Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 832

He Ye's head couldn't help but come up with this thought, is Xiaolan also drunk?

Just thinking of this, He Ye felt a pain in her head again, and she subconsciously rubbed her temples.

Feeling cold, He Ye hurried to pick up the clothes and put them on.

However, the act of putting on clothes once again touched He Ye's memory.

A brand new picture once again appeared in front of Kazuya's eyes————

She saw Lin Yi hug Xiaolan like this, and she gave a crazy output.

This made He Ye, who had witnessed the scene for the first time, stare at it with wide eyes, not daring to breathe.

She carefully looked at Xiaolan with a lustful expression----and Ye dared to swear, she had never seen Xiaolan show such an expression before! !

"This... won't it hurt?" She couldn't help but muttered.

Then Yuanzi put her shoulders on her and said, "Why does it hurt? Look at Xiaolan's expression, she is very happy... What? Would you like to try it?"

"I-I'll just forget it."

"Well, what do you mean or forget it? I just want to try it, but I don't have the guts, right?"


"Tonight is game night, so don't be afraid. Try it if you want, young people should have the courage to try it... Come on, I'll help you take off your coat."

"no, do not want."

"Come on, don't be shy, it's all your own here..."

He tried to fight against Ye, but she drank too much beer, her body was limp, and she had almost no resistance, and was simply stripped naked by the garden.

Screen so far-

He Ye slowly put the clothes in, she sighed, feeling a little complicated.

She didn't expect that Xiaolan would have such a side... But if you think about it carefully, every girl will have this side full of sensuality, right? Including myself and of course my mother.

Otherwise, how did you get here?

Chapter 711

He Ye tried to stand up, but the tearing sensation below was so strong that she had to give up the idea.

Kazuya, who has received the enlightenment education, knows that this is a normal phenomenon that will occur after handing over for the first time, and it will be fine to rest for a while.

In addition, the soreness from the leg... This is due to the lactic acid produced by excessive exercise, and it has nothing to do with whether it was the beginning or not.

"Oh, it's gone for the first time... I don't know how I feel."

He Ye sighed, she was a little concerned about the latter, and she had paid it all on the first night, but she didn't know how she felt.

Just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, swallowing the jujube whole, the effect is there, but I don't know what the ginseng fruit tastes like.

"Huh? Right. Where did they go?"

At this time, He Ye realized that she was the only one in the room.

She looked left and right and saw her mobile phone on the table, she slowly crawled over to get her mobile phone.

Enter the password to open the screen, and find that Pingji has made a lot of calls and sent some text messages.

This makes He Ye very complicated.

Originally, Kazuya still wanted to see Heiji's performance later, and then decide whether to forgive him or not.

However, what happened last night made her think a little shaken.

"Forget it... it's better to put this matter aside."

He Ye shook his head, she didn't want to worry about Heiji anymore, how should she solve the troubles she had, and how could she still think about Heiji's thoughts?

Turning off Heiji's text messages, He Ye saw that Xiaolan had left a text message with herself, she clicked it, and quickly finished reading the content.

The content is probably that Xiaolan and Yuanzi went out for breakfast, and then went to buy some ingredients and came back. At noon, they plan to cook and eat by themselves. When they come back, they will bring her breakfast by the way. If she sees this text message after waking up, she will be Let her lie down and continue to take a good rest until they come back.

After learning what they did, He Ye felt a little relieved.

However, the text did not mention where Lin Yi and sister Ayako went.

He Ye couldn't help but put down the phone and thought about it, "By the way... What did Yuanzi do last night? Are you just lying by the side to lie to me?"

Just as He Ye was trying to recall, he suddenly saw a headband on the ground.

He Ye gave a "hey" sound, crawled over little by little, and picked up the headband.

"This is Yuanzi's headband... How did it fall to the ground?" He Ye murmured curiously, but after seeing the headband, her head's memory was triggered again.

A picture appeared in front of her again————

"He Ye, there's nothing to be afraid of~~~ I told you everything, it's alright, let's go."

"But...but Xiaolan...she can't seem to move after being stabbed...and there is still so much water, so scary. Let's forget it."

"It's not scary, it's not scary at all. Looking at Xiaolan's expression, she's very happy."

"Yes... is it?"

"Yes... If you don't believe me, look at me, and I will show you an example."

He Ye then saw Yuanzi and took over Xiaolan's position, upside down.

"You... look, He Ye, said... no, it's scary."

Soon, Yuanzi fell into a state of madness. He Ye couldn't understand what Yuanzi was saying, but she knew that she looked just like Xiaolan, full of color, and even at the end, she was stabbed just like Xiaolan. can't move and come out of the water.

Looking at the garden, the eyes lost focus, and Ye Xin was still full of doubts.

"Don't worry, He Ye, it's really okay. Go try it, if it doesn't work, my sister will pull you back."

When He Ye was hesitating, Ling Zi came over, and she spoke out to comfort He Ye, dispelling the last hesitation in He Ye's heart.

With anxiety and unease, and Ye walked over, she looked at Lin Yi nervously, and said in a pleading tone; "That... be warmer, okay?"

Lin Yi nodded and agreed to her with a smile.

Then He Ye sat up, but how did he feel and what happened? He Ye had already forgotten the memory of this paragraph.

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