After Yang Kaiyan invited Mao Feng to sit down, he said: "President Mao, someone has already told me that you will come, but they didn't tell me what's going on. Let's get straight to the point."

Mao Feng smiled and said: "Since Dong Yang speaks quickly, I will talk about him regardless of the left and right. My purpose this time is very simple, just to buy the Asia milk tea brand under the Yaqing Company."

"President Mao is really not kidding? Asia milk tea is the cash cow of our Yaqing Company, we have never thought of selling it, unless you offer a sky-high price." Yang Kaiyan said calmly.

"Director Yang, Nan Sheng is my boss."

"So what if he is your boss? I am the master of Yaqing Company. If he wants to buy it, he has to ask a sky-high price, otherwise I won't sell it."

Although Yang Kaiyan pissed him off, Mao Feng still said neither humble nor overbearing: "Nansheng said that Asia milk tea is bound by the Asia mall and can only become a vassal. The milk tea brand in Taiwan has begun to expand externally. Asia milk tea is now Without expansion, it will lose the best expansion period when Taiwan milk tea comes in.”

Hearing this, Yang Kaiyan thought for a while, took out his phone and called Nanyi.

"What do you want to do?"

Nanyi took the soda offered by the shop owner, took a sip, and said into the microphone: "You shouldn't ask me what I want to do, you should ask me how to do it."

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

"You separate Asia milk tea from Yaqing Company, and Lu Yu Tea Industry becomes a shareholder, accounting for 80% of the shares, and Yaqing Company will follow suit."

Yang Kaiyan said angrily: "Investing in shares? What are you thinking about? It is impossible to invest in shares. It is possible to sell shares, but you can't have so many shares."

"It must be a shareholding, so many shares are required. If Asia Milk Tea wants to expand in the later stage, it needs to invest a lot of money. Do you think that if Yaqing Company wants to follow up with the investment, will it be so easy to apply for funds?"

Yang Kaiyan was silent for a long time, Nan Yi heard the sound as if he had walked out of the office and went to a secluded place.

Yang Kaiyan: "The Haidian district had a new district chief last year."

"I know. How is District Chief Zhang? Is it easy to get along with?"

Yang Kaiyan: "The district wants to seize power."

"Wealth rights?"

Yang Kaiyan: "All."

"I'll call you Lao Yang, or open your face?"

Yang Kaiyan: "Whatever you want."

"I still call you Lao Yang." Nanyi carried the soda bottle, left the range of the small shop, and found a place to stand under the shade of a tree, "Old Yang, it's only natural for people to want to hold the money bag in their own hands. Hard and easy to break, you have been strong for more than ten years, it is time to soften up.

If the district wants to seize power, you should let it go. A Yaqing company should not imprison you. First jump out and go to your other businesses, and then look back after a while.

If a capable person takes your seat, we can just retire and become a Taiping shareholder. If Yaqing Company is messed up, it is not a bad thing. You can return to clean up the mess and turn Yaqing Company into a big mess. Chenggenzhengmiaohong's wholly-owned holding company was kicked out of Haidian District. "

"It's easy to say, even if there is a capable person to replace me, do you think our dividends will be guaranteed? Even now, Yaqing Company has nearly 15 million non-essential expenses every year. Since you were here, you have raised a For those who play table tennis, in the next few years, volleyball, basketball, badminton, chess, and go, those who cannot create benefits have raised a large number of people, and the party..."

"Old Comrade Yang, don't talk nonsense if it is not conducive to unity. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages have been eaten by us, and the disadvantages have to be endured. You have done a good job these years. The benefits of Yaqing Company are considerable, and the development is rapid Not bad, we have a clear conscience about Haidian District.

People often have a cognitive illusion of good and evil. For example, if I slap you twice every morning, you will definitely think that I am a bad person and hate me so much. However, after I slapped you for a month One morning, instead of hitting you, I threw you a bone instead, and you immediately thought, eh, so this person is not bad. "

"You are the dog." Yang Kaiyan spat.

Nan Yi laughed and said, "Don't be a child, let me tell you something serious."

Yang Kaiyan: "You don't need to give such an example, I understand the truth."

"You know, it's easy for me to go on." Nanyi straightened his face and said, "The salary and benefits of Yaqing Company have always been too high, and the speed of your adjustment is too fast, and it is already on the verge of the limit.

It’s been good all the time, but suddenly it’s not good, it’s heinous, you’re about to change from a good person to a bad person, at this moment someone is going to seize power, if you don’t take the opportunity to give up your seat to someone else, what are you waiting for? "

Yang Kaiyan: "You only thought of the good parts for us, what about the bad things? Maybe when we return, Yaqing Company will not only be a mess, but will be wiped out and cease to exist."

"If this situation happens, then I will spank your ass. After more than ten years of operation, you have not turned Yaqing Company into a monolith. I was blind to choose you."

Yang Kaiyan: "The reason why I hate talking to you is because you often sneer coldly and engage in personal attacks. Did you have your brain trapped when you were born?"

"Nonsense, did you have a cesarean section?"

Yang Kaiyan stomped her feet angrily, "I am a woman."

"Your aunt is really difficult to serve, okay, okay, I pay attention to the tone of my words." Nanyi paused, and said softly: "I have always believed in your ability, even if you are not in Yaqing Company, you still have certain understanding of it." Control ability, so I don't worry about it being shut down.

In recent years, I have been paying attention to the personnel files of Yaqing Company. Most of the grassroots employees are fresh graduates, and they can only record one work history. Although they are not individuals living in a vacuum, they have their own circles and social contacts. The treatment situation can be heard from others.

However, most of the time, it is not enough to rely on listening and thinking alone. Without personal experience, there will never be real pain. Those who are soaked in honeypots will feel that the sugar water is not sweet enough. If they are not allowed to suffer, they will not deeply realize today. What a transcendent treatment they enjoyed. "

"When you were formulating salary and benefits, did you expect this day to come?"

"I got it."

"What about the normal solution?"

"No." Nan Yi said simply.

"Step by step?"

"You misunderstood me. I don't have a normal solution. The plans are all for abnormal situations."

Yang Kaiyan fell into silence again, and after a long time, she said: "You want to take advantage of the current layoffs?"

Nanyi smiled knowingly: "Tell me in detail."

"If the situation of Yaqing Company becomes worse, it will make employees think of being laid off, and everyone will be in danger; also because of the wave of layoffs, the municipal government will not sit back and watch a high-quality enterprise of Yaqing Company go bankrupt and add another batch of laid-off workers. When the situation arises, some conditions will be easier to negotiate, such as shares.”

"Ha, Lao Yang, after ten years of receiving the Earth's energy, you finally received it. Your current thinking is very Huaguo. Now that you understand it, you know what to do, right?"

"Genzheng Miaohong entered Tianlong to establish a new brand."

"We must ensure that it is a hit. As you said, we can't just think about the good side. Our road to return will not be smooth. We will station troops in small stations, sharpen our knives and wipe our guns. Once the guns are fired, we will help the Qing Dynasty and destroy the oceans."

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