Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 202

Mouri Kogoro then remembered that he hadn't notified his daughter yet.

"This kind of thing, of course, should be said by Uncle Maori."

Lin Yi felt helpless: "The person invited is you, not me."

"Ah... that's true. Xiao Ran is a fan of Miss Yoko..."

Mouri Kogoro patted his head, a little annoyed: "Forget it, I'll bring her here next time."


When he arrived at the radio station, Kogoro Mouri's nervousness finally eased.

When he didn't speak, he had a somewhat calm atmosphere. In addition, Kogoro Maori himself was not bad, and he also managed his body's physical fitness, so he was also a handsome old man when he reached middle age.

It's a pity that he often releases himself and turns a handsome uncle into a funny uncle.

To come in and sell the radio station, you need a work card to access the interior, so Kogoro Mouri can only call the program editor who contacted him and ask the other party to pick him up.

The elevator door opened, and Yoko Okino walked out. She greeted the two warmly: "Mr. Mauri, Lin Jun!"

"Miss Yoko!" Kogoro Mouri was shocked, he didn't expect Yoko Okino to come down to pick him up in person.

This made him a little unable to control himself. He tidied up his clothes and showed a confident smile: "Miss Yoko, you are beautiful again after not seeing you for a few days!"

Lin Yi was not as exaggerated as Maori Kogoro, but nodded slightly, without showing too much excitement.

"Mr. Maori really can talk."

Yoko Okino smiled and replied to Kogoro Maori, as for Lin Yi's lukewarm attitude, she was taken in by her.

"Let's go, let's go up and talk."

Okino Yoko took the work card and led the two of them through the gate and onto the elevator.

In the elevator, Yoko Okino took the initiative to open the topic: "Mr. Mauri, when we record the program later, I will ask you a few related reasoning questions... Are you confident to answer it?"

"Of course!" Mouri Kogoro patted his shoulder confidently.

"Then... what about Lin Jun?"

Yoko Okino brought the topic to Lin Yi.

"I'm not on the show, I just sit in the auditorium."

Lin Yi said: "Uncle Maori can handle these things alone."

Mouri Kogoro nodded very usefully. He was very happy that Lin Yi held him in front of Yoko Okino, which made him feel more face.

"Mr. Maori is shooting a show for the first time, right?"

"Yeah that's right."

"Then let me tell you briefly."

"If you accidentally make a mistake while shooting, you can shoot again... so you don't have to worry too much."

"Secondly, when shooting, you don't need to go to the camera deliberately, they take the initiative to find you."


Yoko Okino introduced it to Kogoro Mouri, and occasionally pulled it to Lin Yi in advance.

Lin Yi keenly caught this.

Judging from this short contact, it is obvious that Yoko Okino still cares about herself.

Apparently it was the night of the murder at her home that she was very impressed by herself.

This is a good start.

After realizing this, Lin Yi knew what action he should take.

Before officially contacting Yoko Okino today, Lin Yi had been following her for a long time.

Naturally, even the strategy plan has been drawn up in several sets.

In the current situation, it is most appropriate to adopt a plan that is close to each other.

That is to say, I don't need to be too proactive to approach Yoko Okino, but I don't need to be too indifferent either.


Because Yoko Okino is a popular idol, and she is beautiful, there must be many people who try to talk to her.

The more people are approached, the more Yoko Okino will gradually take it for granted, and even subconsciously think that it is normal to strike up a conversation with herself, and it will be strange not to strike up a conversation with herself.

So if Lin Yi wants to further impress her in her heart, she must be the strange one.

When the elevator arrived and stopped on the third floor, Yoko Okino took Kogoro Mouri to meet the screenwriter of the detective-type show.

Lin Yi looked at the staff who came and went with some curiosity, and occasionally saw some hosts who often appeared on TV and star guests who participated in the shooting of variety shows.

Those who can be obvious are basically handsome guys and beauties, and of course there are some powerful factions.

However, compared to the proportion of handsome guys and beauties, the power faction still accounts for a minority.

After all, these days, no matter where you are, with a handsome face, you can eat anywhere.

However, handsome and beautiful will be biased because of personal aesthetics.

But Lin Yi is different, he is very charming.

Glamour refers to someone who is different, unique, and very easy to attract the attention of others.

Lin Yi stood and did nothing. People passing by, whether they were staff members or celebrities, would give him a subconscious look.

"Lin Jun."

Yoko Okino stood next to Lin Yi for some unknown time. She bowed and said, "Thank you for your reminder last time, so we didn't make a wrong decision."

What she was talking about was that that night, Lin Yi warned them not to think about withholding information about the deceased from the police.

"You don't need to thank me, it's you who make the decision in the end." Lin Yi said indifferently: "But Miss Yoko, you are brave enough to speak out about these things despite the risk of the collapse of your character."

Yoko Okino, who received the compliment, smiled happily and said, "Actually, I don't like this character either... But the firm asked me to do so, and I have no choice. I don't want to keep sticking to 'pure actress'. Label."

Having said that, Yoko Okino pouted a little unhappily, apparently this matter was suppressed by her office and failed.

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