"I'll spend more time in the second half of the year to replenish you." Nan Yi said with embarrassment.

"I don't believe it, wait until you do it."

"You wait and see."

"Don't wait and see, you come and stay with me now."

"Inconvenient, I have lunch with another lady at noon."

Gong Xue asked loudly: "Who is it?"

"You don't know her. Anyway, she is a beautiful, generous and elegant lady. They said that as long as I have a meal with her, they will give me 500,000 yuan. If I make sacrifices and spend a night with her, guess what? How much reward are you willing to give?"

"Come here now, and I will give you 10 million maintenance expenses."

"Conditioning fee? I think it's the settling fee?"

"You can say what you like, can you come over after lunch?"


When Nan Yi and Gong Xue finished talking, the tiger cub had already driven to the gate of Wangfu Hotel.

Get off the car, enter the gate of the hotel and walk around a few aisles, Nan Yi came to the Chinese restaurant.

In front of a dining table, two women are sitting opposite each other. They both look equally heroic and capable, and they are also of the same age.

One of them is Lin Yan, an investment partner that Nanyi met in Yecheng, and Xu Xiaofang's distant relative. Before the real estate bubble in Yecheng, she found out that something was wrong in advance, and cleared the assets of Yecheng in time.

The other is Dang Aimin, the person in charge of Huaguo, the glove group of the Emotional Policy Committee. His public identity is the general manager of Tongde Investment. Tongde is concentric, and Tongxin is comrades. Tongde Investment is different from other investment companies in that it does not invest in specific industries. Only investors, help the target to develop their careers, and give them a pair of soaring wings.

In fact, logically speaking, the glove group does not need to hide its head and show its tail. It is just to support the promising "future winners". Like venture capital, it will share some benefits after success. If it is not successful, it can only admit that it is unlucky.

This is a completely normal investment behavior, which neither violates morality nor violates the laws of any country. For the selected object, the glove group can be said to be a hit, and it is obviously a mutually beneficial thing, but it cannot be done too much. Too loud.

No matter where it is, forming gangs has always been taboo by a group of people, and it is still necessary to enter the village quietly, not to shoot.

The Nan family is too weak, its reasoning is not reasoning, and now it can only talk about other people's reasoning.

Nanyi went to sit next to Dang Aimin, and said to them, "Lin Yan, Aimin, have you ordered?"

Lin Yan waved to the waiter and said, "Not yet, wait for Mr. Nan to order."

"No, it's up to you to decide. I can eat whatever I want." Nan Yi waved his hand at Lin Yan, tilted his head and said to Dang Aimin, "Do you want to ask for three months off?"


"Is it safe?"

"No, I want to..."

Nanyi raised his hand to interrupt Dang Aimin's words, "It's your freedom to ask for leave to do something, don't tell me, I thought that if you were pregnant, you could take paid maternity leave instead."

Dang Aimin flicked her hair, "I just want to do some private things."

"Well, I will also participate in the finals of this year's minesweeping competition, and you will meet a strong opponent."

Dang Aimin smiled and said, "Really? How did I hear that last year Mr. Nan didn't get a place in the qualifying competition?"

There are many small competitions held in the Nan family every year. The Nanguo Bank system has football and basketball games. In addition to the holidays, find some excuses to be lazy when you are not busy.

"I'm not what I used to be now, see you in the final." Nanyi said haha, thinking in his heart that he hoped that he would have better luck and make it to the final this year.

"I hope to see Mr. Nan in the final."

Lin Yan ordered a good meal and joined the conversation between Nanyi and the two, "Mr. Nan, the printing factory land project in cooperation with the Daily News will be completed early next year. I need to find a second project now. Do you have any suggestions? "

Nanyi picked up the water glass on the table, took a sip of water, and said calmly: "Do you know that heavy industry will move out of the capital?"


"Aimin, do you have a map?"


Dang Aimin took out a map of Beijing City from his bag and spread it on the table. Nan Yi glanced at the map, then pointed to a point, and said: "This is the factory of the First Machine Tool Factory. They will move to the suburbs, the No. 1 Machine Tool Factory has talented people, and they don’t plan to sell the land cheaply, they have set up a development office and want to jointly develop it with a real estate company.”

Lin Yan looked at the map for a while, "I know this land, many real estate companies have talked about it, and some companies have paid a deposit to go through the formalities, but they haven't settled down. The procedures for the land are a bit complicated."

Nan Yi smiled and said, "The renovation of the old city is a major policy of the current capital. Have you ever thought about why the procedures for this land are so difficult under such a big environment?"

