Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 857

She shook her glass and said with a smile, "I received a big deal."

Chapter 736

Gin looked at Belmod without saying a word, just watching.

Belmod didn't expect any reaction from Gin. She said, "The employer offered me a price of 70 million and asked me to kill these three people..."

While speaking, Belmod took out the photo and placed it on the table.

Of course, in order to prevent vodka from possibly recognizing it, Belmode has not taken out the three photos that Lin Yi gave her, but found three other photos.

"These three are the three sons of the chairman of the Fuze Consortium. There is no security force around, so it is easy to succeed... The requirement is to make them appear to have died accidentally, and the time limit is within one month."

Jinjiu glanced at the three targets and went through the information in his head. Although the Fuze Consortium cooperated with the Karasuma Consortium to a certain extent, these three people are not too important roles, and they will die if they die. Come on.

Maybe when the three heirs die, the Fuze Consortium will fall into chaos and become suspicious of each other.

In this way, the performance of the organization may increase by several points.

As long as the beginning and end are sorted, no one can know who did it.

After thinking of this, Jinjiu took out a cigarette and lit it for himself: "Then what?"

The sound of gin means this business, and the power of the organization can be used, but these powers are not free, but paid.

After all, with such a large organization, it is not easy to raise so many people. It has to engage in scientific research and development, and human experiments.

"Help me find some people to keep an eye on them, and then devise a couple of plausible sets of accidental murders."

Belmod said, drank a glass of wine, and said, "The sooner the better."

Gin didn't speak, but was just puffing in the clouds in silence.

Vodka took the three photos and started registering.

Belmod glanced at the vodka and muttered to himself: Even the mission records have to pass through the hands of the vodka, what secrets does the organization have? The organization is afraid that it will end...

Gin didn't know what Belmod was thinking, and he said, "Have you heard the news that I asked you to inquire about?"

"No." Belmod took a sip of his wine and said, "Since the day Shirley disappeared, no one has seen her whereabouts..."

"I don't believe it, she will evaporate." Gin said coldly, thinking that Shirley had slipped away under his nose, which made him very unhappy.

However, when Gin thought that Shirley was escaping under his pursuit, he had an inexplicable pleasure.


After thinking of this word, Belmod suddenly thought of Conan... From high school student to elementary school student.

In an instant, Belmod's inspiration flashed, coupled with the surveillance on the day Shirley disappeared, she immediately thought of a possibility... Shirley's experience was like Kudo Shinichi. After taking APTX4869, the accident became smaller?

If Shirley really turned into a child like Kudo Shinichi... Then, this can explain why she has been missing for so many days, but no member of the organization has seen her!

Belmod's eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but pick up. She already knew in her heart how to find Shirley.

"Heh, maybe she really evaporated..." Belmod smiled mysteriously and drank the bitter martini in the cup.

"Belmode... Listening to your tone, it seems that you already have a clue?" Vodka asked.

In this regard, Belmod smiled slightly, and did not respond to vodka.

"It's useless, it's not that you don't know this woman." Gin said lightly with a cigarette in his mouth: "She has always carried out mysticism..."

Belmod put down the glass and said with a smile: "A-secret- makes- a- woman- woman."

"Almost, it's time for me to leave..." Belmod stood up and glanced at the female singer who was about to rest and was about to play, and said, "I won't bother you to appreciate the singing voice of that female singer~~ Goodbye. "

After patting Gin on the shoulder, Belmod turned to leave.

Ignoring Belmod's departure, Gin and Vodka continued to sit, enjoying the singer's singing.

Of course, for the two of them, it is not an appreciation.

Gin is to listen to other people sing and drink a little wine.

It doesn't matter who sings or what song he sings.

Vodka is simply because the big brother is listening, so he also listens.

Gin relaxes itself by doing this.

After all, these days, it's not easy to be a leader, let alone a leader of an unsightly organization, let alone a leader of an unsightly organization that is being targeted by intelligence agencies of various countries... It's simply more difficult.

In a trance, Jinjiu remembered that two years ago, he was almost arrested by Shuichi Akai, who had broken into the organization!

He only received the news of the retreat a moment before his appointment, so scared that he hurriedly stepped on the brakes, turned around and left, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Occasionally at night, he would always dream of this, dreaming that he went to an appointment, was arrested by Shuichi Akai, resisted stubbornly, and was finally shot on the spot.

Frankly, this incident casts some shadows on Gin and makes him doubt the loyalty of the other members.

Suspected, Gin began to secretly assign personnel to investigate those members one by one.

Although the survey results proved that they are indeed faithfully carrying out the tasks given to them by the organization.

However, Jin Jiu always felt uneasy, thinking that there was still an undercover lurking in the organization, but he just couldn't find it!

This kind of restless feeling has been lingering in Jinjiu's heart, making him do what he can't do during this time, and why not eat it.

No, Shirley disappeared right under his nose with a single negligence.

I checked the surveillance, but I didn't see Shirley coming out of the gas chamber.

The only connection to the gas chamber is a sewage treatment pipe, but the sewage treatment pipe is so small, it is impossible for Shirley to get in!

The people in charge of monitoring say that the monitoring is fine, and no one has done anything yet?

How could gin be believed?

He arrested all these negligent people and tortured them all over again, but they all said that the surveillance was no problem, and they did not neglect their duties.

If according to what they said, they were all wronged, how could Shirley disappear for nothing!

Of course, that's not the most important thing either.

The most important thing is that he heard some rumors in the organization recently, saying that Shirley was released by him? ! ?

The reason is that he put Shirley in the gas chamber, and Shirley disappeared in the gas chamber, which is absolutely irrelevant to him!

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