Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 981 The Other Side of Business

"What's the deal with this one? People who want to buy a building in the capital don't know where there is a house for sale. Those who want to buy have accurate goals. How much business can we do if we get in?"

"Old Li, you can't just focus on the locals in the capital, divert your thinking, and think about other places."

Li Hai turned his head around, "You can't be talking about people from Xiangxi, are you?"

Nanyi waved his hand, "No, this is the capital city, not Shenzheng or Yangcheng. It is very difficult to carry out foreign-related transactions for ordinary commercial housing, and it will cost a lot to clear the way, which is not advisable at all.

Lao Li, you are the head of the inheritance company. In addition to doing a good job in management, you also need to communicate more with the outside world and receive more information from the outside world.

As for you, I have stayed in Yangcheng for many years, and not long after I came back, it is normal for the information here in the capital to be out of touch. I will not criticize this time, and next time I will doubt my own vision. "

Li Hai was stunned and said, "You're not criticizing?"

"Never mind, don't interrupt, I'll give you some ideas. There are a group of businessmen from Wenzhou gathered in Muxiyuan. A few years ago, they were all engaged in leather and clothing business. The front shop and the back factory , willing to endure hardships, so the speed of hair is also fast.

The main source of this group of businessmen in Wenzhou is the rural people in Wenzhou. When they went out to fight for the country, some relied on scraping together, and some simply sold their ancestral home and made a fortune outside. They went back to repair their ancestral home, Building a new house is a necessary process.

The home side is done, what should I do in the capital?

After all, they might not return to Wenzhou once a year, the capital is their current nest.

Although there are not many commercial houses that can be traded now, there are still houses, and Wenzhou businessmen can still buy them if they want to buy them. But as far as I know, there are not many Wenzhou businessmen in Muxiyuan who buy houses. Buying a piece of land to build a compound, in addition to living on your own, you can also use it to collect rent.

It is of course impossible to build a house. There are not many people in the capital who have the ability, let alone foreigners. "

Nan Yi paused, and continued: "In the past two years, the businessmen in Muxiyuan's Wenzhou City have become richer and their minds have become more active. They are no longer just working hard and unable to build a house, they have set their sights on the counter.

At present, the counters in shopping malls are cheap for two to three thousand a month, and expensive for four to five thousand, but just four years ago, a counter can be obtained for three to five hundred, and in order to withdraw funds as soon as possible or do some private operations, The signing is basically a long-term contract.

A counter, as long as it is sublet out and does nothing, can earn more than one thousand to two to three thousand a month.

Now, Bixi Plaza will open at the end of this year, and the shops with property rights have been pre-sold since last year. I can tell you that most of the shops have been bought by Wenzhou businessmen in Muxiyuan.

Jumping out of the capital, let me tell you about the development of Wenzhou's real estate market.

In 1980, the Housing Management Bureau of Wenzhou organized the pre-sale of commercial housing for the first time. There were 1,300 registered buyers within 7 days. 180 houses in the Puxie residential area were sold to individual employees at a price of 80 yuan per square meter.

In 1984, Cuiweishan Residential Area raised funds to jointly build 300 residential units at a price of 198 yuan per square meter.

From 1985 to 1989, a total of 255 residential buildings were built in the Shuixin residential area, and the price was 380 yuan/square meter.

From August to October 1988, due to the influence of market price fluctuations, the price of private houses rose rapidly. The highest price of commercial housing was 4,000 yuan/square meter, and the price of general residential buildings was 800-1,000 yuan/square meter. After November, the real estate market Housing prices tended to be stable and fell steadily.

In 1989, urban housing prices began to exceed 1,000 yuan per square meter.

In May 1990, the apartments in Limingqiao Village were delivered. The house prices were 1,850 yuan/square meter, 1,600 yuan/square meter, and 1,250 yuan/square meter, a total of three grades.

In 1993, the average price of urban old urban areas was around 1,400 yuan/square meter, and the price of public housing was 750-1,500 yuan/square meter.

In 1994, the average price in urban areas reached 2,000 yuan/square meter.

This year, from the Lunar New Year to the present, the average price in the old urban area of ​​Wenzhou City has risen to 2600/square meter.

Comparing the housing prices in the capital, where are the ones with more than 2,000 yuan? In the past few days, Nanxin Garden, which has opened for sale, starts at 4,800 yuan. Where is it located? "

[I’m afraid you don’t understand, let me explain. In 1995, commercial housing in the capital was divided into export housing and domestic housing. The export housing was mainly for Hong Kong people and overseas people. After converting the price, it generally sold for 20,000 yuan per square meter. -30,000. Of course, mainlanders can also buy houses for export, and about 30% of the share is digested by the mainland.

