Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 449

After Sri slowly finished eating, Lin Yi said, "Let's go, let's talk in another place."

"it is good."

Although Guomo Lighting didn't know how to fall in love, it still had the vision and decided to pay for it.

Then, Lin Yi took him to a quieter bar. He likes to go to a quiet place when talking about things.

The restaurant is messy, the shouts of waiters, and the conversations of other guests will spoil the atmosphere.

It's different here, so we can talk about it.

After the three of them ordered a glass of wine each, Lin Yi noticed the pained expression on Guomo Lighting's face.

He said amusingly, "You can drink it with confidence, I'll pay for it."

When Guomo Lighting heard it, he quickly said, "No, no, no, how can seniors come to pay the bill? I'll just come."

Seeing this, Lin Yi did not rush to pay.

This is a piece of people's heart, how can you refuse it?

Soon, three glasses of wine were served.

After taking a sip of wine, Lin Yi said, "I told you just now in the restaurant, do you understand?"

"I understand a bit..." Guomo Lighting said seriously: "What about after that? What should I do?"

"After that..."

Lin Yi didn't hide it, and continued: "After that, you think you're almost done talking. You can go back to Osaka on Saturday and Sunday to find Kazuo and let her teach you Aikido."

"Of course, this practice of Aikido is also an excuse. The main thing is that after practicing Aikido, you can have a meal with He Ye and have a cup of coffee... At this point, it means that the relationship between the two of you has already Much better than before.”


When Guomo Lighting thought about how he could practice Aikido with He Ye, he couldn't help laughing.

He couldn't help but said, "Is it at this stage that I can confess to He Ye?"

"Still a long way to go."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You can only be considered a good friend to play with He Ye at that point! He Ye is just putting you in this position."

"If you dare to confess to her, your relationship will definitely drop to a freezing point! You may not even be friends!"

After Guomo Lighting heard this, his smile gradually lost, and his face was a little ugly. He said, "Then...then what should I do at this point? I can't be good friends with her all the time, right?"

Lin Yi said patiently: "You also know very well that now Ye's heart is no longer yours. All you can do is to become her friend and let her slowly get used to your presence."

"Afterwards, when she has any sadness or trouble, she will tell you."

"Then I can confess to her?"

Guomo Lighting hurriedly asked.

Then you become a qualified spare tire.

"no no."

Lin Yi said: "After this kind of relationship, you are only one step away from your boyfriend and girlfriend... Then you only need it."

After talking about this, Lin Yi suddenly paused and said, "Forget it, it's too early to talk about this. If you talk too much, it will only make you think I'm just talking on paper."

"When you get to this point, I'll continue to tell you what to do. Now that I've heard it, it's likely to affect your future actions, so I won't talk about it."

"Oh no."

Guomo Lighting wanted to know what to do next, but Lin Yi could only suppress his curiosity without saying it.

Seeing his expression, Lin Yi knew what he was talking about, and said with a smile, "I didn't hang you on purpose. If you knew it now, you wouldn't be able to help it."

"Do you know the idiom of being so arrogant? I'm just worried that you are so arrogant that you will end up ruining your own business."

"Now, let's start by becoming a friend who shares the same goal with Ye."

"I understand." Guomo Lighting nodded with a sincere expression.

Lin Yi raised his glass and said, "Then I'll wish you success first."

"Thank you, senior for your guidance." Guomo Lighting said sincerely, picked up the wine glass and slammed it, then frowned and drank it all to show his respect for Lin Yi.

After chatting a few more words, Lin Yi took the garden and left.

After leaving, Sonoko couldn't help but say, "Are you really going to teach him how to chase that girl?"

Listening to what Lin Yi had just said, Sonoko confirmed that it was indeed the way boys often approach girls.

First appear by the opponent's side as a good friend, lurking, find the right opportunity, and then launch an attack.


Lin Yi said: "If you don't give him a taste, how could he have the motivation to continue?"

Lin Yi is a man, so he naturally knows how to deal with men.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet: There is no progress bar for chasing girls.

Whether this is a joke or not, there is some truth to it.

Therefore, Lin Yi made this progress bar concrete.

There are three stages from friends who have the same interests, to friends who can go out, and friends who can talk to each other.

Lest the end of the country lighting catch up halfway, there is no motivation to chase down.

"You won't let her chase that girl away?" Yuanzi didn't believe that Lin Yi would be so kind.

"That's why I gave myself a hand."

Lin Yi smirked and said, "After he has completed these steps and tasted the benefits, he will definitely come to me again. He believes in my words, that's too absolute, but in my ten sentences, he believes eight of them. Nine sentences is still fine."

"When the time comes, I will deliberately set a trap for him... let him step on it himself, and guess the girl's minefield..."

"Boom! He's finished..."

"You are really bad!" Sonoko poked Lin Yi in the face and said, "You will be punished by God for doing bad things."

"What kind of punishment?"

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