Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 896

Nami Shimokasaho's right hand seemed to be hit by a fatal crit. It immediately released Lin Yi's left hand, quickly retracted it, and covered her mouth.

Suddenly, the world is at peace.

Chapter 779

"Well, this palm is also the same as the palm just now. It also has some calluses after long-term work."

"The nails of this palm have also been treated, but the nails of this hand seem to be slightly more... Is it my illusion?"

"As for the softness of the palm, it seems to be a little softer than the hand just now..."

Lin Yi muttered to himself, he saw Nami Shimokasaho's chest heaving up and down under the quilt, and at a glance, he knew that she was too nervous.

If it goes on like this, Lin Yi doesn't need to guess, she will blow herself up.

But what surprised Lin Yi was that the sister Minaho Shimokasa next to her also had a great ups and downs on her chest... Strange, her measurements and investigations have already ended, what the hell is she still shaking? Woolen cloth?

Sudden! Lin Yi had a bold assumption.

There is a high probability that the twins will agree in what they say and do.

In the world of twins, there will always be an argument, that is, there will be a telepathy between twins.

What this one wants to say, what the other wants to say.

What this one feels, another high probability will also get this feeling.

Could it be that... I just surveyed the Alps where my younger sister, Minako Shimokasa, belonged, and my sister, Nami Shimokasaho, felt the same way?

Lin Yi's curiosity was immediately hooked!

As an observation enthusiast, Lin Yi must do some research!

Lin Yi retracted his hand at the right time, and muttered to himself, "Well... if you look at it alone, it's hard to compare the differences between the two palms. You have to read it several times and remember some things. For some details, repeat the comparison.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi walked over to his sister Minaho Shimokasa with great interest.

Just had restraint, just let one hand sneak in.

But now, Lin Yi's interest has grown, and naturally it is to sneak in with both hands!

However, Shimokasa Minaho has already realized something.

She quickly took emergency measures.

Directly seal the mountains and forests, and do not allow anyone to enter, whoever enters will be beaten!

However, Lin Yi didn't take Minaho Shimokasa's order to "close mountains and forests" at all.

Still climbing, still climbing, still climbing!

Watching Lin Yi swagger up the mountain with both hands.

Shimokasa Minaho quickly dispatched her right and left hands to intercept them.

But it was useless, Shimokasa Minaho's left and right hands were seriously insufficient, and it couldn't stop Lin Yi's left and right hands from advancing!

No way, Shimokasa Minaho tightly clasped Lin Yi's palm with her left and right hands, bit it, and prevented it from going!

But what's the use of just clasping it tightly?

The same is not able to hold back Lin Yi's left and right hands!

This time.

Although Lin Yi came to climb the mountain, the mountain he wants to climb is not the fake mountain in front of him, but the real mountain of the Alps!

The Alps are composed of two parts, one part is the mountain shell with a hard outer body, and the other part is naturally under the mountain shell, which is like a jelly-like texture.

Lin Yi has climbed mountains many times with his left and right hands, so naturally he doesn't know this!

At the same time, this place is the weakness of my elder sister, Minaho Shimokasa!

Familiarly sneaked into the mountains of the Alps.

The attack unfolds!

Lin Yi's left and right hands are responsible for a real mountain, surround it, and perform work at a uniform circular speed.

The action of the left and right hands has a very dramatic effect!

In an instant, the mountain began to shake!

The hand that had been biting on Lin Yi's hands became impatient.

They all try to stop the hands that are moving in a uniform circular motion, but unfortunately, they can't.

No matter how strong their own thoughts are, they still can't do it.

After several unsuccessful attempts, they knew that they couldn't stop it, so they could only withdraw in despair and put it in their mouths again, pretending that they didn't know anything.

The silhouette of Shimokasa Minaho has already moved, and the body hidden under the quilt is moving restlessly.

However, the performance of her sister Shimokasa Minaho was already in Lin Yi's expectation, and she was not the focus of Lin Yi's attention!

Sister Shimokasaho Nami is!

Lin Yi looked at Nami Shimokasaho next to him and observed her reaction.

Sister Shimokasaho Nami didn't react at first, and behaved very calmly, but then symptoms began to appear, and her body began to feel restless, as if her body was itchy, swaying uneasily.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yi's eyes radiated light!

He didn't expect that there are such miraculous things in this world!

What my sister feels, my sister can also feel the same!

Is this the legendary telepathy? It's amazing!

Lin Yi thought about it for a while, and then increased the power and grip strength.

As the direct victim's sister Shimokasa Minaho, after being oppressed, the confrontation naturally became more and more fierce.

Of course, Lin Yi's eyes were still not on the body of the direct victim, Shimokasa Minami, but on the next to her sister, Shimokasa Minami.

After her sister was attacked, she also showed a certain reaction, and the degree of swing was getting bigger and bigger!

Lin Yi secretly wondered in his heart, he really did not expect that the telepathy between twin sisters could be so strong!

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