In fact, foreigners can enjoy certain privileges in the Mainland from friendship stores, hospital visits, and house purchases, etc., but these privileges cost money. It is 10 times that of Chinese people.

There is nothing wrong with paying more and enjoying better service, and there is no need to rise to the national standard at all.

The normal price of domestic-sale housing is around 2,000 yuan, the cheap ones are 1,500 yuan, the expensive ones are around 2,800 yuan, and those exceeding 2,800 yuan can be said to not belong to the category of normal domestic-sale commercial housing.

For example, in restaurants, one or two hundred per meal is the normal consumption of ordinary people, and those that cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands per meal have nothing to do with ordinary people, so when I talk about housing prices in the article, I usually exclude Dropping those parts that have nothing to do with ordinary people is not because I got the data inconsistent.

Summary: In 1995, the normal housing price in Beijing was around 2000. The most expensive house sale record was the unit price of Henderson Center near the railway station in 1994, which was 6,700 US dollars per square meter. I heard that the current (2022) second-hand housing price is only about 70,000 per square meter. , In 28 years, it only increased by more than 10,000. ]

"Nanyi, are you saying that people in Wenzhou will speculate on houses and hoard them?" Li Hai asked.

Nan Yi smiled lightly, "Hu Xueyan is from Huizhou, but his business empire has nothing to do with Huizhou. The place where he achieved his success is Hangzhou. The reason for his success can be summed up in eight words: hoarding rare goods and living in rare goods.

When he was young, he hoarded raw silk and tea. Everyone only knew that Hu Xueyan did it, but no one paid attention to him. There was a group of factory gangs under him who were working for him. The title of Wenshi people in Hangzhou.

It can be said that Hu Xueyan's success has a part of the credit of the factory gang.

In the past, every disaster year, the wealthy households had the obligation to sell food at a low price to help the victims.

However, from 1896 to 1946, there were frequent disturbances in grain and rice in Wenzhou. It coincided with a disaster year. Many wealthy households in Wenzhou not only refused to sell, but also took the opportunity to stockpile and raise the price of rice. It was not even a disaster year. The price of rice in Wenzhou will also skyrocket.

I’m telling you this to tell you that the businessmen in Wenzhou have always had the gene of hoarding and hoarding in their bones. From poor to rich by working hard, and from rich to rich, most of them will choose the road of hoarding and hoarding because they Their predecessors have set an example of success for them.

After talking about the businessmen in Wenzhou, let me tell you about the admission scores for the college entrance examination. Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, Hubei Province, Hui Province, Central Plains, Jiangxi Province, and Shandong Province have the admission scores for the college entrance examination in recent years. From high to low, for the sake of the overall situation of the country, students in these provinces have to make sacrifices.

Lao Li, I have pity on the hearts of parents in the world. For the sake of their children's better life, parents are willing to suffer no matter how hard they are. "

Nan Yi didn't speak clearly, but Li Hai understood.

"Two-pronged approach?"

"No, the second method is a bit ugly. Don't use it if you can. I'm just giving you some inspiration. In this world, not only businessmen in Wenzhou know how to hoard. They went south to Qiongdao, Xiaoyawan, and Zhucheng and experienced the real estate bubble. There are quite a few people, and they are all potential customers.

There are not many sets of commercial houses in the capital now, even if you take them all, you can digest them without tapping all the potential. "

Nan Yi clapped his hands and said, "Okay, that's all I've said. I hope that next time I don't need to tell you what to do, but you tell me what you plan to do. Don't make me feel sorry for the things I gave you. shares."

Nan Yi doesn't hurt his back when he stands and talks. He knows the result and goes backwards to find out the cause of the result. Naturally, it's easier. Li Hai's information is scarcer than him, so he can only stay in a relatively scattered area. Linear thinking, it is normal not to be able to connect commercial housing with Wenzhou businessmen in Muxiyuan.

Li Hai smiled and said: "If you keep belittling me, you won't be afraid that I will back down."

"No, if the sky has love, the sky will be old. The right way in the world is vicissitudes. After experiencing so much suffering, I believe that you will not be defeated so easily, Lao Li."

"I have a good memory. Do you still remember the scene when we had a drink for the first time?"

"Of course, vividly."

Li Hai's eyes revealed memories, and he murmured faintly: "I'm melancholy, ask the vast land, who is in charge of the ups and downs? Back then, you had already set your ambitions?"

