Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 831 Who are you helping? !

readx(); More and more people in Wangcheng are flocking to the street where the gambling house is located. Although many people know about the opening of the gambling house before, not everyone has the time and interest to participate in gambling after all. Now when they heard that there was a disturbance over there, many people became interested. After all, there were people who came from another continent far away in the incident, and they were curious.

The gambling house is already in chaos.

The power of the totem exploded again and again, the appearance of various patterns, the sound of roaring and screaming, the sound of fists, feet and swords intersecting, and the sound of objects being destroyed, all mixed together.

The totem power of the members of the Ji tribe rose rapidly, and obvious changes occurred in their bodies. The thirty or so people who came here all rushed towards the people holding the water moon stone.

Others may be mistaken, but the people of the Ji tribe will not be mistaken. They have a natural sensitivity to the water moon stone, as long as they are nearby, they can feel it. Not many, even if there were, Wangcheng people would not be able to bring them out and wander around, they would hide them as gems.

When betting, no one else bet on crystals like the Water Moon Stone other than the Ji Tribe. Therefore, the ones with the Water Moon Stone near the gambling shop must have snatched them from the gambling table! For those who take advantage of the chaos and steal, they don't have to be polite.

Wei, the deputy team leader of the Yanjiao hunting advance team, and the leaders of the hunting team, Mai and Cheng, also rushed to the casino with their people. It was they who led the team.

They rushed over immediately after receiving the news, as well as people from other tribes in the team. If only one tribe received the news, that’s fine. Maybe someone had a conflict with someone somewhere and asked for help, but all of a sudden If the calls for help from various tribes are sent out at the same time, the matter will be serious. At first they thought that Wang Cheng was really going to surround them and kill them, but they learned the whole story on the way over.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, several members of the team leader looked at each other, and then rushed to the battlefield at the same time.

They didn't shout nonsense like "Stop, talk slowly" or "Everyone calm down first", and they didn't even think about whether the fight on Wangcheng's busiest street could be won. What should I do if I was robbed, bullied, or beaten?

As long as there is still a trace of the blood of the Yanjiao tribe, there is only one choice——

Straightforward! !

Wei, Mai, and Cheng rushed into the most intense battle circle, facing those people in the casino.

Mai turned his head to avoid the coming fist, reached out to grab it without even looking at it, and then threw it to the side. The Yanjiao man's strength directly threw the man onto the second floor of the gambling house, smashed the wooden window, and fell into the house.

The soldiers who had just arrived at the Flaming Horn saw that Wei and the others had rushed in, so they rushed straight in without saying a word. And the other tribesmen from the Yanhe River Basin who heard the news, saw that Yanjiao was fighting, they hesitated, let's go!

The Yanjiao people in the fighting state have hard bones and strong instantaneous explosive power. Relying on their physical advantages, they directly use the powerful impact force to rush away the unknown people blocking the battle circle in front. Anyway, in this battlefield, it is not their Yanjiao Those on the river basin side must be the ones who are against them, so they don't show mercy when they rush. Hit by people from the Flame Horn, the thinner ones flew out with their swords, and at the same time there were bursts of bones breaking.

Not to mention the Yanjiao people, people from other tribes in the Yanhe River Basin have followed Yanjiao into the mountains to hunt, and they even have some ferocity.

Therefore, once it erupts and the number of people increases, the momentum will be different, and the onlookers in Wangcheng will be stunned. As a result, their impression of the tribesmen on the other side of the sea also changed. dudu1();


All fierce!

That's really fierce! That momentum was like a fierce beast in the forest being robbed of its prey.

However, in the short time of a glass of water, this formerly busiest street in the royal city has become a battleground for gang fights, and as more and more people participate, the scale continues to expand.

The people who were kicked out hit the houses on both sides of the street,

Holes were knocked out of the walls, and those who fell into the room cracked the tables, chairs, shelves and the like inside.

The shops on both sides of the battle circle suffered, but the owners of those shops were not in a hurry. Those who did not want to join the battle circle began to calculate compensation. When the fight was over, they would visit the organizations that smashed their stores one by one. They even hoped that it would be best if there were many tribesmen who smashed in, so that he could extort many gems from those tribesmen and return them.

