Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 111

Junsu Wakamatsu tried to make the atmosphere less awkward.

Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain.

Lin Yi still didn't speak, just looked at him.

"Okay... I'd better explain my intentions directly."

Toshiu Wakamatsu sighed and gave up the plan to create an atmosphere.

I saw him stand up suddenly, with his hands on his lap, suddenly made a 90-degree bow, and then said, "Lin Yi! Please teach me how to fall in love!"


Lin Yi was dumbfounded on the spot.

"I said! Please teach me how to fall in love!"

Toshiu Wakamatsu repeated.

"Is it because of this?"

It was a little different from what he had guessed, and he couldn't show his strength, which greatly disappointed Lin Yi.


Ruomatsu Junxiu said, "Please promise me!"

"Sit down and talk slowly." Lin Yi said.

"No! If you don't agree, I won't do it." Wakamatsu Junxiu said stubbornly.

"Okay then, just stand and keep this position and don't move."


Twenty minutes later, Junxiu Wakamatsu finally sat down.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, " have been told to sit down for a long time. You have to toss yourself before you are willing to sit."

Ruosong Junxiu was speechless... If he knew that Lin Yi didn't play cards according to the routine, he would sit down immediately.

"Dating in love..." Lin Yi knocked on the table and said, "It's not difficult to fall in love... First of all, you need to know each other, and then just do what you want."

Wakamatsu Junxiu shook his head and said, "I tried it, but it doesn't work!"

Lin Yi said suspiciously, "Have you tried it?"


Junxiu Wakamatsu looked around, and finally focused on a waitress with cherry pink hair, he hurriedly said: "The girl with pink hair is called Yonehara Sakurako, 23 years old this year, and has been working in this coffee shop for two years. It's been a month..."

Lin Yi followed his line of sight, found Yonehara Sakurako, and said, "Oh... you have a really good eye. She is indeed a very cute girl."

"Really?" Wakamatsu Junxiu smiled embarrassedly, and he said, "She not only looks cute, but also has a cute voice."

After a pause, Wakamatsu Junxiu's smile faded, and she said helplessly: "I mustered up the courage before and thought she asked for a phone number... Although she is about to arrive, she has been very busy. After finishing the work at the coffee shop, Also had to do domestic work ... there was no time for a date with me."

No time for a date with you?

No no no, you misunderstood, people just simply don't want to date you.

"So, I want to ask you to find a way for make her willing to make time for me to date!"

When Junxiu Wakamatsu said this, he bowed his head again: "Please!"

Lin Yi was full of bad water, he said: "This is very simple, you can directly ask her..."

"This...I'm afraid this won't work, right?" Wakamatsu Junxiu said hesitantly.

"Why not? If you don't express your feelings to the girls directly, do you want to ask people to invite you out to dinner? They are girls and they will be shy."

Lin Yi urged: "Besides, if you don't try, how do you know it won't work?"

"When it comes to chasing girls, mentality is the most important thing. If you haven't tried it yet, just say no!"

After listening to Lin Yi's "instructions", Junxiu Ruomatsu suddenly realized, he nodded and said, "That's the case... I can't let girls take the initiative... I understand."

"Go and ask her if she has time, and make an appointment for dinner together." Lin Yi continued to instigate.

"Okay." Wakamatsu Junxiu took a deep breath, and suddenly felt confident in himself. He stood up, left his seat and walked towards Yonehara Sakurako.

three minutes later.

Ruosong Junxiu came back in despair, he said with a bitter face: "She said she didn't have time... She will do housekeeping later."

"How did you tell her?" Lin Yi asked rhetorically.

"I'm...Miss Sakurako, do you have time to have dinner with me later...that's what I asked." Wakamatsu Junxiu said.

"No, no, no."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "How can you date a girl like this? Look at me."

After speaking, Lin Yi got up and left his seat, walking towards Yonehara Sakurako.

After five minutes.

Lin Yi returned triumphantly, sat down and said, "She said she got off work at half past four..."

Wakamatsu Junxiu's eyes widened and he hurriedly asked, "How did you ask her out? Please tell me! Please!!!"

Chapter 100

"The way you just invited was not correct, the time was ambiguous, the location was not clear, and the attitude was not firm enough."

Lin Yi said seriously: "You should say like me, 'You are very cute, I want to have a meal with you, there is a very delicious and popular gourmet restaurant across the road, when do you get off work? '"

Junxiu Wakamatsu nodded first, then said blankly, "Does this make any difference?"

"A big difference!"

Lin Yi knocked on the table and said seriously, "Let's analyze what you said first."

"Miss Sakurako, do you have time to have dinner with me later?"

"This sentence is wrong everywhere, let me analyze it for you."

"Miss Sakurako's title is too formal, which makes it easy to feel alienated. Points will be deducted."

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