Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1006

"Uh uh..." Shimabukuro Junhui asked a little embarrassedly: "What is the report? The to write?"

Lin Yi paused, then thought for a moment, and said, "I think it's better... You should go to the police station for an intern first."

"No no no... I'll check the Internet myself, and I'll know how to write a report." Shimabukuro Junhui is now a little afraid of the police, worried that they will recognize him and arrest him.

"I'll send the report to your mailbox in two days..." After Shimabukuro Junhui finished speaking, she ran away without looking back.

Seeing Shimabukuro Junhui slipping away, Lin Yi smiled, the child's expression became richer, and he was very pleased.

Chapter 880

Popcorn Central Building.

Inside the top bedroom.

After she was free, Mingmei asked Lin Yi what department she belonged to, how to use her police rank, and if she used her police rank at will, would she be noticed by the undercover agents lurking in the Metropolitan Police Department. .

In this regard, Lin Yi patiently answered Mingmei's question, while holding her hair, dividing them into two parts, and then tying them with a headband and tying them into two ponytails.

"It took a little effort for me to get some friends in Congress to give me a bite to this department, and reluctantly agreed to establish a department dedicated to arresting drug traffickers."

"This department is more powerful. Even people in Congress can't manage me, only I can manage it myself!"

"Is it really that powerful?" Mingmei's eyes widened and she asked curiously.

Although these days are spinning in the upper class, Mingmei gradually realizes that for the upper class people, wealth is nothing.

Only power is the standard by which they measure a person's ability.

After all, money always gathers towards power.

Now, as soon as she heard that Lin Yi was so simple, she asked Congress to approve the establishment of this department that they can't even manage!

This is equivalent to adding one more opponent to oneself, and it is purely to find oneself uncomfortable!

This made Mingmei very surprised, and she didn't know how Lin Yi did it.

"It's so powerful." Lin Yi said, adjusting the left and right ponytails, and said, "But... Although they don't have the right to control us, they have the right to disband our department."

Mingmei said, "If you say that...they still control us to some extent?"

"Don't worry... If it hadn't made things too big, they wouldn't have done it." Lin Yi said confidently.

In fact, even if Lin Yi broke out, with the power of the system, the people in Congress couldn't stop it at all, and could only stare blankly.

After all, Lin Yi couldn't understand the power of the system, let alone other mortals?

Lin Yi said: "Besides, since we have chosen the identity of the police, we must abide by some rules and regulations."

Lin Yi doesn't want his organization to be defined as a terrorist organization that everyone shouts and kills, who can bask in the sun lazily under the sun, who likes to be in the dark?

Therefore, some things must be agreed with Mingmei, and some things that touch the bottom line and principles must not be done.

"Well..." Mingmei nodded, not rejecting it at all.

People who have lived in chaos yearn for order more than anyone else.

Lin Yi said: "At the same time, we have to help them deal with some problems that they can't deal with."

"Huh? What's the problem." Mingmei asked.

Lin Yi said, "It's not something you can see."

Mingmei understood in seconds, she didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, the ponytail is perfect... Now get up, I'm going to ride."

Lin Yi got up in high spirits, grabbed two ponytails, and did it.

Play with Mingmei in the mortal world and play unrestrainedly.

It was originally scheduled to go to the police academy to recruit people in the afternoon. Because this ride was too far away, it could only be postponed until tomorrow.

the next day.

When Ming Mei was leaving, Lin Yi also instructed the other party: "Ming Mei, handling things is important, but your body is more important... Your persistence yesterday was shorter than before."

Mingmei said angrily, "I've been exercising all the time... It's obviously your own problem, okay?"

"Is it my problem? Haha..." Lin Yi was very happy to hear Mingmei's rebuttal.

After watching her leave, Lin Yi slowly took out his mobile phone and searched for a while before he found the phone number he wanted to dial.




The call is connected.

Lin Yi said, "Mr. Yuzuka, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been recently?"

"Me? I didn't have a good time...especially last Saturday and Sunday, it was terrible."

"You may not believe it, my girlfriend is being targeted."

"Someone also tried to kidnap her... luckily I caught them and it didn't cause a catastrophe."

"I took out a name from the mouths of these two kidnappers, and I want you to check it out."

"Meet and talk? Okay. Jazz bar? Okay..."



Ended the call with Lin Yi.

Vodka tucked the phone back into the inner pocket of his jacket, and then expressed his concerns to the gin in the back seat: "I said, brother, will this policeman have any conspiracy?"

Gin bit the flue: "On our territory, even if he has any conspiracy, it's useless."

Vodka muttered, "Meeting the police...why does it feel weird?"

"That's because you only know how to kill... You don't have much contact with other things." Gin said sharply.

BOSS just gave him the organization to take care of with confidence, naturally because Gin has a good management.

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