Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 431

It can be seen that Xiaolan does not intend to admit that she did this.

"Well, when people are drunk, they always do some weird things."

Lin Yi didn't plan to pursue this matter, but directly gave an example to support Xiaolan's claim: "I saw someone drinking too much last time, and I kept apologizing to the telephone pole."

Yuanzi immediately got Lin Yi's meaning, did not expose Xiaolan's lies, and continued with Lin Yi's words: "When I was out shopping with Xiaolan the other night, I also saw some drunkards knocking over the star portrait signboard, kneeling down. Constantly kowtow to people and apologize... right, Ran?"


Xiaolan nodded in agreement, seeing that neither of them found any clues, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

However, in order to emphasize her claim, she gave another example: "Also, once again, Dad came back drunk and said that he wanted to raise a dog from now on, but in fact he just picked up a branch on the road. ."

Listen to them start chatting about what kind of shit people do when they're drunk.

Mouri Kogoro listened, and he couldn't help but start to wonder if he really drank too much, and then fell down the stairs.

He was also worried that he might accidentally say the wrong thing, especially when Xiaolan said the word "Yumi", which surprised him.

Although she didn't know what she said at the time, Xiaolan didn't pursue it any further, it shouldn't be anything serious.

So... should I talk to Xiaolan first, or should I go directly to Feiyingli and have a showdown with her?

When Mouri Kogoro was thinking about this question.

Xiaolan suddenly walked in front of him, stared at him, and said, "Dad, I'm going to stay with my mother for a few days."

"Huh? How many days to stay?"

Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

"I just want to stay for a few days, no reason..." Xiao Lan shook her head and said, "If I want to say why... I haven't been to my mother's place for a long time."

"Oh...then you can go."

Maori Kogoro knew that he was a little sensitive, and it was not that Xiaolan had not been there before.

"Then I'll go pack my things."

After Xiaolan finished speaking, she turned around and left and went up to the third floor.

Seeing this, Yuanzi followed up and said, "I haven't been in Xiaolan's room for a long time to see~~~"

Seeing that Xiaolan is going to pack her clothes, does she want to go there tonight?

It's too much of a rush, isn't it?

Mouri Kogoro was a little suspicious and felt something was wrong.

Turning his head cautiously, Maori Kogoro looked at Lin Yi and asked, "Lin Yi, did you say something to Xiaolan?"


Lin Yi answered honestly.

He didn't lie this time.

He really didn't tell Xiaolan... It's all what Xiaolan heard from her phone.

So, he didn't lie.

"But..." Maori Kogoro's tone was full of doubts: "How do I feel... Xiao Lan's feeling to me... seems to know?"

"It's not like, I know for sure."

Lin Yi said firmly.

"Huh? How do you say that?" Kogoro Maori gave Lin Yi a suspicious look... He could only give him a suspicious look now.

Lin Yi stretched out his hand and ordered Maori Kogoro, and said, "Uncle Maori, you are already like this. If you were the old Xiaolan, she would definitely take care of you. But now... not only does she not take care of you, but she has to go. It's obvious that the aunt has lived at home for a while."


It was only then that Mouri Kogoro realized that he was injured like this, and Xiaolan left herself and ran to Yingri's house, obviously taking revenge on herself.

But for this kind of revenge, Mouri Kogoro not only was not angry, but he was relieved. If Xiaolan cried, made trouble and hanged himself, he didn't know what to do.

"No...Since you didn't tell did she know?" Kogoro Mouri said.

Lin Yi took a sip of water and said, "How else do you know? Xiaolan can tell the name of your new partner, uncle... I don't know about this, but Xiaolan knows."

"It's already obvious, uncle, you said it yourself..."

In fact, Lin Yi didn't know where Xiaolan got the name from.

By the way, she seemed to have attended their class reunion five years ago. Maybe she looked through the photos at that time and found the name.

"Yes... that's what I said."

When Lin Yi said this, Maori Kogoro felt very reasonable, and couldn't help but smile embarrassingly.

Suddenly, Kogoro Mouri realized something. He looked at his injury and said, "Then the injury on my body..."

Lin Yi shrugged and gave Mauri Kogoro a sympathetic look.

Maori Kogoro understood this look, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, and he had already seen it for Xiaolan, but it didn't...

Chapter 357

Just when Maori Kogoro was still knowing about this for Xiaolan, worrying about gains and losses.

Xiao Lan had already packed her things and returned to the second floor again.

"Dad, I'm going to my mother's place now!"

Xiaolan carried two school bags and said to Kogoro Mouri with a bag.

" are..."

Maori Kogoro saw that Xiaolan had three bags on her body and Yuanzi had two bags on her body, and couldn't help asking, "How many days are you going to stay?"

"do not know."

Xiaolan snorted: "When I'm in a good mood, I'll be back!"

Maori Kogoro opened his mouth and wanted to say, "You're gone, who will take care of me".

However, he still didn't say this sentence. He felt that he was so big that he could take care of himself.

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