Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 754


The last time he was ignorant, so even if Lin Yi won, it was a narrow victory, which also left a lot of side effects on his body.

But this time, after making reasonable arrangements, Lin Yi played a basketball team by himself, and it was no problem at all.

Although the hard work is a little harder, the difficulty has dropped several grades compared to the last time!

At least Lin Yi still had the energy to light a cigarette for himself after beating them all up.


After exhaling a puff of white smoke, Lin Yi looked at the master bedroom with corpses scattered everywhere, nodded contentedly, and then looked at the news that popped up from the system. He had already harvested ten golden treasure chests.

With the increasing use of the system, Lin Yi has noticed a pattern.

As long as it is the main plot character in the world of Conan, the difficulty of the strategy will change according to the level of the opponent's participation in the plot.

Although female characters like Xiaolan Yuanzi are the main characters in the comics, they have very little involvement in the main plot of Conan, so although the strategy is difficult, it is also limited.

Tasks such as Yukiko and Miyano Akemi that involve the main storyline will be a little more difficult to navigate.

Take You Xizi, for example, Lin Yi has beaten her almost ten times, and every time she beats her so hard, she is almost tamed, but there has been little progress in favor of rice.

As for Miyano Akemi, she first filled up her favorability and fulfilled her wish before the strategy was successful.

As for ordinary female characters, if nothing else, just talking about these trainees, it's a lot easier to navigate.

For example, among the ten girls who were lying down, they were easily taken down by their ability to use money.

Suddenly, Lin Yi had some insights to pick up girls.

Money can buy love.

This sentence is correct.

Money can't necessarily buy love.

This sentence is correct.

Money can't buy love.

This sentence is also true.

They are both correct because they are used for different objects.

Like Lin Yi is now, he directly used his banknote ability to attack these trainees.

These trainees originally entered the entertainment industry in pursuit of fame and fortune, and they have a little bit of money-worshiping attributes.

Lin Yi threw money, the method was used correctly, naturally it was a green light all the way.

But if Lin Yi uses the method of throwing money to chase Ayako, it is estimated that he will only get a blank eye from Ayako.

The daughter of a rich family does not look at money when looking for a boyfriend.

Without the property of worshipping money, even if you smash your net worth, it will definitely be useless.

Therefore, the fundamental reason for not being able to catch up with girls is that they are poor or ugly, or they are poor and ugly.

Chapter 634

Lin Yi looked at his phone and found that he had nothing to do in a hurry.

Since he has nothing to do, he simply helps these trainees develop team spirit.

How to cultivate team spirit?

Very simple, beat them from morning till night.

Made them cry.

It made them dizzy.

Beat them to despair.

Ibuki Yingko was beaten by Lin Yi so she had no resistance. She felt that she was about to be unable to hold on.

So, Ibuki Eiko turned her attention to the nearest teammate and made a cry for help: " me..."

Her eyes are so moving and so sincere!

When her teammates saw it, they couldn't bear to refuse, and nodded in agreement with her request.

So he rushed up and attacked Lin Yi.

Lin Yi grabbed her with his backhand and easily pushed her to the ground.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, showing a satisfied expression.

The friendship between these girlfriends during the war of resistance was finally cultivated by him!

Now that the identities of these girlfriends have been determined, Lin Yi must give them different treatment.

By convention, each girlfriend has a card to solve their financial problems.

Also, let them stay in this villa.

This villa is more than enough for a girl to live in.

In addition, after completing the necessary trainee training, they can debut immediately and skip the review stage!

Finally, and the most important part, all their names were recorded on the Hundred Flowers spectrum to prevent them from being green.

Day three.

The trainees returned to their dormitory with cheers.

Those two arrogant trainees shared a dormitory with Ibuki Eiko.

After seeing her come back, they originally wanted to sneer at each other, saying that she was shameless and made her debut with B.

However, they found Eiko Ibuki packing her luggage.

"Yingzi, where are you going?" they asked curiously.

"I'm going to move out." Ibuki Yingko didn't hide it, after all, they are not fools, they can definitely guess.

"Where to move?" they asked again.

Ibuki Eiko said while packing her things, "Move to the villa."

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