Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 203

Celebrities have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that they can quickly attract fans, and the disadvantage limits the star's self-expression.

For example, Yoko Okino's pure character design, then she can't fall in love.

Once she begins to fall in love, she will face the termination of various advertisements, followed by a large amount of compensation.

With the degree of squeezing of stars by Japanese firms, Yoko Okino is impossible to pay back.


Yoko Okino wanted to know more about the big boy in front of her, but she didn't know what to say.

Obviously, she has already practiced as a host, and she should be very good at opening topics.

However, she didn't know why, she couldn't find the topic at all, and she couldn't even look at each other for a long time. After three seconds, she would involuntarily turn her eyes away, and her heartbeat would speed up.

The atmosphere is not awkward, but rather subtle.

It's just that this subtlety didn't last long before it was broken by Yoko Okino's assistant.

"Yoko, it's almost time. Go to the dressing room to prepare." The assistant said.

"Well..." Okino Yoko nodded, and then she waved to Lin Yi: "Then let's say goodbye first... See you in the studio later."


After Yoko Okino and her assistant left.

The assistant couldn't help but gossip: "Yoko, is that handsome guy a newcomer? So handsome, what's his name? I want to support him."

Hearing others compliment Lin Yi, Yoko Okino didn't know why she was so happy, she said, "He's not a newcomer, he's just a student... Come with Detective Maori."

"Huh?" The assistant was greatly surprised: "It's not an artist? He is so handsome, it's a pity not to be an artist."

"Is that so? I think so too." Yoko Okino nodded, feeling the same way.

In fact, what she thought in her heart was that if Lin Yi also came to be an artist, then maybe there would be more intersection between them.

Chapter 172

powder room.

A makeup artist is applying some foundation to Kogoro Mouri to make him more photogenic.

Since the image acquired by the camera through the optical principle is a two-dimensional image, it cannot reflect the front and rear layers of the object.

Coupled with the influence of light and shooting angle, it is difficult for people to feel the real outline of the object in the photo, which will magnify some defects on the subject's face.

Therefore, some people look very beautiful and handsome in daily life, but they don't look very good when they take pictures.

"Okay, Mr. Maori. Filming has started. We will send someone to inform you. Before that, please wait here for a while."

After the makeup artist finished speaking, he left.

"Oops, Lin Yi."

Mouri Kogoro said uneasy: "I'm starting to get nervous... What should I do?"

"Didn't Miss Yoko say it? Even if there is a mistake, it can be re-shot."

The more famous Maori Kogoro is, the more attention he can attract, and the probability of starting a dungeon will also increase.

Lin Yi didn't want any problems at this juncture.

"No... I was worried that if I didn't answer those reasoning questions, wouldn't I be embarrassed?"

Mouri Kogoro said with some worry, he now understands what it means to hate less when a book is used up.

"Is that so..."

Lin Yi thought about it, this is indeed a problem.

Japanese variety shows are different from those in China.

Due to the early development of the Japanese entertainment industry, their entertainment industry is relatively mature.

They will try to convey the real effect of the show to the audience as much as possible, rather than the effect of the show created by the imprint.

Moreover, the post-editing may be a devil, and he likes to watch those who call themselves detectives stink, set his people to collapse, and directly use the wrong picture.

"If that's the case... Then if Uncle Maori has something you don't know about, you'll be like this..."

Lin Yi quickly gave Maori Kogoro a trick.

When Maori Kogoro heard this, his eyes lit up, then nodded and said, "Okay! That's it!! You're still smart enough, Lin boy! It's a wise decision to bring you!"

Mouri Kogoro patted Lin Yi on the shoulder happily.

Not long after, the staff knocked on the door and informed Kogoro Mori to start preparing for shooting.

After arriving at the studio, Lin Yi chose a front-row seat in the audience, sat down and waited for the shooting to start.

"Hi, I'm sorry, is there anyone sitting next to you?"

Lin Yi followed the sound and saw that a beautiful woman with short chestnut hair was asking herself.


Lin Yi shook his head, then turned his attention to the shooting scene.

It was common for Lin Yi to be approached by beautiful women, and he calmed down more often.

"Meica, this way~~~~" The maroon short-haired beauty beckoned her little friend over.

"I'm sorry... there is someone here." The audience on the other side of the maroon short-haired beauty reminded her.

"Then I'll sit over there..."

The girl named Mei Cai sat down beside Lin Yi.

Lin Yi glanced at her and found that she had long chestnut hair and was also a beauty.

This made Lin Yi murmured in his heart. Sure enough, in the TV station, it is very easy to meet beautiful women.

He asked, "Let me change positions with you."

"No need." Mei Cai smiled and waved her hand, "That's fine... Sister, your drink."


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