Lin Yan's eyes lit up, "Mr. Nan, you mean the city government has big plans around this land?"

Nan Yi waved his hand, "I don't know if the municipal government has such a plan, but if I am in charge of urban construction planning, I will plan the No. 1 Machine Tool Factory and the surrounding area of ​​1.5 kilometers as the CBD, and the central point will be in the The first machine tool factory."

Hearing this, Lin Yan stared at the map and fell into thought.

From when one dish was not served to when five or six dishes were placed around the map on the table, Lin Yan was still in a state of thinking.

Nanyi and Dang Aimin didn't disturb Lin Yan's thinking. They both ate the yam soup brought by the waiter at the end. The name is a bit vulgar, but the ingredients are not vulgar. The very smooth thing is shark fin.

After tasting it carefully, the flying dragon didn't look like a wild one, so Nanyi's appetite widened, and he scooped it up with a spoon.

Nan Yi hated people eating wild animals, especially those he was breeding.

In the past two years, the price of wild animals has turned upside down. Nanyi heard from Yu Hui from Yujiatun that the number of wild deer in Changbai Mountain has dropped sharply. She went to the top of the mountain to see that many wild deer have gone to North Korea. Over there, the scope of activities ends at the national border, and does not come to the domestic side.

Her reindeer skills are almost useless, and it is difficult for the doe in the deer farm to find wild bucks to mate. After several generations of breeding, the deer in the deer farm will completely become domestic deer.

Nanyi felt sad for the wild deer, but also secretly happy. In fact, Yujiatun’s deer farm already had a very large say in the field of antler. As long as it doesn’t ship for half a year, the price of antler will rise. , The price of velvet antler will be brought down by a sudden mass shipment.

The velvet antler has become the private land of the reclamation group, and no one wants to put their hands in it for hoarding. Whoever wants to get rich, at least goes bankrupt, and at worst, the caring wife climbs another branch in order not to increase the burden.

No one interferes, the price of deer antler can follow the market, and as inflation increases year by year, the reclamation group can make stable profits every year.

Stability in farming is the most important thing. The pursuit of huge profits will also face a sharp drop. Fat people who eat at one bite will be exhausted sooner or later. If the reclamation group wants to develop in the direction of a century-old enterprise, it must not have too much speculative thinking.

After Nanyi finished eating a cup of yam soup, Lin Yancai looked up at him and said, "Mr. Nan, I want to visit the Construction Committee and the Planning Bureau. If the land of the First Machine Tool Factory is highly speculative, I plan to give more money to the Development Office." Pay a small deposit and sign a three-year exclusive agreement with them."

"Think about it. The First Machine Tool Factory requires a deposit, not a deposit. If I guess wrong, a large sum of money will be thrown into the water."

Lin Yan bit her lip, "I'll bet if it's worth the bet."

"Hehe." Nanyi smiled, pointed at the dishes on the table with his chopsticks, "Eat the dishes while they're hot."

Nanyi is not at all worried that the piece of land he guessed will not become a CBD. First, according to his recollection, the piece of land in his previous life should be the CBD; CBD; thirdly, Creativity Real Estate will bring one or two partners to the north to initiate a CBD project in that area, and promise to invite a group of large overseas companies to settle in.

With all three in one, the chances of failure are slim to none.

In fact, as long as the third item is offered, it is more than enough. What the CBD is most worried about is the lack of investment. This is not only related to the cost recovery and profitability of investors, but also defeats the local government's idea of ​​increasing taxes. The business settlement process has been settled, and the local government just needs to wait for tax collection, so why not do it.

Moreover, the concept of land finance has been formed, and local governments are happy to see the price of land rise. It is important to know that a CBD can completely increase the value of a large area of ​​surrounding land.

After discussing the business, the dinner turned into a banquet, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Nan Yi was already sitting in Gong Xue's office.

"I didn't see that Xu Hui when I walked in just now, what position did you put her in?"

"She likes to deal with entrepreneurs and rich people. I am taking her out to run outside. When she is familiar with Wangbei Media's business, I will let her run alone."

"Ha, Miss Xingfu, you are now a qualified businessman, and you should give full play to your talents." Nan Yi said with a smile, and then thought for a while, "The Earl seems to have released a new diamond-encrusted wristwatch , the price is a bit expensive, equivalent to about RMB 140,000, buy one and give it to her.”

Gong Xue stared at Nanyi with her eyes, shook her left hand, revealing the Roman watch on her wrist.

