Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 897

Since they attacked the mountain, they could all react to being attacked.

So what about attacking the canyon?

Will the pain and pleasure be the same?

Scientist Lin Yi, with a rigorous scientific research attitude, plans to experiment.

As the saying goes, test the truth.

It is useless to rely on theory alone for guidance without experimenting it yourself.

Without factual cases as a basis, it is difficult to make further achievements on this!

After thinking of this, Lin Yi decisively let his left and right hands give up the attack on the Alps itself, but turned the sword straight south, killing directly towards the Alps canyon!

Shimokasa Minaho sensed Lin Yi's actions, sensed his plan, and hurried to sabotage his conspiracy!

Before Lin Yi's left and right hands reached the canyon, Shimokasa Minaho intercepted them, and they were bound to not be allowed to invade the canyon of the Alps!

However, just relying on the left and right hands of Minaho Shimokasama couldn't stop Lin Yi's left and right hands at all. As soon as they collided, they broke through the defensive circle of Minaho Shimokasa's left and right hands!

Directly into the Alps canyon!

Chapter 780

Telepathy is really a very wonderful phenomenon.

Scientist Lin Yi has repeatedly conducted various experiments on his sister, Shimokasa Minami, and the reactions can be seen in her sister's body.

For example, an injection.

After the long needle pierced into the cell membrane of her sister Shimokasa Minaho, the pain caused by the pain was not only felt by the person involved, but even her sister Shimokasaho Nami next to her could also feel it.

As if the needle had pierced her body, she also screamed, but her pain index didn't seem to be as high as her sister's.

For example, push and pull.

When Lin Yi pushed and pulled Minaho Shimokasa again, his younger sister could feel the comfort from the stretched muscles, and a happy expression appeared on her face.

But the elder sister Shimokasa Minaho was so comfortable that her saliva was drooling, but the younger sister Shimokasaho Nami just stayed on the expression.

The experiment on her sister Shimokasa Minaho is almost done, considering that this is her first time doing human experiments.

Lin Yi, adhering to the scientific humanitarian spirit, no longer embarrassed her, and entered the final closing stage directly.

After her sister Shimokasa Minaho left her saliva like a waterfall, Lin Yi ended the human experiment on her.

The observation of Nami Shimokasaho is over, and it's time to perform human experiments on her.

At the same time, her older sister, Shimokasa Minaho, became an observer.

See if the various reactions acting on Nami Shimokasa can be fed back to her sister Nami Shimokasa through her heart.

"Are you ready?" Lin Yi asked his sister Shimokasaho Nami, and asked her to do some psychological construction first to prepare herself.

"Warm... gentle... point." Sister Shimokasaho Nami said that was her only request.

Lin Yi said, "Whoever gets an injection for the first time will feel pain... Just be patient."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he picked up the medical needle, pointed it at the corresponding place, and inserted it slowly.

The needle tip destroyed the cell membrane and touched the nerve endings, and the "pain" pheromone secreted was quickly fed back to the brain.

As a direct subject, Nami Shimokasaho naturally felt incomparable pain.

Lin Yi observed her sister, Minaho Shimokasa. When her sister suffered pain, a look of pain appeared on her face.

The injection produces pain after the experiment is over.

Scientist Lin Yi continued to conduct a second experiment on his sister Shimokasaho Nami, pushing and pulling.

Helping Nami Shimokasaho to relax, push and pull the parts that are not usually used, so that the pressure on other parts can be shared, thus creating a sense of comfort.

This is why so many people like to push and pull, especially to help young girls push and pull.

The experiment has come to an end. After all, Nami Shimokasa is also the first to conduct human experiments, and she is not quite used to it.

Therefore, Lin Yi quickly made his sister Shimokasaho Nami drool like a waterfall as a sign of the end of the experiment.


Of the two twins, whoever was stimulated to a certain extent, the other also felt the same.

Lin Yi was very satisfied. He felt that no matter what, the two sisters must be packed and taken away.


"Strange? It's four o'clock in the afternoon, why is Lin Yi still resting?"

In the living room, Kuriyama Green muttered as he threw a playing card on the table.

Katagiri Masaki threw down a card in his hand without thinking for a moment, and said at the same time: "Oh...that handsome guy is called Lin Yi...the name is really special. Miss Kuriyama, what does he do?"

"He..." Li Shanlu had a headache and said that he was a student. Li Shanlu didn't feel like a student at all from him, he was quite mature.

Say he is a detective, but he is not interested in murder cases at all, and he has never called himself a detective.

Let's talk about a rich man, but judging from Lin Yi's usual behavior, he doesn't want others to know that he is a rich man at all.

So, Kuriyama Green said: "He is an assistant... the assistant of the Maori detective."

"Mori Detective?" Lan Chuan Touya's expression changed slightly after hearing the name: "Is that the sleeping Maori Kogoro who is famous in Tokyo?"

"Yes." Li Shanlu nodded, and after thinking for a while, threw down another poker card.

"Really? The assistant of Detective Maori, the famous detective... No wonder..." Matsudaira Mamoru threw down a card, and then showed a stunned look--he finally figured out, no wonder this guy is so Will please girls! It is definitely his identity as a detective assistant that attracts those girls!

"What's the matter? Mr. Aranchuan?" Katagiri Masaki would not be a photographer, his eyes were very good, and suddenly he saw that there was something wrong with Aranchuan Fuyuya's expression.

"Ah... I'm just a little surprised." Lan Chuan Dongya hurriedly covered up: "I didn't expect Detective Maori's assistant to appear here... Is there something wrong?"

The last sentence of Lanchuan Fuyuya was addressed to the secretary Kazuyo Inaba.

Since the two maids were abducted by Lin Yi, she had to go on stage in person to bring tea and water to the guests.


He's here to extort!

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