Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1022: Don't go in

As Lin Fei nodded, Li Beixing turned his head to continue to look at the funny ghost, and he reached out curiously and poked twice, causing the funny ghost to growl and roar.

The Fire Phoenix is ​​also carefully looking at it, and after finding some characteristics on it, it exclaims from time to time.

These two people are quite knowledgeable, but this funny ghost is too rare. Even if they have only seen them in the sect's classics, it is no wonder that the things in the book appear in front of their eyes ...

Funny ghosts are quite strange creatures. The fighting power of this family is unbelievably weak. Only a little natural change can be called seamless, and even some real strong people will be deceived by him.

The most important thing is that because this group has weak individual strength, it will always look for the owner to attach. This is the characteristic that makes this group famous.

Perhaps it is because this group's technique of change is quite wonderful. In addition, the funny ghosts have wisdom far beyond ordinary ghosts. They are good at speculating their masters' minds and can even help to deal with some things. This family has become a favorite of many ghost Dao powerhouses. pet.

And the number of this family is extremely rare, even rarer than some ancient fierce beasts, and its strength is weak, it is impossible to betray, so this loyal and easy-to-use pet must be owned by a real ghost emperor at least.

One of the most famous funny ghosts has even made a name in history. It often accompanies the underworld monarch to help deal with some underworld things. It is very happy for the monarch. Even the monarch once sealed it after drinking. Although it was a joke for King Ming, it could prove its status.

Even some bureaucratic officials with titles are sometimes asking for the funny ghost, and begging him to say a few words to Ming Jun for himself. For many ghost emperors who ca n’t see the Ming Jun, it is even more to this funny ghost Very respectful.

What makes Li Beixing the most exciting is that most of the funny ghosts are accompanied by ghosts and strong people all the year round. They must know a lot of secrets, and dig a little bit, it is a chance!

Anyway, now Li Beixing looked at this funny ghost, his eyes were almost as if he was looking at a big treasure.

"Take out all the secrets you know, and we will let you go!" Li Beixing smiled and touched the funny ghost gently, like touching the most precious treasure in the world.

But it caused a roar of funny ghosts with open teeth and claws: "Take away your stinky hand, I will give you one last chance, and let me go quickly. Once I am in a rush, you don't want to live anymore!"

Lin Fei ignored these threats, and instead printed with one hand, a kaleidoscopic black seal suddenly appeared in his hand, and when he appeared, there was a burst of black gas. Through the seal, it seemed that he could see a smile. A non-laughing grimace, and imprinted on the funny ghost ...

"You, do you dare to search my soul? The master will not let you go!" When the funny ghost saw the Fuzhuan floating, he showed a fearful expression on his face and struggled constantly.

Seeing that Fu Zhuan was about to be printed, the funny ghost seemed to have made up his mind and suddenly shouted, "Mortal, this is what you forced me to do, and you will pay the price!"

It made a series of grunts of unknown significance, which were extremely fast and unreadable, but Lin Fei changed his face and immediately urged the seal to be printed, but unfortunately it was too late ...

As the sound spread, the ghosts that were lying on the square gradually began to commotion ...

These ghosts were originally docile food and lost their consciousness. They came here for the funny ghosts to eat at will, which is also one of the means for the funny ghosts to intimidate people.

But now, when the sound of the first ghost anger sounds, all these foods come alive ...

This is a great ghost tide, which contains ghosts that are incalculable, and less than ten times the size of a medium-sized ghost tide. When you look at it, all the ghosts are everywhere, even if they are slaughtered by their motionlessness, it is not a moment. Half will be finished.

And when they came alive, this giant city was flooded with the sound of ghosts. The vigorous true elements of the monks, in their eyes, were the brightest lights in the eyes of the moths. In this moment, several ghosts that were good at speed Then he struck Lin Fei.

Lin Fei cut a few ghosts into black air with a sword light, and looked at the same, there were more ghosts attacking, there are too many ghosts here, even if the three of them, if they fall into it, some are not easy to get out.

The most important thing is that they are not here to kill a few ghosts, it is not worth the effort here.

Li Beixing and Lin Fei were close together, facing a ghost tide approaching in front of them, looking pale and unconsciously retreating.

The funny ghost in Lin Fei's hands laughed with pride: "What about mortals, as long as you let me go, these ghosts will retreat, I can let you leave here, this is your last chance."

Lin Fei was a little impatient when he heard the sound of funny ghosts in his ears, which is also the trouble for the funny ghosts.

Their individual strength is insignificant, but they are generally very much trusted and trusted by their owners, and they often receive a little gift as a means of self-protection.

It seems that this technique of controlling ghost tide is the card of this funny ghost.

"Then ... let go of you."

"Haha, human beings, if you know it, as long as you go out of town, I will ... I rely on it!"

Halfway through the conversation, Lin Fei threw the funny ghost in his hand toward the approaching ghost tide, and instead of leaving, he rushed towards the hall behind him.

The funny ghost shouted in exasperation, but when he saw Lin Fei was about to arrive at the entrance of the hall, a dark and funny grimace was so scared and pale, his voice was a little scared: "Mortal, you come back to me, don't go in, I promise to let You leave safely, I can give you the treasure, don't go in "

But no matter how guaranteed the funny ghost is, he can't stop Lin Fei's pace.

At this time, he had already taken Li Beixing with them to the hall, and when he touched the gate of the hall, he disappeared without a trace.

The funny ghost immediately sat on the ground, his short legs unconsciously, his face was even more fearful, and he muttered in his mouth: "Are you stupid, I have let you go, **** , If you are looking for death, look for it. Do n’t even bother me. It ’s really miserable ... "

But the ghost tide that had originally flowed towards Lin Fei several people, after Lin Fei Jin ru Hall, suddenly dared not continue to approach, as if there was some horrible existence that scared them, after wandering around for a while, he suddenly fell into a ghost In the nature of fighting.

The funny ghost looked full of pain in his face. Obviously, he just paid a price to control the ghost tide just now.

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