The devil's face suddenly changed. These souls were all bred by countless ghosts according to the requirements of the bull head. They are extremely precious. This is all his reserves for this trip, and he can't come up with more.

But if you throw the little devil here, it seems not very good ...

But at this time, the little devil suddenly said, "Adult is right. Naturally, the younger generation should give out their offerings, but they are in a hurry, and they are not prepared enough. I don't know if other spiritual things besides the living souls?

"Other?" Niutou looked at him suspiciously: "If there is a congenital magic weapon, it is not impossible ..."

"This ..." Little Devil's head suddenly didn't know what to say, and smiled reluctantly: "A young Jindan monk, how can there be innate magic ..."

The Minotaur rolled his eyes: "Then what else do you have to pay, look at the face of your companion, hurry and leave half of the body, then you can roll."

"Master look at this first." The little devil wiped his cold sweat and took out a jade bottle from the Qiankun bag.

Niu Tou just glanced at it, and then he couldn't look away anymore, he couldn't help but sniffed his nose, and suddenly he let out a soft whine.

The little devil smiled and pulled out the stopper of the jade bottle directly. A refreshing fragrance flew out. As the little devil reached out his hand, the bottle floated in front of the bull's head.

"Sky wood pulp?" The bull's head was wide-eyed, and he put the bottle in his hand and sniffed carefully. "Or is it the best?"

"Exactly." Little Devil nodded with a smile.

"This thing can barely ..." Halfway through, Niutou put away the jade bottle, and then waved his hand: "It is considered that you have passed the level, but you can only stay here for a day, and quickly hurry when the time comes. "

"Yes!" The devil was relieved. The twists and turns really scared him, but in the end it was relatively smooth. He didn't want to stay with the bull head for a moment, and he would leave after pulling the little devil.

But the little devil suddenly didn't move, but looked at the bull head again, and said respectfully: "Adult, it seems that there should be three people in front. I don't know if the adult knows where they are."

Speaking of which, Niutou suddenly had new hatreds and old hatreds, a pair of bullseyes stared at the two very badly, a fierce momentum rushed across the face, the little devil's face was pale, but he could still maintain a smile on his face, Standing there respectfully ...

Niutou looked at the two of them, but suddenly he moved his heart, and said in a careless tone: "Those of the three, the sacrifices are not bad, let them enter the hall."

"What!" The devil was shocked, and he couldn't help but cross the bull's head and looked at the huge hall behind it.

It has been mentioned more than once in the predecessors' notes that this hall is located in the center of the entire giant city. It can be said that this giant city was built to carry the hall.

According to the speculation of generations of ancestors, the main hall contains the core treasures in the giant city. If you can enter, the harvest is not a hundred times more, how can it be more than ten times ...

However, no matter what precious things the ancestors presented to the bull head, they have never been able to enter.

When the previous generation of ancestors came here, they even got the support of several elders in the mountains and presented the head of a real demon emperor!

Although the demon emperor had just completed the transformation and its strength was not strong, it was also very precious. This time it can be said that it was a blood cost. The ancestors, together with many other spirits, were dedicated to the bull head. Stayed in the city for three days.

But today, the three of Li Beixing actually went in?

What precious thing did he offer? It can be more precious than the head of the demon emperor, is it a complete emperor-level creature?

The devil was guessing here and there, but Niutou glanced at him, and said lightly: "Speaking of this, your veins have always been very respectful to me. … "

The demon suddenly stunned and looked at the bull head inconceivably. Could it be said that the sacrifices of the five ancestors and elders of Guilaoshan finally moved the ruthless bull head?

"This time I have extra graciousness to you, allowing you to enter the hall! And looking at the face of your ancestors, I don't care about the life and death of the three people inside, can you understand?" Niutou's voice was rumble, full of majesty.

"I understand, I understand, thank you Master!"

The demon was suddenly excited, and some could not believe that the pursuit of the generations of Guilaoshan's generations has been realized in himself!

Of course, he understood the hint of Niu Tau. If he met the three, he didn't have to worry about it, and he could rob them unscrupulously.

The dedication given by generations before and after was not in vain. This adult deserved to be a well-understood messenger of the netherworld. He actually saw all the ancestors' efforts in his eyes!

Before leaving, he was so excited that he worshipped the bull head for a few weeks. Seeing that the little devil seemed hesitant, he also pulled him aside, and made the somewhat hesitant little devil follow him.

"Sir, then we will go." After the devil got up, he could hardly resist the excitement and couldn't wait.

"Well, let's go." Seeing the devil so respectfully, Niutou nodded in satisfaction, but when the two were about to leave, they suddenly remembered something and stopped the two. A cow's face was solemnly said: " After you enter the hall, you may see several extinguished palace lamps inside. Remember, you must not ignite it, and there is a coffin inside, and you must not open it, otherwise there will be an incredible catastrophe. Even I ca n’t save you. "

Seeing Niutou said so serious, the devil's face was a little pale, and nodded quickly to ensure that he would never move.

After listening to it, the little devil's face changed, but he didn't say much, just nodded.

But after walking away, the little devil seemed to inadvertently look around, and then whispered in the ear of the devil: "This bull head is fake!"

"What?" The devil glanced back, his face pale, and whispered: "Don't talk nonsense, let it be over when you hear it."

"If it is a real bull head, you can definitely hear me talking about it at this time, I still have the life to speak?"

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