"Haha, the children of the poor have long been in charge of the family."

"You really have the face to say that your family is poor, how can the children of the Second Chemical Plant be called poor?" Li Hai spat.

"That depends on who to compare with. Compared with your family, my family is a poor and settled family. If you leave, come home with me. It's been so long since you've been back, and you haven't eaten at my house. Ou Jing will blame me for neglecting you." As Yi said, he yelled at Fang Chong: "Fang Chong, follow my car and have dinner at my place at night."

After a meal, drinking and chatting, we didn't finish until 8:40.

After the guests left, Nan Yi and Liu Zhen cleaned up the wreckage together.

"Nanyi, I haven't seen Miss Ou Jing for a long time, when will I invite her to the capital for a few days?"

"Ou Jing just opened a branch, and the business is busy, so how can I come to the capital?" Nan Yi took Liu Zhen's clean dishes, wiped the water with a dry cloth and put them on the shelf.

"Yeah, I'm busy, it's really not easy to see each other." Liu Zhen sighed and said, "You're leaving again, see if your son's arrangement will be delayed again?"

"What are you procrastinating for? Squeak when it's convenient for you. No matter where I am, I will rush to meet you. There is nothing in this world that can be greater than my son."

"Hmph, you..."

"Don't, talk about your son, talk about your son. Don't talk about yourself. It's a cliché. It's enough to talk about it once or twice a year. If you talk too much, it will be boring." Nan Yi blocked Liu Zhen's remaining words, he knew too well What will Liu Zhen say next.

"You can do it, and I can't say it?"

Liu Zhen said something, but didn't continue the topic. She knew it was useless to say more. Before the fall, she knew that Nanyi was a fire pit, and she jumped down voluntarily. Thinking about it rationally, it's no wonder Nanyi, but women and men need to talk about it. Does it make sense?

"Of course you can say that this is your right, but, as I said just now, don't do it too often, it will be counterproductive. You know, I am a reflective person." Nanyi hung up the dry cloth, took another Pick up a rag to wipe the stove, "Do you want to hire a nanny at home? When you are not in the mood to cook, there are ready-made meals."

"No, I don't want to have more people in the family. Now everyone is used to it. When I don't want to cook, I can eat outside, and I can also ask Aunt Maochi to do my share."

"Okay, please invite when you want." Nanyi put the rag away, washed his hands, walked out of the kitchen with Liu Zhen, and sat down on the sofa in the living room, "When I come back, you authorize me, and I will send you If you invest your money, you can’t just sit in the account and earn interest.”

Liu Zhen nestled in Nanyi's arms, "Where to throw it?"

"It will be very scattered. Anyway, in three years, your money will be recovered with interest, and it will bring you a lot of fixed assets. I dare not say that it will double. It will make you earn 600 to 700 million U.S. dollars without any problem."

"It's not a lot."

"Money is money, fixed assets are fixed assets, there is no relationship between them."

"Oh." Liu Zhen replied softly.

"Aren't you in a good mood?"

Liu Zhen moved her body, changed her position and lay on her back, "Nanyi, you are really good at calculating, you look generous, and you can get billions of dollars in one move, but more money and less money are meaningless to me. No, just keep it for my son."

"Who do you blame? You made it out of the situation you couldn't spend step by step. Besides, when have you ever lacked something?"

"Why don't I lack anything, I just lack a diamond ring right now, a 0.5-carat one from the jewelry counter in Asia."

"We are considered a big family now, and diamonds are still calculated by carat? Just buy it, and I will buy you a 0.0005-ton diamond."

"A catty is a catty, why don't you say tons of tons?" Liu Zhen spat.

"Ten tons are too loaded, tons are just enough."

"Don't deliberately drag the topic, I just want a 0.5 carat diamond ring."

"Do you really dare to think, can you wear a 0.5-carat one? It will cost you a little over a thousand to buy you a small one to get over your addiction."

Liu Zhen thought for a while and said, "Small ones are fine, I want pretty ones."

"Okay, I'll order one for you."

The next day, Nanyi called Long Huiqing and asked her to order three crystal diamond rings, which were made of cheap materials, no more than 300 yuan, and exquisite workmanship, worth 300,000 yuan.

Liu Zhen's identity can only wear "cheap goods", even if she has a rich husband like Nanyi, she has to keep a low profile.

In the morning, Nanyi went to a courtyard where Zhang Sheng Mala Tang Research Institute is located.

