Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 429

After coming out of the bar, the matter of anti-Maori Kogoro fell on Lin Yi.

Although Xiao Lan didn't say much on the way back to the office, a faint murderous aura emanated from her body.

Lin Yi shut his mouth wisely, and didn't say any nonsense.

Obediently carrying Maori Xiaogoro to the third floor of the office, and after throwing him into his room, Xiaolan pushed Lin Yi outside and said, "Okay, Yi. It's none of your business Go back first."

"Actually... I can live here tonight." Lin Yi said.

"You better go back today, or Kanon will be angry again."

After Xiaolan pushed Lin Yi out of the door, she closed the door with her backhand and locked it with a click.

After Lin Yi called twice, he could only go downstairs and leave without seeing any movement.

Xiaolan was on the balcony of the room, and after watching Lin Yi's gradually disappearing figure, she went back to the room.

On the way home, Lin Yi used Crystal Tears to open Xiaolan's third-person vision to see what she wanted to do after driving herself away.

I saw Xiaolan returned to Maori Kogoro's room, took off his coat, put his feet back on the bed, and helped him cover the cup.

Such a considerate move surprised Lin Yi.

Not only was Xiaolan not angry, but she was taking care of Kogoro Mouri so carefully?

Well... that's right, Angel.

Xiaolan, such a kind person, will definitely not do anything terrifying.

That punch directly knocked Kogoro Mouri into a stun, and she should also be relieved.

When Lin Yi thought so, he saw Xiaolan's other strange actions.

She opened the built-in wardrobe, took out a layer of quilt from it, and covered it over Kogoro Mouri again.

Um? What is she going to do? Are you afraid that Kogoro Mori will catch a cold?

While Lin Yi wondered about Xiaolan's actions, she went to get the third layer of quilt and put it on Maori Xiaogoro.

Shouldn't it be... Xiaolan is taking revenge on him?

Cover him with such a thick quilt, it will heat him to death and prevent him from sleeping comfortably...

Well, this method of revenge is cute enough.

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face.

However, Xiaolan's movements did not stop. After covering the third layer of quilt for Maori Kogoro, she left the bedroom, returned to her room, and directly hugged the two-layer quilt in her room.

Once again, Maori Kogoro is paved.

There are five layers of quilts in total... that's a bit too much.

It is estimated that Mouri Kogoro will wake up in less than an hour.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, but soon loosened.

Although there are more quilts, there is essentially no difference in the way of revenge.

Thinking about what Mouri Kogoro said, and then looking at what Xiaolan is doing now, it's just so weak, right?

Xiaolan has been very merciful!

Just when Lin Yi thought about it, he saw Xiaolan make a strange move.

She stepped back, stepped back.

Then she ran two steps.

She jumped up.

Her knees bent.

She hit Mouri Kogoro heavily!


Lin Yi's footsteps stopped instantly.

Silently watching Xiaolan beat Kogoro Maori continuously, kicking, knee kicking, elbowing, punching, spinning flying kick!

Despite being separated by five layers of quilts, Lin Yi still saw Kogoro Mouri's distorted face because of the pain.

Oh...that's what happened.

Five layers of quilts were placed on him to offset the impact.

I'm really superficial.

Lin Yi silently turned off the third-person vision, as if he didn't see anything.

Chapter 355

The next day, in the morning, inside the school classroom.

Lin Yi observed Xiaolan, obviously, she was distracted all morning.

A class passed without turning a page of her textbook.

Although she was looking at the blackboard, it was obvious that her mind had drifted to the horizon.

After class, Sonoko routinely poked Xiaolan's back with her hand and invited her to chat.

But once Xiaolan didn't respond, Sonoko let out an "eh" and immediately realized that something happened to Xiaolan.

Immediately, she turned her head to look at Lin Yi, and questioned him with her eyes: Did you, a bad guy, do something to offend Xiaolan?

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, saying that it was not his fault.

Then he took out his phone and started texting Sonoko.

Not long after Yuanzi took out her mobile phone, she soon received a letter from Lin Yi, and thus learned the whole story and why Xiaolan was absent-minded.

Holding the phone, she started typing in drops: [Didn't you go with Xiao Lan to stare at Uncle Maori that day? Why did he still have an accident? 】

Lin Yi replied: [I'm staring at it, but I can't stare at it all the time, right? And they drink, and they don't know when they will be drunk. If it was you, you certainly wouldn't be staring at it all the time. 】

[That's also true... Only a thousand days can be a thief, how can a thousand days be a thief. Alas, it's no wonder that Xiaolan was so lackluster when she greeted me. I thought she didn't sleep well yesterday. 】

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