Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 702

The position where the chandelier fell is very clever, it just fell on the sofa, and there is no damage.

Fortunately, the glass is not broken, otherwise it will take a lot of work to clean it up... Lin Yi said to himself in his heart, while taking the glass chandelier aside.

"Thank...Thank you." After Suzuki Ayako came over, she quickly thanked Lin Yi.

"You're welcome." Lin Yi replied.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I suspected you just now..." Suzuki Ayako lowered her head, feeling very guilty for her unclean thoughts!

"It's fine." Lin Yi smiled and comforted the other party.

Sonoko nervously pulled Ayako over to see if her own sister was injured.

After confirming that she was not injured, Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she looked up at the place where the glass chandelier had just hung, and muttered, "It's too unlucky, right? First of all, I met the bandage freak, and then the chandelier fell down inexplicably. …”

"Yes." Suzuki Ayako nodded and said with a sigh: "Since getting engaged, I feel that everything is not going well... Either a car accident, or my wallet disappears inexplicably, even holding a class reunion, there will be strange encounters. people, encounter strange things."

No way? Encountering so many strange things one after another? Too bad, right? Or, is this the handwriting of the garden?

Lin Yi looked at Sonoko with a questioning look.

The relationship between the two was excellent, and Sonoko easily understood the message that Lin Yi's eyes wanted to convey.

She shook her head gently, indicating that she did not do it herself.

Lin Yi is a bit strange. He thinks he is already very wrong. Could it be that Suzuki Ayako has more luck than me? Is it an African chief? When you were reincarnated, you used up all your luck?

At this moment, there was a sound of the door opening from the entrance.

The four people who ran outside chasing the bandage weirdo have returned, and their clothes have been somewhat soaked by the rain.

But this is not the point. The point is that the faces of the four people who entered the door are extremely ugly, and there is still some vomit left on the corner of Ota Katsuya's mouth.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the four come back, Suzuki Ayako hurriedly got up and asked, "Has Chikako found it?"

"Find... found it."

Yukiko's face was pale. Although she solved many murders with Yuu Kudo, most of the time she arrested murderers, not dismembering murderers!

But she also forced a smile: "But... it's not what you imagined."

"No... the same? How is it different?" Ayako Suzuki wondered why Yukiko said that, then she looked back, didn't see Chikako Ikeda in advance, and wondered: "Huh? Where's Chikiko? Is it still behind? ?"

"Chikako...she...she's here."

Kakutani Hiroki said with a dead face.

Sister Suzuki saw the clothes that Kakutani Hiroki was holding, and immediately guessed that the clothes were wrapped in corpses, and the whole person froze instantly.

Chapter 583

After storing Chikako Ikeda's body in the warehouse, Lin Yi came out of the warehouse.

Rao is "killing like numbness", and he also feels a little distasteful.

If it's for revenge, then just kill people directly.

This is what Lin Yi can understand.

But after the murder, the other party's body was dismantled into eight pieces, which was unacceptable to Lin Yi.

It's already a bit sickly smelling in it.

However, if he were Ryoichi Takahashi, the girl he loved would commit suicide because of someone's actions, and he would probably be like him.

After all, I'm not a good person, and I'm not qualified to judge him.

Lin Yi laughed at himself, and then went to the living room.

"How... how could such a thing happen? Uuuuuuu..."

When Suzuki Ayako heard the news of Chikako Ikeda's death, she began to cry.

The faces of the others were also very ugly. Not only did their friends die, but their own lives were also potentially threatened, and everyone became anxious.

Lin Yi glanced at Yukiko, and found that the other party also did not calm down, and the hand holding his chin was shaking slightly.

It seems that there is no way for her to take the lead... After Lin Yi thought of this, he said to the others: "It's really unfortunate that these things happened... It seems that we can only call the police and let the police handle this matter. Something's up, right, Kudo?"

"Mmmm. Let the police handle it. Besides, the bandaged monster has a murder weapon in his hand, it's too dangerous."

After being named by Lin Yi, Yuxizi pulled away from her unease and nodded in response.

"That..." Sonoko raised his hand and said, "There seems to be a problem with the wiring."

"Where's the cell phone? Can't you?" Yukiko frowned, took out the cell phone from her pocket, and found that the cell phone had no signal.

"This... no signal?" she said in surprise.

" signal at all."

Sonoko said with a wry smile: "In the afternoon, the signal was still full... But I don't know why there was no signal all of a sudden."

"Probably... Is it because of the rain? The nearest signal tower was damaged." Lin Yi opened his mouth and deliberately led them to think this way.

In fact, the reason why there is no signal is entirely because he moved his hands and feet to directly block the signal of any communication equipment.

"That alone explains it."

Yukiko nodded, and she looked at the pitch-dark outside. It seemed that something was rushing out of the darkness, which made her speechless when she got to her mouth.

"It's raining heavily, and it's still a mountain road. If you go now... it's a little too dangerous." Lin Yi said, "I think it's better to wait for the rain to lighten or stop before leaving."

"Well...that's fine." Yukiko was the first to agree: "Before the rain stops, let's hide in the house and don't go out."

"'s not safe to hide in the house, right?"

Sonoko said worriedly: "Isn't Miss Ikeda also hiding in the room and being taken away by that bandage freak?"

"Just lock the window of the balcony." Suzuki Ayako said in a low mood: "The glass on the second floor is specially made and it is not so easy to break... If Chikako could close the window, this would not happen. thing."

"Okay, sister, it's not your fault." Sonoko went over to caress her back and comforted: "No one knew that such a thing would happen."

Takahashi Ryoichi also comforted: "Yes, Ayako. You don't have to take this matter to yourself..."

After some comfort, Suzuki Ayako finally calmed down.

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