Walking into the gate of the courtyard, I saw several chefs huddling together in front of the pot and cooking the spicy soup base under the yelling of Master Dai Yuejin. The clear and spicy flavors are mixed together.

Dai Yuejin is the best craftsman among the six masters invited back from Jiazhou. At the age of forty-five or sixteen, he has nine older sisters, and the tenth is the one who has a boy, so he named it Dai Xiwa. During the years, his father changed his name to Yuejin in order to strive for excellence.

Just because he has the best craftsmanship, he wears the relatively false title of director of the research institute. The actual thing is that his salary is higher than the other five.

Nan Yi greeted Chen Wenqin who was sitting in a corner of the yard reading a book, then walked to the side of the pot, and took a look into the pot. The ingredients in the pot were packed in a seasoning ball, except for the big bones, it was unclear what else was used material.

"Master Dai, what's the first pot today?"

Dai Yuejin wiped his sweat with the towel hanging around his neck, and said, "The second pot."

"When the soup base is ready, you can help me make a bowl of Malatang, and match it according to the combination you think is best."


After receiving Dai Yuejin's response, Nanyi retreated to the corner where Chen Wenqin was, "What book are you reading?"

Chen Wenqin held up the book in his hand, and turned the cover to Nanyi, "Xi Juan's "Marrying the Right Man on the Wrong Sedan Chair", a new book."

"Oh, you still like romance novels?"

Nan Yi is familiar with the name Xi Juan, as if he has read a romance novel about "this man is a bit handsome or a bit cool", and he doesn't know if it has been published.

"I didn't read it before. I rented it from a bookstore when I went shopping last time. Xi Juan's books are very popular in the mainland. I saw many female students renting books from bookstores."

"Rental bookstore..."

It was about this time in his last life. Nan Yi often went to bookstores to rent martial arts novels. He remembered that he had dreamed of owning a bookstore for rent at that time. Book rental fee.

"Opening a rental bookstore has made my dream come true."

Nan Yi made up his mind to open the book rental store by himself when he had free time.

Starting from this year, Nanyi has become selfish in doing things, and has a taste of doing things casually, because he has passed the age of hearing, and he is about to do whatever he wants without breaking the rules.

I have gone through forty-six springs and autumns in my previous life, and I have borrowed 19 years from the former Nanyi in this life. When the two are added together, Nanyi is actually sixty-five this year. Fifteen years is enough to take over after two years.

At that time, it will be the octogenarian age, the body is still in the prime of life, to do something adventurous, even death is also called joy and mourning.

Looking up at the warm but not hot red sun, Nanyi is looking forward to his retirement life.

Chen Wenqin put down the book in her hand, felt the old spirit emanating from Nanyi, her face was full of suspicion, after a breath, she couldn't help calling: "Nansheng?"


"Do you have something on your mind?"

Nan Yi withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at Chen Wenqin, and smiled warmly, "No, the sun makes people lazy and comfortable. Is the book from the heroine's perspective?"

"Yes, dual heroine perspective."

"Looking at the title of the book you just mentioned, did the two brides get into the wrong sedan chair and meet the right husband-in-law?"

Chen Wenqin nodded, "It's almost like this."

"Have you noticed that TVB and ATV are more and more inclined to make Si Nai dramas?"

"Nansheng, this is normal. The pace of life in Xiangcheng has become much faster. Young people have to work overtime every day and come home very late. They don't have much time to watch TV dramas. Even if they don't work overtime, they will go out with friends Happy hour, bars, cinemas.

The main force for watching TV dramas is Shi Nai and BB. The purpose of TV stations broadcasting TV dramas is to push advertisements. "

Nan Yi nodded, "It makes sense, do you like watching TV dramas?"

Chen Wenqin: "Fortunately, I will chase after TV series I like."

"Oh, when you watch a TV series, do you put yourself into a certain role? Or do you calmly examine the world constructed by the TV series with the eyes of an outsider?"

Chen Wenqin thought for a while and said, "Sometimes I will substitute."

"Female character?"

Chen Wenqin: "Yes."

"When your female character is happy and sad, do you empathize with it?"

Chen Wenqin: "Sometimes."

"Then will you have a strong desire to buy because a certain female character you like uses a certain cosmetic, goes to a certain restaurant to eat a certain food, places a certain accessory in the room, and so on? Or, When you are buying a certain product, will you choose the same model because of the female character?"

Chen Wenqin thought for a while before saying: "In the first case, if it is something I need, it may arouse my desire to buy; in the second case, if the price is similar, I should choose the same item."

