Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 830 Purple Qi Fills the City

readx(); Cowards!

This is the eyes of other people looking at Wuhe, and some people's undisguised contempt.

However, Wuhe didn't care about other people's gazes, and still acted like I was intimidated, and didn't change his decision.

As the leader, Su Li should reprimand Wuhe for "not thinking about making progress". This does not agree with their Changle organization's consistent "excellent style". It seems that since then, Changle has become a messenger?

After thinking about it, Su Li said: "Forget it." After speaking, he turned his head and glanced around, "Who else is the same as Wuhe?"

Four more people withdrew, all of them were people who often acted with Changle, and they were all people who had a psychological shadow on Yanjiao. Su Li didn't force it either. In fact, he also had psychological shadows, but he felt that it would be fine for them to just mess around this time.

When all parties were about to move around, something strange happened suddenly.

"Look, what is that?!"

"My eyes are wrong? How can I see the purple light appearing over there?"

"I saw it too!"

"Yes, there is purple!"

Those who were paying attention to the direction of the palace found that some purple light began to faintly appear on the other side of the palace.

In the center of the palace, in the garden where the deed of heaven and earth is located.

The flames that spewed out from the mountain had gradually turned some purple around the red flame body, and these purples were increasing. At first, it was only on the periphery of the flame, and then penetrated into it.

Shao Xuan's hand sticking to the mountain wall still didn't move, but the white line of fire had gradually formed a large criss-crossing witch pattern on the mountain wall, and the line of fire extended unimpededly on the mountain wall!

This witch pattern composed of white fire lines almost occupies the entire mountain wall here, and the mountain wall is 20 meters high, so this witch pattern is nearly 20 meters high!

"The Ancestor Witch Seal!" The old man of the Yi family was horrified.

More and more flames spewed out from the mountain, the previous red flames were quickly replaced by purple, and even the surrounding flames also turned purple at the same speed!

Purple flame! ?

What shocked everyone present was that during the formation of the white witch pattern, the imprints left by the other tribe organizations on the mountain wall after they signed the contract were all moving!

It wasn't the totem that moved by itself, but the movement of the mountain itself. It was the mountain that moved all the places with totem marks away! The purpose is to free up more space and leave enough space for Wuwen!

Watching all this, Wang Cheng and the others became even more silent, their eyes almost glazed over.

The scene in front of him has far exceeded Ji Fang's expectations. dudu1();

The fire in this mountain is purple, but that color has not appeared for a long time, and Ji Fang also learned about it from the notes left by his ancestors. Later, someone said that the fire in the mountain belongs to the original fire, and it will not be fused in the blood like the human tribe, so it cannot escape the fate of weakness.

Ji Fang always thought that this mountain would no longer be able to emit the purple color that belonged to its own fire, but now, this purple flame appeared again!


Ji Fang stared fixedly at the huge Ancestral Witch Seal on the mountain wall, and the two-horned totem mark in the center of the Ancestor Witch Seal. His fingers holding the sword hilt were tightened, and the back of his hand was raised. The muscles are trembling slightly.

Why is it the Yanjiao people? !

He suddenly regretted signing this contract with Yanjiao. When the contract was established, it meant that he could not easily launch an attack on the Yanhe River Basin where Yanjiao was located, no matter whether it was overtly or secretly.

However, thinking of something, Ji Fang lowered his eyelids, and let go of his fingers holding the hilt of the sword, showing a strange smile, but quickly restrained himself, and was not seen by anyone.

As the mountain body of the heaven and earth deed, flames are emanating from every place, and the flames rush straight up, and the flames brought by the purple flames begin to spread towards the surroundings.

Around the roof and eaves of the palace, there was a layer of hazy purple light,

That was brought about by the purple flames. As time passed, this mysterious purple light became stronger and stronger, and the place covered by the purple light extended from the palace.

The flowing purple flames began to spread outward from the palace, and soon, some streets in the center of the royal city, houses, people, and other utensils were all shrouded in purple flames.

There were constant exclamations from all over the street, and the people who were originally in the house, no matter what they were doing just now, came out of the house at this time.

Everywhere on the street, people dressed in different styles, from nobles or from traveling teams, all stood outside in shock, looking at the place where the palace was, like a pilgrimage.

At this moment, the sky above the palace was almost purple. At this moment, the brilliance of the sun seemed to be suppressed forcibly!

The street became congested in an instant. The road that was once wide enough to accommodate the giant beasts was now occupied by crowds. Many beasts pulling carts could no longer take a step forward, nor could they retreat.

All people!

This was the first time they clearly felt that there were many people in Wangcheng, and more importantly, the mystery of the heaven and earth contract in their minds had also risen to a new level.

In the past, they only heard it mentioned by their elders, or even experienced it in Wangcheng, but this scene at this moment happened for the first time, and it was not even mentioned in the stories left by the elders.

The breath of Tinder emanates from the place where the palace is located. It does not belong to any tribe, but it does not have the strong sense of repulsion of the different Tinder. On the contrary, it can arouse people's worship and awe of Tinder. Those who still retain tribal habits have an urge to bow down.

At the gambling house, the gamblers have forgotten what they are betting on. Abuli and the others also focused their attention on the palace, guessing what happened there, did things change? Do you need support? Do you want to call people to rush in?

However, there are still some people who remember the game, such as the leader of the casino, Bo Yi.

Different from the excitement and impatience when betting before, at this time, Boyi's complexion was pale, and there were big drops of sweat on his forehead, and he didn't even bother to wipe it off, but his eyeballs were moving slightly, very fast, and he knew him well. Everyone understands that this is his thinking, and he is thinking very seriously and doing a lot of calculations.

