Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1050: Ghost Emperor's Edge

The devil heard a word and froze for a moment.

The little devil reminded him that Niu Tau is a messenger of the underworld. This is a kind of priesthood. As long as someone talks about it behind him, the Niu Tau, a god, will naturally feel something.

Moreover, according to the records of the ancestors on the bull head, it has a fierce temper, and no one should be slightly disrespectful, so the ancestors are very cautious when they meet.

The little devil made disrespect at such a close distance, and the bull head had to cramp the little devil's skin, but now the little devil is safe and sound, which is very strange ...

Seeing a confident little devil, the devil couldn't help but doubt the records of his predecessors.

Does it mean that all five ancestors looked away?

"However, this kind of cultivation can't go wrong, this is the real state of the ghost emperor, and even touched the edge of the ghost emperor ..." Guizi hesitated.

"Ghost Emperor's Edge?" The little devil looked at the devil, smiling like non-smilingly: "Did Brother Shi have been in close contact with the real body in Guilaoshan?"

"What do you mean?" The devil suddenly froze his face, and the little devil's words could be a bit of a sense of the meaning of the school.

"Oh, Master, don't be nervous." The little devil smiled carelessly: "It's true, I have never seen a real monk ..."

"Huh, you haven't seen it before. How do you know that I don't have a real ancestor in Guilin Laoshan?" Guizi retorted.

"Teacher, don't succeed, you can't be born for a long time. You and I are disciples after all. Even if our sect really has something to do with that kind of existence, it's not something you and I can know ..."

The devil lipped his lips and didn't speak, but he didn't speak anymore. Obviously, he agreed with the little devil.

Today, the strongmen used by the Seven Gates School to support the facade are all monks of the Fa, if any of them is related to the real body, it must be the most important heritage of the school, and it is well supplied, except for the head and several elders. In addition, even core disciples are not qualified to know.

Seeing the ghost being persuaded, the little devil continued to walk and said: "I once heard the master mentioned that the real bull head is the ghost emperor realm, as long as there is a roar, our kind of Jindan realm spirit will be directly It shattered, and now it seems that this bull head is strong, but it has not reached the exaggeration. If I expect it to be good, it is at most the peak state of the ghost emperor ... "

The devil didn't respond, but glanced back carefully, seeing that the bull's head was still devouring ghosts in the distance, ignoring them, and then frowned: "Even so, that's not something you and I can fight against."

"Of course I know ..." Little Devil's voice suddenly became strange, and he moved closer: "But because it is not a real ghost emperor, it is possible for Li Beixing to break through its blockade and break into the hall."

The face of the devil suddenly became incredible, exclaimed: "Forcing? This is impossible! Li Beixing is only Jindan no matter how strong he is. This is a real ghost emperor, not the ghost king outside of the outside world with the help of the mysterious ghost. "

"I also hope that this is not true ..." The little devil sighed softly, lowering his voice: "But I just saw a tiny undetectable crack on the bullhead's ghost fork, as if cut by a sword. , Even similar to the sword marks left on the city wall, I was still worried about seeing it wrong, so I deliberately offered Tianmu pulp to try ... "

"Sky wood pulp? It turns out that you are for this ..." The devil suddenly froze.

Skywood pulp is not a particularly precious thing, it is just the spirit that has been condensed from the heart of the centuries-old tree, but the output is not high, and cutting down nearly a hundred centuries-old trees can condense such a drop.

Compared with other spirits, Skywood Pulp is not very useful. In addition to being an auxiliary alchemy, it is only effective when repairing magic weapons.

And the little devil presented the best quality wood pulp, but re-condensed the sky wood pulp again, and concentrated it as much as ten times, even if the Yellow Realm magic weapon was damaged, it can be repaired as before.

But other than that, the other aspects of the sky wood pulp are mediocre. The bull head is essentially a ghost. It is not very useful to ask for this thing, but it is finally accepted. The only possibility is that the pressure is infinite. Something went wrong ...

The devil couldn't help but look at the little devil's head. The sword marks on the ghost fork were concealed. Unexpectedly, he was noticed by the little devil's head.

In fact, with his own eyesight, it is not impossible to see this flaw, but let alone observe at that time, under the momentum of the bull head, did not dare to look at it completely.

On the other hand, the little devil is actually in danger under the threat of bull head, and in a short effort, he has speculated so much information.

Thinking of this, the devil sighed quietly in his heart.

From his debut till now, neither he nor Zhao Shu has been overwhelmed by the smiling fat man all day long. I really want to count it. I seem to have never really won it once ...

For example, this time, I have a strategy in my hands, but until now, I have been guided by the little devil. Although the two parties are cooperative, I still feel that I have lost ...

However, at this time, the devil did not have a chance to sigh too much, because soon, the two had already reached the door of the hall ...

Looking up, the hall in front of me was huge. It seemed to be built with a black mountain, with dark colors. When standing at the foot of the hall, it looked like the ants looked up at the mountain, the faint coercion emitted by the hall , Makes people breathless.

Moreover, whether it is a ghost or a bull's head in the distance, they are all far away from here. It seems that the hall is extremely dangerous, and what wild beasts are hidden in it ...

In front of them, the dark hall door was like a vortex, and a faint suction came from them, constantly pulling the two into, and it seemed that as long as they touched it, they could be sucked in.

Under this suction, the devil stopped, not moving, and turned his head to look at the little devil head: "It seems that the bull head is using us to help him get rid of Li Beixing. Do you want to enter this hall?"

The little devil smiled and said: "Li Beixing dare to go in, of course we should go in, but it's not now ..."

"Huh?" The devil's eyes flashed, and he immediately understood the little devil's plan. This hall looked rather evil. Let Li Beixing first explore the way for them, and then wait for them to get cheap.

But when he saw the door of this hall, he suddenly remembered the notes of his predecessors.

Although the ancestors did not go in, they seemed to mention this hall, but they thought they could not enter at that time, and they passed by. Now it is just during this time to find some information about this central hall.

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