Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 819

Chapter 698

After Lin Yi finished selecting the seafood, he returned to the box.

Seeing that Maori Kogoro and the others were all there, Lin Yi was not surprised.

Heiji was in a hurry to find and ease the relationship between the two of them, and this seafood restaurant is the most famous restaurant on the island.

It's not surprising that Heiji can find it here.

"Uncle Maori, you are here too." Lin Yi greeted with a slightly surprised tone.

"Well... I received a request to come to this island by accident, and I didn't expect to meet you here." Kogoro Mouri replied.

Conan suddenly said, "Brother Lin, did you already know that we were back?"

Sitting down next to Xiaolan, Lin Yi smiled and looked at Conan; "Why do you say that?"

"Because there are exactly eight people in this chair!" Conan said.

Heiji on the side retorted: "That's not necessarily, maybe the tables and chairs here are exactly eight."

"However, the extra tables and chairs can be taken away." Conan said.

"With extra tables and chairs, you can cook better." Heiji continued.

Conan looked at Heiji speechlessly. He didn't understand why this guy was arguing with him. Just shut up and wait for Lin Yi to say the answer.

He didn't know Conan, Heiji had an indescribable sense of crisis towards Lin Yi, and He Ye was still angry with himself, which made him eager to express himself---because He Ye said before, The self in reasoning is very handsome.

Before Lin Yi said anything, Yuanzi shook his head and said, "No, you are wrong. When I came to book with Lin Yi, he specially asked for eight tables and chairs."

Sonoko's answer shocked everyone else in the room, and they all looked at Lin Yi, wanting to know the answer.

Xiaolan couldn't control her curiosity even more: "Yi, how did you know my father and the others would come too?"

Conan noticed that Xiaolan's eyes looking at Lin Yi were full of anticipation, which made him feel very melancholy in his heart -- that look in the past was unique to me.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't look at me with surprised eyes, I guessed it too."

After a pause, Lin Yi looked at Heiji and said, "I met Heiji at noon today... I felt his name sounded familiar, so I checked the information, and it turned out to be a high school detective."

"I asked passersby about the situation again. They said that there was a middle-aged uncle, a young man and a child who asked about Shazhi."

"Then I guessed that Uncle Mori and Conan were also here."

"As for why I think they're back..."

Having said that, Lin Yi glanced at Heiji, which made the latter realize something and was very embarrassed.

Lin Yi skipped over here and gave the little black brother a face. After all, he would have to be used in the future.

He said: "It doesn't matter if you guess wrong, anyway, as Heiji said, the extra table can also be used for dishes."

When the answer was revealed, everyone suddenly realized, and Kogoro Maori nodded. He liked Lin Yi's comprehensive style of doing things. Whether it was a matter or his daughter, he felt relieved to leave it to him.

After the chat, all the seafood ordered by Lin Yi came up soon.

Conan saw eight shares in one breath, and he was even more certain that Lin Yi was not guessing whether they would come, but that they would definitely come!

This can't help but remind Conan of the last time, Lin Yi was inquiring about "Kudou Shinichi".

What is his identity?

Conan silently picked up the lobster and peeled it. While peeling the shell, he sorted out Lin Yi's information again.

He was a transfer student and then met Xiaolan Yuanzi.

When he encountered a murder incident in an art museum later, he didn't have any extra actions, but he couldn't stand the murder scene and left early... There's nothing wrong with this. Let's go, and I took Xiaolan away!

Conan ate while thinking about it, but no matter how many times he sorted out Lin Yi's information, he couldn't find out what was wrong with the other party.

But intuition tells him that there is something wrong with Lin Yi's identity, but he has not found evidence yet.

During the meal, everyone couldn't help but praise the seafood here again and again, and fell in love with its delicious meat.

Maori Kogoro watched Lin Yi use the seafood special scissors to quickly handle the seafood shell, so he followed suit, picked up the scissors next to him, and quickly handled the crab legs.

With the scissors, the shell on the crab legs was easily opened, revealing the white and red crab meat inside.

Mauri Kogoro unceremoniously picked up the crab meat and stuffed it into his mouth, adding that he lost due to running around today... Well, he really didn't run much, but he was really hungry.

After opening two more crab legs and eating, Mouri Kogoro said, "The Mumu Police Department told me."

Lin Yi put the processed crab legs in front of Xiaolan's plate, took back Xiaolan's thank you, and said, "What did the Mumu Police Department say?"

"I said a lot... what should be said, and what should not be said." Kogoro Mori continued to deal with the crab legs.

"It seems to have said a lot." Lin Yi continued to deal with crabs.

Lin Yi is not surprised that Maori Kogoro would know about this.

The real secret will never be known.

The so-called confidentiality clause means to tell you not to spread the secret everywhere, just pass it on in private.

"But you can rest assured, Uncle Maori." Lin Yi quickly dissects the crab: "Xiao Lan will be very safe."

"I believe this." Mauri Kogoro glanced at Lin Yi's crab peeling skills. He didn't learn it, so he simply split the crab in half.

He said: "I think she has a lot of energy during this period of time, and she has also learned to dress up, which is much more beautiful."

After eating two crab meat, Mouri Kogoro said, "I heard from the Mumu Police Department, are you busy with my business?"

"Well..." After being said by Maori Kogoro, Lin Yi just remembered the little abacus that he had sent Maori Kogoro back to the Metropolitan Police Department, but because he was too busy during this time, he temporarily forgot about it. .

Lin Yi said, "I'm looking for someone who can help."

"Don't bother..." Maori Xiaowu said lightly, "I've gotten used to the life of a detective... It's much easier than a detective."

Don't bother, just say you still want to go back. Besides, if you are a detective, you have so much time and don't know how to spend it. In order to prevent you from thinking wildly, you should go back and become a policeman... Lin Yi thought to himself.

"After a while, there will be a reply." Lin Yi gave Mouri Kogoro a relatively close time... Anyway, as long as he goes to Matsumoto Kiyoshi, and then swipes a few character favorability cards, the two people If your relationship is higher, you can let him do some things for him secretly, simple!


Mouri Kogoro didn't speak, but the speed of eating accelerated.

Obviously Lin Yi's answer made him a little excited.

Chapter 699

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