Boyi is calculating the outcome of this gamble, similar to how Yisi can calculate more things that have happened, are happening or have not yet happened based on the changes in the surrounding environment and every detail. Although Boyi has not reached the level of Yisi, But generally speaking, more than 70% of the conclusions he deduced after careful consideration based on what has happened are correct. dudu2();

However, every time Boyi calculates, the conclusions he draws make him feel cold and cold.

When the purple light first appeared, he calculated that there was a 30% chance that Abuli would win. Although 30% is not dominant, this has already given them a dull hammer, and this is the beginning of change.

The second time was when the palace was shrouded in purple light, and he figured out that there was a 50% chance that he would fall.

For the third time, the purple flame spread to the streets of Wangcheng, and there was a 70% probability that Abuli would win.

Now, the purple light is still expanding outwards, and Boyi no longer dares to count down.

what to do?

Boyi looked at the piles of things on the gambling table. Fortunately, he only decided to pay five to one. If it was really ten to one, or one hundred to one, would he still be alive?

That's not right, five for one is not a lot, counting the property in the gambling shop, if it is really lost... I can't be reconciled!

Swallowing saliva without a trace, Boyi brought the person beside him back to his senses, and said a few words in a low voice.

The man's complexion changed, and then he recovered quickly, put on an expression similar to the others and quietly backed away, pausing after a few steps, his mouth moved quickly, speaking in a way that others could not hear Pass it to the person there, and then move on to the next place.

After that, the people in the gambling house who received the news also started to move. They had already started to cooperate without unnecessary eye contact. , to distract the attention of the people around, and some people are quietly transferring the property on the gaming table.

Boyi took a fancy to the things that the tribal people bet on at the beginning, such as the bags of crystals. I'm afraid those people didn't count how many were in them, did they? He wanted to take this opportunity to transfer the contents inside out. At that time, if you are really forced to pay compensation, you can pay less. He also thought about taking all his belongings and fleeing, but once he did that, their gambling house would be considered useless, and it was impossible to continue to stay in Wangcheng.

Just thinking about how to fool these tribesmen, Boyi shouted, "Someone is stealing from the gambling table!"

Boyi almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Which bastard called this? !

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw only the crowds around, and I couldn't find the person who made the sound at all. However, the sound just now reminded everyone who had been looking at the palace.

"Steal something?!"

"Who is stealing?! Cut it off!" The betting gamblers stared at the gaming table.

"It's from the casino, I saw it!" said a voice from the crowd.

Under the murderous eyes around him, Boyi bit the bullet and yelled at the group of gamblers, "Bullshit, this is slander!"

And when the gamblers clashed with the people in the casino, suddenly some figures passed by quickly, and each figure ran in a different direction. Some were responsible for covering, while others were responsible for walking along thing.

"The gamblers are stealing again!" cried a high-pitched voice from the crowd.

"I want to get back what I bet!" dudu3();

"I want to take it back too!"

Boyi was really going to vomit blood this time, he really wasn't one of them this time! Someone is messing up!


This seems to have opened a valve, and the little thoughts that some onlookers or gamblers had hidden in their hearts began to flow out. Why don't you take some while you're messing around? Just take a little and run away.

The things that Abuli and the others took out made many people feel greedy.

Facing the frenzied rush of the crowd, even the people who were arranged by the casino to guard the property at the gaming table couldn't stop it. If it was okay in the past, they were enough to face the impact of the gamblers, but today, because of the abnormal situation in the palace, too many people came out, plus these gamblers who surrounded them, they couldn't hold it at all! What's more, there are people among them who are skillfully destroying the guard circle of the casino.

"Boss! I can't keep it!"

The veins on Boyi's forehead tensed up with anger, he took a few deep breaths, and was about to say something when he heard a tiger-like roar from the crowd.


A warrior from the Water Tiger Tribe appeared with tiger stripes all over his body, and the roar from his three-fold-open mouth caused the air to vibrate in ripples visible to the naked eye.

Qingyi of the Xi tribe also showed totem patterns like crocodile leather armor on his body. Unlike the gentleness before, he became like a ruthless predator, with a low rumbling sound in his throat.

The frogs from the Pu tribe who painted their eyelids in bright colors are not obvious among the various sounds, but you can tell by the wooden thorns protruding from their fingers that they are about to start.

"Don't let anyone who takes our things go!"

Seeing that the big crystal he had pressed on the gaming table was gone, Abuli jumped up angrily, and then quickly stepped on the ground with his two big feet.

People who are not familiar with the Tu tribe will feel that this person is jumping with anger. But those who know the Tu tribe know that their big feet are useful.

On the other streets in the royal city, some people from the sub-tribes were squinting their eyes, trying to see the surrounding objects clearly. Suddenly, their bodies stopped and they fell to the ground almost at the same time.

The people around saw the posture of a few short and fat guys sticking to the ground on the road, and thought they were going to dig a hole, and they were about to say something, when they saw those short and fat guys get up and greet their companions, "There are people robbing at the casino." Our stuff!"

When the others heard the words, they picked up the guy and headed towards the casino.

The people around immediately began to discuss, they heard what those short and fat guys said just now, their pronunciation was not accurate, but the gist was still clear.

"The casino?"

"There is only one casino in Wangcheng."

Several people looked at each other, and their minds of watching the excitement began to boil again.

"Go and have a look!" (To be continued.) ++ Sexy see-through photo of Li Xueting, a beautiful woman with huge breasts. Highly recommended.

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