Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 528

She glanced at the room and found several people lying still, and they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

After the tape on her mouth was torn off, Yukiko asked immediately, "You killed him...?"

"Do you see me as someone who can kill?"

Lin Yi said and untied the ropes that bound her hands and feet, then stood up and said, "Let's go, if there is any problem, we will talk about it after we go out."


Youxizi knew that it was inappropriate to speak in this place, so she took her things and quickly followed Lin Yi out.

After coming out of the house, Yukiko saw that there were more than ten people lying outside, which shocked her.

She couldn't help but say, " knocked them all out?"

Lin Yi glanced at her and said, "No, after they saw me, they obediently lay on the ground and fainted."

"how can that be!"

Youxizi definitely didn't believe Lin Yi's statement.

"Then you still ask?"

Lin Yi said angrily.


Yuxizi was stunned and had nothing to say, she couldn't help but mutter: "Just asking, why are you angry."

After coming out of the house, it was already dark, and Yuxizi realized that they were in the forest, and there were no people around.

If Lin Yi hadn't come and rescued her, I'm afraid she will be locked up in the future...

Thinking of this, Yukiko couldn't help shivering.

She didn't expect that these things that happened in the movie would happen to her!

The evening wind blew, making Yuxizi feel a bit cold, so she subconsciously moved closer to Lin Yi.

Although there were gravel roads to walk, the visibility at night was so low that they had to slow down.

After she calmed down, Yukiko asked, " did you know that I was tied up?"

"No, I didn't know you were tied up." Lin Yi said.


This was beyond Yukiko's expectations.

Lin Yi said: "After I beat them up, I went back to take a shower, and then when I went to eat, I ran into that group of people again. When I thought of how many of them were bullying me, I felt a little unhappy, thinking about it. Teach them a lesson."

"So after I finished eating, I followed them secretly... I followed the vines and found their base camp, and then I took it all together... As for saving you, it was incidental."


After listening to the whole story, the gratitude in Yuxizi's heart suddenly disappeared, and she tore up the script of the hero saving beauty that she had made up in her head.

"But even so... I have to say thank you to you."

Yukiko said sincerely.

"Don't say thank you to me, I saved you from being imprisoned... You just send me a thank you, I'm too bad."

Lin Yi stopped, looked back at Yukiko up and down, and said with a smile: "Shizuka, right? Since you want to thank me, come with something more substantial... Why don't you come to my room tonight? "

Looking at Lin Yi's squinting eyes, Yuxizi still had some shadows in her heart, she subconsciously took two steps back, protected her chest, and said word by word, "You are dreaming!"

Watching her guard against her actions, Lin Yi was amused: "If I want to plot against you, do you think you can resist?"

As soon as she thought of the people who were lying on the side just now, she didn't know whether they were dead or alive, Yukiko immediately knew that the fighting power between the two sides was very disparate.

After thinking about this, Yukiko put down the useless precautions.

"Hey, people today have no conscience at all."

Lin Yi continued walking, shaking his head and sighing at the same time: "I have a little idea of ​​retribution... If I knew it earlier, I would not save you. Let you be ruined."

Knowing that Lin Yi wouldn't do anything to herself, Yukiko became bold. She began to hold him accountable and said, "If you hadn't come to chat with me, do you think it would have happened like this?"

"Yes! Why not! You are so beautiful, I don't know how to restrain yourself, and you are wandering around... Even if I don't strike up a conversation with you, you will have an accident sooner or later. If I didn't strike up a conversation with you and you knew me, you would have been killed by now. Poisonous!"

"Why are you so shameless? It's obviously your fault, and you're right! You have problems with your three views."

"Alas, people today have no conscience at all. Tell the savior that there are problems with his three views..."


Chapter 435

the next day.

in a breakfast shop.

Lin Yi, Yi Rong became Shinichi's Yukiko, and Conan got together for breakfast.

Conan complained a little: "Where did the two of you go yesterday! We can't get in touch! I almost thought you were missing!"

Speaking of which, Conan gave his mother a stern look.

Because when his mother returned to the hotel, she came back in her original form!

Obviously, she went out and waved.

Yukiko will definitely not tell Conan about her kidnapping, lest he worry.

At the same time, he was also afraid that he would reprimand him, and he was even more afraid that if he told Yusaku about this, he would have to go back to New York to live a boring, high-society life.

Therefore, at that time, Yukiko cut things down, saying that after separating from Lin Yi on the beach, she changed back to the original way to go shopping.

Now Conan mentions this matter again, just to confirm with Lin Yi whether Yuxizi lied... Because he knows that his mother is a worry-free mother, just like a child with a childish innocence.

After listening to Lin Yi, he said, "I didn't do anything... I just went to the beach to have a rest, and then went to chat with the girl with Kudo."

Having said that, Lin Yi glanced at Yukiko and said with a smile: "Kudou failed, and then he ran away with his tail between his tails."

"That's it?" Conan raised his eyebrows, looked at Lin Yi, and said, "But I heard... there was a fight on the beach."

"What fight?"

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