Choose to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a Scumbag in Conan Chapter 899

People bought this building to help new law students who just graduated from university, and they are full of kindness.

And she was in a charity organization, secretly misappropriating donations.

The comparison between the two can tell the difference at once.


Su Fanghongzi had already cultivated a thick skin, and quickly threw away the guilt!

How could she possibly make money in charity without being so cheeky?

Chapter 782

After spending forty minutes and double-checking the contract three times, Li Shanlu gave the contract to Lin Yi and said, "There is no problem with the contract."

Reading it over and over again, Kuriyama Green felt that her eyes were about to glow, so she couldn't help but close her eyes and rubbed her temples.

After Lin Yi heard it, he signed the contract.

Then he nodded at Su Fanghongzi, and after she provided the account number, Lin Yi used his mobile phone to transfer money.

With a bang, 5 billion soon arrived in Su Fanghongzi's account.

Su Fanghongzi saw that her account had increased by 5 billion all of a sudden, and her expression softened... If she has money, she has confidence, and she is not afraid of this person being kicked out.

Anyway, the money was enough for her to die.

After signing the contract,

Although it was a loss of one billion, considering that Lin Yi paid five billion at one time, she could still accept it.

After all, if you sell it to someone else, you basically have to pay in installments.

No one can tell what will happen in the future, whether this person will die suddenly, whether the company will suddenly go bankrupt, or whether it will suddenly hang up.

In short, you still have to hold the money in your hand, so you can feel at ease.

She took the initiative to shake hands with Lin Yi and said, "Mr. Lin, this place is a little far from the city. If you don't mind, just stay for the night tonight. There are many guest rooms here."

Naturally, Lin Yi would not be stingy enough not to shake hands with others. He nodded and said, "Then I will trouble Teacher Su Fang."

After some hypocritical conversation, Lin Yi took the contract with Li Shanlu and said goodbye to the other party.

Instead of going back to the Mask Room, he went straight back to his room.

With a bang, he closed the door.

Then Li Shanlu couldn't control himself, and slammed Lin Yi's shoulder!

"Wow wow!! You really bought that building!!"

Li Shanlu was very excited, and the method was like a loose Erha.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Do you really think I'm joking with you?"

"No, I thought you wanted to joke with them." Kuri Shanlu wanted to calm down, but it was difficult to calm down his excitement.

"You can't just joke about this kind of thing." Lin Yi said, and put the contract person on the table.

"I really can't see it..." Li Shanlu circled Lin Yi twice, tsk tsk, "You guy, you are so rich... Five billion said that he took it out at once, and then took it out. ."

Lin Yi sighed and said, "I used one-tenth of this month's pocket money all at once... I have to save the following, and I can't spend money lavishly."

"..." Li Shanlu was silent, not knowing what to say. When she thought of the huge gap between the rich and the poor, she even had no desire to complain.

"Ah... If you buy this building, the teacher won't have to put so much pressure!" Li Shanlu sighed with emotion. She wanted to sit on the chair, but when she saw the coffee stains on it, she dismissed it. this idea.

After walking two steps to the bedside, she said, "If the teacher knows, she will be very happy... eh? What's this smell?"

Kuriyama Green suddenly smelled a strange smell, she moved her nose, and then realized something.

She raised her head to look at Lin Yi, looked blankly at Lin Yi, looked at Lin Yi with a strange expression, and said slowly: "No wonder you came up this afternoon... so late, so you are doing this kind of thing... Hey, hey~ ~~~ So perverted."

Lin Yi knew she had misunderstood, but he didn't mind such a misunderstanding.

Lin Yi took two steps and said with a chuckle, "What? It seems that you have an opinion on my approach?"

Lin Yi made a bold move, put his hand on her neck, caressed her and said, "Or do you mean by this want to help me?"

Kuriyama Green hates these very blatant and straightforward words. She feels that the man who says such words is actually greedy for a woman's body, which is very disgusting.

But now, she doesn't feel disgusted at all, and she doesn't feel disgusted either.

On the contrary, the heartbeat accelerated, and the head had already started to progress to the next step earlier than reality.

Think of them hugging and kissing, thinking of them lingering on the quilt behind, thinking of them reaching the last step, exchanging items!

However, Kuriyama Lu suddenly wanted to get the concubine Eri whom he respected!

The whole person suddenly woke up suddenly, and her reason was constantly scolding her, how could she do such a thing.

As a legal practitioner, her reason can naturally suppress her sensibility!

Control your impulses, otherwise, you will make a big mistake!

Li Shanlu pushed Lin Yi's hand away, stood up, and said casually, "I think it's better for you to solve it yourself."

Saying that, she didn't dare to look at Lin Yi again, raised her legs and left: "Okay, I'll report this to the teacher——"

Before Li Shan's green words were finished, he was pulled by Lin Yi and slammed against the wall.

Almost like a woman's instinct, Li Shanlu subconsciously leaned against the wall and watched Lin Yi slowly come over.

In an instant, her rationality was still working, but she could no longer suppress her sensibility.

Reason was telling her that it was the most correct choice to push Lin Yi away.

However, Sensibility said: things are already like this, even if nothing happens, the situation for the two of them will also be very embarrassing, and they will never go back to the way they used to be.

What else did rationality want to say, Kuri Shanlu directly unplugged its power cord, let it go offline, and let sensibility take control of the overall situation.


At the beginning, Li Shanlu was still very restrained and motionless.

But gradually, she couldn't hold back.

Her whole body was sending excited signals, making her unable to control herself at all!

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