Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 856

Belmod, disguised as Lin Yi, sat where Lin Yi sat in the morning.

She drank her coffee and waited hard for her target to appear.

As soon as two o'clock arrived, the door of the cafe was pushed open, and the door hit the bell, making a clanging sound.

Belmod looked back and found that it was a couple who came in, not a woman codenamed Asuka.

This made Belmode frown. As a character in the black zone, his control of time is far beyond ordinary people. Even a third-rate crappy killer knows the concept of punctuality.

It's not time to show up...

Belmod frowned and couldn't help but think about the worst. She even began to be vigilant about suspicious people around her.

At this moment, a waiter suddenly came to her, which made Belmod slightly wary.

In between, the waiter stood in front of Belmod, who was disguised as Lin Yi, and said, "Hello, sir, are you waiting for a lady named Asuka?"

"Um..." Belmod nodded.

"This is the envelope that someone asked us to pass to you." The waiter took out the envelope from his pocket and handed it to Belmod.

Belmod took the other party and thanked the other party.

After the waiter walked away, Belmod opened the envelope and took out the folded paper inside to take a look.

[I have left Japan, if you have the ability, you can take me back! 】 The signer wrote that Asuka.

Belmod was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that this guy named Asuka would do such a thing as escaping...

But then Belmod thought and analyzed it carefully, and he didn't find it abrupt.

Since Lin Yi had to make an appointment with her through the team members, it indirectly showed that the opponent's actions were not easy to control, and he was a killer with a high ability to hide himself.

And Lin Yi's identity is an official.

Nothing, the killer will definitely not have contact with the official personnel.

Even if they can cooperate for a short time, it is only because of the demands of interests.

The two sides naturally have conflicts and conflicts, and there is simply no way to continue cooperation.

She didn't know Lin Yi, and she didn't know if the other party was the kind of guy who could hide everything, whether he would grab her after using her, and when it was necessary, she would be able to give her the murderer. roll out.

Thinking like this, Belmod somewhat understood what the female killer named Asuka was doing.

She would rather be targeted by Lin Yi than cooperate with official forces.

"But that's fine..."

Belmod, disguised as Lin Yi, looked at the envelope in his hand and muttered: "As long as she is not active in Japan, it will have no effect on me."

After putting away the letter, Belmod didn't touch the cup of coffee again, got up and left.

Belmod went back to the hotel and started removing his makeup.

Even though she didn't see Asuka, all the preparations she made for it were in vain.

But for Belmod, this result is not bad... After all, once a battle occurs, many unexpected factors will intervene, which will skew the battle situation.

The most important thing, this matter may make Lin Yi aware.

Therefore, it is naturally the best thing to be able to settle things without using force.


jazz club

This is one of the strongholds of the organization and a club that Gin likes to visit.

Belmod came across the gin after staying here for several days in a row.

Of course, this time Belmod's attention was not on the gin, but on the vodka, which had no presence.

Because of Lin Yi's misleading, Belmod has distrusted vodka.

But Belmode lacks key evidence that vodka is "undercover" and cannot reveal his identity.

Gin is a very arrogant person, so arrogant that most of the time, he only trusts his own judgment!

Vodka is his hand-picked deputy, and he must have had a test on vodka before choosing him.

I have no basis and no evidence, just relying on a few words I heard, there is no way to convince Gin that Vodka is undercover.

Of course, if you tell Jin Jiu the source of the information, he said that he got it from Lin Yi, and Lin Yi is an official with a hidden identity.

Then Gin will have a little bit of confidence.

However, if he does this, Lin Yi will definitely be targeted by Jinjiu, and Xiaolan and Lin Yi are very tight. With Jinjiu's unscrupulous approach, it is very likely that Lin Yi's people around him will be threatened and let Lin Yi Obediently catch up.

This may affect Xiaolan.

Therefore, Belmod can only temporarily suppress this information, as if he does not know what to do.

Belmod, disguised as a waiter, came up with a cocktail. She smiled and said, "Two, these two bitter martini are the female singer who invited you to drink..."

Speaking of which, Belmod looked back, the female singer who had just finished singing and was talking to the staff.

"Oh?" Vodka followed Belmod's gaze to the female singer. Because she was invited to drink, she was in a much better mood. She smiled and said, "Then we should really show her face."

Just when the vodka wanted to take a sip, the gin pressed the cigarette butt directly into the drink.

"Uh uh..." Vodka looked at the gin in amazement, but didn't dare to say anything.

If you talk about the previous vodka, Belmode will definitely send the evaluation of "a good dog".

But now, Belmod only thinks that Volt is deeply hidden, and his acting skills are so good that he can directly become the actor.

Gin glanced at Belmod, and without saying a word, reached out and grabbed Belmod's hair, picked up an ice pick and stabbed her head ruthlessly.

Belmod quickly abandoned this fake face and looked at Gin with a funny look: "Just kidding with you... Is it necessary to be so excited?"

The corner of Jin Jiu's mouth twitched, and his expression was slightly mocking: "If I wanted to do it, it would not be an ice pick, but a direct shot."

"Forget it...I can't understand the bad taste of your rude man." Belmod shook his head, and while he tied his hair, he sat down in the empty seat next to him.

With a look of regret, vodka put down the bitter martini with a cigarette butt, and then turned to the bitter martini with gin.

Vodka knew that the eldest brother would never touch the wine sent by others, so Vodka rudely reached out to get it, but before he touched it, Belmod had already taken the wine away.

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