Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1047: Should be crying

But after looking at the little devil's gaze like a smile, the devil slowly frowned, his fingers glowed, he wiped it on his eyelids, and then looked at it again, and everything he saw now was gleaming in his eyes.

After a while, it was suddenly a "huh" sound, his eyes fixed on several places on the ground, his face suddenly showing a startled look.

When the little devil saw it, his chubby face also laughed: "Brother Brother has found something?"

The devil did not speak, but stared at the ground for a long while, before raising his head a little solemnly said: "There should be three people coming here, but now, there are only traces of two people fighting here."

The little devil nodded with satisfaction, not intervening, but let the devil talk.

The devil pointed to the chaotic traces nearby and continued: "From the traces here, two people were mad at the time, almost arrogantly shot, disrupted everything here, and inadvertently covered up some information, so At the beginning, I ignored one thing ... "

"Actually, one of these three people was not confused by the walls of the city from the beginning ..."

Having said this, his face had become a bit gloomy.

Of course he knew what it meant.

Thousands of years ago, when the first ancestor came here, he was confused as soon as he saw the lines on the city wall, which was delayed for three days.

And when the second ancestor came, despite some preparations, he was still trapped here for a day and night. Such experience was passed on from generation to generation. Until the fourth ancestor came here, it was basically undisturbed.

The reason why I did n’t make a move is because I have the rich experience left by my predecessors and I made preparations in advance, and the little devil is because his Three Demon Sect ’s skills are extremely resistant to fantasy, and because he is following himself Behind him, he must have made a similar preparation.

But Li Beixing arrived at first sight. Why can he escape this disaster?

Does he have a special magic weapon, or is it stronger than several ancestors in the same realm?

The devil recalled the information about Li Beixing and speculated in his heart for a long time, and finally there were only these two explanations.

If it is because of the magic weapon, but if he breaks through with his own strength, then he really underestimates this Li Beixing. He can suppress the entire disciple of the Black Mountain with one person. There is indeed something extraordinary ... …

The little devil also looked at the city wall and praised two channels: "Look at this sword mark, the waste outside is not wrong."

The devil looked at the same and nodded.

Although the two were not sword repairs, the swords defeated by them were repaired by hundreds and thousands, and Zhao Shu of the three was the master of kendo. When they saw the sword marks, they could roughly speculate that they left Situation.

It was a clean sword, and he did not hesitate when he shot, and there was no trace of strength.

It seems trivial and simple. In fact, when it hits the lines, all the power in the sword is poured out without reservation. This is a sword dedicated to combat, which is far better than those bells and whistles.

This kind of sword cultivation must be honed and risen from combat. The fighting power is amazing. Generally, it can cross the border and cannot be treated as an ordinary state!

After seeing this, the devil had fully understood that the little devil should have discovered these traces before giving up the yellow finches and taking the initiative to show up for cooperation.

In fact, with the strength of the two, he is not afraid of Li Beixing. Although he is also extraordinary, but a disciple of a second-rate school must be lacking in accumulation.

On the other hand, the two of them are the top figures in the younger generation of Fuli, and they are the big factions. They practiced all the way and occupied the top resources of Fuli. Compared with the two, they set a high sentence.

What the two really want to prevent is just the other.

If at some critical moment, the two secretly calculated each other, it is not surprising that they lost to Li Beixing.

The little devil is obviously preventing this. He showed up actively to show sincerity and ensure that the two will not fight inside. Otherwise, let ’s clean up Li Beixing first, otherwise the two will lose. Things like Li Beixing's hands are really a big joke ...

"The next time I asked my younger brother to give me more advice, I am well prepared." The little devil looked at the devil and smiled.

The devil sneered in his heart. The fat man knew that he had mastered the strategies passed down by his ancestors. To form an alliance with himself was also to share information. This was to test his own value.

But it ’s okay to reveal a little information, show yourself the importance, and you will naturally earn it when you distribute the harvest.

"There is no need to prepare." In the surprised look of the little devil, the devil said indifferently: "The next thing is not what we two can cope with, no matter what preparations are made, it is in vain. I will take you there ... "

Suddenly the little devil said: "So, can't Li Beixing pass?"

The devil looked into the distance, squinted his eyes, and sneered: "At this time, Li Beixing should have been scared and crying."

After talking, the devil was walking towards the city. The little devil glanced at the sword mark again. There was always a weird feeling in his heart, but he could n’t tell what it was, but he shook his head. Go up.

After a long while, on the long central avenue, the little demon head walked and looked around, apparently did not expect this scene inside.

Everywhere in the city are palace houses made of giant stones, carved with scenes of ghost battles. The kind of murderous and murderous is out of thin air. It is extremely realistic. It seems to be stuck at a glance, but now it is covered by thick dust. No matter how brilliant the city was once, it has lost its glory.

There are traces of years left here, but the building is intact, like the owner has something to go out, but has not returned so far, all the property is left intact in the house.

On this short journey, the duo had felt several times that in some halls, there were breaths of palpitation, and even deep in the city, they could vaguely feel the smell of aura, which made The little devil was quite surprised.

In this black mountain head full of ghost spirits, all auras are suppressed, and here a little aura can be transmitted, although thin, but also precious enough, if the source of the aura is a magic weapon, at least it must be the yellow realm The level, if it is a kind of spirit, is at least eight grades higher than the day after tomorrow.

This city is a huge treasure. If you turn around a few times, you will be able to fish in a pot. The little devil head walked all the way and couldn't help but want to see the passing palace.

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