However, at this time, the devil did not know about the ghost riot in the city. He walked under the giant city and looked around. There were traces of fighting everywhere, but Li Beixing was not here, which made him quite surprised. .

In the ancestor ’s notes, it was repeatedly mentioned that the lines on the surface of this giant city can charm the mind. The first ancestor who came here was lost in the environment created by the lines for three days, and finally all the mana was released. Only by accident.

He thought that when he arrived here, he would see that Li Beixing was in a illusion here. He happened to take the opportunity to grab the spirit of the ghost king, but he did not expect that he actually passed ...

The sword mark on the city wall should be left by Li Beixing ...

But even if he can pass through here, the next journey is even more difficult, but he has been prepared for a long time, as long as he is in Jinru city, there is a chance to kill him.

"Oh, isn't this Brother Ghost, it's a coincidence that I met you here." Just about to go in, there was a surprised voice in my ear ...

"Well?" The devil was shocked in his heart, and the voice was near himself, and he had never been aware of it. If it was a sneak attack, then the other party had succeeded.

But when he turned to look, the devil knew he did n’t have to worry about sneak attacks ...

The man in his twenties was chubby, and there was only one gap left in his eyes when he smiled. At this time, he was full of surprises and enthusiasm. He came to hold the devil's hand.

"Oh, I actually met Brother Junior here. What did you say about that sentence? By the way, I don't see one day after another, but I want to die Brother Si."

Hearing the fat man's numb words in front of him, his face was dark.

This is a secret place explored by several generations of talents in his ghost town. What do you think is a coincidence on the street?

The first time someone saw the follow-up so straightforward.

Although he kept cursing in the stomach, he felt a little helpless in his heart, because the devil knew that there was nothing he could do with him ...

No way, who made him the little devil Zhou Xian ...

Fu Lijie often tied him with this fat man, together with Zhao Shu of the Green King City, known as the three best geniuses of Fu Lijie in millennia, but in fact, after more than a dozen open fights, he himself And Zhao Shu both default, this fat man with a lot of faces is the strongest of the three ...

The little devil looks like a lot of peace, but in fact, when he started, it was extremely difficult, and he had a conflict with him. In the end, it must be endless until one party confessed the defeat, and the last one who confessed the defeat must be the opponent of the little devil. .

Speaking of this, this person's talent is not as good as Zhao Shu, but it is this unscrupulous character for achieving his purpose that makes him rarely experience failure. It is his carelessness to let him follow today ...

Since he dares to show up, he must be sure that he can't get rid of him.

However, since he was not discovered by himself at the beginning, he should n’t be showing up. Is it better to follow behind him and save his strength and wait for the cheap?

Why did he take the initiative to show up?

The devil did not speak, thinking about it in his heart, and looked at the little devil with a cold face.

"Oh, what is your eyes, Brother Shi, can you believe me, Brother?" The little devil seemed to see his doubts, and there was some grievances on his fat face. He sighed in disappointment: "It turns out that I was in the eyes of Brother Shi. People? "

The devil said with a sneer: "This place is a private place of my sect. Brother broke in without permission, would you give an explanation first?"

However, the little devil is justified and confident: "I am equivalent to the Fuli Lijie school. Now I'm going to the Black Mountain head, of course, to help each other."

"Since that is the case, please ask Brother to return me the ghost emperor I had previously robbed."

"Sister Brother, you don't need a lion's big mouth ..." The little devil scratched his head and said: "A ghost king who temporarily set foot on the ghost emperor's realm with the help of the mystery of Xuanyin, can't match the ghost emperor's shoes. At most, I go back and return You are a few ghost kings, but I can't get the real ghost emperor. "

The devil snorted coldly, but was quite surprised.

Little Devil is right. The real ghost emperor is not what they can deal with. He originally ran against the little devil. He didn't expect the little devil to let go.

The fat man refused to bleed easily, but once he made a promise, he would not go against it.

What makes him willing to make concessions must be of greater interest.

But what is the benefit ...

While the devil was thinking about this, the little devil said sincerely, "You have seen it, brother, but I am sincere. After entering the city, you and I join hands to solve the people inside. When any treasure appears, let Brother Young choose it first. "

The devil was straightforward: "Why should I believe you?"

But the little devil looked at him strangely for a long while. Just when the devil was staring at some hair, the little devil said with regret: "You didn't see it, Brother Shi ..."

The devil was puzzled and frowned: "What do you mean."

"Of course this is." The little demon head pointed at the city wall, and his expression was unteaching.

The devil looked at it. There was a sword mark on the wall, which was left by Li Beixing. He could find the source of the illusion and cut through the illusion with a sword. It was indeed quite extraordinary, but what about it, his few were better The younger brother can also do this step.

Seeing the devil, the little devil still didn't understand, and he no longer sold Guanzi. He simply pointed to the surrounding ground and said: "You see, this trace of the ground is covered with traces of fighting. Although scattered, it can be seen that three people are here. "

After pointing out a few places, the little devil stopped talking and just smiled at the devil.

The devil raised his eyebrows and knew that the little devil was investigating his eyesight. The other party pointed to this point. If he could not see the hidden information, he might not be eligible to take more in the next distribution of benefits. .

He didn't worry about the little devil playing tricks. Although the fat man was insidious, he didn't want to pit himself in this place.

Did you really miss any information? And the information that is missed is also very important, and even makes the little devil head afraid.

But when I came here, I read it a long time ago. It was nothing more than some traces of battle. What else could be special?

The devil had no clue about what he wanted to think about. He just looked at the place where the little devil's head was pointing, but he still found nothing unusual. It was just some footprints and traces of fighting.

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