"That's right." Zhao Shu suddenly remembered one thing and looked at Ye Yuandao: "Since people are kidnapping for ransom, it's not always good for me to go empty-handed. You don't have any treasures, treasures, stones and jade. Lend me a little first. "

Ye Yuan's face suddenly turned black: "Senior brother, you haven't paid back the one you borrowed from me last time."

"Looking at you stingy, my younger brother, but the future city owner of the Blue King City, will rely on you to do nothing."

"The problem is that you haven't repaid the loan from the young master, eh, brother, wait for me ..."

Without talking, Ye Yuan only felt that a gust of wind blew in front of him, and Zhao Shu turned to escape into the sky. Ye Yuan just wanted to keep up. Suddenly he felt wrong. He touched the Qiankun bag subconsciously, and his face became ugly.

Brother is still black as usual ...

It ’s enough to be robbed by Li Beixing, and have to be handed over again by your brother. What kind of world is this?

Originally, this black mountain top was to find opportunities to accumulate treasures, but now it is fine, I am afraid that I will have to live by eating soil ...

Ye Yuan sighed tragically, or followed him.

But at this time, in a small lake with a radius of one thousand meters, the waves were turbulent, and the phoenix in the lake wrestled up and down, bathed in blood, and turned the lake into a large splash of water.

His enemies are the countless strange fish that dominate the small lake.

These strange fish have iron-like black bones on their faces, and their bodies are covered with scales of armor. Their mouths are covered with fine fangs. Although these are just ghosts, they are in a large number and are in groups. , The fighting power is extraordinary, even the ghost king nearby does not dare to invade this place.

Huofengzi was miserable at this time. Under the teeth of countless strange fish, there were wounds on his body, hot blood flowing into the small lake, and the temperature of the lake water was rising.

But at this time, Li Beixing and the two stood in the air, watching the fire phoenix fighting below, and commenting a few times from time to time, it seems that they are already very used to it.

Although this battle is quite difficult, but under the absolute gap, many strange fish are still unable to escape and lose. When this small lake is about to be stained with blood, the last strange fish also died in Huofengzi. Men.

Huo Fengzi felt the pain from the scar and hadn't had time to treat the wound, but there was a surprised voice in his ear ...

"Master, Brother? What are you doing?"

Three or four disciples were in mid-air, and they just passed by here, and they found that there were people under melee, and came over to look at this rare bodybuilding with curiosity, but they saw a scene in front of them.

The phoenix kidnapped in the rumors seems to be fighting for the infamous Li Beixing?

They stared at the scene in front of them, they couldn't believe their eyes, they could only wait for Huo Fengzi to explain.

Huo Fengzi's face flushed suddenly, and this scene is indeed a bit difficult to explain.

Even if you are kidnapped, you are driven by others, which is a bit too boneless.

I thought for a long time to say something in my stomach, just wanted to speak, and suddenly felt that the sword light in the body moved, my mouth was unable to speak, and then a warm laughter came from my ear ...

"Hahaha, are these your brothers?" Li Beixing somehow appeared, patting his shoulder intimately.

Seeing that Li Beixing appeared, the young disciples suddenly changed their face and quickly stepped back a few steps to open the distance. They seemed ready to run.

But Li Beixing didn't seem to feel the hostility of the other party, but rather quite familiar with the explanation: "Don't be afraid, my brother and I used to misunderstand before, and now we have reconciled long ago, and now we are exploring Black Mountain Head together. "

A few disciples looked suspiciously, and further quietly opened the distance between the two sides.

However, the current scene is indeed somewhat unexplainable ...

Huo Fengzi clearly has a big hatred with Li Beixing, but now, is he actually hunting ghosts with Li Beixing?

What is the situation?

Speaking of this, among the disciples in Heishantou recently, there was indeed a rumor saying that Huo Fengzi had colluded with Li Beixing long ago, pitting people together ...

Of course they did not believe it, but what they are seeing now does not seem to be groundless with that rumor ...

Seeing the skeptical eyes cast by the disciples, Huo Fengzi desperately wanted to explain, but let alone speak, the whole person could not move.

Over the past few days, similar scenes have been staged in front of us.

Whenever a disciple passed by, Li Beixing had to take a few chats and buckle himself a bunch of black pots.

Everyone was extremely alert to Li Beixing, so no one believed it.

But soon, Huo Fengzi discovered that his former enemies were fueling the storm, many rumors were spread, some disciples of unknown truth began to shake, and their reputation began to become stinky ...

"You see you are covered in blood. Come and eat this Jade Rudan first." Seeing Huo Fengzi's bruises, Li Beixing immediately frowned tightly.

Saying that, in the suspicious eyes of several disciples, Li Beixing stuffed a jade-colored pill into the hands of Huofengzi.

Huo Fengzi wanted to refuse, but after several struggles, in the end, he accepted this healing medicine ...

No way, since he was blocked by Li Beixing, he lost the possibility of escape, but every time he was driven to fight, Li Beixing would loosen him a little, and he took advantage of this opportunity to forcefully leave a little true yuan, Buried deep in the blood, as a preparation for future escape.

In this case, this kind of healing remedy that can bring a lot of true elements is naturally rare ...

But a few disciples didn't know this, and they didn't dare to stay for long when they saw these, and finally he looked at Huofengzi with some hesitation, and left a long way ...

After Li Beixing sent his disciples away with enthusiasm, he put his smile away and looked at Huofengzi.

Huo Fengzi quickly swallowed the panacea in his mouth, and Li Beixing suddenly gave up. Instead, he looked at the small lake where Huo Fengzi had just fought. Can I improve my cultivation? "

Lin Fei seemed to observe the lake below for a long time without saying anything. He just nodded and then walked towards the lake.

Upon seeing this, Li Beixing also brought Huofengzi and quickly followed.

At this time, the Huofengzi was eccentric.

All the way to the present, he naturally knew that Li Beixing came here to find opportunities to improve his cultivation.

For a monk, such a situation is not a trivial matter. Generally, in the school, you need to ask the teacher repeatedly to make a decision. You ca n’t even communicate with the teacher. Just ask what does this Jindan kid mean?

Also, did this guy dare to respond?

One dare to ask, one dare to answer, both of them are wonderful ...

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