The owner of a wine shop is waving a pen quickly, writing the loss in his shop, and he still doesn't forget which organization, tribe or caravan fell in and smashed it. Even if he wants to hit hard, he has to have a reason .

Another person smashed in, and the only intact table in the corner of the shop was smashed. The wine shop owner regretted that this person was not a tribal person.

And the person who smashed in screamed a few times in pain. The sword in his hand was thrown away when it was kicked away just now. After turning over, he looked around, picked up two table legs and rushed out again.

Boyi looked at the seriously damaged gambling house, and then at the densely packed battle circle in front of the gambling house, his face turned green with anger, and what was even more annoying was that there were some short, fat bearded people running around. He yelled: "The gambling house won't accept the loss, grab something!"

The tone of pronunciation is a bit strange, but it can still make people understand the meaning.

Hearing that, Bo Yi was so angry that he wanted to vomit another mouthful of blood. He wanted to say that people from Changle were the ones who robbed things, and if he couldn't see who was causing trouble, he would be the leader of the gambling house in vain.

Unfortunately, others don't listen. Regardless of whether those tribes believe it or not, anyway, those gamblers don’t want to believe it, or they actually know it in their hearts, but now they just don’t want to believe it. What a chance to take advantage of the chaos. They lost so much money in the past To the gambling house, if you don't get your money back now, you'd be a fool!

There were even some gamblers who yelled, "The gambling house won't accept the loss", Boyi said bitterly in his heart, when this incident is over, they will surely wring their heads off!

Regardless of other things, Boyi looked at those bearded men who were short and fat and short in limbs, but they were moving around like loach in the battle circle, and stopped the subordinates at the side, "Shut up those fat people first! "

The ground crawler of the Ya tribe pushed the people in front of him with their stubby hands, and got up and yelled after a while, which made some melon-eaters in Wangcheng hesitate. They thought they were all from Wangcheng and fought in groups Of course, to help this kind of thing is to help Wangcheng, but when they heard the reason, some people stopped moving forward. Can they drip this muddy water?

However, greedy people intend to take the opportunity to blackmail, and they will only help if the people in the gambling shop give benefits. Boyi's face became even more gloomy with anger. dudu2();

Crawler screamed vigorously, suddenly a person rushed out and slashed at him with a sword. Crawler ran away in fright, but the people behind him were still staring at him.

Afterwards, two more people crawled towards the ground, but the crawler was so excited just now that he forgot the leader's instructions. He left the place where there were many people, and among the sub-tribes, he ran the fastest If other people are besieged and have their own help, he can't do it. It is useless to ask for help now, regretting in his heart, he can only run away by crawling on the ground, the ground of Wangcheng Street is too hard, if it is land, he would have already dug a hole.

Those three people intentionally forced the ground to climb out of the battle circle. The ground crawling inside the battle circle is beneficial. The three people's actions were hindered, but the situation would be reversed when they left the battle circle. Moreover, this street is familiar to the people in the gambling house, and they have an advantageous location. The advantages.

I tripped over something under my feet, and my whole body rolled up like a ball. When it stopped, the three of them had already caught up. Although the crawler couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly, he could still see the light reflected by the metal utensils. The killing intent carried by the sharp edge made the crawler's beard blow straight out of fright.

However, the next moment, the three people who were crawling towards the ground flew upside down one after another, and rolled several times before they stopped after falling to the ground.

The people in the gambling house who couldn't get up for a long time felt the pain spread along the nerves all over the body, spurted two mouthfuls of blood, and almost passed out. After seeing the person who attacked them, they were shocked and angry.

"Bei Mi, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was choked by the blood rushing up from his throat, his fingers pointing at Bei Mi trembled, and his eyes were full of hate, as if he didn't understand why the people from the Black Bear Caravan stood on the opposite side of them. Generally speaking, Wang Cheng There will be no direct conflicts between the several well-known organizations in the city. Fubo Gambling House is fairly well-known in Wangcheng. After all, there is only one gambling house in the entire Wangcheng.

In the past, although the relationship between the gambling house and the Black Bear caravan was not good, they never broke each other directly. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the Black Bear people actually helped the Yanjiao people!

"Who are you black bears helping?!" Another gambler managed to finish shouting this sentence.

Bei Mi didn't speak, but Mao Da beside Bei Mi walked forward with his big hand like a bear's paw. He just slapped the other party with this hand, and smiled, "Do you even need to ask?"

