Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 831

"You didn't succeed in rescuing her, did you?" Conan interjected.

"Huh? How did you know?" Heiji smelled a little curiously.

Conan sneered: "If you rescued He Ye, you won't be yelling!"

"Yeah...Is that so?" Heiji said a little embarrassedly. He took the initiative to change the subject and said, "Huh? It's getting late! Kudo, do you want to go out to watch the sunrise?"

"Don't look, I'm not interested." Conan shook his head.

"Let's have breakfast together then?" Heiji said.

"Well, take it." Conan nodded.

Heiji rubbed his hair with a smile, and the two of them finished scrubbing while fighting.

However, when he left the room, Heiji suddenly felt a palpitation, and if he paid close attention, he found nothing.

" didn't sleep last night." Heiji muttered, put on his hat, left, and slammed the door shut.

Chapter 710

The golden sunlight poured in from the window and fell on He Ye's eyelids.

After a long time, a burning feeling came out.

He Ye's brows moved slightly, and after her eyelids opened a little, sunlight poured into her eyes, making her quickly close her eyes, and immediately turned around lazily, avoiding the sunlight, and wanted to continue to sleep soundly.

However, after waking up, it is not so easy to want to fall asleep.

Especially last night, she didn't fall asleep normally, but she drank too much beer and fell asleep undisturbed, causing her head pain, not severe, but better than lasting.

"Woohoo ... all the gardens, always write those weird and messy questions ... Let me have to drink so long."

He Ye muttered while covering his forehead, shaking his head slightly, trying to relieve his headache.

After lying down for a while, He Ye slowly picked up his memory————

"Come on~~ You can choose two relatives yourself."

"Yohoo~~ He Ye, let me touch it, it's really small... It's barely a B."

"Let Lin Yi come and rub it for you twice. You may not believe it, but a few more rubs can really turn your B into a C."

"Since you can't say it, then come and drink... Can't drink it? I'll accompany you to drink!"


These images kept pouring into He Ye's memories, and Sonoko's ugly face repeatedly appeared in He Ye's mind!

"Yuan... Yuanzi this bastard..." Rao is a good-natured He Ye, and he couldn't help but complain about Yuanzi. The reason why she became like this is all her fault!

The sea breeze blew in from the window and fell on He Ye's body, making her feel a hint of coldness.

He Ye subconsciously hugged himself, trying to resist the chill.

As a result, I hugged Ye like this, but found the problem.

"Huh?" She looked down and was stunned, she only had a few pieces of underwear!

No sleep at all!

She looked left and right and found that her clothes had already been scattered everywhere, which made He Ye tremble.

Then, when she saw those clothes, a scene of scenes emerged in her head.


The picture is a little blurry.

But with a slight shaking, the picture began to gradually clear up.

He Ye remembered some clips... She was sitting on top of Lin Yi.

As the picture continued to deepen, He Ye's face became more and more red.

After she thought she was drunk, Lin Yi did something stupid to him.

However, the truth was the other way around. After she was drunk, she did something stupid to Lin Yi.

Sonoko's demon-like voice recalled in her ears:

"What are you afraid of, give it a try, it won't kill you if you try it."

"Besides, you are a girl who is already sixteen years old. What's wrong with doing such a thing?"

"Don't worry, it's alright, you just need to listen to me. Anyway, you've kissed and touched, and it's the last step."

"Come on, I'll help you... Actually, love is not a difficult thing to talk about. It's the most primitive human need. Even if you don't want to, your body will ask you to do it."

"I don't understand? I'll give you an analogy. It's like the body is thirsty, so you have the idea of ​​drinking water. It's like when you're hungry, you have the idea of ​​eating. Likewise, When the body has the needs of the opposite sex, you will have the idea of ​​love."

"It doesn't matter. Love is love, and the needs of the body are the needs of the body. To distinguish, you are already an adult, and you must have your own ideas..."


When I think about last night, after I drank too much, I was fooled by Yuanzi and lost it for the first time.

He Ye couldn't help covering his face, feeling that he was really stupid, to be fooled by Yuanzi so easily! !

Damn... asshole! Garden is not human! !

He Ye scolded Sonoko fiercely in her heart...... However, she found that she didn't feel angry at all, angry.

On the contrary... she still had a little secret joy lurking in her heart.

He Ye didn't dare to look directly at the little snicker, if she looked directly at this smirk, she felt that she was not a human being.

I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend!

How could she have such a hateful idea?

no! no! He Ye, you can't think that way!

He Ye forcibly suppressed his unhealthy thoughts.

It took a lot of effort for her to suppress these thoughts. However, when He Ye opened his eyes and looked at the clothes in this place, he couldn't help but start thinking again————How should I face Xiaolan?

By the way, why didn't Xiaolan pull me last night?

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