Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 174

As for the reasoning just now, it's all after the fact... Find the reason from the answer, who wouldn't.

If I were that good, I would have been worried about whether I should go to Peking University or Tsinghua University.

Lin Yi muttered in his heart, he pretended to be mysterious and said, "Actually, it's very simple."

"Is it simple?" Mingmei felt that it was not simple at all, and she still hadn't come up with a reason.

Lin Yi leaned over and said in a low voice, "It's actually like this...#¥%..."

Mingmei can only hear the front half, but not the back half

"What is it?" Mingmei couldn't help but leaned her head.


"Huh?" Mingmei couldn't help but leaned closer: "Can't you speak louder?"

"Of course not." Lin Yi said with a low laugh, "Otherwise, how could I deceive you?"

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he pecked Mingmei's face.

Mingmei immediately realized that she had been fooled!

I was molested by Lin Yi again!

Being molested by a boy five or six years younger than her in a row made her face very difficult.

"Lin Yi! You..."

Just when Mingmei was about to say something, the elevator just reached the sixth floor and it clicked open, and Lin Yi quickly left.

"Hey, wait, don't go... I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Mingmei angrily followed.


Directly turning on the lights in the area of ​​the watch, Lin Yi and Ming Mei each took a backpack and started cleaning the area.

Logically speaking, two people should separate two different areas to start cleaning, so that the efficiency is faster.

However, Lin Yi insisted on sticking to Mingmei.

After doing those shameful things in the closet, Mingmei's heart has quietly opened a window for Lin Yi...

Mingmei watched Lin Yi move towards her at every turn. Mingmei was both happy and angry: "Oh, don't squeeze this go there and search."

"It's faster to search together."

Lin Yi's face is already super invincible, how could he leave because of just a few words?

He glanced at Mingmei's pleated skirt and reminded, "Your skirt... it seems that there is something on it."

"Huh? What?" Mingmei glanced at her skirt subconsciously.

"That location... you can't see it. Forget it, I'll help you."

As Lin Yi said that, he stretched out his hand, patted the inside of the skirt twice, and then squeezed it twice.

He suddenly realized: "Oh, I'm sorry... I read it wrong, it turned out to be a flower."

Mingmei pushed him twice angrily and said, "Okay, don't make trouble. Hurry up and pack up and leave soon... The longer things drag on, the easier it will be to get into trouble."

"Good good."

Lin Yi smiled: "Then go to your house first and count some of these things..."

Mingmei snorted and ignored him.

Lin Yi knew that this was not the place to talk about love, so he quickened his speed.

Suddenly, Lin Yi paused. He took out his mobile phone to check the time, frowned and said, "It's strange... The big guy has been gone for so long, why hasn't it been done yet?"

Having said that, Lin Yi made a phone call to Junxiu Ruamong.

The call was quickly connected, and Lin Yi lowered his voice and said, "What's going on? Haven't the four children been resolved yet?"

Wakamatsu Junxiu replied: "It took a while to find the mask... But now I have caught three, and one with glasses ran away, I don't know where... Hell, I searched the whole floor. I haven't seen him yet."

"Have you searched the entire floor?"

After Lin Yi heard this sentence, he immediately thought of something, and decisively opened Conan's third-person vision.

It was pitch black all around, and only one place in front was brightly lit.

Lin Yi took a closer look, and in the brightly lit place, you could just see the backs of the two people——Isn't that the two of them?

Taking a closer look, Conan is holding a mobile seems to be recording.

This made Lin Yi's brows twitch -- worthy of being the protagonist, not only did he escape the pursuit of Junxiu Wakamatsu, but he also ran to the sixth floor to collect evidence of their crimes!

Tired, boring!

"What's wrong?"

When Ming Mei was about to look sideways at Lin Yi, Lin Yi grabbed Ming Mei to his side.

Mingmei thought that Lin Yi was going to do something to her again, but when she was about to struggle, Lin Yi whispered, "Don't look back... just keep it like this..."

Mingmei said inexplicably, "Why?"

Lin Yi looked down at Ming Mei and smiled: "In our hometown, there is an ancient legend... If you turn your back to the dark, once someone calls your name or hears someone talking, you must Can't go back...or else..."

"Otherwise...what will happen?" Mingmei couldn't help but ask.

"You will be punished in your eyes..." Lin Yi said with a stern expression.

After Mingmei heard it, she snorted, "Do you think I'm afraid of ghosts?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I think it's better for you to listen to me... Just come down to the sixth floor to help search, and I'll find the rest."

The last sentence was directed at Junxiu Wakamatsu.

"Look?" Mingmei thought of something: "Is there anyone here?"

"Well, it's a kid...have to catch him, don't let him run around."

Lin Yi put the backpack on the spot and said, "The big guy will come to take over my job later... Remember... Don't look back, understand?"

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