Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to Be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 753

In fact, the most relaxed breath was the two girls in the same dormitory with Naoko Takeu.

"That... the two of us have been shopping for an afternoon today. We are so tired and want to go back to rest."

The two also made excuses to leave, and still got Lin Yi's permission.

However, how could Secretary Hanai let the two of them leave so easily?

After watching Lin Yi and other trainees get on the Rolls-Royce Extended Edition and leave, the two girls were relieved.

However, this breath was just relieved, and suddenly a hand was placed on their shoulders.

The two girls looked over subconsciously, and when they saw that it was Secretary Hanai, they both froze.

"You two are Naoko's roommates?" Secretary Hanai asked with a smile.

"Yes... yes." They replied timidly.

"Then can I ask you to force yourself to play in that villa tonight?"

Secretary Hanai smiled and hid the knife: "After all, Naoko has a better relationship with the two of you. She is introverted and not good at talking to people... So can you please take care of her?"

"Yes... yes! We got it!"

In the end, under the intimidation of Secretary Hanai, the two girls who did not want to go went anyway.

Chapter 633

Got a game tonight.

Eating, chatting and giving gifts can only be regarded as just warming up, getting acquainted with your feelings, and exuding your own charm by the way.

These trainees know that Lao Tzu is not only rich and handsome, but also has an interesting soul!

I never like to talk about money with others, after all, there are not many people richer than me.

Even if they are richer than me, it is absolutely impossible for them to be willing to spend money on you like me.

Dinner is a warm-up.

Then come to the villa to have a party, which is foreplay.

Just like last time, build mountains with money and cover the ground with champagne.

The method this time is the same as last time, and it is almost nothing new.

It wasn't that Lin Yi wanted to be lazy, but that he checked the family backgrounds of these trainees, and they all belonged to civilians.

Rather than giving them jewelry, airplanes and sports cars, it is better to give them money.

Learn from the last lesson.

This time, Lin Yi doesn't need to let them fight wine to win the bonus. As long as they drink a certain number of glasses, they can receive the bonus.

Because of the last basketball game, Lin Yi felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, the dozen or so girlfriends took turns attacking him, leaving him no room to breathe.

The effect of the wheel tactics is very significant. Even Lin Yi, who has surpassed the limits of the human body, can't bear it.

Xiaolin Yi, who worked overtime to dig the hot springs, couldn't stand it. For a while, his whole body was sore, his head was swollen, and he couldn't even spit out white foam.


With the experience of Lin Yi, Lin Yi is no longer as mindless and reckless as the last time.

The rules of the money grab this time are very simple, just drink a certain amount of champagne.

There is no competition, so everyone is in harmony, not fighting or robbing, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

As for Lin Yi, taking advantage of this harmonious atmosphere, he slowly started to do things.

"Yingzi, didn't you say you haven't seen the villa? I'll show you around."

Lin Yi whispered to Yingzi next to him.

Of course Yingzi agreed, and the two took advantage of the lively atmosphere and left quietly.

There were two sharp-eyed trainees who followed. They naturally didn't want them to be alone and eat alone.

Then, the three of them were taken into the side room by Lin Yi and beaten severely.

They didn't expect that Lin Yi's fighting power was so strong, that they and the others were not the opponent's opponents, and they didn't even last an hour.

In an hour and sixty minutes, the three people fell on average, that is, twenty minutes on each person!

They immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, but Lin Yi turned a blind eye and continued to beat the killer, using gun and punches to beat them lying on the ground, unable to stand up, so he was willing to give up.

After tidying up these people, Lin Yi did not rush to go out after tidying up his clothes. Instead, he let himself slow down, adjusted his breath, and recovered his strength by the way.

Then he returned to the hall and continued to play with other trainees.

Perform the same routine again, first take a few girls to the indoor swimming pool, and then show off your skills to knock them down again.

After two or three repetitions, those trainees were taken care of by Lin Yi.

Destroy them one by one by breaking them into pieces!

This is the strategy that Lin Yi came up with to deal with more than seven enemies!

Of course, this is just the beginning!

After defeating them the second time, they were brought to the master bedroom.

This time, it's all in one piece, bringing them together again!

Because of two consecutive defeats.

And he was defeated by Lin Yi alone.

These trainees felt ashamed and felt shameless when they met colleagues they knew, so they tacitly did not speak.

After defeating them twice in a row, their stamina was running out.

Coupled with the continuous white giving and meeting colleagues I know, I feel ashamed.

Let their combat effectiveness drop again, more and more flaws in their bodies, and it is easier and easier to dig out the hot springs.

This allowed Lin Yi to defeat them very easily when he started the third round of battle.

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