Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1073

Lin Yi also waited patiently.

The black sedan started slowly, merged into the traffic, and soon left Shizhongxin, walked east, and after driving for thirty minutes, entered a mansion area.

The reason why it is determined to be a luxury area is that in Tokyo, where land is tight, you can still see villas decorated with large forests.

If it is not a mansion, no one would believe it.

The black vehicle entered a villa and finally stopped in front of the four-story main house.

The bearded man took Lin Yi to the main house, stepped on the expensive silk carpet, climbed the spiral staircase, arrived on the second floor, walked to the left for thirty seconds, and came to a study.

In the study, Lin Yi saw a serious-looking old man.

He was wearing a kimono and was practicing calligraphy. He was very focused, and the bearded man did not disturb the other party.

However, Lin Yi did not wait properly. He always liked to take the initiative in his own hands. He said rudely: "Old man, is there anything you want to come to me?"

The old man's pen paused for a while, as if Lin Yi had interrupted his interest, he put the brush aside and looked at him with a slightly unhappy expression: "Are young people now so impatient?"

Lin Yi took two steps to the side, then sat on the sofa, and said, "I don't know any information, I came to see you by car for 30 minutes, isn't that impatient?"

"And to be honest, your calligraphy is really ugly. From the hand you hold the pen, you can tell that you can't control your wrist strength, your fingers are stiff and inflexible, and the words you write must be blunt and unnatural."

"Besides that, your strokes are all of the same strength, and there is no difference in weight or speed at all. The thickness and length of the stippling are unknown, and you do not understand the difference between the size and the front side of the structure, let alone the density and density of the composition. Fake."

"You still have a long way to go. Just practicing for a minute or two is useless."

The old man didn't expect that Lin Yi came up with a mouthful of guns and sprayed his calligraphy as worthless. He was startled for a while, and then he asked, "You know calligraphy too? How many years have you practiced calligraphy?"

"I don't understand, I haven't practiced, but I think others wrote it like this." Lin Yi responded lightly, like a keyboard warrior.

I can't do it, but I can say it.

After saying this, Lin Yi found that the old man's face was a little ugly again.

But Lin Yi didn't care about the other party's mood, the other party was not his father, and he didn't covet anything in the other party's body.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?" Lin Yi ignored the other party's expression and said, "It took me thirty minutes to get here, I hope I didn't waste my time."

The old man took two steps to sit down on the sofa opposite Lin Yi. His sitting posture was very upright, which formed a completely different contrast with Lin Yi's Ge You paralysis.

He said: "Lin Jun is worthy of being selected by President Suzuki. He is indeed an extraordinary person and a hero among people."

Oh? It turned out that he found himself because of being a bodyguard for Tomoko Suzuki.

Lin Yi finally understood that the other party was looking for him.

"Old man, you know a lot." Lin Yi replied, "But if you have something to say, just say it directly and save some time for you to practice calligraphy."

The old man said, "You dismantled my surveillance camera, have you ever thought of giving me an explanation?"

After Lin Yi heard this, he immediately corrected his sitting posture. He smiled and looked at the other party: "What do you want me to explain to you? Let me pretend to be another one for you?"

The old man said, "President Suzuki will be more cautious in the future. Even if you hide the camera, she will suffer this loss and will not handle important documents in the office."

"So, I want you to be my eyes, monitoring President Suzuki's every move."

Chapter 941

This unknown old man found himself and made himself the eyes of the other party.

After hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but smile: "The old gentleman seems to be a veteran who has been in the mall for a long time. He moves so fast."

He glanced at his watch and said, "You came to me within two hours of leaving the Suzuki Building."

The old man said lightly: "Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles."

"That's right." Lin Yi nodded, agreeing with his idea. This sentence is not only suitable for business warfare, but also applies to any field.

Lin Yi asked, "So, what chips are you going to use to buy me? I remind you in advance that I'm not a good buy."

The old man said, "Money, beauty, power... I can satisfy you whatever you want."

"It seems that you haven't had time to investigate me..." Lin Yi shook his head regretfully and said, "If you can seriously investigate me, you will find that I have all three things missing."

The old man frowned and said, "Really? Then Mr. Lin, you might as well tell me directly what you want."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I want a bottle of magic potion that can make me fly... This is my dream since I was a child, and I haven't been able to realize it so far."


Magic potion?

Do you want to go to heaven?

I miss God too!

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched. He realized that Lin Yi was playing with himself. He said coldly, "Mr. Lin, it seems that you don't want to cooperate with me."

"It's not that I don't cooperate with you, it's that you can't meet my conditions." Lin Yi waved his hand.

"Looks like we couldn't reach a consensus," the old man said.

"Yes." Lin Yi stood up and said, "Since we can't agree, there's nothing to talk about."

He turned and walked towards the door.

However, he was blocked by the bearded man and was not allowed to leave.

Lin Yi looked back at the old man and said, "What? Do you want to force me to stay? Let me tell you first, I'm not easy to mess with... At present my best record is to kill fifty by myself, Not even a bullet hole. Scared?"

"Haha..." The old man was amused by Lin Yi's words, and he said, "It sounds like you are quite good."

His laughter gradually stopped and he said, "However, no matter how good you are, you are only one person."

"If you don't want to follow us have to take good care of the people around you. Otherwise, it's not good if they go out one day and have an accident."

"I can't take the bait, why don't you just threaten me?" Lin Yi turned around, looked at the old man and said, "I can accept the bait. After all, in essence, it's a willing transaction."

"But coercion, I hate it. I don't have any lofty ideals, I just want to pass my life in peace."

The old man looked at Lin Yi with interest and said, "So, what are you going to do."

"What's the point of saying that?" After Lin Yi threw these words, he raised his hand and elbowed back, accurately hitting the bearded man's chicken.

Violent chicken on the spot!

The tough bearded man, after suffering this blow, knelt down on the spot, covering his crotch, showing severe pain, and the blue veins on his face popped out.

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