Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1007

Not to mention the police, the police chief, congressmen, presidential candidates, prime ministers and even heads of state have all been in contact with him.

Gin has never seen the so-called justice in them, and he can even feel the same breath from them.

What justice and evil, is simply ridiculous.

"Ah...because I'm relatively stupid, I'm only suitable for killing people. I really can't understand other things." Vodka said with a wry smile.

Some people, naturally insulated from management, are exceptional in others.

For example, vodka, let him lead a team to kill, he is good at this, but if he is asked to manage a place, he may not be as good as a section chief of an ordinary company.

Gin didn't continue to talk on this topic, and it was a waste of saliva to talk.

Thinking of meeting Lin Yi later, the corners of Jin Jiu's mouth rose slightly and said, "I'm looking forward to meeting that police officer... I hope he won't let me down."

Vodka was a little surprised: "Huh? Big brother is interested in him?"

Gin nodded, but he didn't say why he was interested.

After all, he told Vodka what it meant that Lin Yi spent a lot of money to buy a hotel, and he couldn't understand it.

In short, this police officer is not an honest guy, but also an ambitious character.

Gin likes to deal with such people the most.

Dealing with ambitious people can get the job done with just a few words.

When dealing with people with one brain, you can only communicate with each other with bullets... Sometimes you may not even be able to communicate.

Only when they saw their wives and daughters crying and hugging in front of them would they cooperate obediently.

Chapter 881

Lin Yi came to the jazz bar and saw that vodka and gin were waiting for him.

He went over and greeted the two of them.

Vodka got into the topic directly: "Speak up, Mr. Lin. What do you want to investigate?"

Lin Yi replied, "A woman named Kiel..."


When Jin Jiu heard the word, he felt a little more in his heart, and he didn't know how the other party got it.

As soon as he thought about it, Lin Yi continued: "The names were dug out from the mouths of the two kidnappers. As for the gender, it is the information obtained during the arrest process."

"Kiele's performance during her escape was very calm. I don't believe it is the first time she has done such a thing."

"So I want to investigate and ask you guys to help me investigate the relevant information about Kiel. The reward is 3 million yen. If you can get her ten points, the reward can be increased tenfold."

Because they knew that it was impossible for them to sell Shui Wulianai backhand, Lin Yi simply set the price too high to show his full sincerity.

Vodka didn't speak, because the eldest brother was here, so it was not his turn to make up his mind, unless the eldest brother signaled.

Gin said, "Kill? We have information about her here."

The words of gin made Lin Yi stunned for a moment. I didn't expect this guy to sell teammates so easily?

Or, he has already begun to doubt Shui Wulianai now?

Don't say that Lin Yi was stunned, even the vodka next to him was dumbfounded. He glanced at Jinjiu subconsciously, not understanding what he was doing.

No matter what Jin Jiu wanted to do, Lin Yi immediately showed a surprised expression: "Really? That's great... Being stared at, I can't even sleep well."

Gin said with a smile: "Of course it's true... but your price is too low. Kiel is a well-known killer."

"If you want her basic information, you have to spend five million. If you want to know her true identity...the price will be ten times that."

"Fifty million?" Lin Yi frowned, but soon stretched it out and said, "To be honest... the price is a bit more expensive."

Jinjiu said, "It's not expensive, Mr. Lin. It takes a lot of time to find out the details of a killer..."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It's also... If a killer finds out her identity, it means his life is in someone else's hands."

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Yi said, "Okay, fifty million is fifty million... I need to know her true identity."

There wasn't much of a smile on Gin's face, and it seemed like a trivial deal had just been done.

He said, "Then please start paying the amount now."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Yes..."

Gin glanced at Vodka, Vodka got up and left, and when he came back, he had a laptop in his hand.

Without hesitation, Lin Yi transferred the amount of 50 million to the designated account to see if Jinjiu really sold Shui Wulianai.

After vodka looked at the account, there was an extra 50 million, and nodded to the gin: "Brother, the money has arrived."

Qin Jiu didn't have too many expressions, but continued to ask: "Mr. Lin, I can see that your funds are very rich... Have you considered taking some money out and making some investments?"

Lin Yi was a little surprised. To be honest, the words "investment" came out of Jinjiu's mouth, and it didn't really matter at all. On the contrary, the words "Have you considered killing a person?" came out of him, which made it seem insignificant. No violation.

Considering that Jinjiu is still a manager and often extorts and kills for money, Lin Yi can barely accept the other party's investment.

Lin Yi said with a puzzled look: "Investment? Invest in what?"

Without thinking, Jin Jiu said: "Of course it is to invest in our security company... Our company has plans to expand recently and is looking for suitable investors."

"From the perspective of these two transactions, Mr. Lin should know the strength of our security company. If nothing else, at least the ability to collect intelligence is very powerful."

Lin Yi was curious about whether Jinjiu had taken advantage of himself, or if he had any other plans, so he simply followed his words and continued: "I have indeed seen your abilities... But, what does my investment mean to me? The benefit?"

Jinjiu said: "If you invest in us, then you will be our own person in the future. Not to mention, at least when you buy intelligence in the future, you don't need to be so troublesome, we can help you with a phone call."

Lin Yi pretended to think for a while, and then asked, "How much investment do you need?"

Qin Jiu said lightly, "Twenty billion."

Lin Yi thought about it, 2 billion is not expensive.

Spending 2 billion to buy an admission ticket to the organization is very worthwhile.

Don't be cautious when dealing with them in the future.

And they can run the girls they organized openly!

Ugh? If you think about it this way, it's worth it.

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