Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 703

"You guys will rest in your room. I'll stay in the living room to prevent that bandage weirdo from coming again."

Lin Yi took the initiative to take up the duty of guarding, then he looked at Yukiko, and said without any change in his face: "Kudou is a detective, so he stayed and guarded with me... It's enough for the two of us to be the guards, and the others. Take a rest in the room and remember to close the doors and windows."

As soon as Youxizi heard it, she immediately guessed Lin Yi's thoughts, she shook her head and said, "I don't think it's good... I think you are responsible for the first half of the night, and I am responsible for the second half of the night, staggering the time to ensure that there will be plenty of time during the vigil. energy."

Yo ho? The alertness has risen to such a level? She has to find a way to disintegrate her vigilance, otherwise she won't be able to do anything in the future... Thinking of this, Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's okay... I think everyone is tired, you all go up. have a rest."

In the face of Lin Yi's nodding so readily and agreeing, Yuxizi was a little surprised and puzzled. She thought that the other party would find another excuse to keep her, but it seemed that she thought too much.

Yes, after all, there was a murder. How could he still have the mind to think about those things? Maybe, he just wanted to discuss the case with himself... Yukiko felt that she was a little abnormal recently, and she always had color to think about.

But it's not enough to stay and discuss the case now, after all, the words have already been released.

"Then I'll go up and rest first, and I'll come down and change shifts in the second half of the night." Yuxizi turned around and went up to the second floor. She could sleep as much as she could, otherwise it would be her turn to watch the night in the second half of the night. To doze off.

The others followed one after another, with very heavy expressions on their faces.

Kakutani Hiroki, in particular, looked like he wanted to cry, but because there were so many people, he tried his best to endure it.

Lin Yi estimated that as soon as he returned to the room, he would bury himself in the bed and cry.

Everyone else returned to the room one after another, only Sonoko stayed.

She smiled and said, "I'll stay with you!"

"That's not necessary."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I can see that you are already very sleepy, don't force it..."

Yuanzi thought about it for a while, and felt that apart from spending time with Lin Yi, he would not be able to play any role in staying here. If the bandaged weirdo came in, Lin Yi had to protect himself. Wouldn't he be a burden?

"OK then."

Yuanzi didn't insist any longer. After bouncing on Lin Yi's face, he waved his hand and smiled, "Then I'll go back to my room to rest."

Watching Sonoko leave, Lin Yi sat on the sofa again, closed his eyes, and began to think about how to effectively dismantle Yukiko's guard.

Chapter 584

It is imperative to dismantle Yukiko's guard.

If it doesn't disintegrate, then he will only be able to do something inhumane with her if he seizes the opportunity in the future.

It will be tiring, like a cat chasing a mouse.

Only when the cat catches the mouse can it get a reward, but in the process of catching it, a certain amount of time and energy must be spent.

In addition, if this continues, there is a high probability that Yukiko will become her "underground" lover.

This is not a good thing, because the word "underground" means that this heavy identity is not visible.

Even worse, she will continue to be husband and wife with Kudo Yusaku in the future.

Lin Yi said it was unacceptable...even though he gave people a green hat.

By dismantling Yukiko's guard, she can use her body better and get along for a long time, which is a major premise of "stealing heart".

Just as Lin Yi was pondering how to remove Yuxizi's psychological alert by moisturizing things silently, a slight sound of the door opening interrupted his thoughts.

"Lin Jun?"

Ayako came out of the room and walked slowly towards the sofa.

"Sister Lingzi, you haven't slept yet?" Lin Yi looked at Lingzi and saw that the other side looked uneasy.

Very now, a dismemberment case has occurred by his side, and it is not so easy for ordinary people to recover.

Sonoko doesn't count, and Takahashi Ryoichi is a murderer, doesn't count either.

Ota Sheng is estimated to be shivering in the room, and Kakutani Hiroki should be crying.

"I can't sleep after all these things happened... Can I sit next to you?" Ayako asked beside Lin Yi.

"Of course." Lin Yi sat aside to make room for her.

"Thank you..." After Ayako sat down, the whole person seemed to relax a lot, she smiled a little embarrassedly Lin Yi: "I don't know why, after sitting down, the anxiety in my heart disappeared. You are really very It's easy to give people a sense of security."

Then the whole world must have found a normal person who can just beat me head-on... Lin Yi flashed this thought in his heart, and he then said, "Really? It's the first time I've heard someone compliment me like this. …”

"No?" Ayako asked in surprise.

"Yes... Sonoko thinks that I have no sense of security." Lin Yi replied seriously, probably because he was looking for girlfriends everywhere.

"I don't think so... If Lin Jun hadn't pulled me away just now, I would have suffered." Ayako sighed again.

After a pause, her expression became even more sad: "Also, if I hadn't insisted on having a party with my college classmates... Zhi Jiazi wouldn't have... woo woo woo..."

Having said this, she began to cry sadly again, and blamed herself for the mistake: "It's all my fault..."

"Sister Lingzi, don't say that... No one can predict what will happen next." Lin Yi saw the girl crying, so he naturally reached out and hugged her into his arms and patted her on the back.

As handsome as him, he is basically a hug.

In fact, judging from what Ayako said, "You feel very secure", Lin Yi knew that he would be fine by doing this.

"No... No, it must be me... unlucky, that's why Zhi Jiazi was killed." Ayako continued to cry, but did not push Lin Yi away.

The level of Japanese superstition towards ghosts and gods can be seen from the size of their shrines.

When you are in love, go to the shrine.

When unemployed, go to a shrine.

During the exam, go to the shrine.

In bad luck, go to the shrine.

When you are in a bad mood, go to the shrine.


In short, go to the shrine if you have something to do.

"Then have you been to the shrine to see?" Lin Yi patted her back with one hand, while the other hand took out the fragrance, and began to brush her body.

"Go... Been there, but it's of no use." Ayako was still crying, one after another unlucky things happened to her, she must have started to doubt her life.

"That's it... I know a very effective witch. Next time I will take you to her side for an exorcism ceremony." Lin Yi played and brushed, and finally brushed it on Suzuki Ayako. He wanted to The state -- drowsiness.

"Well...then I'll leave it to you." Ayako nodded lightly and agreed. She suddenly felt a heavy eyelid and said, "A little...a little sleepy, I..."

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