Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 898

Inaba Kazuyo cried out in his heart.

Inaba Kazuyo did not continue to talk, and everyone would not ask rudely.

Suddenly, Kazuyo Inaba's cell phone rang, she took out her cell phone, said sorry, and left the living room.

After a while, when she returned again, she said to Li Shanlu, "Miss Li Shan, you're ready... Please inform Mr. Lin. I'll pick you up at the door first, and you can go directly to the study with Mr. Lin later."

"Okay. I'll contact Lin Yi now." Li Shanlu nodded in response. She called Lin Yi while playing cards.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hey, Lin Yi. Haven't you rested yet?" Li Shanlu said, "It's ready, come to the living room."

"Oh...I see. Coming soon."

After Lin Yi replied, the change call was hung up.

Li Shanlu frowned as she looked at the phone. When Lin Yi was talking just now, she also heard some hilarious sounds of dressing...

Does this guy have the habit of falling asleep?

wrong! Does he have the habit of falling asleep and taking care of me?

Kuriyama Green shook his head, threw away his thoughts, and continued to play cards.

Chapter 781

After receiving the call from Li Shanlu, Lin Yi was not in a hurry to rush to the living room.

Instead, he took a bath for the two sisters first, then put on their clothes and sent them out of the room.

Only then did he begin to dress neatly and head to the living room calmly.

After Lin Yi got to the living room, it was already half an hour later.

After seeing Lin Yi, Li Shanlu said a little dejectedly: "Are you moving so slowly? Like the old grandpa, it takes so long to get dressed?"

Lin Yi greeted the others and said, "My body is a little sticky, so I went to sleep and take a bath... Seeing that your mental state is not very good, didn't you go to rest?"

"It's rare to be able to play poker well, how can I go to rest!" Li Shanlu yawned, her face showing no energy at all.

Lin Yi turned around and left the mask hall and went to the study: "It's better not to rest now, it will be very sad later."

"Huh? Sad?" Li Shanlu couldn't understand what Lin Yi meant.

"I have to check the contents of the contract for me later." Lin Yi smiled maliciously.

But Li Shanlu walked behind, ignoring Lin Yi's sinister smile.

But hearing his laughter, Li Shanlu seemed to understand something. She gave an "ah" and said, "So, you called me here to catch the labor force and let me check the contract for you?"

Lin Yi nodded: "This is also one of the reasons..."

The two talked, and soon came to the study.

After Lin Yi knocked on the door, he entered the study with permission.

In addition to Su Fanghongzi and his secretary Kazuyo Inaba, there was also a bald old man in a suit, with a briefcase under his feet, apparently the lawyer Su Fanghongzi invited back.

Lin Yi went in and sat down, while Li Shanlu closed the door and stood beside Lin Yi. Although Lin Yi didn't speak, she knew that she should stand beside him now. As an assistant, she would support him. .

Su Fanghongzi didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Lin Yi, she said, "Mr. Lin, the contract has been drawn up."

After she finished speaking, the lawyer next to her handed a contract to Lin Yi.

Before Lin Yi reached out to pick it up, Li Shanlu took the initiative to take two steps forward and took over the contract.

Without further ado, I started to turn over the contract, and began to check the contract line by line.

After all, it involves a five-billion-dollar contract, so it is natural to be cautious and cautious.

Seeing Li Shanlu standing, Lin Yi waved his hand and motioned her to sit down and watch slowly.

Because Lin Yi came over Su Fanghongzi's head, although she didn't say anything, she still had a grudge in her heart, and she didn't mean to have a good relationship with Lin Yi at all... Even if she put down her posture, she didn't believe Lin Yi Yi will be willing to have a good relationship with her.

However, the old lawyer next to him saw that the atmosphere was so rigid, so he broke the awkward atmosphere by speaking.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, you are really young and promising. You bought Ms. Su Fang's building so early to do business."

Lin Yi shook his head, denied the other party's statement, and said, "I am young and promising, it's just good reincarnation. Otherwise, if I am so young, how could I have the money to buy a house?"

The old lawyer was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Lin Yi to speak so directly, but he is someone who has seen the world, and then laughed twice: "Mr. Lin is really an interesting person... But although Mr. Lin is young , but the eyes are very powerful."

"As for this building, the location and supporting facilities are very good. It will definitely only rise and not fall in the future! After three or five years, if you transfer it to other people, you can earn hundreds of millions of dollars casually."

Lin Yi said: "I bought this building, and I didn't intend to sell it."

"Oh? Then Mr. Lin, do you want to make it a commercial center?" The old lawyer's social skills are max, so he doesn't have to worry about topics.

"No, I want to make him a law firm." Lin Yi paused and said, "The whole building is a law firm."

"Law... a law firm?" The old lawyer was stunned for a moment, and he glanced at Li Shanlu.

As soon as he gave it, he felt that the other party was familiar, but he didn't care too much.

But after listening to Lin Yi's words, he recalled it carefully, and then finally remembered who the other party was————the assistant of the concubine's lawyer.

"Is it... the concubine law firm?" the old lawyer asked.

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded.

"Oh~~~" the old lawyer said with great emotion: "Attorney Concubine, she is the undefeated queen of our legal world!"

After a pause, the old lawyer asked, "Mr. Lin, can I ask... What is the relationship between lawyer Fei and you?"

Lin Yi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "She is my mother-in-law."

"Oh!!!" The old lawyer suddenly realized, he just said, with the stubborn temperament of Fei Yingli, she will never do those unclean things, how could there be investors who would like her ?

"It seems that the concubine's lawyer is not only handsome, but also has a good family background and courage. He must be very satisfied with your son-in-law." The old lawyer's tone did not conceal his extreme envy.

Directly looking for this rich son-in-law, it is estimated that whoever it is, everyone will be envious.

Lin Yi smiled and said: "I also saw the concubine lawyer upholding justice, and I admired her very much, and she also planned to help some novice lawyers who just graduated from college... I admire her, so I am willing to Pay to help her!"

"So that's how it is..." After listening to the old lawyer, he nodded again and again in admiration: "It seems that the concubine's temperament is far inferior to me..."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Su Fanghongzi's face was a little unsightly.

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