Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 1074

This thing is a permanent pain in a man's body. No matter how much you exercise, it is a part that can't stand being beaten.

Lin Yi turned around and kicked the opponent's temple, kicking him to death.

"The bodyguard you invited is just a decoration, except for a good-looking figure."

As Lin Yi said, he found the pistol from the opponent's body: "I thought that with a tall and mighty figure, I could scare people."

"People are very fragile. Even if you are an untrained adult male, as long as you attack the right part, you can still knock down a well-trained special forces soldier."



A blood flower jumped out of the old man's shoulder, and he screamed.

The smoking gun was pointed at the old man. Lin Yi said, "So, what else do you have to say? For example, who instructed you to do this?"

The old man covered his wound with a painful look on his face. Looking at Lin Yi, panic appeared in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. In today's highly developed information world, I can also look for people around you through your face."

"However, I have a better way." Lin Yi sneered: "Then kill all those who attended your funeral!"

Lin Yi just finished speaking when footsteps came from the door. Without turning his head, he threw the muzzle back and pulled the trigger.

bang bang——-

The two bodyguards who had just appeared at the door fell on the ground as soon as their bodies softened, and blood slowly flowed out from the single hole on their foreheads, staining the floor red.

When the old man saw this amazing scene, he didn't know what to say, and he was completely dumbfounded.

"Did you see it?" Lin Yi pointed the gun again at the old man and said, "I told you, I'm very strong. It's not a problem for one person to hit fifty, but you don't believe it."

The old man covered his wound and said slowly, "If you kill me, you will face an endless pursuit!!"

After hearing this, Lin Yi shook his head: "It's already this time, and you still want to threaten me. It seems that you are out of luck."

Having said that, Lin Yi turned the muzzle of the gun behind him and pulled the trigger again and again.

At the door, two bodyguards who were trying to come in on tiptoe fell in response.

"Since you are threatening me like this, I can't justify it if I don't take revenge." Lin Yi pointed the gun at the old man again and said, "I will attend your funeral."

"Etc., etc……"

The old man hurriedly shouted, and he said, "Wait a second, things are not what you imagined!"

"It's too late." After Lin Yi said this, he pulled the trigger and sent a bullet into his head.

The old man's eyes widened, and he died very restlessly.

Here, the phone in the house rang.

Lin Yi looked up at the surveillance camera in the house, he smiled, then raised his hand and shot it up.


Lin Yi didn't answer the phone.


Suzuki Tomoko was holding the phone, watching the loss of signal on the computer, she pressed her temple with a headache.

She realized that she seemed to have screwed up.

Chapter 942

"That's it."

After Lin Yi came out of the villa, he grabbed a car and went back to the city.

After having dinner and changing into a set of clothes, he went to Tomoko Suzuki.

Tell the other person what happened to you.


Tomoko Suzuki looked at Lin Yi with a headache, she really didn't know how to deal with him.

Originally, she planned to send someone to test Lin Yi to see where the other party's bottom line was, how much money he had to pay or what conditions he met before he would be willing to betray her.

This is the necessary process for her to choose bodyguards---loyalty.

According to the previous routine, first block people on the street, and then take them to the villa where she specially holds banquets for a test.

First lure, then use coercion.

Using money or a certain condition to bribe the other party is really not feasible, so grab the other party and hang them for a while, and then put the other party back.

Through this two-pronged screening mechanism, she can assign a value to the loyalty of these bodyguards, so that through the performance of the other party, she can determine whether the other party is her peripheral bodyguard or a personal bodyguard.

The performance is really bad, just pass it off.

In order to complete the control of these people.

In the past, she used this set very smoothly.

As a result, when it was used on Lin Yi, it was completely ineffective.

Tomoko Suzuki found that she couldn't control her at all.

Not only did the means fail, but the scene was once out of control.

Not only did several confidants die, but even her right-hand man was shot in the head by Lin Yi.

This makes Tomoko Suzuki feel that blood is dripping in her heart, they are all old people who have been with her for a long time!

It was so cleanly killed by Lin Yi!

But now, Lin Yi ran over to complain to herself again, and she suddenly felt very helpless.

From the other side's point of view, he didn't know it at all. Since someone threatened him, he naturally killed it with a backhand.

Reasonable and reasonable, can't find any fault at all!

"President Suzuki, I checked the person who kidnapped me." Lin Yi took out his mobile phone, opened a photo to show her, and said, "He is a minister of the Suzuki Group, he has worked in the Suzuki Group for many years, and he There are those bodyguards next to him who are currently serving your security duties."

Having said this, Lin Yi smiled: "It seems that President Suzuki, your safety is really a big problem. I'm a little curious, how have you ensured that you will be safe all these years?"

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