Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 175

Mingmei saw Lin Yi's repeated emphasis, so she nodded: "Okay... listen to you."

Lin Yi walked straight forward, and soon left the brightly lit area, and the figure disappeared.

And in the darkness in the distance, when Conan saw this scene, he couldn't help thinking to himself: The male robber has left, and there is only one female robber left...

When will the male robber come back...not sure.

Perhaps, I can take this opportunity to subdue the female robber with an anesthesia pistol.

Conan was a bold man, and when he thought of this possibility, he got into action.

He crawled forward cautiously, trying not to make any noise.

But after climbing less than ten meters, Conan suddenly hit something and stopped.

He was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously touched it with his hand—it was a human foot.

Conan's expression changed, and now he finally knew where the male robber went.

Chapter 150

Conan never dreamed that the male robber was standing in front of him!

How did he know he was here?

After the thought flashed through Conan's head, he immediately reached out and touched his watch-type anesthesia gun.

It's a pity that Conan's little actions could not be concealed from Lin Yi.

Although it is pitch-black and invisible, Lin Yi can clearly capture Conan's every move through Conan's third-person vision.

The effect of the anesthesia watch is very buggy. Ordinary people faint directly, and there is no way to discuss it.

Moreover, this anesthesia needle is not an ordinary anesthesia, and it will not increase the anesthesia resistance of the target. The best proof is that Mouri Kogoro has received hundreds of needles, and he has to sleep when he should sleep.

From this, it can be seen how powerful this anesthesia needle is and how big a threat it is to Lin Yi!

If he was shot by Conan, Lin Yi felt that his life would be over.

He was imprisoned on the charge of robbery, and then spent ten long years in it. When he came out again, several girlfriends were ten years older.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt scared!

In order not to have such a tragic ending!

Without any hesitation, Lin Yi raised his foot and stepped on Conan's watch!

This foot was very hard, and it directly broke Conan's watch-type anesthesia gun, and Conan couldn't help but let out a pained sound.


pain? Your pain is only short-term pain!

Ten days and a half later, he is a hero again!

And if I am caught by you, then my ten years will be gone!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi showed no mercy, kicked Conan on the chest, kicked him out, and let him have a good feel for the football he had played before!

Lin Yi just wanted to teach Conan a lesson, not his life, so he was very measured.

After Conan rolled to the ground a few times, he covered his chest and couldn't help coughing a few times, then he held the watch-type anesthesia gun, and after pressing it, the scope did not pop out.

"Damn..." Conan yelled, he knew that his watch had been stepped on.

"If that's the case... how about this move?"

Conan squatted down and twisted the button on his right foot, then pressed his belt again, and the belt spat out a football.

"Eat my trick!"

Conan raised his right foot and kicked the football hard!

Under the action of the foot strength enhancement shoes, the power generated by Conan's foot is very powerful.

Ordinary people would faint to death if they ate this football!

This shows how terrifying the power of this foot is.

The most important thing is that after sending out such a powerful kick, Conan's feet still have nothing to do, it's time to walk, it's time to run.

This is beyond the realm of science!

What action and reaction forces do not exist!

Nail Newton's coffin board directly!


This foot landed on the football, and it turned out to be an exaggerated crash!

Faced with this move, how dare Lin Yi be careless?

When the ball just came up, Lin Yi also kicked, directly changing the direction of the ball!

There was only a sound of breaking the air, and the ball disappeared, followed by a crashing sound of glass shattering!

Apparently the tempered glass was smashed by the football!


Conan was taken aback. He didn't expect the other party to make this move. Looking at the figure in front of him, he felt cold sweat on his hands. He said solemnly, "Who are you? You are definitely not an ordinary robber!!"

Wow! You shameless little thing.

It's like you're just an ordinary kid!

I haven't told you yet, so you're talking about me in turn?

So shameless?

Lin Yi thought he was shameless enough, but he didn't expect Conan to be so shameless.

In the face of shameless people, Lin Yi never said too much nonsense, because he was such a person himself, and he knew it was useless.

The best way to deal with this kind of person is to fight.

So, Lin Yi kicked Conan like a ball, and then alternated his left and right feet, kicking him until he couldn't fall to the ground!

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