Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 820

Conan looked at Lin Yi and Mouri Kogoro suspiciously, not knowing what the two of them were muttering.

He wanted to listen to it, but he knew he couldn't act so rashly now.

Because he is not sure of Lin Yi's identity, it is better not to act rashly before he is sure.

After enjoying this dinner.

It was almost eight o'clock.

Everyone went to the shrine together to participate in the dugong festival.

On the way, Heiji wanted to talk to Ye and talk to him to see if he could get her understanding sooner.

However, He Ye was held between Xiaolan and the girl named Sonoko, making him unable to talk to each other.

Of course, it's not that there is no way to talk to each other, and it's enough to stand beside them with a cheeky face.

It's just... What Heiji wanted to say to He Ye was a humble apology, how could he be so embarrassed to let others hear it?

Heiji couldn't hold this face down, so he muttered: "I'm still waiting... Anyway, the dugong festival will be held for a long time later, and I will definitely find an opportunity!"

After thinking of this, Heiji suppressed his thoughts, followed the flow of people, and went to participate in the dugong celebration.

Come to the shrine.

Xiaolan took a look and saw that there were already quite a few people standing here, but not as many as she imagined.

She was slightly surprised: "Huh? I see that there are quite a lot of tourists on the island, and I thought there would be a lot of people."

Mouri Kogoro said disdainfully: "Really, any mermaid legend is a deceiving story! There must be not many people who believe it!"

Conan and Heiji both nodded, agreeing with Mouri Kogoro's words.

When Xiao Lan heard this, she puffed out her mouth unhappily, and looked at her straight steel father: "I believe it!"

Lin Yi said: "It may be because there are not many signs issued, and there are tourists and other guests who come here just for the food and the beautiful scenery. Most of them, like Uncle Mouri, Conan and Heiji, do not believe in these legends. So I didn't come to join in the fun."

After hearing what Lin Yi said, Xiao Lan suddenly nodded. Then she turned to look at Lin Yi and asked, "Then you believe in the legend of the mermaid? Yi."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I believe it."

After all, in this world, where people can violate the laws of biology and go back to childhood, what is the existence of mermaids? Maybe it's a deformed product created by some mad scientist's biological transplant.

Xiaolan showed a happy smile, and then hugged Lin Yi's arm tightly.

Heiji looked envious, Conan looked envious, only Mouri Kogoro was sighing that his daughter was getting older.

Soon, as soon as eight o'clock came, the drummer began to beat the drum and let out a dull cry from his mouth.

The sound of drums and the dull screams mixed together, creating an inexplicable sense of tension in people's hearts.

"It's finally started." He Ye said to Xiao Lan nervously and expectantly.

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded, looking at the temple in front of her with all her attention.

The sliding door of the temple was opened, and a petite old witch with heavy makeup on her face and a crown of the day before her head came out. She is the source of the legend of the mermaid, the longevity woman.

Lin Yi, who knew all the truth, silently looked at the longevity woman.

With a layer of heavy makeup on his face, Lin Yi couldn't tell how Shimabukuro Junhui's disguise technique was, but looking closely at the bare skin of the longevity woman's neck and arms, it showed old wrinkles.

Just from this point of view, it shows that Shimabukuro Junhui's disguising technique is still good, at least from Lin Yi's point of view, her disguising technique is no worse than Belmod's.

But considering that Shimabukuro Junhui will only become a longevity woman by disguise, and the longevity woman is the person she is most familiar with, there is still a question mark on her disguise.

Specifically, you have to find a chance to try it.

After all, Belmod, she can quickly and perfectly complete the disguise as the target character.

After Lin Yi turned around, he saw that Mrs. Changshou picked up a round-headed stick on the shelf, and the rounded end of the stick was close to the bonfire and lit it.

Then she turned around and lit the shoji paper pasted on the sliding door.

Three numbers burnt out on three sliding doors.

Pick eight, see, one hundred and seven.

Then Lin Yi heard Heiji's slight rant: "Is this any different from gambling and buying horses?"

"I... I've been hit!" Only in the crowd, I heard the exclamations of women.

Lin Yi took advantage of the situation to look over——a woman with long black hair showed a surprised smile.

Lin Yi immediately determined her identity, Eirahara Sumi.

She is Shimabukuro Junhui's first target.

"Hey...Lan...I also won the lottery~~" He Ye said in surprise.

This surprised Yuanzi. She didn't expect that she would give such a random number to He Ye with a winning number?

Thinking of her sister who cared about good or bad luck, Sonoko looked at her subconsciously.

She found that there was no disappointment on her sister's face.

Noticing Sonoko staring at her, Ayako laughed and said, "The probability of winning the lottery is so low, it's normal for me not to win!"

Some shrine staff came up with fire extinguishers and put out the burning words on the door.

When the white smoke was scattered, Shimabukuro Junhui just came out of the temple, and she said, "Everyone, please pay attention."

"We'll be giving out dugong arrows in an hour."

"Please prepare to gather at the Mermaid Falls immediately!"

"Ah?" He Ye said with some doubts: "Why do you have to wait an hour before you can receive the dugong arrow? And you have to go to the Mermaid Falls?"

"Idiot! Isn't this easy?" Heiji forgot that the relationship between him and He Ye had not been repaired, and said lazily in his usual tone: "The reason why we have to postpone it until an hour later is to prevent the winner from failing Arrived in time and didn't know I had won the lottery."

"If it's not there after an hour, it can be directly regarded as giving up the dugong arrow."

"As for why you want to go to the Mermaid Falls, this is not a gaming shop, but a shrine!"

"Since this is a shrine, there must be some rituals to fool people to make you believe that the arrow has spiritual power attached to it!!"

"do you understand?"

If it was the previous Lick Dog and Ye, she would not mind the "idiot" Heiji said, but after Sonoko's brainwashing, she felt that this "idiot" was a bit harsh.

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