"Think through the questions I just asked you, starting with 'do you like watching TV dramas', after sorting it out, find two commercial research companies to do a questionnaire survey in Hong Kong, and when the results come out, make a form for me, Answers with a relatively high repetition rate should be highlighted."

"Okay." Chen Wenqin replied.

Nanyi walked out of the compound, got back in the car, took out his notebook and sent an email to Han Zhenhe: "Let Hawkeye investigate the world's most famous feminists and form a list. Note: Please indicate if your behavior and views are particularly extreme. For Asia, please specify."

After writing the email, Nanyi checked it and sent it out, and then wrote another email to the Huaiqing Research Institute: "Carry out a new targeted project, predict and analyze the people born in Japan, South Korea, and Huaguo since 1979 (under 16 years old) years old)'s current and future consumption behavior patterns, and simulate and design consumer-oriented plans."

After the two emails were sent, Nanyi put away his notebook and went back to the courtyard.

On the square stool next to Chen Wenqin, a bowl of Malatang was already placed there. Nan Yi walked over to pick up the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and took a sip. In an instant, his eyebrows became one character wide.

It's not that Malatang is not delicious, it's just too delicious. Nanyi can eat several expensive ingredients.

Nanyi called Dai Yuejin to him, and asked gently, "Master Dai, how much does my bowl of Malatang cost?"

"Fifteen...seventeen." Dai Yuejin changed his words with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Wenqin, how much is a bowl of noodles outside now? How much is a box lunch?"

Chen Wenqin replied without stumbling: "Noodle restaurants on the street cost about three yuan for a bowl of meat noodles, and you can find one and five yuan in alleys and remote places. There are three to five yuan for lunch boxes, and three yuan is more. .”

Nanyi looked at Dai Yuejin, "Did you hear that?"

"Listen... I heard it."

"Master Dai, this is not a state-run canteen. Every penny you use is my own money. You don't have to do anything silly in the future. You must make a combination of meat and vegetables within the cost of one yuan and two. Customers Malatang that can be eaten well and full." Nanyi pointed at the mouth of the bowl with his chopsticks finger, "You can live a fat year depends on it, do it well, don't loose your belt, do you want it?"

Dai Yuejin nodded sharply, "Yes."

"Go ahead, and come with a bowl of one yuan and two."

After Dai Yuejin left, Chen Wenqin questioned: "Nansheng, is the cost of one yuan and two yuan too high? Selling three yuan a bowl, the gross profit margin is only 150%. The store rent, employee wages, and other expenses are shared, and the net profit Not much left."

"Almost, many of the side dishes now are bought directly from the vegetable market, and the terminal retail price is calculated. If it is the wholesale price, the cost can be lowered, not to mention that we have channels to get cheaper supply prices.

In addition, three yuan a bowl is only the benchmark price. Some customers will eat extravagantly, and the absolute value of profit will be higher. Some customers will eat cheaper, and naturally choose more vegetables for side dishes. We can design Look at the price of side dishes, the profit margin of cheap side dishes for the purpose of eating can be higher.

Pulling the average in this way can still guarantee a good profit margin. In addition, in summer, beer, soda, and the kind of fruit juice ice cubes in bags, etc., are more or less a piece of profit. "

Nanyi said, with a worried face, "I'm not worried about profit margins, but I am worried about people's hearts."

Chen Wenqin thought for a while, "Nansheng, are you worried that the franchisee will spoil Zhang Sheng's reputation by shoddying it?"

"This is unavoidable. Zhang Sheng Malatang's profit ceiling is limited. Unlike western fast food, the profit is high enough to put a curse on franchisees. There will always be people who want to be greedy. Franchisees are just franchisees, and they can earn more in a limited time. The money is their main pursuit goal, and maintaining the brand of Zhangsheng Malatang is not in everyone's consideration."

"Nansheng, do you want to learn about the regional sharding model of fast-moving consumer goods? We are also looking for an agent in each province. The franchisees in the province will be handed over to the agent in the province for development and management, and the benefits will be linked. The higher the turnover, The more agents can get."

Nan Yitong weighed it all, and said: "It's a way, but it's still the same sentence, our profit is too low, the agent may not be interested. Forget it, let Li Hai calculate the details. When you hand over the work today, Tell him this."


"You continue to enter the bridal chamber, I will not disturb you."

Nanyi's words made Chen Wenqin's cheeks blush, and she picked up the book to hide her embarrassment.

