Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 529

Lin Yi shook his head and corrected Conan's statement: "It was a one-sided beating!"


Lin Yi patted his chest and said proudly, "I beat up those people!"

After Conan heard it, he turned his head to the side in time and spat out a mouthful of water.

He stared at Lin Yi with wide eyes, and said incredulously, "That Chinese man who knows kung that you?"

Lin Yi beat up so many people by himself, in the eyes of those tourists, it was an incredible thing!

Especially at the end, when there were still four or five people standing, Lin Yi jumped left and right, leveraged his strength, etc., and performed some bells and whistles, which directly caused the scalps of those tourists to show numbness.

A variety of fighting skills are integrated, and with their eyesight, they can't tell which is which.

Simply describe Lin Yi as a Celestial man from the mysterious East.

After all, in the international arena, the impression that "everyone in China knows Kung Fu" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Yes, it's me."

Lin Yi said with a smile: "How is it? Isn't it amazing!"

"Great is great..." Conan stared at Lin Yi with a strange look in his eyes: "But I heard... the reason for this conflict is because you struck up a conversation with a beautiful woman..."

"In that case, you are the evil dragon who captured the princess, and the group of people who beat you are the brave..."

"Well... this description... is quite appropriate."

Lin Yi nodded and admitted this statement.


Conan was speechless, not even knowing what to say.

Logically speaking, he should have given up the dragon, Lin Yi, and let those brave men clean him up.

But the other party is his friend no matter what, he can't do something righteous and kill his relatives.

Suddenly, Conan thought of something, and he asked: "Brother Lin... What's the name of the girl you talked to? The charm is so great that it can make so many of you fight!"

"That girl's name is Shizuka Kudo." Lin Yi smiled: "She is very beautiful... When she was walking by the beach in a white dress, she looked like a painting..."

"Kudou... Shizuka?"

Conan pondered the name carefully, then slowly turned his head to look at Yukiko, who was burying her head in breakfast.

Yukiko pretended not to notice Conan's eyes and continued to eat.

Conan kicked Yukiko with his foot. Yukiko knew that he couldn't hold it anymore, so he looked at Conan, smiled embarrassedly, leaned over and whispered, "I didn't mean to... I'm just that guy is not pleasing to the eye, I just wanted to tease him, I didn't expect things to be so big..."


Conan let out a long sigh, he felt a little tired, he just didn't pay attention to his mother, and as a result she made such a big thing!

More than 20 people beat Lin Yi!

If it wasn't for his skill, he might be lying in Dr. Asai's clinic right now, and he's still unconscious!

"You're such a big man... Couldn't you just let me be a son, just a little bit of peace of mind?"

Conan said with some gritted teeth.

"Okay, okay...I know I'm wrong, don't be angry."

Yukiko patted Conan on the back to soothe her son's emotions.

She murmured in her heart that it was just such a trivial matter that made him so excited. If you let him know that I was taken away last night...he didn't explode on the spot?

"What are you whispering about?" Lin Yi asked.

"Oh! Conan is asking me if I know the guy named Shizuka Kudo..."

Yukiko responded quickly and said, "Although our surnames are Kudo, the surname Kudo is not exclusive to our family... Of course I don't know each other."

"Ah... yes."

Conan smiled and had to help his mother cover. After all, if Lin Yi knew that... Kudo Shizuka was his mother... things would be difficult to clean up.

"But Brother Lin, we are here to investigate the case... We should act in a low-key manner."

Conan changed the subject: "Now that you are making such a big noise, how can you investigate the case?"

Lin Yi reluctantly said, "That's right. I saw yesterday's group of people on the street. They wanted to beat me up... How could they still provide me with information?"

After a pause, he said with a smile: "Isn't there still you... I'll leave it to you."

Conan shook his head and said: "It's not only you, but we are also very difficult to investigate the case because of you. Now people on Moon Shadow Island are all wary of outsiders... It is unlikely that they will provide us with information. "

Lin Yi said: "It's not the same thing... They shouldn't be able to do it, right?"

"I hope so...otherwise this case will be difficult to investigate."

Conan prayed.

Yukiko did something wrong, she naturally wanted to atone for her sins, and she quickly said, "By the way, yesterday, Lin Jun and I entrusted Dr. Asai to help me investigate Keiji Aso's affairs, maybe there will be any progress on her side. "

Conan's eyes lit up, and his face finally got a bit of a look: "Then after we finish breakfast, let's go and have a look!"

Chapter 436

The three go to the Asai Clinic.

But before I got to the door, I found that there were people coming and going in the clinic.

Youxizi was a little curious: "Yesterday, it was very deserted, there were no people, why are there so many people today?"

Conan said lightly: "That's because there was a serious brawl yesterday..."

"Oh oh..."

Arikiko smiled embarrassedly.

"Looks like it's going to be a long wait."

Lin Yi pulled his mask to make sure that half of his face was covered, and said, "Let's go in and wait."

Conan quickly grabbed Lin Yi, and he said, "Hey... Now you should dodge it, right? If they recognize you, they might fight again!"

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