Nan Yi glanced at the watch and said: "Women have two values, one is to wear a very expensive watch, so as to show that their worth has doubled; the other is an ordinary watch, because our sister Xingfu has worn it, so it becomes It’s worth a hundred times. A Roman watch with the fragrance of a happy sister has a starting price of 100 million U.S. dollars.”

Gong Xue smiled sweetly, "You will say nice things, and you have never given me expensive gifts."

Nanyi's face turned positive, and he said impassionedly: "The independence of women begins with economic independence. In this life, I will dedicate myself to the war of women's independence. Sister Xingfu, please remember that you are not a man's vassal. Buy what you like yourself. That's it."

"Where's your face?"

"I washed it yesterday and it hasn't dried yet."


Gong Xue picked up a piece of paper from the table, crumpled it into a ball and threw it towards Nanyi.

Nan Yi grabbed the ball of paper, tossed it in his hand, unfolded it, and put it back on the table, "I have to save on wearing a famous watch when riding a bicycle. Half of this paper is useless."

"How did I hear a successful entrepreneur say that money is earned, not saved."

"Hey, the people who say this have impure motives. They are either opening a shopping mall or making fast-moving consumer goods, or they are selling entrepreneurship books." Nan Yi said disdainfully: "What is a successful entrepreneur? He is dead. Fortunately, running the family business well can be regarded as half the success.

Or if you have all your children and donated all your family property before your death, that would be regarded as a moral success. At a certain stage, if there are five people and six people, it is not called success, it is called blindness, and you will be struck by lightning. "

"If, I said if, if you have no children, will you donate your property?"

Nanyi lay down on the back of the chair, "No, charity has never been simple since it appeared. It used to be just a picture name, and charity can still be regarded as charity. From now on, at least most of charity is not charity, but in the commercial field. An industry must pursue high profits."

"I don't believe it. There are still many kind-hearted people in the world."

"If you don't believe me, just wait and see. Propriety, righteousness and shame are not as good as four taels on your chest, and even less so than five catties of banknotes. There will be companies under the guise of charity going public and cutting leeks to slap you in the face.

Charity is a good cover, Zhang San is involved, Li Si is also involved, you can also set up a charity organization, inject the salaries of the company's employees for the next ten or twenty years into this charity organization, and then draw their relationship over , In the future, I will do the work of the company, but I will receive the salary of the charity organization.

The left hand is replaced by the right hand, the name is gained, and the profit is saved. "

Gong Xue asked suspiciously: "How can money be saved? No matter where the employees receive their wages, don't they all have to spend the same amount of money?"

"Go and study the tax deductions for corporate charitable expenditures in the tax laws of Western countries. Nan's companies in the United States have always donated to organizations such as the Jewish Fund and the Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse, both of which can be offset taxes.

The accountant will calculate a reasonable number, which can not only save part of the tax expenses, but also gain a good reputation.

This kind of rule is more beneficial than harmful to both public and private. We don’t have this kind of clause now, and we will definitely have it in the future. When it comes to exploiting loopholes, the Jews have to be low-key and small, and call us patriarchs. "

"In the future, who can do it accurately, besides, are you willing to take advantage of this kind of loophole?"

"How is it possible, the pennant of the advanced tax payment unit I took can't be hung in a house, and a big house will be built another day to keep the pennant." Nanyi said exaggeratedly.

Gong Xue gave Nan Yi a white look, "Do you want some water?"

"It's been so long since I've been here, did you remember to ask me?" Nanyi said, stretched his body, picked up Gong Xue's teacup and put it to his mouth, took a sip, and pouted his mouth, feeling that the taste was not right , lowered his head and glanced into the cup, and saw a Chinese medicine-like substance floating in it, "What's in it?"

"Hahaha." Gong Xue laughed loudly: "Health-preserving tea, it regulates endocrine."

"Bah bah bah!"

Nan Yi took several mouthfuls, spit out all the crumbs in his mouth, took another glass of water from the water dispenser, and rinsed his mouth.

After the debris in his mouth was cleaned up, Nanyi sat back on the chair and teased Gongxue: "Aging is a very normal physiological phenomenon. It is better to age gracefully than to do everything possible to keep the false youthful skin."

"You put it lightly, what if I don't pay attention to maintenance and enter menopause early?" Gong Xue said angrily.

"It's not like, there is no sign at all. Your temper is still very good, and you still speak softly. Don't be too stressed. The more you worry, the faster you will age. Don't worry about it and keep a good mood."

"As long as you come to accompany me more, I'll definitely be in a good mood." With one sentence, Gong Xue directly put Nanyi to checkmate.


[One more chapter. ]

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