"Thank you!" Knowing that he was rescued, he crawled excitedly, got up and prepared to run to the crowded place in Yanjiao, walked a few steps and came back, raised his head and narrowed his eyes to stare at Bei Mi and his beard. , "Aren't you from the Yanhe River Basin? Who are you?" His eyesight is too poor. Among the sub-tribal people who came over, his eyesight is the worst. Even if they are close, he can't see the appearance of each other clearly. He only saw a vague figure just now, and thought it was Lei Shan or Shui Hu, those strong-bodied tribesmen, but when he thought about what he had just heard, and the aura of the power of fire revealed by these people, he was not familiar with it. Anyone from the tribes in the Yanhe River Basin, not those from the Changzhou and Mang tribes who joined the team later, but the other party was indeed helping him, so he ran back and asked again.

"Black bear caravan, Bei Mi." Bei Mi spoke out at this time.

"I know you, Elder Shaoxuan mentioned it!" After finishing speaking, he ran away in a hurry, now is not a good time to chat. They sub-tribes have never been good at fighting, and have realized the mistake of being too far away from the group, so they decided to go to a place with their own people as soon as possible, and they can find people to help if they are hunted down. Black Bear's people are helping him, but in comparison, Ground Crawler feels that his own people are more trustworthy.

The other Wangcheng people were stunned when they saw that Bei Mi made a move and came with other black bears. People with quick minds start to think about the reasons.

Especially the people in the caravan, who are aware of Bei Mi's pissing nature, even if Bei Mi knows the people in Yanjiao, but they will not help so hard and decisively, businessmen value profits, if they are not driven by enough interests, it is impossible to do so. Behave like this. The thinking of caravan people always starts from the word "profit".

On second thought, yes! Yanjiao is about to sign a peace contract with Wangcheng. In this way, the caravan will definitely benefit, and it will benefit greatly! dudu3();

I heard that there are many gems on the other side of the sea, and it would take too much effort to rob them. It is a good choice to trade, but after the past, it is the territory of the tribesmen over there. Look at these tribesmen who are fighting with the Wangcheng people. It is really tough. Don't please, don't never return when the time comes.

If you help Yanjiao, maybe after the caravan passes by, you can enjoy better treatment in Yanjiao's territory.

It's a pity, they were one step too late!

Tsk, the people in the Black Bear Caravan look simple and honest, but they are actually very cunning!

Fortunately, it is not too late for them to see clearly.

As a result, some people who were originally helping the gambling house deal with Yanjiao's side changed their direction. Most of them are from caravans.

The gamblers and the people in the casino are confused, who are you helping? !

Those who changed direction temporarily laughed and said nothing. They help "profit". In this matter, many factors need to be considered. However, there are reasons for the large caravans to grow to today's scale. They know how to choose the path with the greatest benefits. At the beginning, they didn't realize it. Seeing the behavior of the black bear caravan, they realized.

The rare thousands of people in Wangcheng also involved those tribal people who came from another continent. The patrol team who came to Wangcheng looked at each other and had no choice but to go to Jishou to save the scene.

At the same time, everyone in Changle who caused the disturbance gathered in one place. They gloated and discussed the battle situation over there. One of them laughed and threw a crystal as thick as an arm. Wuhe nestled beside him without saying a word.

Wuhe ignored those sarcastic words, yawned, and was about to tell Su Li that he would go back to sleep and not participate in the celebration banquet, but took two steps towards the door, Wuhe's face turned pale, The whole person seemed to be frozen.

The smug smile just now disappeared from the facade sitting at the top of the table, replaced by seriousness, with deep fear in his eyes.

The laughing crowd followed their line of sight, and it was the door.

The person closest to the door opened the door with his hand, then stepped back quickly, and only looked at the person standing there silently outside the opened door after taking a few steps back.

No breathing, no heartbeat, when the person outside the door stood there quietly, he didn't have any sense of existence, and he didn't know how long he stood there.

Wuhe's voice trembled a little, "Dry cut!" (To be continued.)—Nankai University beautiful school flower Ellie in cute nurse outfit, please follow the WeChat official account to watch beautiful women online (Search meinvdao123 on Beauty Island and press and hold for 3 seconds to copy)

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