Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 430

She really didn't sleep well last night and was busy beating people.

Lin Yi muttered in his heart.

Yuanzi's text message continued to come: [You don't know, Xiaolan has always been committed to bringing his parents back together, and has made a lot of efforts for this...but all failed. Uncle Maori is just a piece of mud, and he can't support the wall no matter what. 】


In order to take into account Xiaolan's feelings, the two did not communicate directly, but chatted and exchanged information through mobile phones.

After noon, the three gathered to eat together again.

This is the hardest thing in the world to deal with.

As the old saying goes, every family has a hard scripture to read.

Even if you propose the best solution, you are a bystander and cannot know the psychological feelings of the client.

So, this best solution is the best solution for bystanders.

This may not be the best solution for the parties involved.

Consolation is not very effective, nor is it helpful.

It's better to keep silent, don't mention other people's family affairs, and let the parties think about it for themselves.

Don't ask unless people take the initiative to ask you to complain.

Sonoko opened up the topic as always, where is the new store opening, where is the big discount, the store has launched new products, and so on.

In the past, these words were all picked up by Xiaolan. Occasionally, Lin Yi came up with a sentence, and in your words and my words, I passed the noon break.

But today, Xiaolan is no longer in a state, so the job of answering the call can only fall to Lin Yi.

"This afternoon, the supermarket near the school is half price on potato chips!!"

"Let's go buy it together in the afternoon... You can buy four packs at the usual price of two packs. It's a good deal."

"Chanel has released another lipstick, it's masculine."

"Kill me? Is it so scary? It's not auspicious to hear the name, change your wife."


Two people, you say a word, I say a word, and occasionally Xiaolan will take a sentence.

Unknowingly, the roles of Lin Yi and Xiaolan switched each other.

It was hard to endure until the afternoon school.

As always, Yuanzi invited Xiaolan to go shopping.

Xiaolan shook her head: "I'm sorry, Sonoko. I'm not in the mood to go shopping today, I just want to go home. How about next time?"

Lin Yi gave Yuanzi a wink, Yuanzi nodded slightly, and said, "By the way, I haven't seen Uncle Maori for a long time. Let's go over to your place today."

Xiaolan said nothing and agreed.

After arriving at the Mori office, open the door of the office on the second floor.

As soon as Xiaolan Yuanzi and Lin Yi entered the door, they saw a bandaged weirdo sitting on a work chair.

This shocked all three of them.

"Oh! Sonoko, long time no see... You're still as beautiful as ever."

The bandage monster greeted Sonoko.

Hearing the familiar voice, Sonoko's eyes widened, then walked over and said, "Uncle Maori? did you become like this? Could it be that...have you been retaliated against?"

"Being revengeful? How is that possible!" Kogoro Mauri said proudly, "Do you think my judo is practiced for nothing? If the prisoner has the guts to approach me, I will definitely make him lie on the ground and can't get up. !"

"Then how did your injury come from?" Sonoko asked curiously.

Mouri Kogoro also looked depressed: "This... I don't know either. I still want to ask Lin Yi! I went to the bar with you last night. How did I become like this?"

"When I woke up in the morning, I felt unwell, so I went to the hospital to see it. The doctor said that I had bruises in many places... and asked if I was beaten by the crowd."

"Group fight?"

Lin Yi looked at Xiaolan with a "puzzling" expression on his face: "I remember... I put you back in your room in perfect condition last night. Xiaolan has seen it, right, Xiaolan?"


Xiaolan's absent-minded state disappeared, and she said seriously, "Dad, you got up last night and fell when you went down the stairs! After I heard the movement, I quickly left the room and helped you back to the room."

Mouri Kogoro was still a little puzzled: "That's not right. Even if you roll down the stairs, you can't fall like this. There are a lot of bruises on your body..."

Xiaolan said: "Because you fell more than once, but three times! Three times! I didn't sleep well all night!"

Mouri Kogoro was taken aback: "Three times? No way? Why did I fall three times?"

"You ask me, how do I know..." Xiaolan snorted: "I only heard you shouting Yumi Yumi... You tell me honestly! Who is Yumi!!"

Mouri Kogoro's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Ah...who is Yumi? I don't's probably a previous client. Don't talk about that, Xiaolan. Hurry up and let Sonoko sit with Lin Yi. Come down and pour some tea!"

Chapter 356

Lin Yi and Yuanzi sat down and looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

Some words were hard to say, so Yuanzi took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Lin Yi: [Intuition tells me that things are not what Xiaolan told me... No matter how drunk I get, I can't fall three times in a row. stairs. 】

After Lin Yi received the text message, he replied: [I think so too. Since Xiaolan was so anxious to let me leave... I suspect that the injury on Uncle Maori was caused by her, although I have no evidence. 】

When Yuanzi wanted to post something, she saw Xiaolan came over with tea, and silently put away her phone. It's not a school now, and Xiaolan's state has obviously returned. If she is caught on the spot, Sonoko estimates that she will be scolded again.

Especially at the Maori Affairs Detective Agency, in front of Maori Kogoro, she was embarrassed to be the European who captured Xiaolan.

"Why don't you talk? What are you thinking?"

Xiaolan asked while serving tea.

"Well...I was thinking about how Uncle Maori fell from the upstairs to fall like this." Sonoko replied.

Lin Yi added: "Also, he was so drunk that he couldn't even stand, and he needed someone to help him to walk... How did he open the door of the room, then pass through the living room, open the door again, and go out..."

"I'm curious about that too."

Xiaolan sat down beside Yuanzi and shook her head to show that she couldn't figure it out either.

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