When Dai Yuejin finished the one piece and two pieces of Malatang, Nanyi divided them into multiple portions for everyone around to taste and give comments respectively. Nanyi encouraged Dai Yuejin and the six of them, and drew a picture that they would most likely be able to eat. The pie, and then left the courtyard.

Not long after getting into the car, Nanyi's phone rang.

"Cousin, what's the matter?"

"Cousin, are you free tonight? I want to treat you to dinner."

"If you have something to say, what are you going to eat with me?"

"Can't you eat with me?"

"Whether you want to eat or not, you still have to talk about things in the end. Skip the politeness and talk about things directly. I will definitely help you with your affairs." Nanyi said bluntly.

"Uh..." Yi Qianxi paused and said, "A friend of mine wants a role, and I would like to ask you to help me talk about it."

"The heroine?" Nan Yi frowned.


"Is it to crowd out others, or what?"

"No, the audition has already passed, and the crew quite approved it, it's just..."

"Understood, director?"


"Well, cousin Yi Qianxi, another day you go to the suburbs to pick a piece of land, choose a bigger one, I will build a temple for you, you put on white clothes and sit in the middle to pretend to be a Bodhisattva." Nan Yi's voice suddenly increased, as if scolding : "Did you have a good life and your bones became lighter? Walking sideways in the circle, no one dares to bully you, do you think you are so amazing?

If you just ask to help others, you can stop filming if you don’t want to take off your clothes. If you want to film, but don’t want to pay, do you think that all the crews in the world are run by me? "

"Cousin, you are angry with me, I want to tell my cousin." Yi Qianxi said aggrievedly on the other side of the phone.

"Say it." Nan Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let me tell you, you are my cousin, and it is only right and proper for me to protect you, and others will give you three points. But if I stretch out my hand too long, it will be my dog." Take the mouse, my face will not be good in the future.

Letting you act as the heroine, didn't make you really regard yourself as the heroine of this world. You think the rules are up to you, and you can do whatever you want?

Reflect on yourself and hang up. "

Yi Qianxi is Nanyi's cousin. Whether it's out of kinship or to protect her own face, Nanyi will protect Yi Qianxi's comprehensiveness in the film and television industry. If Yi Qianxi is bullied, it is in hit him in the face.

Although Nanyi doesn't care much about his face, his face really can't be slapped casually. Once he is slapped, the detached status he created with great difficulty will be unstable. Whether the capital is big or small, anything that happens can reach the ears of people with clear eyes and ears.

When others see it, they will think: "Didn't you say that Nanyi is so awesome, why can't my cousin be able to cover her?"

If they didn't get it right, some stupid people jumped out and wanted to take advantage of hitting Nanyi in the face. Being beaten and then beaten back hard and no one dared to hit them were completely two concepts.

Every industry has its own rules, no matter how powerful your status is, if you want to get along in the industry like a fish in water, you have to follow the rules, or you can go to another place. In the film and television industry, Yi Qianxi doesn't have to worry about filming, no advertisements and no income, and Gong Xue is helping her in the exchange of benefits and face behind her back.

What Yi Qianxi said just now is a bit out of bounds. The director just proposed a deal, and the autonomy to agree or not is in the hands of Yi Qianxi’s friend. If Nanyi jumps out to do bad things to others, it’s no wonder he doesn’t get hated .

Moreover, Nanyi still suspects that Yi Qianxi's friend is plotting against her, and has protected Yi Qianxi too well. She has been soaking in the big dye vat for a few years, but she has not added a single bit of shrewdness. Instead, she has a tendency to develop in the direction of being silly.

Nanyi pondered for a while, then called Gong Xue: "Don't arrange advertisements for Qianxi in the last six months, and you don't have to use any force to compete for the role, let her hit it by herself."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's too kind to her, push your nose to your face."

Gong Xue hesitated: "Not too good?"

"I'll ask Yuan Tianfan to call you, and you'll do what I've done to the letter. Don't be smart and do tricks in private."

"Need to be so formal? Qianxi's matter is not official."

"I'll tell you again as the boss, implement it well and don't be smart."

Women think they are shrewd in certain things, and Nan Yi has to reiterate it very formally.

"I see, you are really ruthless. In half a year, the reputation accumulated before will dissipate a lot. Actresses are no more expensive than male actors. You can't afford it. How many people still remember me now?"

"Don't be like a grieving woman. If you want to come back to filming, just go. Do you want me to write a script for you?"

"You write." Gong Xue said resentfully: "My work has been coordinated and arranged, and you don't have time to accompany me, so your words don't count."

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