Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1010: Keep taking

In fact, in this situation, Huo Fengzi also met several times along the way. Every time Li Beixing encountered something, he had to consult Lin Fei first ...

Moreover, this kid named Lin Fei always makes decisions as he pleases, which directly leads them to encounter ghosts several times, which makes Huofengzi who has to be in front of him every time to suffer.

Huo Fengzi never understood, how could Li Beixing take him with Lin Fei's powerful ability to die?

Moreover, at this time, Lin Fei seemed to have some pretentious meaning, first staring at the small lake for a long time, and then frowned: "No way, bring me the spirit stone."

"Ah? Why do you want a spirit stone?" Li Beixing was a little surprised, but he still threw him a Qiankun bag full of spirit stones.

Then, Lin Fei opened the Qiankun bag and threw a large piece of spirit stone into the lake without hesitation.

Not only was Huo Fengzi shocked, but Li Beixing was very distressed: "Hey, there is something to discuss, and it is not like playing like spending money, it is all a spirit stone!"

"It's not enough, continue to take it." Lin Fei threw a bag of spirit stones, but he seemed to be still not satisfied, but extended his hand.

Li Beixing struggled for a long time, but under Lin Fei's urging, he still endured the pain and took out a Qiankun bag full of spirit stones again.

After Lin Fei threw it without mercy, he was still dissatisfied. After Li Beixing had become frightened, he reached for more spirit stones ...

Lin Fei finally stopped after throwing away five Qiankun bags in this way, and at this time, the spirit stone that Li Beixing had snatched from many disciples almost came to an end.

Even Huofengzi, I was a little shocked by this handwriting at this time. This Qiankun bag is not a mortal bag, and each one has a mustard Nasumi supernatural power.

Lin Fei can say that the spirit stones thrown out can be said to be massive, and now the bottom of the lake should have been covered with a layer of exquisite spirit stones ...

Li Beixing stared closely at the small lake. Although he didn't know what Lin Fei meant, but as long as there was no change in the small lake, he would immediately jump down and fish out the Lingshi.

But soon, a spring-like aura spewed out of the small lake ...

Li Beixing was too close, caught off guard, and was almost overwhelmed by the aura, but after stabilizing his body, his face suddenly showed surprise, suddenly leaving the spirit stone behind him, and continued to watch.

"The eyes of this Qiqi spring are small, but it should be enough for you to break through to repair it." Lin Fei glanced at him and then said to Li Beixing.

Li Beixing felt the constant flow of aura, nodded, and was very excited.

After all, after this last condition was completed, he could break through and repair it.

Speaking of it, he followed Lin Fei through many battles and was already qualified to break through the realm. It was just that he was either chased or chased after others. It was a bit overwhelming, but until recently, the realm could not be suppressed .

However, for a monk who takes the orthodox path like this, if he wants to break through his cultivation, he must first find a strong spiritual retreat.

If it is outside, this kind of place is not difficult to find, and even the mountain gate of his Lingyue School is located on a node of the spiritual vein.

But what a ghost place like Heishantou, there is some ghost spirit, aura is extremely rare, this time Lin Fei said to find him a chance to bring it directly to the eyes of this ghost spring?

He was quite puzzled at first, but now that he sees the aura surging, he naturally wants to understand Lin Fei's move of throwing spirit stones ...

If this was just a ghost spring, this spirit stone was naturally thrown in vain.

But if this place used to be an Aura eye, then throwing the aura into it is to dispel the aura, and then arouse the Aura eye to recover ...

Under the pouring of spirit stones at no cost, the eyes of Lingqi Spring really recovered.

Under these surges of aura, you can try to break through and cultivate yourself.

But Huo Fengzi, who was watching all this, was sneering in his heart.

When Reiki just came out, he wanted to understand the causes and consequences. At that time, he was quite surprised. Unexpectedly, these two people could find such a hidden Reiki eye.

But soon, he knew that this was really two unreliable wonderful flowers.

After Jindan's sixth turn, every realm of ascension required a very majestic supply of aura. This new eye of aura can only provide Juanjuan.

Maybe I can't see anything now, but when Li Beixing arrives at a critical moment, it will naturally fail.

However, Li Beixing's bad luck is as good as possible, and he will not remind him if he is killed.

At this time, Li Beixing was looking at Lin Fei without hesitation. He said solemnly and directly: "Next I have to retreat for a while, then I will ask you to protect the Fa!"

Lin Fei nodded at random, chose a large rock on the edge of the small lake, and sat cross-legged on it.

When Li Beixing talked about retreat, Huo Fengzi's face remained silent, but his ears almost stood up to listen.

But after listening to it, there was something incredible in my heart.

I know that Li Beixing is bold, but I did not expect him to be so bold.

For monks, there is nothing bigger than cultivating a breakthrough. If you are a little careless in the middle, you will get out of the way, and cultivating backwards is just a trivial matter. In serious cases, it may destroy its foundation.

Along the way, he still knows Lin Fei. This Lin Fei usually sees ghosts and can't shoot without shooting, and Li Beixing actually gave him such an important thing?

Arranging such a person as a law protector, he may not be able to cope with the extra ghost kings. What a joke?

However, after Li Beixing's account, he seemed to relax and stand on the edge of the small lake, taking a deep breath and taking a step forward.

The next moment, his figure slowly sank to the bottom of the lake ...

After seeing Li Beixing disappear with his own eyes, Huo Fengzi immediately realized that this was a great opportunity to escape.

Now that Li Beixing retreats, he can directly ignite the bloodline with his accumulated real dollars and instantly restore his peak strength. Even if he faces Li Beixing, he will have a blow.

As for Lin Fei, who is responsible for protecting the law, he can't use it in an instant and can break through.

Next, it only takes a moment, you can definitely escape from here!

But he was not in a hurry, but suppressed the restlessness in his heart and looked at the small lake intentionally or unintentionally.

Sure enough, after half an hour, a white rainbow rose from the small lake, and followed, a large amount of aura condensed onto the small lake, like a white auspicious cloud.

Huo Fengzi was immediately overjoyed. This was the result of the condensing of the aura when Jin Dan broke through the border. However, once this step is taken, once Li Beixing withdraws from it, he will be defeated. Now is the best time to escape.

But just about to leave, he suddenly hesitated.

Somewhat wrong ...

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