Tokyo, and then go to the famous scenic spots. "


"Clothing is also a hidden topic introduction. If I mention your clothes, you can tell me that you bought them when you went to Tokyo, and then start a topic about my industry. If I make cosmetics, you can mention it Drugstores in Tokyo, and it would be nice to come up with an idea that inspires me."

Nan Yi waved his hand, and asked Gong Xue who wanted to talk to listen to him first, "You don't need to know everything, these homework should be done by the sales team in advance, sales should also pay attention to team spirit, not just fight alone.

If necessary, the scene performance we just did will be performed several times, but the noun needs to be changed, and the more appropriate term is scene simulation.

Men like beautiful women, women who are beautiful and have status, and women who are beautiful and have status that can help their careers. High-level is high-level. In terms of knowledge and professional ability, your status as a famous host is just a stepping stone. 140,000 A watch is an escalator that takes you to a higher level.

Do you think that what I said is a bit redundant, do you think it is enough to just pull the list back, regardless of whether she uses low-level or high-level methods? "

"From a woman's perspective, I think what you said is very good, but from a manager's perspective, it's a bit redundant."

Nan Yi sneered: "You still have the nerve to say that Wangbei Media will provide customers with CIS services, and CIS includes concept identification. What kind of concept are you going to convey to customers?

Wangbei Media said it was an advertising company, shit, it’s actually a chicken coop there, do you want to advertise? Look for Wangbei Media, you can still hug a honey after the matter is done, let me tell you that the honey of that crappy company is more flirtatious than the other. "

"Bah, are you talking like that?" Gong Xue spat unhappily.

Nanyi did not respond to Gong Xue, but continued to say with a serious voice: "Wangbei Media has reached the time to establish a corporate culture. It is not a slogan, nor a banner that will never be achieved, but the bottom line. The company from top to bottom , Whoever dares to cross the bottom line will be fired."

Gong Xue's mind turned, "You mean you can't trade your self-esteem for an order?"

"To put it bluntly, you can't exchange your body for an order. This is an iron law. Anyone who commits a crime will be eliminated, even gold medal sales."

"It's really not like what your character would say. Don't you value the interests most? Do you still care about how the interests come from?"

"What I'm talking about is benefits, long-term benefits. I don't want to see the cornucopia being smashed." After Nan Yi finished speaking seriously, his face changed to a smile, "Sister Xingfu, you can't do it. After so many years, professional Knowledge is not enough, and business knowledge is even more lacking.

Make up your lessons well, get a thorough understanding of CIS, and don’t let it hang around. Foreign advertising companies have entered the country in a big way. If you want to defeat them, you can’t rely on local advantages alone, and you have to suppress them professionally.

The staking of foreign advertising companies is almost complete. When they shift their focus of competition to this side, they will inevitably have to compete with them for future big orders. "

Gong Xue: "How can it be so fast? They still have to adapt to the domestic market. I think it will be five or six years before we meet them."

"Don't think that we are the only ones who can talk about using barbarians to control barbarians, and foreigners can do it, otherwise, how did compradors and taipans come?" Nan Yi pointed to Gong Xue's forehead, "You should be more vigilant, maybe some foreign advertising company has already I have poached people under your nose, if you do not manage well, the dismissal letter will be sent out in the morning, and it will be in your hands at noon."

"You will scare me." Gong Xue said softly.

"I didn't scare you. If I didn't have time, I would sit here for a while and clean up. You, don't be fooled by the achievements in front of you. There is still a big plan to be implemented. Beijing Media is a very important part of it, don't let me lose the chain."

"What big plan?" Gong Xue asked curiously.

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